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Anoniem heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Schiphol en ICTS" achtergelaten:
Mislukte aanslag: "Israëlische veiligheidsorganisatie geviseerd"
Een Israëlische veiligheidsorganisatie wordt geviseerd in het onderzoek naar hoe de mislukte aanslag op een vlucht van Delta/Northwest Airlines tussen Amsterdam en Detroit op kerstdag plaats heeft kunnen vinden. Dat bericht de Israëlische krant Haaretz zondag.
"De Israëlische onderneming ICTS en twee van zijn filialen maken deel uit van het internationale onderzoek naar hoe de 23-jarige Nigeriaan Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab aan boord van vlucht 253 wist te raken met explosieven onder zijn kleren", luidt het in de krant.
ICTS, waarvan de sociale zetel zich in Nederland bevindt, levert met zijn twee filialen I-SEC en PI (Pro-Check international) veiligheidsdiensten aan de luchthaven van Amsterdam en andere internationale luchthavens in onder meer Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië, Spanje, Hongarije, Roemenië en Rusland.
"De leeftijd van de dader, zijn weinig logische traject, de hoge kostprijs van zijn op het laatste moment gekochte ticket, het feit dat hij enkel handbagage had en vele andere aanwijzingen, hadden normaal gezien de argwaan van de veiligheidsdiensten moeten opwekken", aldus de krant.
ICTS werd in 1982 opgericht door voormalige leden van de Israëlische veiligheidsdienst Sjin Beth en veiligheidsverantwoordelijken van de Israëlische luchtvaartmaatschappij El-AL, en stelt zowat 1.300 mensen tewerk. (BAJ)
12:01 - 10/01/2010 Copyright © Belga
Last update - 15:10 10/01/2010
Israeli firm blasted for letting would-be plane bomber slip through
By Yossi Melman, Haaretz Correspondent
Tags: Israel News, ICTS
The Israeli firm ICTS International (not to be confused with ICTS Europe, which is a different company), and two of its subsidiaries are at the crux of an international investigation in recent days, as experts try to pinpoint the reasons for the security failure that enabled Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to board Northwest flight 253 and attempt to set alight explosives hidden in his underwear.
A Haaretz investigation has learned that the security officers and their supervisor should have suspected the passenger, even without having early intelligence available to them.
At this time, ICTS and the Dutch security firm G4S are hurling recriminations at each other, as are the authorities at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, the Federal Aviation Authority and U.S. intelligence officials.
The failure was a twin flop: An intelligence failure, which U.S. President Barack Obama has already stated, in the poor handling of information that arrived at the State Department and probably also the CIA from both the father of the would-be bomber and the British security service; and a failure within the security system, including that of the Israeli firm ICTS.
The ICTS daughter company, I-SEC, has another daughter company - called PI (Pro-Check International). The firms provide security services to airports: consultation, instruction, training, inspection and supervision.
Two decades ago, ICTS adopted the system used in Israel, namely of profiling and assessing the degree to which a passenger is a potential threat on the basis of a number indicators (including age, name, origin and behavior during questioning). At the same time, a decade ago, the company developed a technological system called APS (Advanced Passenger Screening).
This system is based on a computerized algorithm, and is fed passenger information from the airline company. The system was offered to the Israel Airports Authority and the Shin Bet in the past, but rejected. According to the company's Web site, most of the large airlines in the United States use the system.
However - in real time - the system of ICTS failed. Even if U.S. intelligence failed and the name of the Nigerian passenger was not pinpointed as a suspect for the airline, he should have stirred the suspicion of the security officers. His age, name, illogical travel route, high-priced ticket purchased at the last minute, his boarding without luggage (only a carry on) and many other signs should have been sufficient to alert the security officers and warrant further examination of the suspect.
However, the security supervisor representing I-SEC and PI allowed him to get on the flight.
ICTS was established in 1982 by former members of the Shin Bet and El Al security. Menachem Atzmon, who has been chairman of the board of directors since 2004, holds the controlling shares in the firm.
The ICTS headquarters are in the Netherlands and the company is traded in the New York Stock Exchange. Some senior managers are Israeli, including the joint managing director Ran Langer.
Another important figure is Doron Zicher, general manager of I-SEC. Zicher has been in charge of operations in the Netherlands for more than two decades and has served as adviser to the Dutch Justice Ministry, which is responsible for setting guidelines for airport security.
The company prides itself on employing 1,300 persons and providing security services to airports in 11 countries including France, Britain, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Russia.
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Ziehier Yoeri Albrecht, die door een jonge journalist van het mediakanaal Left Laser betrapt werd tijdens een privé-onderonsje met twee ...
8 opmerkingen:
- En dat het misging met de html-codes is ook al een complot. Nogmaals:
Het broodje aap van het enkele-reisje van de onderbroekeman.
Iedere vliegreiziger weet dat een enkeltje duurder is dan een retour, dus waarom zou je dat in hemelsnaam boeken, afgezien dat het verdacht is en in het algemeen niet geaccepteerd wordt door de VS-grenscontrole?
De plannen voor de totale-lichaamsscana waren er al voor begin december.
En een dag voor Kerst werd er op gezinspeeld dat de VS al aan het bombarderen was in Jemen.
FBI en CIA zijn natuurlijk vreselijke knoeiers, net als ICTS, maar is Al Qaeda zo'n slimme organisatie dat ze deze Nigeriaanse sukkelaar ingezet hebben?
Het scenario is hier toch wel heel goedkoop in elkaar geflanst.
Straks word ik nog 9/11-truther...
"Straks word ik nog 9/11-truther..."
Aan de benaming "9/11-truther" klinkt tegenwoordig nogal een nutcase-imago. Maar dat neemt niet weg dat ICTS "toevallig" ook een rol speelden op de vliegvelden betrokken bij 9/11 en bij de zaak rond de shoebomber.
All 9/11 Airports Serviced by
One Israeli Owned Company
Nog veel meer informatie bij Indymedia Philadelphia (behoedzaamheid t.a.v. enkele minder frisse bronnen geadviseerd):
Om nog even op Stans eerste deel in de ICTS-serie terug te komen: ja, dit verdient nader onderzoek.
Oeps: link 1 en link 2
En sinds vandaag kan er niet meer geklikt worden op de links Management, Board of Directors en Subsidiary Managers onder About Us op de site van ICTS:
Ronnie Naftaniël pleit derhalve voor de herinvoering van de jodenster:
"Europeanen vinden een dergelijke behandeling vaak discriminerend en mensonterend. Toch is het effectief. Als je oog hebt voor de veiligheidssituatie in Europa krijg je daar begrip voor.";.mmbase02?article=11243446
The London bombs, Israel and ICTS - Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press
Senior British, U.S. and Israeli political figures, the key players in the artificial "war on terror" – and the controlled press – blame "Islamic terrorists" for the July 7 terror bombings that killed 56 people in London...
The allegations against the four suspects remain unproven, while evidence suggests the bombing was a synthetic "false flag" terror operation carried out by a state-sponsored intelligence agency...
Like 9/11 and other "false flag" acts of terror, the London bombings occurred during a large-scale terrorist exercise that took place at the same time and locations as the actual explosions.
The exercise envisioned "almost precisely" the bombings that actually occurred, Power said.
Power described the simulation of "simultaneous attacks on a underground and mainline station" and "bombs going off precisely at the railway stations" at which the actual bombings occurred.
"There were a few seconds when the audience didn't realize whether it was real or not," he said. On ITV, Power suggested that the unnamed partner in the terror exercise was concerned about Jewish buildings and banks being targeted.
AFP contacted Visor Consultants, the mayor of the City of London, Scotland Yard, and the transportation authority to ask about the identity of the unnamed partner in the terror exercise.
A likely candidate is an Israeli company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., an aviation and transportation security firm headed by "former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies."
Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at Boston's Logan Airport in 1999 through Huntleigh USA, a subsidiary of ICTS. Until his 1996 conviction, Atzmon was president of the Israel Development Fund (IDF), a U.S. tax-exempt foundation funneling money illegally to the Likud party of Sharon and Netanyahu, according to author Anton Chaitkin.
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