zaterdag 11 augustus 2012

Waardigheid 8

Omdat ik maar eens in de paar dagen mijn berg in Italie afzak, kan ik niet regelmatig antwoorden.

Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Waardigheid 7" achtergelaten: 

Waardigheid. Trouw: Uit de bijstand en aan de slag in kassen of thuiszorg: goed dat er iemand is die doorzet - want..."misschien zijn de Polen straks op." 

  1. Beste Stan,

    of de Cinezen het sterkste zijn weet ik niet. Ze zijn wel erg talrijk, en volgens mijn favoriete evolutie-psycholoog, J.P.Rushton, zijn ze intelligenter dan caucasians. Rushton werd daar in 1994 nog om geridiculiseerd, want kijk hoe arm die Chinezen zijn. Bovendien zijn ze erg nijver en in staat lang en geconcentreerd te werken. Allemaal het gevolg van hun stabiele biotoop en de hoge mate van onderlinge concurrentie die daarvan het gevolg is.

    Ik zal U niet langer lastig vallen met de evolutie-psychologie. Dat onderdeel van de kennis/cultuur wijst U duidelijk af.

    Ik ben niet zo'n kunst-genieter, maar ben graag in vreemde en sfeervolle omgevingen. In het verleden boekte ik voor begin mei altijd een retourtje Madrid of Pisa, met Ryanair, en huurde daar dan een klein autotje ( 25 eurotjes per dag, als je vooraf met Hertz boekt en geen extra verzekering neemt),en reed dan in de eerste warme lentedagen ( met een beetje geluk is het dan 22 graden) door het Toscaanse landschap. Zelfs dan zijn er veel toeristen, maar niet zo erg als in juli, en je hebt geen last van de ferme hitte die in de zomer in Italiaanse steden kan hangen. Het gebeurde dan wel dat ik huilend van geluk door de straten van Siena liep: gewoon omdat het zo fijn is daar te zijn. ( Dat was niet alleen door de sfeer, maar ook door de eerste warme zonnestralen waar je dan van genoot.)
    Ik begrijp wel dat U zich stoort aan de platheid van vele toeristen, maar ik vind dat iedereen recht heeft op zijn manier van leven.
    En als je het al iemand kwalijk wil nemen, dan toch de elite. Vroeger probeerde de elite om de massa op een hoger plan te brengen. Tegenwoordig zijn de bezitters van de massa-media druk doende om de mensen op een lager niveau te brengen. ("Hey you, motha fucka") Als oprechte conspiracy-adept heb ik daar natuurlijk wel een theorie over, maar ook daar zal ik U niet mee lastig vallen.

    Ik heb ook ooit een maand door China gereisd met de trein, en af en toe een electrische brommertje gehuurd en belandde dan echt in de arme dorpen. De armoede is soms onbeschrijflijk. Soms moest ik de accu bijladen, en dan kwam mijn brommer midden in de chinese huiskamer te staan. Onverwarmd, jassen aan, buitendeur open. Ik begon soms wel aan de info van Rushton te twijfelen.... Maar dan kwam opeens zo'n dreutel van 5 jaar naar je toe met een schriftje waarin ze haar eerste Engelse woordjes had geschreven !!

    Dus wat mij betreft: Ik gun dat meisje op de Segway haar wereldje. Ze is er gelukkig mee.
    Ramses zong: "Laat me..." Waarom geldt dat niet voor deze toeristen,
    Stan? Waarom veroordeel je hen, en niet de eigenaar van MTV ? Hij is de schuldige.
  2. De vorige post is niet van Hugo, maar van Jan Verheul, zoals je zal begrijpen. En ook deze post, al staat er dan weer Hugo boven.

    Ik citeer Jan Verheul:

    'Ik begrijp wel dat U zich stoort aan de platheid van vele toeristen, maar ik vind dat iedereen recht heeft op zijn manier van leven.
    En als je het al iemand kwalijk wil nemen, dan toch de elite. Vroeger probeerde de elite om de massa op een hoger plan te brengen. Tegenwoordig zijn de bezitters van de massa-media druk doende om de mensen op een lager niveau te brengen. ("Hey you, motha fucka") Als oprechte conspiracy-adept heb ik daar natuurlijk wel een theorie over, maar ook daar zal ik U niet mee lastig vallen.'

    Verheul stelt dat 'iederen recht heeft op zijn manier van leven.' Dit klinkt redelijk maar is het niet, en wel omdat het een verkeerde voorstelling van zaken geeft. Het punt is nu juist dat 'vele toeristen' volstrekt niet bezig zijn met hun 'manier van leven.' Integendeel zelfs. De massa handelt conform geconditioneerde reflexen, de massa reageert als een kudde, zoals uitgebreid en gedocumenteerd beschreven is door onder andere de sociale wetenschappers van de Frankfurter Schule en door sociologen als C. Wright Mills. Al talloze jaren besteed ik op mijn weblog aandacht aan dit feit. Hoewel Verheul's opmerking redelijk lijkt is het niet meer dan vrijblijvende onzin. Al even vrijblijvend is Verheul's opmerking: 'Ik gun dat meisje op de Segway haar wereldje. Ze is er gelukkig mee.' Of ze er gelukkig mee is, weet Verheul niet en interesseert hem ook niet. Wat ik wel weet is dat ze acteert gelukkig te zijn, zoals ontelbare andere mensen een rolletje spelen omdat ze domweg niet de creativiteit bezitten om een eigen rol te spelen en niet die welke ze via glossy tijdschriften en de alom tegenwoordige propaganda opgelegd krijgen. Ook daarover bestaan diepgravende analyses. wat we hier zien zijn ook niet 'gelukkige' toeristen maar onverzadigbare consumenten die niet geinformeerd willen worden over het cultureel erfgoed van anderen, maar gefoussed zijn op het consumeren van merkproducten die ze overal ter wereld kunnen aanschaffen. De Chinese vrouw op de foto staat niet voor niets op een Segway te poseren. Het probleem met iemand als Verheul is dat hij niet verder kijkt dan de oppervlakte, en vervolgens verregaande conclusies daaruit trekt. Hij kan niet door de schijn heen prikken, en kan zich ook niet voorstellen dat anderen dit wel kunnen.

dinsdag 7 augustus 2012

Syrie 66

'Nieuwe post op Willy Van Damme's Weblog

Britse SAS in Syrië

by willyvandamme
Volgens een bericht in de Britse conservatieve krant Mail on Sunday van zondag 5 augustus levert de Britse regering ultramodern communicatiemateriaal aan de rebellen in Syrië. Het is materiaal dat hitte, zandstormen en water kan weerstaan en moet dienen om een betere coördinatie tussen die verschillende soms met elkaar vechtende rebellengroepen te verbeteren.
Volgens de krant betekent dat ook dat er Britse militaire adviseurs in het land actief zijn. Die zouden aldus het dagblad vertrekken vanuit basissen in Jordanië, een oude Britse kolonie wiens koningshuis na de onafhankelijkheid steeds nauwe relaties met London heeft blijven onderhouden.
Het zou hier gaan om mensen van de SAS, de Special Air Services, de afdeling special forces van het Britse leger, en de SBS, de Special Boat Services, mensen van de Royal Navy. Nog steeds volgens de krant zou men hen ook technieken leren over hoe om te gaan met o.m. de buitenlandse media.
Op die wijze wil men de indruk vermijden dat het hier vooral gaat om een door salafisten geleide opstand. Zo blijken volgens vele getuigenissen ook tientallen Britse jihadisten in Syrië te vechten tegen Assad.
Het lijkt weinig twijfel dat de Britse regering de meeste namen van die jihadisten ook wel kent. De regering van David Cameron heeft immers een grote controle over dit milieu en beschikt bijna zeker over de namen van de meeste betrokken personen en organisaties.
Sjeik Bassam Ayachi
Ook deze lijken dus met toestemming van de Britten naar Syrië te zijn getrokken. Er is immers geen verhaal gekend van arrestaties in dit milieu naar aanleiding van de oorlog in Syrië.
Het is trouwens opvallend dat niemand in België verhinderde dat ook de zoon van de Belgisch-Syrische sjeik Bassam Ayachi, een man gelinkt aan Al Qaeda, zonder problemen naar Syrië kon vertrekken.
Deze moest nochtans wegens terrorisme voor de Brusselse rechtbank verschijnen. Ongetwijfeld werd ook deze nauw door de Staatsveiligheid gevolgd en toch kon hij het land ontvluchten richting Syrië. Ongetwijfeld een vraag voor het parlement aan Alain Winants, chef van onze Staatsveiligheid. 
Toen de Nederlandse persfotograaf Jeroen Oerlemans recent pal over de Turkse grens door een groep jihadisten werd gekidnapt bleken minstens 15 van die jihadisten gezien de dialecten die ze spraken uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk te komen. Waarna de Britse regering een onderzoek beloofde. Wat bijna zeker niets zal opleveren. Wedden?
Voorheen zijn er in de media al verhalen verschenen over Franse soldaten die in Syrië gevangen waren genomen alsmede over militairen uit Qatar, de Israëlische Mossad en Amerikaanse huurlingen van SCG International. Hoeveel buitenlandse jihadisten er in Syrië vechten is moeilijk in te schatten. Iemand noemde recent al zelfs een getal van  65.000, maar dat lijkt eerder aan de hoge kant.
Willy Van Damme
willyvandamme | 6 augustus 2012 op23:59 | Categorieën:Uncategorized | URL:
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maandag 6 augustus 2012

Saudi Dictators

David Ignatius
'David Ignatius

Opinion Writer

Is Saudi Arabia on the edge?

By appointing Prince Bandar bin Sultan as its new intelligence chief, Saudi Arabia has installed what looks like a war cabinet at a time of rising tensions with Iran and growing internal dissent from its Shiite minority.
The Saudis have also heightened their alert level in other ways to prepare for possible regional conflict. Some Saudi military and security personnel were mobilized last month — called back from summer leave or told to cancel planned vacations. One explanation of the mobilization making the rounds in Riyadh is that the Saudis expected that Turkey might retaliate against Syria for the shoot-down of one of its fighters in late June.
David Ignatius
Ignatius writes a twice-a-week foreign affairs column and contributes to the PostPartisan blog.

The installation of a new intelligence chief came as Saudi Arabia was stepping up its support for insurgents in Syria seeking to topple the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. In this covert effort, the Saudis are working with the United States, France, Turkey, Jordan and other nations that want Assad out.
Bandar will succeed Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz, who was barely visible in the West during his years as Saudi intelligence chief. This led to widespread comment that Muqrin had been fired, but he is said to retain the confidence of King Abdullah, who will use him as a special emissary to Pakistan and other Muslim nations where Muqrin’s traditional Saudi demeanor will be useful.
Bandar, the flamboyant former ambassador to Washington, had appeared to be sidelined in the past several years because of poor health and personal issues. His appointment now as intelligence chief probably signals the desire of both King Abdullah and the new Crown Prince Salman to have an experienced covert operator to handle sensitive foreign contacts at a time of sharply rising tensions.
Bandar would be a useful intermediary, for example, if Saudi Arabia sought nuclear weapons or ballistic missile technology from China to defend against such threats from Iran. Bandar was the go-between in a secret 1987 missile deal with China, known as “East Wind.” Bandar has also been active in secret missions with Syria and Lebanon for decades, and the Wall Street Journal reported that he helped arrange a recent visit to Saudi Arabia by Gen. Manaf Tlass, the highest-ranking Syrian defector.
Bandar is especially well-placed to manage intelligence liaison with the United States, given his two decades here as ambassador. Bandar maintained close relations with the CIA during Ronald Reagan’s presidency, and was said to have helped organize secret funding for joint Saudi-American covert actions in the Middle East. During the run-up to the 1991 Gulf War, Bandar was so close to President George H.W. Bush that he became known as “Bandar Bush,” a moniker that continued under President George W. Bush.
Bandar continued to play a behind-the scenes role even after he left Washington in 2005. He was said, for example, to support Vice President Dick Cheney’s confrontational policy against Iran, to the consternation of Prince Turki al-Faisal, his successor as ambassador, who was working with less hawkish members of the Bush administration.
Interestingly, Bandar has been a special target for Iranian media attacks in recent days. Iran’s Press TV on Aug. 2 described him as “the linchpin in the ‘dastardly subterfuges’ of the CIA and Mossad against Syria.” Press TV also carried an uncorroborated report early last week claiming that Bandar had been assassinated; the rumor was rebutted Friday by a source who said that Bandar had been in telephone contact with non-Saudis.
At home, the Saudis have been struggling to contain Shiite protests in Al-Qatif, in the kingdom’s oil-rich eastern province. Those protests, which the Saudis believe are Iran-inspired, led to two deaths in early July, according to a July 9 BBC report. The demonstrations continued last week and there were reports of more casualties.
The Saudis haven’t been able to stop the insurgency in Al-Qatif; indeed, it appears to be worsening. The protesters may hope to provoke the Saudis into a bloody crackdown, which would leave scores dead and encourage much wider demonstrations and international outcry. So far, the Saudis have avoided such an escalation through relatively restrained tactics. Saudi reformers argue that the best way to quell Shiite protests is to give them the full economic and political rights of citizenship.
Iran’s Press TV on July 27 featured an interview with an analyst headlined: “Collapse of al-Saud regime becomes more realistic than before.” The information may have been Tehran’s propaganda, but it helps explain why the Saudi monarchy is going to battle stations.

Chris Hedges 8

The Science of Genocide

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Posted on Aug 6, 2012
Illustration by Mr. Fish

On this day in 1945 the United States demonstrated that it was as morally bankrupt as the Nazi machine it had recently vanquished and the Soviet regime with which it was allied. Over Hiroshima, and three days later over Nagasaki, it exploded an atomic device that was the most efficient weapon of genocide in human history. The blast killed tens of thousands of men, women and children. It was an act of mass annihilation that was strategically and militarily indefensible. The Japanese had been on the verge of surrender. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had no military significance. It was a war crime for which no one was ever tried. The explosions, which marked the culmination of three centuries of physics, signaled the ascendancy of the technician and scientist as our most potent agents of death.
“In World War II Auschwitz and Hiroshima showed that progress through technology has escalated man’s destructive impulses into more precise and incredibly more devastating form,” Bruno Bettelheim said. “The concentration camps with their gas chambers, the first atomic bomb … confronted us with the stark reality of overwhelming death, not so much one’s own—this each of us has to face sooner or later, and however uneasily, most of us manage not to be overpowered by our fear of it—but the unnecessary and untimely death of millions. … Progress not only failed to preserve life but it deprived millions of their lives more effectively than had ever been possible before. Whether we choose to recognize it or not, after the second World War Auschwitz and Hiroshima became monuments to the incredible devastation man and technology together bring about.”
The atomic blasts, ignited in large part to send a message to the Soviet Union, were a reminder that science is morally neutral. Science and technology serve the ambitions of humankind. And few in the sciences look beyond the narrow tasks handed to them by corporations or government. They employ their dark arts, often blind to the consequences, to cement into place systems of security and surveillance, as well as systems of environmental destruction, that will result in collective enslavement and mass extermination. As we veer toward environmental collapse we will have to pit ourselves against many of these experts, scientists and technicians whose loyalty is to institutions that profit from exploitation and death.
Scientists and technicians in the United States over the last five decades built 70,000 nuclear weapons at a cost of $5.5 trillion. (The Soviet Union had a nuclear arsenal of similar capability.) By 1963, according to the Columbia University professor Seymour Melman, the United States could overkill the 140 principal cities in the Soviet Union more than 78 times. Yet we went on manufacturing nuclear warheads. And those who publicly questioned the rationality of the massive nuclear buildup, such as J. Robert Oppenheimer, who at the government lab at Los Alamos, N.M., had overseen the building of the two bombs used on Japan, often were zealously persecuted on suspicion of being communists or communist sympathizers. It was a war plan that called for a calculated act of enormous, criminal genocide. We built more and more bombs with the sole purpose of killing hundreds of millions of people. And those who built them, with few exceptions, never gave a thought to their suicidal creations.
“What are we to make of a civilization which has always regarded ethics as an essential part of human life [but] which has not been able to talk about the prospect of killing almost everyone except in prudential and game-theoretical terms?” Oppenheimer asked after World War II.

Max Born, the great German-British physicist and mathematician who was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics, in his memoirs made it clear he disapproved of Oppenheimer and the other physicists who built the atomic bombs. “It is satisfying to have had such clever and efficient pupils,” Born wrote, “but I wish they had shown less cleverness and more wisdom.” Oppenheimer wrote his old teacher back. “Over the years, I have felt a certain disapproval on your part for much that I have done. This has always seemed to me quite natural, for it is a sentiment that I share.” But of course, by then, it was too late.
It was science, industry and technology that made possible the 20th century’s industrial killing. These forces magnified innate human barbarity. They served the immoral. And there are numerous scientists who continue to work in labs across the country on weapons systems that have the capacity to exterminate millions of human beings. Is this a “rational” enterprise? Is it moral? Does it advance the human species? Does it protect life?
For many of us, science has supplanted religion. We harbor a naive faith in the godlike power of science. Since scientific knowledge is cumulative, albeit morally neutral, it gives the illusion that human history and human progress also are cumulative. Science is for us what totems and spells were for our premodern ancestors. It is magical thinking. It feeds our hubris and sense of divine empowerment. And trusting in its fearsome power will mean our extinction.
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Western Terrorism 19

Week in Review: Al Qaeda in Syria and Police State USA

Global Research, August 3, 2012

SYRIA: NATO's Next "Humanitarian" War?
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-08-15
ONLINE INTERACTIVE I-BOOK. The insurgency in Syria is based on the "Libya Model": it is integrated by mercenaries and Al Qaeda affiliated paramilitary brigades supported by British, French and Turkish Special Forces...
The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III
- by Michel Chossudovsky, Finian Cunningham - 2012-08-14
The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously.
Help stop the media lies on Syria: War is NOT the answer
- 2012-08-08
The Austerity Hoax
- by Stephen Lendman - 2012-08-03
The Unraveling Anglo-American Imperial Project
- by Dr Anthony Gronowicz - 2012-08-03
Why Are Things Crumbling Around Us…and Could Easily Get Worse?
- by Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay - 2012-08-03
The Devastating Impacts of Economic Sanctions on the People of Iran
Ordinary citizens are the silent victims
- by Kourosh Ziabari - 2012-08-03
"Manufactured Dissent": The Financial Bearings of the "Progressive Left Media"
- by Prof. James F. Tracy - 2012-08-03
Turkey's Intervention In Syria Could Backfire
- by Ilya Kharlamov - 2012-08-03
Al-Qaeda Directs Free Syrian Army in Controlled Demolition of Syria
- by Susanne Posel - 2012-08-03
How the GOP Could Steal the 2012 Election: Corporate Vote Theft and the Future of American Democracy
- by Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman - 2012-08-02
"Open Government", "Open War" against Iraq: Britain’s War Against theTruth
- by Felicity Arbuthnot - 2012-08-02
Towards A "Soft Invasion"? The Launching of a "Humanitarian War" against Syria
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-08-02
The unspoken objective of these military and intelligence options is to destabilize the secular State and implement, through military means, the transition towards a post Assad "Islamist-dominated or influenced regime" modelled on Qatar and Saudi Arabia
GRTV: How Big Money Buys US Elections and Elected Officials
Hundreds of revolvers are serving in the Obama administration
- 2012-08-02
GRTV: CIA and Mossad on Syria Front Line
Obama signed secret order allowing CIA support rebels
- by Pepe Escobar - 2012-08-02
Choosing Hegemony: Turkey, NATO and the Path to War
- by Eric Draitser - 2012-08-02
Rex 84: Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America
- by Susanne Posel - 2012-08-02
Third Russian-Chinese Veto Blocks the Road to World War III
- by Carla Stea - 2012-08-02
Cold-Blood Mass Murder in Syria by the West’s "Pro-Democracy Opposition"
- by Finian Cunningham - 2012-08-02
Turkey Supplies Syrian Rebels With Air Defense Missiles - TV
- 2012-08-02
Chinese Warship Crosses Suez, Possibly Bound for Syria
Crossing Adds to Speculation About Massive Naval Drill
- by Jason Ditz - 2012-08-02
US-Libyan Mercenary Plans #Kony 2012 Psyop against Syria
- by Paul Joseph Watson - 2012-08-02
Remembering Gore Vidal
- by Stephen Lendman - 2012-08-02
Washington Wired for War: Why Syria Could Spell World Catastrophe
- by Finian Cunningham - 2012-08-01
The unveiling of new US military bases and partnerships in Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam are the demonstration of Washington’s increasing militarist agenda towards China.
Militarization: The Olympic Flag in the Hands of Soldiers
- by Manlio Dinucci - 2012-08-01
The Militarization of Education in America
- by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich - 2012-08-01
Peace IS possible if we remain committed to the truth
- 2012-08-01
The US Government's Judicial Assault on Fundamental Political Rights
Dangerous Mischaracterization In NDAA Ruling
- by Raymond Lotta - 2012-08-01
The Militarization of Western Society
Selected Articles
- 2012-08-01
The Neoconservative War Criminals In Our Midst
- by Paul Craig Roberts - 2012-08-01
The Role of the CIA-pampered Saudi Spymaster in Syria
- by Dr. Ismail Salami - 2012-08-01
War and Militarization: US Arms Sales to the Middle East
- by Reza Rahmati - 2012-08-01
Specialized Military Police Deployed in America During Civil Unrest
- by Susanne Posel - 2012-08-01
Drills involving the US military and mock civilian uprisings or riot scenarios were conducted at Vigilant Guard 2010 where “Americans” were told to demand food and their Constitutional rights while soldiers practiced subduing and containing them.
Religious Rhetoric: Mitt Romney’s "Tour de Farce"
- by Michael Carmichael - 2012-08-01
The Return Of The King – Tony Blair And The Magically Disappearing Blood
- by David Cromwell - 2012-07-31
DARPA's Blue Angel - Pentagon Prepares Millions of Vaccines Against Future Global Flu
- 2012-07-31
GRTV: US and NATO to Blame for Syria Violence
Exploring the truth about what's happening in Syria
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-07-31
Major Media Admit Presence of Foreign Militants in Syria
- by Stephen Lendman - 2012-07-31
Germany participates in war preparations against Syria
- by Christoph Dreier - 2012-07-31
America's "Long War": Pentagon Rallies Arab, Israeli Allies Against Syria and Iran
- by Rick Rozoff - 2012-07-31
VIDEO: America's "War under the Table" in Syria: Former Blackwater Mercenaries Training FSA Terrorists
- by Christoph R. Horstel - 2012-07-31
The Colorado "Batman Shooter". De-mystifying Mass Murder in America
Taboo Question: What were the brain-altering psych drugs that the Batman Shooter might have been taking or withdrawing from?
- by Dr. Gary G. Kohls - 2012-07-31
Taboo Question: What were the brain-altering psych drugs that the Batman Shooter might have been taking or withdrawing from?
The Syrian Intelligence War: A Tale of Two Security Headquarters
- by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - 2012-07-31
Syria is currently the scene of a US-NATO-Israel and Russia-China-Iran Cold War confrontation. Amidst the fighting between the Syrian government and anti-government forces, an intense intelligence war has also been taking place.
Bid for naval dominance: Russia significantly boosts nuclear fleet
- by Aleksey Nikolskyi - 2012-07-30
Black Dossier: HSBC and Terrorist Finance
- by Tom Burghardt - 2012-07-30
VIDEO: "Panetta has Blood on his Hands for Supporting Syrian Rebels"
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-07-30
"No Blood for Oil": The Unfinished Story of Iraq's Oil Law
- by Greg Muttitt, Ali Issa - 2012-07-30
Is Israel a Member of "The International Community"?
- by Jonathan Cook - 2012-07-30
"Free Syrian Army" is Al Qaeda: WikiLeaks Propaganda About Chemical Weapons in Syria
- by Susanne Posel - 2012-07-30
Escape From Economics
- by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - 2012-07-30
How the Economy Works: the Necessity of Crime
- by Prof. John Kozy - 2012-07-30
Marine Corps Creates Law Enforcement Battalions
- by Julie Watson - 2012-07-30
GRTV: Which Way Forward for the Montreal Student Strike?
Five months after launch of protests, the movement stands at a crossroads
- 2012-07-30
Humanitarian Military Intervention in Syria? Who is Behind the Atrocities?
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-07-30
In the wake of the UN Security Council deadlock, a new dangerous phase of the war on Syria is unfolding. The Obama administration, in liaison with London, Paris, Tel Aviv and NATO in Brussels, is mulling over various military "intervention options", including naval and air operations...
The Next Stage in the Destruction of Syria
- by Shamus Cooke - 2012-07-30
‘British-born jihadists fighting Assad in Syria’ – captured photographer
- 2012-07-30
BREAKING: US Supported "Free Syrian Army" Defeated in Damascus, In Retreat in Aleppo
- 2012-07-29
MEDICARE FOR ALL: Open Letter to President Obama from Health Professionals, Lawyers and Advocates
- 2012-07-29
Israel, US Warmongers Bent on Brewing Iran Crisis
- by Dr. Ismail Salami - 2012-07-29
Dangerous Crossroads: US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon has presented Washington's contingency plans for a possible attack on Iran to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once the nuclear negotiations reach an impasse.
UK in double-dip recession
- by Robert Stevens - 2012-07-29
Seeds of Destruction: Hijacking of the World's Food System
- 2012-07-29
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Linked to Nuclear Technology Smuggling Ring - FBI Files
- by Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy - 2012-07-29
US Denies UN Arms Trade Treaty in Favor of Providing Weapons to Insurgents
- by Susanne Posel - 2012-07-29
German intelligence: al-Qaeda all over Syria
- by John Rosenthal - 2012-07-28
GRTV: Rooftop Missile Controversy in London 2012 Olympics
Olympic Verdict Places British Residents Under Military Rule Indefinitely
- by Patrick Henningsen, Daisy Jones - 2012-07-28
US and Allies Propose Military Strongman as Head of Future Syrian Government
- by Chris Marsden - 2012-07-28
No end to drone strikes in Pakistan: Prelude to another US led war?
- by Prof. Ali Sukhanver - 2012-07-28
Playing the Holocaust Card: Will Romney Visit Auschwitz?
- by Michael Carmichael - 2012-07-28
Russia Prepares Armed Forces for Syrian Military Deployment
- by Clara Weiss - 2012-07-28
Why Do Progressive Liberals Fall for “Humanitarian War”?
- by Washington's Blog - 2012-07-27
London Olympics: Reversal of Saudi Ban on Women Athletes is a Veil for Western Imperialism
- by Finian Cunningham - 2012-07-27
For the first time in over a century of the modern Games, women athletes will be representing all 204 participating nations. The historic landmark is down to a last-minute U-turn by one country – Saudi Arabia.

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