zaterdag 4 oktober 2008
Het Neoliberale Geloof 194

Het Neoliberale Geloof 193

10 werkdagen geleden kocht de Nederlandse regering met 4 miljard aan belastinggeld een deel van Fortis op. Dat geld moet overigens op de failliete kapitaalmarkt worden geleend tegen een inmiddels hoge rente. Binnen twee werkdagen was dat geld 'verdampt' omdat grote beleggers hun geld massaal terugtrokken. De bank was failliet. De Nederlandse regering was onze 4 miljard kwijt. Gestort in een bodemloze put. De NRC noemt dat vandaag eufemistisch: 'Eerste steunpoging ontoereikend.' Een ander woord om te zeggen dat 4 miljard over de balk was gegooid, met steun van alle volksvertegenwoordigers die de financiele crisis niet hadden voorzien en er kennelijk ook niets van begrepen. Wat kon de Nederlandse regering nu doen? Het verlies accepteren of een noodsprong maken door het Nederlandse deel van Fortis te nationaliseren en de burger de rekening te laten betalen. Het werd het laastste. Maar weten de Nederlandse politici zeker dat de tweede steunpoging toereikend zal zijn, om in het jargon van de westerse commerciele massamedia te blijven? Nee, dat weet niemand. Dat kan ook niet, want niemand weet precies hoe groot de luchtbel is en wat alle speculanten gaan doen. Met andere woorden: de Nederlandse politici doen mee aan de luchthandel. Hoe lang gaat dit goed? Zolang de regel geldt: het is wat de gek ervoor geeft. Fortis betaalde 24 miljard voor de ANB/Amro en kon anderhalf jaar later de bank niet eens met een verlies van 14 miljard verkopen. Maar als deze regel ineens niet meer opgaat, wat dan? Dan stort de hele financiele handel in elkaar en is de burger 16,8+4=20,8 miljard kwijt. Gokkers moeten hun verlies nemen. Iedereen weet dat als je 50 keer meer uitgeeft dan je hebt, je op den duur failliet gaat. Iedereen, behalve de bankiers, de meeste journalisten en de politici die het belang van de burger dienen te behartigen. En dit gezelschap moet ons nu vertellen wat de oplossing is. Snapt u?
Het Neoliberale Geloof 192

In Trouw kunt u het volgende lezen:
'Je kunt je ernstig zorgen maken over de grote Europese banken die het zelfs nog bruiner bakten dan Amerikaanse banken en die er geen been in zagen om iedere euro van een spaarder maar liefst vijftig maal uit te lenen. Maar het zou natuurlijk kunnen dat dit dankzij Trichet, de president van de Europese Centrale Bank, en minister Bos en zijn Europese collega’s, toch een kwade droom blijft. Waardoor wij ons over een maand of vier, vijf verbaasd zullen afvragen waarover we ons in september 2008 toch in hemelsnaam zulke verschrikkelijke zorgen maakten.
Maar zelfs áls het zo zal gaan, dan zal de wereld niet meer dezelfde zijn.'
Maar zelfs áls het zo zal gaan, dan zal de wereld niet meer dezelfde zijn.'
Nog steeds denken veel mensen dat dit een uitwas is. Ze beseffen niet dat dit de kern van het kapitalisme is, met een minimum van inzet een maximum aan resultaat. Opmerkelijk dat dit niet doordringt.
vrijdag 3 oktober 2008
Het Neoliberale Geloof 191

Ewout Irrgang van de SP 11

Mag ik even een vraagje stellen? Het gaat allemaal razendsnel en onze volksvertegenwoordigers staan er voor spek en bonen bij, maar moet de regering niet eerst toestemming vragen aan het parlement voordat het 16,8 miljard euro betaald voor het Nederlandse deel van het failliete Fortis? En waar komt die 16,8 miljard euro vandaan? Had de regering nog zoveel geld? Waarom wordt dat niet besteed aan de zwaksten in onze samenleving in plaats van aan falende bankiers? Dennialang hebben de politici alles gedereguleerd en geprivastiseerd en nu kopen dezelfde politiek verantwoordelijken een failliete handel op met ons belastinggeld. Socialisme voor de rijken, alles goed en wel, en de staat is er altijd geweest om de rijken tegen de armen te beschermen. Maar zouden bijvoorbeeld onze SP volksvertegenwoordiger Ewout Irrgang en zijn 149 tuinkabouters in de Tweede Kamer even wakker kunnen worden en nu net zo doen als de Amerikaanse politici, te weten de belangen van de burger beschermen? Laten ze het een keer proberen.
Voor het wanbeleid van de Fortis-bankiers betaalt iedere Nederlander nu 1000 euro!
Ik hoorde net dat de SP dit steunt evenals de andere politieke partijen. Het geld, en nu komt het, gaat de Nederlandse staat op de kapitaalmarkt lenen, dezelfde geldmarkt die nu ontploft is, en zo steunen de belastingbetalers, die het gigantische rentebedrag zullen moeten financieren, de zwendel van de bankiers. In plaats van het geld aan de bedreigde spaarders te geven gaat het naar de bankiers, dankzij onze volksvertegenwoordigers. En geen enkele voorwaarde hebben de politici gesteld aan de nationalisatie van Fortis! Maar als een kunstenaar een subsidie aanvraagt moet hij aan duizend voorwaarden voldoen en na lange tijd verneemt hij of hij zijn/haar geld krijgt of niet. Maar 16,8 miljard kon wel in achternamiddag, nadat de grote kapitaalschuivers hun geld van de Fortis bank hadden gehaald. En nu wordt de handel verkocht alsof de politiek de kleine spaarders wil beschermen. Zo werkt de parlementaire democratie.
De Nuance van de NRC 61

‘Schrikbarende’ onkunde over eigen financiën.
Ik dacht dat het over bankiers ging. Ik dacht dat de NRC nu eindelijk eens een scherpe analyse bracht over de handel in lucht, in plaats van de beschamende praatjes van financieel commentator Maarten Schinkel. Geen sprake van. Het gaat over u.
Zie: http://www.nrc.nl/economie/article2008211.ece/
The Empire 344

De NRC bericht:
'Crisis brengt staten VS in de problemen
Gepubliceerd: 3 oktober 2008 13:15 Gewijzigd: 3 oktober 2008 15:36
Door onze redacteuren
Gepubliceerd: 3 oktober 2008 13:15 Gewijzigd: 3 oktober 2008 15:36
Door onze redacteuren
Amsterdam/Parijs, 3 okt. Amerikaanse staten hebben steeds meer moeite om kortlopende leningen af te sluiten. Vanmorgen werd bekend dat Californië wellicht snel miljarden tekort komt voor de dagelijkse uitgaven. Dit blijkt uit een brief die gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger heeft geschreven aan minister Henry Paulson van Financiën en waar de krant Los Angeles Times de hand op wist te leggen.
De staten komen in problemen omdat de geldmarkt voor kortlopend geld in snel tempo opdroogt door de financiële crisis. Eerder al trok New Mexico een obligatielening terug van 500 miljoen dollar, Massachusetts moest halverwege een obligatielening terugtrekken van 400 miljoen en de staat Maine overweegt een project voor nieuwe wegen te staken dat met obligaties gefinancierd moest worden.
Californië is veel groter dan deze staten en behoort in haar eentje tot de grootste economieën ter wereld. In zijn brief schrijft Schwarzenegger dat hij binnen enkele dagen obligaties moet uitgeven voor 7 miljard dollar, maar dat hij vreest dat dit niet zal lukken door het gebrek aan vertrouwen in de financiële markten en het gebrek aan liquiditeit. „Het zal Californië wellicht niet lukken om het geld op te halen, waardoor we ons moeten wenden tot de federale overheid.” Het geld is onder meer nodig voor scholen.'
De staten komen in problemen omdat de geldmarkt voor kortlopend geld in snel tempo opdroogt door de financiële crisis. Eerder al trok New Mexico een obligatielening terug van 500 miljoen dollar, Massachusetts moest halverwege een obligatielening terugtrekken van 400 miljoen en de staat Maine overweegt een project voor nieuwe wegen te staken dat met obligaties gefinancierd moest worden.
Californië is veel groter dan deze staten en behoort in haar eentje tot de grootste economieën ter wereld. In zijn brief schrijft Schwarzenegger dat hij binnen enkele dagen obligaties moet uitgeven voor 7 miljard dollar, maar dat hij vreest dat dit niet zal lukken door het gebrek aan vertrouwen in de financiële markten en het gebrek aan liquiditeit. „Het zal Californië wellicht niet lukken om het geld op te halen, waardoor we ons moeten wenden tot de federale overheid.” Het geld is onder meer nodig voor scholen.'
Lees verder: http://www.nrc.nl/economie/article2007994.ece/
Wanneer Tom-Jan Meeus nu eens door de VS was gereisd in plaats van in Washington de Amerikaanse commerciele massamedia over te schrijven, dan was hij al veel eerder tot de ontdekking gekomen dat de deelstaten van de VS al geruime tijd in grote financiele moeilijkheden verkeerden. Ze konden hun infra-structuur niet meer onderhouden en moesten op alles, werkelijk alles bezuinigen, scholing, gezondheidszorg etc. De lezers van deze weblog hebben herhaaldelijk mijn stukjes gezien over het verval in de VS die ik o.a. tijdens mijn reizen zag. Pas nu ontdekt de slijpsteen voor de geest dat er iets structureels aan de hand is. Waarom zo laat? Simpel, omdat de krant altijd binnen de officieel goedgekeurde context bleef.
Ewout Irrgang van de SP 10

Ewout, een lezer van deze website e-mailde net dit:
'Paul heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Het Neoliberale Geloof 190" achtergelaten: In een interview uit augustus 2007 legt Michael Hudson uit dat de veel onderliggende hypotheken van de gestructureerde producten in essentie frauduleus zijn (afgesloten zonder adequaat betalingsvooruitzicht, vaak niet gedocumenteerd). De bundeling vergelijkt hij met het bundelen van promesses van gangsters, net zo betrouwbaar. In de Amerikaanse financiële pers werden de pakketten publiekelijk aangeduid als 'junk', dus wat Bos zegt is onzin.Hudson vertelt ook dat het de bedoeling was de pakketten te verkopen aan buitenlanders en hij noemt het veoorbeeld van de Duise bank die destijds opeens miljarden schuld had door de aankoop van de junk. Nu blijkt dus dat er veel meer banken in Europa zijn die erin getrapt zijn. Wat niet wegneemt dat het een probleem van Amerikaanse makelij is. En dat vertelt Pritchard er weer niet bij. Geplaatst door Paul op stan op 2:39 PM
Welnu Ewout, jij moet dit allemaal hebben geweten, je komt immers uit de bankwereld. Een reactie graag. Bovenstaande is een plausibele verklaring voor het feit dat dit soort speculantenfondsen 'buiten de balans' worden gehouden. Zeker als men speculeert met een bank die Fortis voor 24 miljard opkocht en die men nu anderhalf jaar later voor 10 miljard niet aan de straatstenen kwijt kan. Luchthandel dus, vandaar dat minister Bos niet volledig geinformeerd werd en nu tegenover onze volksvertegenwoordigers verklaart 'met de wijsheid van nu, [is] er toen te lichtzinnig gedacht over de risico’s van structured products – beleggingsproducten die pakketjes met componenten van '‘slechte’' schulden bevatten.' Of woorden van gelijke strekking. Graag jouw reactie als socialistische volksvertegenwoordiger die het goed vindt dat deze luchthandel met 4 miljard aan belastinggeld overeind wordt gehouden.
Ewout Irrgang van de SP 9

Ewout, ik heb nog een vraag aan jou als volksvertegenwoordiger: waar komt die 4 miljard euro vandaan die jij en andere volksvertegenwoordigers aan Fortis besteedden? De begroting was rond, tot op de laatste cent, waardoor er geen geld meer overbleef voor andere zaken. Dus daar kan het niet vandaan komen. Of gaat er in de toekomst weer bezuinigd worden op onderwijs, gezondheidszorg, de zorg voor de zwakkeren? Het geld moet immers ergers vandaan komen. Of laat de Nederlandse staat nu extra geld drukken? Maar dat leidt tot meer inflatie. Of gaat de Nederlandse staat op de kapitaalmarkt geld lenen? Maar dat bevordert weer de handel in lucht, die we hebben zien ontploffen waardoor Fortis nu juist met 4 miljard overeind moet worden gehouden? Maar dan is er sprake van uitstel van executie. Vertel ons kiezers, waar die 4 miljard belastinggeld vandaan komt! Als socialistische volksvertegenwoordiger moet dat kunnen. Ik zal jouw ongetwijfeld spoedige antwoord op mijn website afdrukken. En dat kost je geen cent. Dat is pas echte democratie en persvrijheid, nietwaar?
The Empire 343

A little-noticed story surfaced a couple of weeks ago in the Army Times newspaper about the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team. “Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months,” reported Army Times staff writer Gina Cavallaro, “the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.” Disturbingly, she writes that “they may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control” as well.
The force will be called the chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive Consequence Management Response Force. Its acronym, CCMRF, is pronounced “sea-smurf.” These “sea-smurfs,” Cavallaro reports, have “spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle,” in a combat zone, and now will spend their 20-month “dwell time”—time troops are required to spend to “reset and regenerate after a deployment”—armed and ready to hit the U.S. streets.
The Army Times piece includes a correction stating that the forces would not use nonlethal weaponry domestically. I called Air Force Lt. Col. Jamie Goodpaster, a public-affairs officer for Northern Command. She told me that the overall mission was humanitarian, to save lives and help communities recover from catastrophic events. Nevertheless, the military forces would have weapons on-site, “containerized,” she said—that is, stored in containers—including both lethal and so-called nonlethal weapons. They would have mostly wheeled vehicles, but would also, she said, have access to tanks. She said that any decision to use weapons would be made at a higher level, perhaps at the secretary-of-defense level.
Talk of trouble on U.S. streets is omnipresent now, with the juxtaposition of Wall Street and Main Street. The financial crisis we face remains obscure to most people; titans of business and government officials assure us that the financial system is “on the brink,” that a massive bailout is necessary, immediately, to prevent a disaster. Conservative and progressive members of Congress, at the insistence of constituents, blocked the initial plan. If the economy does collapse, if people can’t go down to the bank to withdraw their savings, or get cash from an ATM, there may be serious “civil unrest,” and the “sea-smurfs” may be called upon sooner than we imagine to assist with “crowd control.”
The political and financial establishments seem completely galled that people would actually oppose their massive bailout, which rewards financiers for gambling. Normal people worry about paying their bills, buying groceries and gas, and paying rent or a mortgage in increasingly uncertain times. No one ever offers to bail them out. Wall Street’s house of cards has collapsed, and the rich bankers are getting little sympathy from working people.
That’s where the sea-smurfs come in. Officially formed to respond to major disasters, like a nuclear or biological attack, this combat brigade falls under the U.S. Northern Command, a military structure formed on Oct, 1, 2002, to “provide command and control of Department of Defense homeland defense efforts.” Military participation in domestic operations was originally outlawed with the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878. The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, however, included a section that allowed the president to deploy the armed forces to “restore public order” or to suppress “any insurrection.” While a later bill repealed this, President Bush attached a signing statement that he did not feel bound by the repeal.'
The force will be called the chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive Consequence Management Response Force. Its acronym, CCMRF, is pronounced “sea-smurf.” These “sea-smurfs,” Cavallaro reports, have “spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle,” in a combat zone, and now will spend their 20-month “dwell time”—time troops are required to spend to “reset and regenerate after a deployment”—armed and ready to hit the U.S. streets.
The Army Times piece includes a correction stating that the forces would not use nonlethal weaponry domestically. I called Air Force Lt. Col. Jamie Goodpaster, a public-affairs officer for Northern Command. She told me that the overall mission was humanitarian, to save lives and help communities recover from catastrophic events. Nevertheless, the military forces would have weapons on-site, “containerized,” she said—that is, stored in containers—including both lethal and so-called nonlethal weapons. They would have mostly wheeled vehicles, but would also, she said, have access to tanks. She said that any decision to use weapons would be made at a higher level, perhaps at the secretary-of-defense level.
Talk of trouble on U.S. streets is omnipresent now, with the juxtaposition of Wall Street and Main Street. The financial crisis we face remains obscure to most people; titans of business and government officials assure us that the financial system is “on the brink,” that a massive bailout is necessary, immediately, to prevent a disaster. Conservative and progressive members of Congress, at the insistence of constituents, blocked the initial plan. If the economy does collapse, if people can’t go down to the bank to withdraw their savings, or get cash from an ATM, there may be serious “civil unrest,” and the “sea-smurfs” may be called upon sooner than we imagine to assist with “crowd control.”
The political and financial establishments seem completely galled that people would actually oppose their massive bailout, which rewards financiers for gambling. Normal people worry about paying their bills, buying groceries and gas, and paying rent or a mortgage in increasingly uncertain times. No one ever offers to bail them out. Wall Street’s house of cards has collapsed, and the rich bankers are getting little sympathy from working people.
That’s where the sea-smurfs come in. Officially formed to respond to major disasters, like a nuclear or biological attack, this combat brigade falls under the U.S. Northern Command, a military structure formed on Oct, 1, 2002, to “provide command and control of Department of Defense homeland defense efforts.” Military participation in domestic operations was originally outlawed with the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878. The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, however, included a section that allowed the president to deploy the armed forces to “restore public order” or to suppress “any insurrection.” While a later bill repealed this, President Bush attached a signing statement that he did not feel bound by the repeal.'
Howard Zinn 16

Hoe zou het toch komen dat de VK-corrrespondent en de NRC-correspondent in Washington nooit Howard Zinn citeren en wel allerlei rechtse Amerikanen?
Let's not waste $700 billion on a bailout, but use "big government" for what it's best at - shaping a society that is fair and peaceable.
This current financial crisis is a major way-station on the way to the collapse of the American empire. The first important sign was 9/11, with the most heavily-armed nation in the world shown to be vulnerable to a handful of hijackers.
And now, another sign: both major parties rushing to get an agreement to spend $700 billion of taxpayers' money to pour down the drain of huge financial institutions which are notable for two characteristics: incompetence and greed.
There is a much better solution to the current financial crisis. But it requires discarding what has been conventional "wisdom" for too long: that government intervention in the economy ("big government") must be avoided like the plague, because the "free market" will guide the economy towards growth and justice.
Let's face a historical truth: we have never had a "free market", we have always had government intervention in the economy, and indeed that intervention has been welcomed by the captains of finance and industry. They had no quarrel with "big government" when it served their needs.
It started way back, when the founding fathers met in Philadelphia in 1787 to draft the constitution. The first big bailout was the decision of the new government to redeem for full value the almost worthless bonds held by speculators. And this role of big government, supporting the interests of the business classes, continued all through the nation's history.
The rationale for taking $700 billion from the taxpayers to subsidise huge financial institutions is that somehow that wealth will trickle down to the people who need it. This has never worked.
The alternative is simple and powerful. Take that huge sum of money and give it directly to the people who need it. Let the government declare a moratorium on foreclosures and give aid to homeowners to help them pay off their mortgages. Create a federal jobs programme to guarantee work to people who want and need jobs and for whom "the free market" has not come through.
We have a historic and successful precedent. Roosevelt's New Deal put millions of people to work, rebuilding the nation's infrastructure, and, defying the cries of "socialism", established social security. That can be carried further, with "health security" - free health care - for all.
All that will take more than $700 billion. But the money is there. In the $600 billion for the military budget, once we decide we will no longer be a war-making nation. And in the swollen bank accounts of the super-rich, by taxing vigorously both their income and their wealth.'
This current financial crisis is a major way-station on the way to the collapse of the American empire. The first important sign was 9/11, with the most heavily-armed nation in the world shown to be vulnerable to a handful of hijackers.
And now, another sign: both major parties rushing to get an agreement to spend $700 billion of taxpayers' money to pour down the drain of huge financial institutions which are notable for two characteristics: incompetence and greed.
There is a much better solution to the current financial crisis. But it requires discarding what has been conventional "wisdom" for too long: that government intervention in the economy ("big government") must be avoided like the plague, because the "free market" will guide the economy towards growth and justice.
Let's face a historical truth: we have never had a "free market", we have always had government intervention in the economy, and indeed that intervention has been welcomed by the captains of finance and industry. They had no quarrel with "big government" when it served their needs.
It started way back, when the founding fathers met in Philadelphia in 1787 to draft the constitution. The first big bailout was the decision of the new government to redeem for full value the almost worthless bonds held by speculators. And this role of big government, supporting the interests of the business classes, continued all through the nation's history.
The rationale for taking $700 billion from the taxpayers to subsidise huge financial institutions is that somehow that wealth will trickle down to the people who need it. This has never worked.
The alternative is simple and powerful. Take that huge sum of money and give it directly to the people who need it. Let the government declare a moratorium on foreclosures and give aid to homeowners to help them pay off their mortgages. Create a federal jobs programme to guarantee work to people who want and need jobs and for whom "the free market" has not come through.
We have a historic and successful precedent. Roosevelt's New Deal put millions of people to work, rebuilding the nation's infrastructure, and, defying the cries of "socialism", established social security. That can be carried further, with "health security" - free health care - for all.
All that will take more than $700 billion. But the money is there. In the $600 billion for the military budget, once we decide we will no longer be a war-making nation. And in the swollen bank accounts of the super-rich, by taxing vigorously both their income and their wealth.'
Noam Chomsky 27

By Subrata Ghoshroy, AlterNet. Posted October 3, 2008.
In an exclusive and wide-ranging interview, Chomsky discusses the global politics of Iran's and India's attempts to become nuclear powers. On Wednesday night, in a vote of 86 to 13, the U.S. Senate passed a historic nuclear deal with that will allow the United States to trade with India in nuclear equipment and technology, and to supply India with nuclear fuel for its power reactors. The deal is considered hugely consequential by its supporters and opponents alike -- and a significant victory for the Bush administration.
Last month, Subrata Ghoshroy, a researcher in the Science, Technology and Global Security Working Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, met with Noam Chomsky in his office at MIT, where he is the institute professor of linguistics. "Before we started our discussion," Ghoshroy writes, "Professor Chomsky asked me to give him a little background information. I told him that I was researching missile defense, space weapons and the U.S.-India nuclear deal." Ghoshroy is a longtime critic of the U.S. missile defense program and a former analyst at the Government Accountability Office who in 2006 blew the whistle on the failure -- and attempted cover-up -- of a key component of the program: a $26 billion weapon system that was the "centerpiece" of the Bush administration's antimissile plan.
Ghoshroy and Chomsky discussed the then-pending nuclear deal, which would sanction trade hitherto prohibited by U.S. and international laws because of India's refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the nuclear tests it conducted in 1998. Ghoshroy has written several articles criticizing the U.S.-India deal as a triumph of the business lobby -- an assessment Chomsky agreed with. He said that Condoleezza Rice is actually on record admitting what is truly behind this deal, which he characterized as a "non-proliferation disaster."
Ghoshroy's subsequent conversation with Chomsky touched on a number of interweaving topics, including: India and the importance of the non-aligned movement; the myths of free trade and the so-called "success" of neoliberalism; Washington's historic opposition to promote new world economic and information orders; Latin America's growing independence; the West's hypocrisy over Iran's nuclear program -- and MIT's ironic role in it during the shah's regime; and, finally, U.S. elections and the prospects for change.
The result is a two-part interview, the second of which will run on AlterNet tomorrow. Part One begins with India, the Non-Aligned Movement, and why a "majority of the world supports Iran." (The Non-Aligned Movement, which consists of some 115 or more representatives of "developing countries," originated at the Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung, Indonesia, in 1955, which was convened mainly by newly independent former colonies from Africa and Asia to develop joint policies in international relations. Jawaharlal Nehru, then India's prime minister, led the conference. There, "Third World" leaders shared their similar problems of resisting the pressures of the major powers, maintaining their independence and opposing colonialism and neo-colonialism, especially Western domination. India continued its vigorous participation and leadership role in NAM until the end of the Cold War. For further reading, visit the NAM Web site.)
Subrata Ghoshroy: (Comparing India) with the situation in Latin America, there is a lot more explicit stance (in Latin America) against imperialism and toward independence.
Noam Chomsky: It exists (in India), but I think that India should be in the lead, as it was in the l950s when it was in the lead in the non-aligned movement.
SG: This is the tension in the Indian situation. The Indian government, the Congress Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party, they think NAM is anachronistic and a relic of the Cold War.
NC: I think that they are quite wrong. I think that it is a sign of the future. The positions of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the South Commission before it, and alongside of it, are pretty sound. A good indication of how sound they are is they are almost entirely suppressed in the West, which tells you a lot.
Take the question of Iranian enrichment. The U.S, of course, takes a militant position against it, which is kind of ironic because the same officials who are now having tantrums about it are the ones who supported the same programs under the shah. MIT is right at the center of that; I can remember in the l970s there was an internal crisis at MIT when the institute authorities pretty much sold the nuclear engineering department to the shah in a secret agreement. The agreement was that the Nuclear Engineering Department would bring in Iranian nuclear engineers, and in return, the shah would provide some unspecified -- but presumably large -- amount of money to MIT. When (this was) leaked, there was a lot of student protest and a student referendum -- something like 80 percent of students were opposed to it. There was so much turmoil, the faculty had to have a large meeting. Usually faculty meetings are pretty boring things; nobody wants to go. But this one, pretty much everybody came to it. There was a big discussion. It was quite interesting. There were a handful of people, of whom I was one, who opposed the agreement with the shah. But it passed overwhelmingly. It was quite striking that the faculty vote was the exact opposite of the student vote, which tells you something quite interesting, because the faculty are the students of yesterday, but the shift in institutional commitment had a major impact on their judgments -- a wrong impact, in my opinion. Anyway, it went through. Probably the people running the Iranian program today were trained at MIT. The strongest supporters of this U.S.-Iranian nuclear program were Henry Kissinger, Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.'
Last month, Subrata Ghoshroy, a researcher in the Science, Technology and Global Security Working Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, met with Noam Chomsky in his office at MIT, where he is the institute professor of linguistics. "Before we started our discussion," Ghoshroy writes, "Professor Chomsky asked me to give him a little background information. I told him that I was researching missile defense, space weapons and the U.S.-India nuclear deal." Ghoshroy is a longtime critic of the U.S. missile defense program and a former analyst at the Government Accountability Office who in 2006 blew the whistle on the failure -- and attempted cover-up -- of a key component of the program: a $26 billion weapon system that was the "centerpiece" of the Bush administration's antimissile plan.
Ghoshroy and Chomsky discussed the then-pending nuclear deal, which would sanction trade hitherto prohibited by U.S. and international laws because of India's refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the nuclear tests it conducted in 1998. Ghoshroy has written several articles criticizing the U.S.-India deal as a triumph of the business lobby -- an assessment Chomsky agreed with. He said that Condoleezza Rice is actually on record admitting what is truly behind this deal, which he characterized as a "non-proliferation disaster."
Ghoshroy's subsequent conversation with Chomsky touched on a number of interweaving topics, including: India and the importance of the non-aligned movement; the myths of free trade and the so-called "success" of neoliberalism; Washington's historic opposition to promote new world economic and information orders; Latin America's growing independence; the West's hypocrisy over Iran's nuclear program -- and MIT's ironic role in it during the shah's regime; and, finally, U.S. elections and the prospects for change.
The result is a two-part interview, the second of which will run on AlterNet tomorrow. Part One begins with India, the Non-Aligned Movement, and why a "majority of the world supports Iran." (The Non-Aligned Movement, which consists of some 115 or more representatives of "developing countries," originated at the Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung, Indonesia, in 1955, which was convened mainly by newly independent former colonies from Africa and Asia to develop joint policies in international relations. Jawaharlal Nehru, then India's prime minister, led the conference. There, "Third World" leaders shared their similar problems of resisting the pressures of the major powers, maintaining their independence and opposing colonialism and neo-colonialism, especially Western domination. India continued its vigorous participation and leadership role in NAM until the end of the Cold War. For further reading, visit the NAM Web site.)
Subrata Ghoshroy: (Comparing India) with the situation in Latin America, there is a lot more explicit stance (in Latin America) against imperialism and toward independence.
Noam Chomsky: It exists (in India), but I think that India should be in the lead, as it was in the l950s when it was in the lead in the non-aligned movement.
SG: This is the tension in the Indian situation. The Indian government, the Congress Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party, they think NAM is anachronistic and a relic of the Cold War.
NC: I think that they are quite wrong. I think that it is a sign of the future. The positions of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the South Commission before it, and alongside of it, are pretty sound. A good indication of how sound they are is they are almost entirely suppressed in the West, which tells you a lot.
Take the question of Iranian enrichment. The U.S, of course, takes a militant position against it, which is kind of ironic because the same officials who are now having tantrums about it are the ones who supported the same programs under the shah. MIT is right at the center of that; I can remember in the l970s there was an internal crisis at MIT when the institute authorities pretty much sold the nuclear engineering department to the shah in a secret agreement. The agreement was that the Nuclear Engineering Department would bring in Iranian nuclear engineers, and in return, the shah would provide some unspecified -- but presumably large -- amount of money to MIT. When (this was) leaked, there was a lot of student protest and a student referendum -- something like 80 percent of students were opposed to it. There was so much turmoil, the faculty had to have a large meeting. Usually faculty meetings are pretty boring things; nobody wants to go. But this one, pretty much everybody came to it. There was a big discussion. It was quite interesting. There were a handful of people, of whom I was one, who opposed the agreement with the shah. But it passed overwhelmingly. It was quite striking that the faculty vote was the exact opposite of the student vote, which tells you something quite interesting, because the faculty are the students of yesterday, but the shift in institutional commitment had a major impact on their judgments -- a wrong impact, in my opinion. Anyway, it went through. Probably the people running the Iranian program today were trained at MIT. The strongest supporters of this U.S.-Iranian nuclear program were Henry Kissinger, Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.'
Lees verder: http://www.alternet.org/audits/101290/
Ewout Irrgang van de SP 8

Beste Ewout,
als volksvertegenwoordiger en overtuigd socialist kun je ons gewone stervelingen ongetwijfeld uitleggen waarom speculantenfondsen 'buiten de balans' van banken staan. Ik citeer even de Volkskrant: ''Volgens Fortis heeft de bank altijd de juiste informatie verstrekt. Ook over het investeringsfonds Scaldis dat in 2007 18 miljard euro bevat. Dat fonds staat buiten de balans. 'Dat is gebruikelijk bij zulke fondsen, die conduits heten', zegt een woordvoerder van Fortis.''
Waarom zouden banken deze speculantenfondsen op belastingparadijsjes overal ter wereld 'buiten de balans' houden? Hebben de speculanten en de banken die zo de Nederlandse belasting ontduiken iets te verbergen? Zo ja, Ewout, wat? En waarom ga jij daar als overtuigd SP-socialist mee akkoord? Jij hebt immers de financiele steun aan Fortis, 4 miljard aan belastinggeld, goedgekeurd. Jij hebt dus goedgekeurd dat belastinggeld naar een bank gaat die een speculantenfonds op een belastingparadijsje heeft en dat 'buiten de balans' houdt. Is dat wel SP socialistisch verantwoord?
Beste Ewout, de Volkskrant bericht ook het volgende: "'Dat is een normale gang van zaken', zegt een woordvoerder van Fortis over het fonds Scaldis. 'Sinds 2005 boeken we dat als de post 'Overige'.' Die post valt onder de 'Gestructureerd kredietinstrumenten'. Dit zijn obligaties die gedekt worden door leningen zoals hypotheken." Leg dit de kiezer eens uit. Het is dus kennelijk een 'normale gang van zaken' in een parlementaire democratie waar iedereen gelijk zou zijn voor de wet, dat bezit 'buiten de balans' wordt gehouden, of althans onder ''de post 'Overige'" verborgen blijft. Waarom is dat? Waarom wordt het nagenoeg belastingvrij gespeculeer met lucht als "post 'Overige'" opgevoerd?
En om het nog gekker te maken: "Die post valt onder de 'Gestructureerd kredietinstrumenten'. Dit zijn obligaties die gedekt worden door leningen zoals hypotheken.' Wat nu, worden obligaties 'gedekt door leningen zoals hypotheken?' En wat gebeurt er als de hypotheekmarkt ineenstort zoals nu in de VS en Engeland gebeurt? Als gewone burgers die een schuld aan de bank hebben deze niet meer kunnen betalen? Dan zijn die obligaties dus niet meer 'gedekt' begrijp ik. Kun je ons uitleggen wat dit betekent voor de Nederlandse staat, die 4 miljard in dit gespeculeer heeft gestoken?
Nu we toch bezig zijn, Ewout, leg dit Volkskrant citaat eens uit: ''De minister zei vanmorgen dat hij dinsdag beslist niet wilde suggereren dat Fortis met de boeken zou hebben gerommeld. Hij zou enkel hebben willen zeggen dat, met de wijsheid van nu, er toen te lichtzinnig gedacht is over de risico’s van structured products – beleggingsproducten die pakketjes met componenten van ‘slechte’ schulden bevatten. ‘Dat is een heel breed fenomeen.'" Met andere woorden: volgens minister Bos is er niet 'met de boeken gerommeld'. En toch verklaart minister Bos dat ''met de wijsheid van nu, er toen te lichtzinnig gedacht is over de risico’s van structured products – beleggingsproducten die pakketjes met componenten van ‘slechte’ schulden bevatten." Met andere woorden : de Nederlandse overheid beschikte niet over alle informatie van Fortis en dus is ''er toen te lichtzinnig gedacht is over de risico’s van structured products – beleggingsproducten die pakketjes met componenten van ‘slechte’ schulden bevatten."
Hoe komt het dat er 'te lichtzinnig' is gedacht? Omdat de PVDA-minister niet over alle Fortis informatie beschikte. Waarom gaf Fortis niet alle informatie op een presenteerblaadje? Had jij voorgestemd als jij als volksvertegenwoordiger iets over het bestaan van dat speculatiefonds had geweten? Zo nee, waarom niet? Zo ja, waarom wel? En wat is de consequentie daarvan voor jou, als volksvertegenwoordiger?
Minister Bos zegt letterlijk: "Niemand, ook ’s werelds grootste experts niet, had anderhalf jaar geleden zicht op de precieze waardering van dit type producten. Dat is het dominante kenmerk van deze hele financiële crisis. Nu moeten we constateren dat we er toen met zijn allen naast hebben gezeten bij de waarde- en risicobepaling.’' Maar dat is wonderlijk. Al twee jaar lang plaats ik op deze weblog artikelen van vooral Amerikaanse deskundigen waarin met klem werd gewaarschuwd voor een op handen zijnde grote financiele crisis. Lees de stukjes over het neoliberale geloof. Dus wat minister Bos beweert, is nonsens. Sterker nog: in 2002 vertelde mij in New York Jim Sinclair, een grote goudhandelaar, dat de geldhandel, de handel in lucht zoals hij het noemde, onvermijdelijk zou ineenstorten en dat de goudprijs daarom zou blijven stijgen. Hij heeft gelijk gekregen. Hij zei dat in aanwezigheid van mijn vriend en cameraman Mattias Ylstra. Dus naar wie heeft minister Bos al die tijd zitten luisteren? Ik vrees naar dezelfde bankiers en opiniemakers die deze chaos hebben veroorzaakt. Mijn vraag is nu aan jou: heb je minister Bos het vuur aan de schenen gelegd toen hij deze aperte nonsens uitsprak? Zo ja, waarom? Zo nee, waarom niet?
Nog een vraag aan Ewout: heb jij de indruk dat minister Bos niet weet hoe het kapitalisme precies werkt of de volksvertegenwoordigers bedriegt? In beide gevallen is zijn handelen verwijtbaar. Waarom eis je niet zijn aftreden? Je zit er voor de belastingbetalende kiezer, Ewout, niet voor de zakkenvullende bankiers en hun speculantenvriendjes op de Kanaaleilanden, of het Caraibisch gebied, of Cyprus, of welk gat dan ook waar deze lui met hun geld zitten.

City to Go biedt een leuke reis naar Krakau in Polen aan. Op hun site staat:
'In de vroegere joodse wijk Kazimierz keert na jaren van verval de oude sfeer terug in de vele restaurantjes waarin jiddische muziek weerklinkt. Ook enkele synagogen en begraafplaatsen zijn te bezoeken. Aan de overkant van de rivier Wisła kun je de originele metaalfabriek van Schindler nog zien. Beelden van de film Schindler’s List zijn ook in deze wijk opgenomen.
Interessante uitstapjes buiten de stad voeren naar het beruchte concentratiekamp Auschwitz-Birkenau en naar de ondergrondse zoutmijn Wieliczka.'
Interessante uitstapjes buiten de stad voeren naar het beruchte concentratiekamp Auschwitz-Birkenau en naar de ondergrondse zoutmijn Wieliczka.'
Het kapitalisme weet van alles 'interessant uitstapjes' te maken. Een 'uitstapje' naar de 'beruchte' gaskamers van Auschwitz, waar meer dan een miljoen mensen zijn vermoord. Een 'uitstapje' naar een plaats waar de Verlichtingsidealen hun finale doodsklap kregen.
Laatst sprak ik iemand die in Vietnam 'uitstapjes' had gemaakt, de regio waar door de Amerikaanse terreur uiteindelijk meer dan 3 miljoen mensen werden vermoord. Hij had de bomkraters nog gezien, kuilen waarin nu regenwater was gelopen, en hij had ook misvormde kinderen gezien, slachtoffers van agent orange, de als het ware zyklon B van de Amerikanen. Toen ik hem vroeg hoe het was geweest zei hij: 'interessant! Het was er wel erg klam.'
donderdag 2 oktober 2008
Het Neoliberale Geloof 190

'Financial Crisis: So much for tirades against American greed
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says it is ironic that European banks have turned out to be deeper in debt than their US counterparts.
Last Updated: 1:12AM BST 02 Oct 2008
It took a weekend to shatter the complacency of German finance minister Peer Steinbrück. Last Thursday he told us that the financial crisis was an "American problem", the fruit of Anglo-Saxon greed and inept regulation that would cost the United States its "superpower status". Pleas from US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson for a joint US- European rescue plan to halt the downward spiral were rebuffed as unnecessary.
By Monday, Mr Steinbrück was having to orchestrate Germany's biggest bank bail-out, putting together a €35 billion loan package to save Hypo Real Estate. By then Europe was "staring into the abyss," he admitted. Belgium faced worse. It had to nationalise Fortis (with Dutch help), a 300-year-old bastion of Flemish finance, followed a day later by a bail-out for Dexia (with French help).
Within hours they were all trumped by Dublin. The Irish government issued a blanket guarantee of the deposits and debts of its six largest lenders in the most radical bank bail-out since the Scandinavian rescues in the early 1990s. Then France upped the ante with a €300 billion pan-European lifeboat for the banks. The drama has exposed Europe's dark secret for all to see. EU banks took on even more debt leverage than their US counterparts, despite the tirades against ''le capitalisme sauvage'' of the Anglo-Saxons.
We now know that it was French finance minister Christine Lagarde who begged Mr Paulson to save the US insurer AIG last week. AIG had written $300 billion in credit protection for European banks, admitting that it was for "regulatory capital relief rather than risk mitigation". In other words, it was underpinning a disguised extension of credit leverage. Its collapse would have set off a lending crunch across Europe as banking capital sank below water level.
It turns out that European regulators have allowed even greater use of "off-books" chicanery than the Americans. Mr Paulson may have saved Europe.
Most eyes are still on Washington, but the core danger is shifting across the Atlantic. Germany and Italy have been contracting since the spring, with France close behind. They are sliding into a deeper downturn than the US.
The interest spreads on Italian 10-year bonds have jumped to 92 points above German Bunds, a post-EMU high. These spreads are the most closely watched stress barometer for Europe's monetary union.
Traders are starting to "price in" an appreciable risk that EMU will break apart.
The European Commission's top economists warned the politicians in the 1990s that the euro might not survive a crisis, at least in its current form. There is no EU treasury or debt union to back it up.
The one-size-fits-all regime of interest rates caters badly to the different needs of Club Med and the German bloc.
The euro fathers did not dispute this. But they saw EMU as an instrument to force the pace of political union. They welcomed the idea of a "beneficial crisis". As ex-Commission chief Romano Prodi remarked, it would allow Brussels to break taboos and accelerate the move to a full-fledged EU economic government.
As events now unfold with vertiginous speed, we may find that it destroys the European Union instead. Spain is on the cusp of depression (I use the word to mean a systemic rupture). Unemployment has risen from 8.3 to 11.3 per cent in a year as the property market implodes. Yet the cost of borrowing (Euribor) is going up. You can imagine how the Spanish felt when German-led hawks pushed the European Central Bank into raising interest rates in July.
This may go down as the greatest monetary error of the post-war era.
The ECB responded to the external shock of an oil and food spike with anti-inflation overkill, compounding the onset of an accelerating debt deflation that poses a greater danger. Has it committed the classic mistake of central banks, fighting the last war (1970s) instead of the last war but one (1930s)?'
By Monday, Mr Steinbrück was having to orchestrate Germany's biggest bank bail-out, putting together a €35 billion loan package to save Hypo Real Estate. By then Europe was "staring into the abyss," he admitted. Belgium faced worse. It had to nationalise Fortis (with Dutch help), a 300-year-old bastion of Flemish finance, followed a day later by a bail-out for Dexia (with French help).
Within hours they were all trumped by Dublin. The Irish government issued a blanket guarantee of the deposits and debts of its six largest lenders in the most radical bank bail-out since the Scandinavian rescues in the early 1990s. Then France upped the ante with a €300 billion pan-European lifeboat for the banks. The drama has exposed Europe's dark secret for all to see. EU banks took on even more debt leverage than their US counterparts, despite the tirades against ''le capitalisme sauvage'' of the Anglo-Saxons.
We now know that it was French finance minister Christine Lagarde who begged Mr Paulson to save the US insurer AIG last week. AIG had written $300 billion in credit protection for European banks, admitting that it was for "regulatory capital relief rather than risk mitigation". In other words, it was underpinning a disguised extension of credit leverage. Its collapse would have set off a lending crunch across Europe as banking capital sank below water level.
It turns out that European regulators have allowed even greater use of "off-books" chicanery than the Americans. Mr Paulson may have saved Europe.
Most eyes are still on Washington, but the core danger is shifting across the Atlantic. Germany and Italy have been contracting since the spring, with France close behind. They are sliding into a deeper downturn than the US.
The interest spreads on Italian 10-year bonds have jumped to 92 points above German Bunds, a post-EMU high. These spreads are the most closely watched stress barometer for Europe's monetary union.
Traders are starting to "price in" an appreciable risk that EMU will break apart.
The European Commission's top economists warned the politicians in the 1990s that the euro might not survive a crisis, at least in its current form. There is no EU treasury or debt union to back it up.
The one-size-fits-all regime of interest rates caters badly to the different needs of Club Med and the German bloc.
The euro fathers did not dispute this. But they saw EMU as an instrument to force the pace of political union. They welcomed the idea of a "beneficial crisis". As ex-Commission chief Romano Prodi remarked, it would allow Brussels to break taboos and accelerate the move to a full-fledged EU economic government.
As events now unfold with vertiginous speed, we may find that it destroys the European Union instead. Spain is on the cusp of depression (I use the word to mean a systemic rupture). Unemployment has risen from 8.3 to 11.3 per cent in a year as the property market implodes. Yet the cost of borrowing (Euribor) is going up. You can imagine how the Spanish felt when German-led hawks pushed the European Central Bank into raising interest rates in July.
This may go down as the greatest monetary error of the post-war era.
The ECB responded to the external shock of an oil and food spike with anti-inflation overkill, compounding the onset of an accelerating debt deflation that poses a greater danger. Has it committed the classic mistake of central banks, fighting the last war (1970s) instead of the last war but one (1930s)?'
The Empire 342

Enfin, leest u dit eens voordat u voor verrassingen komt te staan:
The Almost-Done Deal, and the Era of Angry Populism
Wednesday 01 October 2008
by: Robert Reich, Talking Points Memo
Economist Robert Reich. (Artwork: The Economist)
Wednesday 01 October 2008
by: Robert Reich, Talking Points Memo
Economist Robert Reich. (Artwork: The Economist)
Editor's Note: The Senate passed the $700 billion economic bailout plan on Wednesday, while the House is expected to vote by Friday. -TO/ms
The Senate will vote tonight; the House is scheduled to vote tomorrow morning. Will the deal fly? Probably. Wall Street's gyrations since Monday have scared the hell out of a number of holdouts, notwithstanding all the negative emails and phone calls they continue to receive from constituents.
An important distinction here. While more Americans are coming around to "supporting" the bailout bill, the vast majority still hate the idea of bailing out Wall Street. They're for the bailout bill now only because they fear that a failure to pass it will have worse consequences -- drying up credit at a time when Main Street is struggling. But make no mistake: America is mad as hell. They resent what they perceive as extortion by the Masters of the Universe.
Angry populism has always been a potent force in American politics. And now, with wages dropping, jobs insecure, fuel and food and health-insurance costs soaring, and millions of homes in jeopardy -- and what's perceived to be a massive tax-payer bailout of some of the richest people in the land -- angry populism is about to explode. McCain has already tried to cast himself as an angry populist, even though he still wants to give the very rich a bigger tax cut than George W. gave them, and cut taxes on big corporations (oil companies alone would reap $1.2 billion a year under McCain's plan). Barack Obama, whose plans for middle-class tax relief and affordable health care will genuinely help America's middle and working classes, has been expressing more indignation lately on behalf of them. But anger doesn't come as easily to Obama as it does to McCain -- even though McCain seems quite ready to aim his anger anywhere and everywhere.
Democrats should be angry populists, given their traditional role of protecting and championing the underdogs in American politics, and especially considering the absurdly wide gap that's opened up between the rich and everyone else. But in recent years Democrats have ceded the mantle to Republicans, who now mimic the faux populism of Sean Hannity and other right-wing talk show demagogues. (The recent maneuvering in the House over the bailout bill is really over this. House Democrats are getting the same angry mail that House Republicans are receiving, and don't want to be seen as lending their support to this ugly bill without Republicans signing on.)'
An important distinction here. While more Americans are coming around to "supporting" the bailout bill, the vast majority still hate the idea of bailing out Wall Street. They're for the bailout bill now only because they fear that a failure to pass it will have worse consequences -- drying up credit at a time when Main Street is struggling. But make no mistake: America is mad as hell. They resent what they perceive as extortion by the Masters of the Universe.
Angry populism has always been a potent force in American politics. And now, with wages dropping, jobs insecure, fuel and food and health-insurance costs soaring, and millions of homes in jeopardy -- and what's perceived to be a massive tax-payer bailout of some of the richest people in the land -- angry populism is about to explode. McCain has already tried to cast himself as an angry populist, even though he still wants to give the very rich a bigger tax cut than George W. gave them, and cut taxes on big corporations (oil companies alone would reap $1.2 billion a year under McCain's plan). Barack Obama, whose plans for middle-class tax relief and affordable health care will genuinely help America's middle and working classes, has been expressing more indignation lately on behalf of them. But anger doesn't come as easily to Obama as it does to McCain -- even though McCain seems quite ready to aim his anger anywhere and everywhere.
Democrats should be angry populists, given their traditional role of protecting and championing the underdogs in American politics, and especially considering the absurdly wide gap that's opened up between the rich and everyone else. But in recent years Democrats have ceded the mantle to Republicans, who now mimic the faux populism of Sean Hannity and other right-wing talk show demagogues. (The recent maneuvering in the House over the bailout bill is really over this. House Democrats are getting the same angry mail that House Republicans are receiving, and don't want to be seen as lending their support to this ugly bill without Republicans signing on.)'
Lees verder: http://www.truthout.org/100208A
Het Neoliberale Geloof 189

From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
October 1, 2008 at 12:00 AM EDT
Our gaze might be on the markets melting down, but the upheaval we are experiencing is more than a financial crisis, however large. Here is a historic geopolitical shift, in which the balance of power is being altered irrevocably. The era of U.S. global leadership, reaching back to the Second World War, is over.
You can see it in the way the United States' dominion has slipped away in its own backyard, with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez taunting and ridiculing the superpower with impunity. Yet the setback of U.S. standing at the global level is even more striking. With the nationalization of crucial parts of the financial system, the U.S. free-market creed has self-destructed while countries that retained overall control of markets have been vindicated. In a change as far-reaching in its implications as the fall of the Soviet Union, an entire model of government and the economy has collapsed.
Ever since the end of the Cold War, successive U.S. administrations have lectured other countries on the necessity of sound finance. Indonesia, Thailand, Argentina and several African states endured severe cuts in spending and deep recessions as the price of aid from the International Monetary Fund, which enforced the U.S. orthodoxy. China, in particular, was hectored relentlessly on the weakness of its banking system. But China's success has been based on its consistent contempt for Western advice and it is not Chinese banks that are currently going bust. How symbolic that Chinese astronauts should take a spacewalk while the U.S. Treasury Secretary is on his knees.
Despite incessantly urging other countries to adopt its way of doing business, the United States has always had one economic policy for itself and another for the rest of the world. Throughout the years in which the United States was punishing countries that departed from fiscal prudence, it was borrowing on a colossal scale to finance tax cuts and fund its overstretched military commitments. Now, with federal finances critically dependent on continuing large inflows of foreign capital, it will be the countries that spurned the U.S. model of capitalism that will shape the United States' economic future.
Related Articles
* Finger-pointing begins
* Financial tremors rattle emerging powers
* The rescue package: What now?
* Bailout plan failure raises spectre of U.S. recession
The Globe and Mail
Whichever version of the bailout of U.S. financial institutions cobbled together by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is finally adopted is less important than what the bailout means for the U.S. position in the world. The populist rant about greedy banks that is being loudly ventilated in Congress is a distraction from the true causes of the crisis. The dire condition of U.S. financial markets is the result of U.S. banks operating in a free-for-all environment that these same legislators created. It is the U.S. political class that, by embracing the dangerously simplistic ideology of deregulation, has responsibility for the present mess.'
You can see it in the way the United States' dominion has slipped away in its own backyard, with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez taunting and ridiculing the superpower with impunity. Yet the setback of U.S. standing at the global level is even more striking. With the nationalization of crucial parts of the financial system, the U.S. free-market creed has self-destructed while countries that retained overall control of markets have been vindicated. In a change as far-reaching in its implications as the fall of the Soviet Union, an entire model of government and the economy has collapsed.
Ever since the end of the Cold War, successive U.S. administrations have lectured other countries on the necessity of sound finance. Indonesia, Thailand, Argentina and several African states endured severe cuts in spending and deep recessions as the price of aid from the International Monetary Fund, which enforced the U.S. orthodoxy. China, in particular, was hectored relentlessly on the weakness of its banking system. But China's success has been based on its consistent contempt for Western advice and it is not Chinese banks that are currently going bust. How symbolic that Chinese astronauts should take a spacewalk while the U.S. Treasury Secretary is on his knees.
Despite incessantly urging other countries to adopt its way of doing business, the United States has always had one economic policy for itself and another for the rest of the world. Throughout the years in which the United States was punishing countries that departed from fiscal prudence, it was borrowing on a colossal scale to finance tax cuts and fund its overstretched military commitments. Now, with federal finances critically dependent on continuing large inflows of foreign capital, it will be the countries that spurned the U.S. model of capitalism that will shape the United States' economic future.
Related Articles
* Finger-pointing begins
* Financial tremors rattle emerging powers
* The rescue package: What now?
* Bailout plan failure raises spectre of U.S. recession
The Globe and Mail
Whichever version of the bailout of U.S. financial institutions cobbled together by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is finally adopted is less important than what the bailout means for the U.S. position in the world. The populist rant about greedy banks that is being loudly ventilated in Congress is a distraction from the true causes of the crisis. The dire condition of U.S. financial markets is the result of U.S. banks operating in a free-for-all environment that these same legislators created. It is the U.S. political class that, by embracing the dangerously simplistic ideology of deregulation, has responsibility for the present mess.'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 188

Bush Goes From 'Lame To Dead Duck'
By Simon Tisdall in Washington
01/10/09 "The Guardian" -- -
The controversy over the failure of the Bush administration's unpopular financial bail-out is infecting every aspect of government and the presidential election campaign.Eminent reputations lie in ruins; the august institutions of Congress, the treasury, the Federal Reserve tremble; the presidency itself is shaken. In America's year of living dangerously, few will emerge unscathed.The consensus view, if there is one in so divided a nation, is that the US has suffered a calamitous, across-the-board failure of leadership. The bankruptcy is political as well as economic. This conclusion is widely held among both supporters and opponents of the bail-out."Monday's crash and burn of the Paulson plan on Capitol Hill reveals a Washington elite that has earned every bit of the disdain that Americans have for it. This crowd can't even make sausage," snarled a Wall Street Journal editorial yesterday. Black Monday's shambles marked a "historic abdication".Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives were excoriated for political cowardice, childish disputatiousness, and a selfish desire to get re-elected next month at any cost. It's clear, whatever they do next, the public simply does not trust them to do it right."A political establishment held in higher regard may have been able to hold together some kind of coalition of the willing," wrote Joel Achenbach in the Washington Post. "But distrust of the nation's leaders, from the leaders of Congress to the president, foreclosed that possibility."This was not mere rhetoric. Congress's public approval rating was down to 18% before the crisis hit. By some estimates, it is now 10% and falling. Washington has seen a "throw the bums out" mood before, notably Newt Gingrich's 1994 anti-government "Republican revolution". But this is something else. Like some others, Gingrich is calling for the resignation of Hank Paulson, the treasury secretary, for presiding over a train wreck and then failing to persuade people why $700bn was needed to get back on the rails.Other heads enthusiastically recommended for the chopping block include Democratic house speaker, Nancy Pelosi, for being "too partisan" and the Republican house minority leader, John Boehner, for not being partisan enough.An unhappy Boehner said before the vote that the bail-out was a "crap sandwich" that he and colleagues were obliged to eat. As it turned out, 133 Republicans and 95 Democrats found it too much to swallow.Many members of Congress found themselves caught between party leadership and angry constituents and sought to explain themselves."We are now in the golden age of thieves. And where I come from we put thieves in jail, we don't bail them out," said Pete Visclosky, an Indiana Democrat who voted 'no'.The signal failure, as critics see it, of President George Bush to show a lead out of the morass has provoked a new crop of political obituaries."No longer a lame duck, he's a dead duck," said Democratic strategist Paul Begala.'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 187

A Must Watch Video
How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society.
Het Neoliberale Geloof 186

Jim Kirwan
This morning Bush went back to the microphones to again trash the public for failing to approve of his strong-arm plan to bailout his buddies and to screw the people. ‘Politics must be kept out of this’ has been the constant refrain from the bunch of pretenders who appointed themselves to fix this problem. But “Politics” is not about democrats and republicans it’s about what people think, and it’s about anything that will directly impact the real and long-term futures or millions of ordinary people. What these criminals fail to understand is that: “The act of breathing is political!”
Overlooked in the dictator’s tirade was the fact that the negotiations in Washington are only between the White House, the congress and the Corporate Oligarchs that created this fiasco: Their ‘conversations’ and this legislation have shut-out the public; especially those that have everything to lose. Bush said again that he was trying to reach the American people and to get them to ‘get them on board’ as if the public could still be asleep. What is clear is that the public wants this problem solved; they simply do not believe that there is anything in this giveaway to the criminal-establishment that will change anything about their lives: except to make everything worse, for them!
This triad of criminals that are negotiating with themselves have all underestimated the public that has been bleeding badly since Cheney-Bush stole their first election. And now that the last act of this Coup has arrived, the public has finally drawn their-own line in the sand because they have realized that unless the public is ‘bailed-out’ they will die! There will also be no one left to do anything to create the huge profits which the criminals are fighting over. The Bushwhacker gave himself away when he said “it doesn’t matter how legislation gets done” because it does matter, greatly!
Bush went on about how ‘this ‘failure’ will affect job creation and the availability of credit to start new businesses and it would affect credit card rates and the savings of ordinary people’ and basically that by not agreeing to this blackmail of the public by the same people that created the crisis: the public would be hurting themselves. Bush failed to remember that there are no jobs creation programs, we have no opportunities, and that the banks and their owners have been playing Russian roulette with interest rates throughout the last eight years! There are millions of people in need of intervention now, to save their homes, to avoid bankruptcy, and to be able to keep a job to be able to feed their families. None of which this Paulson-Bernanke-Bush Slush-Fund for the rich will do!
Government’s job is to provide for the needs of the country—in this instance that would involve real and immediate help to those who lost everything because the government allowed these financial goons to play fast and lose with every rule of law and commerce—it is the government sanctioned criminals that should be left to die, and not the sheep that failed to scream, back when this all began. The ordinary people that the criminals used to create this monster, ought to be assisted with their survival and not further insulted by this government’s love affair with every criminal-scheme and con-artist that ever tried to buy a vote! There is nothing in this vile legislation that addresses any of the truth, of what must be done to fix the disaster that this government created from their own lust for profits and power in the short-run.
“REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: This is a copy of the bill which will provide for a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. It has provisions in it where it talks about helping homeowners, but when you read the fine print, you see it has language like “may” instead of “shall” and “encouraging” instead of “mandating” help for the millions of homeowners who are worried right now about whether they’re going to lose their home. There’s no help for them in this.
So what we have here is a rescue plan that essentially gives all the speculators a bailout and puts the bad debts in the custody of the government. The president of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank has said that this plan could create a fiscal chasm, says that the problem isn’t tight monetary policy, it’s the reckless behavior of some of these investors who have now found themselves in a position where a government bailout is going to help reward their bad behavior.” (1)
The stark reality that is never mentioned anywhere, is that what is called The government here, no longer represents the people of this country!
So when the government says “this money will be paid back,” meaning that the government will be paid back—the public knows that this means only that the criminals will profit even further and that the dying citizens will not get any of the real assistance that they must have immediately!'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 185

Capital Crisis Will Wreck Both Parties
By Glen Ford
"The Democratic and Republican Parties, creatures of capital, are decomposing in full view."
In their role as mercenaries in service of finance capital, three-fifths of Democrats joined one-third of Republicans in a (temporarily) failed heist of $700 billion of the people's funds - a nest-egg the public needs to hold onto to weather the unfolding collapse of the Lords of Capital. In the aftermath of Monday's bloody siege, it was difficult to tell who Wall Street guns-for-hire John McCain and Barack Obama hated most: each other, or the citizens who despite their outraged confusion had the presence of mind to bar the doors to the national treasury.
Understandably disoriented from having had to charge backwards - pretending to lead the people while simultaneously assaulting them - Obama peered across the field at the hastily-erected barricades that had broken Hank Paulson's Charge. "I'm confident we're going to get there," said the frustrated thief-enabler, "but it's going to be rocky."
To paraphrase Oscar Brown, Jr., "What you mean WE, Obama-man?" The Illinois senator and his pretend-opponents in the other business party just had their colluding asses kicked by the most motley, disorganized crew imaginable: the American public, who bombarded their legislators with threats of retaliation in November if they bowed to Wall Street's extortionist demands.
Never has Republican-Democratic co-subservience to finance capital been on such naked display. But then, "We the People" have never before been witness to the terminal unraveling of late-stage global finance capital. (See BAR, "Death Rattles of a Criminal Class," September 24.) When the New York Times features no less than three articles declaring the nation's investment bankers ready for burial, as did last Sunday's paper, it is time for the Democrats, especially, to find another paymaster.
Black Caucus Split
Obama's party is wedded to Wall Street. At the local level the Democrats have long been the party of "developers" - the money bags who shape urban policy to fit the needs of corporations. These gentrifiers are the "Renaissance Men" that insist Black politicians earn their campaign and graft payments by helping to expel their own constituents from the cities, so as to make them more congenial to business. Betrayal starts at home. So it's not surprising to find Rep. Charles Rangel (NY), the corporate-loving Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, among the 18 members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to vote with the Bush-McCain-Obama Wall Street Axis. Edolphus Towns (NY), Gregory Meeks (NY), and Artur Davis (AL) are also in their element, reeking as they do of corporate excretions. However, it is strange - and sad - to see Maxine Waters (CA), Gwen Moore (WI) and other relatively progressive members aligned with the rump end of the Black Caucus.
Among the slim, 21-member majority of the CBC that defied Speaker Nancy Pelosi's edicts, one finds more curious company. Voting alongside usually reliable progressives such as Barbara Lee (CA), John Conyers (MI), Donna Edwards (MD) and Bobby Scott (VA), are some of the Caucus's most rightwing members: William "Dollar Bill" Jefferson (LA) and David Scott (GA), once described as the "Worst Black Congressman" in the House. Panic makes strange bedfellows.
Virginia Rep. Bobby Scott summed up the "No" position: "There's no point in spending all this money on worthless assets" such as toxic mortgages. Detroit's Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick said of the Obama-McCain-Bush-Paulson plan, "This helps the banks in their book of mortgages. It doesn't help the little person who needs it."
"It is strange - and sad - to see Maxine Waters (CA), Gwen Moore (WI) and other relatively progressive members aligned with the rump end of the Black Caucus."'
Understandably disoriented from having had to charge backwards - pretending to lead the people while simultaneously assaulting them - Obama peered across the field at the hastily-erected barricades that had broken Hank Paulson's Charge. "I'm confident we're going to get there," said the frustrated thief-enabler, "but it's going to be rocky."
To paraphrase Oscar Brown, Jr., "What you mean WE, Obama-man?" The Illinois senator and his pretend-opponents in the other business party just had their colluding asses kicked by the most motley, disorganized crew imaginable: the American public, who bombarded their legislators with threats of retaliation in November if they bowed to Wall Street's extortionist demands.
Never has Republican-Democratic co-subservience to finance capital been on such naked display. But then, "We the People" have never before been witness to the terminal unraveling of late-stage global finance capital. (See BAR, "Death Rattles of a Criminal Class," September 24.) When the New York Times features no less than three articles declaring the nation's investment bankers ready for burial, as did last Sunday's paper, it is time for the Democrats, especially, to find another paymaster.
Black Caucus Split
Obama's party is wedded to Wall Street. At the local level the Democrats have long been the party of "developers" - the money bags who shape urban policy to fit the needs of corporations. These gentrifiers are the "Renaissance Men" that insist Black politicians earn their campaign and graft payments by helping to expel their own constituents from the cities, so as to make them more congenial to business. Betrayal starts at home. So it's not surprising to find Rep. Charles Rangel (NY), the corporate-loving Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, among the 18 members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to vote with the Bush-McCain-Obama Wall Street Axis. Edolphus Towns (NY), Gregory Meeks (NY), and Artur Davis (AL) are also in their element, reeking as they do of corporate excretions. However, it is strange - and sad - to see Maxine Waters (CA), Gwen Moore (WI) and other relatively progressive members aligned with the rump end of the Black Caucus.
Among the slim, 21-member majority of the CBC that defied Speaker Nancy Pelosi's edicts, one finds more curious company. Voting alongside usually reliable progressives such as Barbara Lee (CA), John Conyers (MI), Donna Edwards (MD) and Bobby Scott (VA), are some of the Caucus's most rightwing members: William "Dollar Bill" Jefferson (LA) and David Scott (GA), once described as the "Worst Black Congressman" in the House. Panic makes strange bedfellows.
Virginia Rep. Bobby Scott summed up the "No" position: "There's no point in spending all this money on worthless assets" such as toxic mortgages. Detroit's Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick said of the Obama-McCain-Bush-Paulson plan, "This helps the banks in their book of mortgages. It doesn't help the little person who needs it."
"It is strange - and sad - to see Maxine Waters (CA), Gwen Moore (WI) and other relatively progressive members aligned with the rump end of the Black Caucus."'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 184

By William Pentland
01/10/09 "Forbes" -- -
09.23.08, 11:35 AM ET --
While everyone knows the U.S. government is looking to bail Wall Street banks, few people realize that it's also bailing out speculative oil and commodities traders in the process, fueling a sharp rise in energy prices. Lehman Brothers (nyse: LEH - news - people ) and AIG (nyse: AIG - news - people ) held enormous trading positions in commodities markets. If those positions had been liquidated suddenly, the price of everything from wheat to oil would have collapsed. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the main regulator of U.S. commodity markets, allowed Wall Street's investment banks and trading companies to take control of massive positions in commodities markets called swaps held by Lehman Brothers and AIG.The result: Oil prices spiked by a whopping $16 per barrel on Monday, the largest single-day rise in oil prices ever."If speculators were forced to liquidate their positions, oil would easily be $65 to $75 per barrel by the time the liquidation was complete," said Michael Masters, the founder of Atlanta-based hedge fund Masters Capital Management. Tuesday, oil was trading at $108.74 in midday trading in New York.For all the talk of OPEC, the biggest threat to high oil prices in the short term might be the implosion of Morgan Stanley (nyse: MS - news - people ) or Goldman Sachs (nyse: GS - news - people ), which would trigger a massive number of low-priced oil-futures contracts to flood the market all at once in search of buyers to liquidate those contracts."If either of these entities were to collapse, we believe the downside for commodities would be tremendous as these companies unwind positions," Valerie Wood, president and owner of Energy Solutions, told Platts on Monday. "In particular, we know Goldman Sachs has large investments in crude oil and natural gas commodities because its own Goldman Sachs Commodity Index fund [comprises] about 39% crude oil commodities and about 6% natural gas commodities. A liquidation of GSCI shares would directly result in the selling of these commodities, and selling pushes prices lower."Ironically, the biggest losers turned out to be the traders who bet that at least one of the victims from this month's financial chaos would be forced to liquidate a major long position in oil prices. When they avoided that fate, the race to unwind those bets that oil prices would fall before the end of the trading month caused a massive rally in oil prices.The market meltdown has revealed the full extent of Wall Street's influence on commodities prices and, especially, their role in energy markets. More than $40 billion in cash has poured into commodity markets since the start of 2008, according to a report by Standard & Poor's. The total amount of investments in commodity indexes is estimated at between $150 billion and $270 billion. In other words, new investments in the market have climbed by 15% to 25% in less than a year.In 2006, the U.S. Senate's Subcommittee for Permanent Investigations had already reported "there is substantial evidence supporting the conclusion that the large amount of speculation in the current market has significantly increased prices." The trouble is that so much of the trading happens in so-called "dark markets," unregulated over-the-counter electronic exchanges where trading companies buy and sell energy derivatives, that this role is hard to document.'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 183

By Ron Paul
01/10/09 -"ICH"
This time last week, the biggest bailout in the history of the world seemed to be a fait accompli. Last weekend, the Fed Chairman and the Secretary of the Treasury had harsh words of doom and gloom for Congressional leaders, with the rest of the administration parroting along, and by last Monday it seemed both parties were about to fall in line and vote our Republic away by socializing the banking industry through this bailout.
Foolish business behavior was about to be rewarded, and propped up a little longer, the bubble blown a little bigger, and our coming Depression made that much greater, but then something happened on the way to the House floor.
Citizens made their voices heard.
The real story behind the story in Congress this week was the thousands of calls and emails sent to Representatives, clogging up inboxes and even slowing down the House internet system. Slowly, like the Titanic turning around, sentiments on the Hill shifted, and we heard Congressmen capitulating and changing their tune a little, desperately trying to find ways to salvage the bailout without completely enraging their constituencies.
Now we hear about taxpayer protections, about golden parachutes, and about other nuances that hardly cover up the fact that we would be creating more money out of thin air and further devaluing the dollar! The problem is not HOW the government is spending this money; it’s the fact that the government is spending this money. We don’t have it. We are already nearly $10 trillion in debt, not including unfunded liabilities. We already spend about $1 trillion a year we don’t have on our overseas empire. Now nearly $1 trillion more is somehow supposed to magically appear and solve all our problems! No – creating more money might delay the inevitable for some well-connected banks on Wall Street, but in a few weeks we will find ourselves right back in this same position, but much poorer.
The unfortunate thing is that we’ve already spent at least $700 billion on other bailouts that did not solve the problem. And while all this negotiation was taking place, the auto industry was quietly bailed out, with no controversy, no discussion, to the tune of $25 billion.
Inevitably, it appears Congress will call their constituents’ bluff and the bailout will pass, because that is the habit Wall Street and Washington have fallen into. People are right to be concerned about our financial future. I’ve been talking for 30 some years about reasons we need to be concerned and change our ways. We find ourselves now in a position of no good options, and no silver bullets. But the worst thing we can do is to compound our problems by intensifying the mistakes of the past. We do have tough economic times ahead, no doubt, no matter what we do, even if we do nothing. The question, is will we have the courage to take our medicine now and get it over with, or will we prolong the misery for many years to come? I’m less and less optimistic about the answer to that question.
Foolish business behavior was about to be rewarded, and propped up a little longer, the bubble blown a little bigger, and our coming Depression made that much greater, but then something happened on the way to the House floor.
Citizens made their voices heard.
The real story behind the story in Congress this week was the thousands of calls and emails sent to Representatives, clogging up inboxes and even slowing down the House internet system. Slowly, like the Titanic turning around, sentiments on the Hill shifted, and we heard Congressmen capitulating and changing their tune a little, desperately trying to find ways to salvage the bailout without completely enraging their constituencies.
Now we hear about taxpayer protections, about golden parachutes, and about other nuances that hardly cover up the fact that we would be creating more money out of thin air and further devaluing the dollar! The problem is not HOW the government is spending this money; it’s the fact that the government is spending this money. We don’t have it. We are already nearly $10 trillion in debt, not including unfunded liabilities. We already spend about $1 trillion a year we don’t have on our overseas empire. Now nearly $1 trillion more is somehow supposed to magically appear and solve all our problems! No – creating more money might delay the inevitable for some well-connected banks on Wall Street, but in a few weeks we will find ourselves right back in this same position, but much poorer.
The unfortunate thing is that we’ve already spent at least $700 billion on other bailouts that did not solve the problem. And while all this negotiation was taking place, the auto industry was quietly bailed out, with no controversy, no discussion, to the tune of $25 billion.
Inevitably, it appears Congress will call their constituents’ bluff and the bailout will pass, because that is the habit Wall Street and Washington have fallen into. People are right to be concerned about our financial future. I’ve been talking for 30 some years about reasons we need to be concerned and change our ways. We find ourselves now in a position of no good options, and no silver bullets. But the worst thing we can do is to compound our problems by intensifying the mistakes of the past. We do have tough economic times ahead, no doubt, no matter what we do, even if we do nothing. The question, is will we have the courage to take our medicine now and get it over with, or will we prolong the misery for many years to come? I’m less and less optimistic about the answer to that question.
Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 182

01/10/08 - "ICH" - --
The mystery has been solved.For nearly a year, we have been asking ourselves why the investors and foreign banks that bought up hundreds of billions of dollars of worthless mortgage-backed securities (MBS) from US investment banks have not taken legal action against these same banks or initiated a boycott of US financial products to prevent more people from getting ripped off?Now we know the answer. It's because, behind the scenes, Henry Paulson and Co. were working out a deal to dump the whole trillion dollar mess on the US taxpayer. That's what this whole $700 billion boondoggle is all about; wiping out the massive debts that were generated in the biggest incident of fraud in history. Rep Brad Sherman explained it like this last night to Larry Kudlow: "It (The bill) provides hundreds of billions of dollars of bailouts to foreign investors. It provides no real control of Paulson's power. There is a critique board but not really a board that can step in and change what he does. It's a $700 billion program run by a part-time temporary employee and there is no limit on million dollar a month salaries....... It's very clear. The Bank of Shanghai can transfer all of its toxic assets to the Bank of Shanghai of Los Angeles which can then sell them the next day to the Treasury. I had a provision to say if it wasn't owned by an American entity even a subsidiary, but at least an entity in the US, the Treasury can't buy it. It was rejected.The bill is very clear. Assets now held in China and London can be sold to US entities on Monday and then sold to the Treasury on Tuesday. Paulson has made it clear he will recommend a veto of any bill that contained a clear provision that said if Americans did not own the asset on September 20th that it can't be sold to the Treasury. Hundreds of billions of dollars are going to bail out foreign investors. They know it, they demanded it and the bill has been carefully written to make sure it can happen." So, why hasn't the Treasury Secretary explained the real purpose of the bailout to the American people? Could it be that he knows that his $700 billion bailout would end up like the Hindenburg, vanishing in sheets of flames? This is a terrible bill, and it confers absolute authority on one of the central players in the scandal, Henry Paulson, who was the Chairman of Goldman Sachs at the time this MBS garbage was being peddled around the planet to credulous investors. Now Paulson will be in a position to buy up any "troubled asset" he that he believes could pose a threat to "financial market stability". That's just great! It is clear that Paulson will use his unchecked powers to wipe the slate clean and remove any possibility that foreign investors will take legal action against the real perpetrators; the giant Wall Street investment banks.So, how do the American people like paying off Paulson and Co. future legal bills? Is that how taxpayer revenue should be spent instead of on education, health care and infrastructure? There's another reason why Paulson is working so hard to pass the Bailout for Tycoons Bill; it's a windfall for the banking giants. Citi did not simply pick up Wachovia by happenstance nor did JP Morgan purchase Washington Mutual because it wanted to perform its civic duty and prevent a full-system meltdown. No way; they were clearly aware of the way the wind was blowing. In fact, neither case manages to pass the smell test.This is from AP's Sara Lepro: "Citigroup agreed Monday to purchase Wachovia's banking operations for $2.1 billion in a deal arranged by federal regulators, making the Charlotte-based bank the latest casualty of the widening global financial crisis.'
Jim Sinclair 4

Jim Sinclair, mr. Gold volgens de New York Times. Van deze goudhandelaar die mij in 2002 adviseerde goud te kopen omdat het toen 200 dollar per troy ounce was en volgens hem in 2008 tenminste 900 dollar zou zijn (wat klopte) kreeg ik zojuist deze email:
'Dear Extend Family,
Unless the LIBOR rate drops sharply we are facing a planetary financial crisis next week.
For God's sake protect yourself.
Gold and gold related items will be the only true storehouses of wealth. The bailout bill is powerless to reverse what is now happening.
This is a modern day Weimar happening right before our eyes.
Respectfully yours,
Unless the LIBOR rate drops sharply we are facing a planetary financial crisis next week.
For God's sake protect yourself.
Gold and gold related items will be the only true storehouses of wealth. The bailout bill is powerless to reverse what is now happening.
This is a modern day Weimar happening right before our eyes.
Respectfully yours,
Zie ook: http://www.jsmineset.com/
Philippe Remarque van de Volkskrant

Deze vlot gekuifde in korte broek gestoken jongeman is Philippe Remarque, correspondent van de Volkskrant.
Wat hebben Nederlandse correspondenten in de VS toch tegen de parlementaire democratie? Op de voorpagina van de Volkskrant schrijft Philippe Remarque vanuit Washington vandaag een 'analyse' onder de paniekerige kop: 'President Bush is alle gezag kwijt. Amerikaanse noodplan. Het machtsvacuum in de VS bemoeilijkt een uitweg uit de financiele crisis.'
Machtsvacuum? Sinds wanneer is er sprake van een machtsvacuum wanneer volksvertegenwoordigers 'meer oog voor de woede van de kiezer' hebben? Democratie betekent nu juist dat de wil van de bevolking gerespecteerd wordt. Nietwaar? De volksvertegenwoordigers zitten er niet om hun eigen zakken of die van de bankiers te spekken, maar om de wil van het volk in politieke besluiten om te zetten. Sinds wanneer betekent dit een 'machtsvacuum'?
Alleen mensen die in een totalitaire macht van 1 president geloven, denken dat er sprake is van een 'machtsvacuum', zodra een plannetje van de baas niet onmiddellijk geaccepteerd wordt. Daarentegen zeg ik als onafhankelijk journalist dat dit nu juist het teken is van een volwassen democratie! Meer dan 530 Congresleden vertegenwoordigen 300 miljoen Amerikanen, en al hun belangen spelen op de achtergrond mee. Het is een proces van checks and balances, dat doorgaans ontaardt in gesjoemel in achterkamertjes en het steunen van de belangen van de rijken. In Nederland heet dat het poldermodel, maar dat heeft natuurlijk niets met een ware democratie van doen. In verband met de op handen zijnde verkiezingen moeten democratisch gekozen politici nu enkele weken naar de wil van het volk luisteren om herkozen te kunnen worden. Even democratie dus. En dat is nu in de ogen van de journalisten als Remarque en Tom-Jan Meeus een 'machtsvacuum' waarbij 'gekken aan de macht' zijn en dat is 1 van de 'tekenen van ontbinding.'
Wie zijn hier nu gekken?
De Commerciele Massamedia 142

De in 1865 geboren Britse auteur Rudyard Kipling omschreef het zo: 'Muilezel, paard, olifant of os gehoorzaamt zijn berijder, en zijn berijder zijn sergeant, en de sergeant zijn luitenant, en de luitenant zijn kapitein, en de kapitein zijn majoor, en de majoor zijn kolonel, en de kolonel zijn brigadecommandant die drie regimenten onder bevel heeft, en de brigadecommandant zijn generaal, die de onderkoning gehoorzaamt, en die is de dienaar van de keizerin.'
Dat was de natuurlijke orde der dingen. En zo is die nog steeds, behalve dat de muilezel nu een computer is geworden en de keizerin een bankier, omdat die -zoals een journalist gisteravond op de Nederlandse televisie verklaarde - onmisbaar is voor het in standhouden van de natuurlijke orde, hij voorziet de mensheid namelijk van onmisbare 'brandstof, het geld.' En ergens in deze hierarchie past de journalist, die net als de geestelijke vroeger, elke dag weer de gelovigen verteld hoe de natuurlijke orde van de wereld eruit ziet.
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