vrijdag 26 september 2008
Het Neoliberale Geloof 152

Het Neoliberale Geloof 151

'As Predicted, Economic 9/11 Hits Wall Street: Depression Next, Trend Seer
"In 2008, Americans will wake up to the worst economic times that anyone alive has ever seen. And they won't know what hit them." -- Gerald Celente,
17 December 2007
The financial world is in free fall and very few saw it coming. As the The New York Times wrote, "A year into the financial crisis, few dreamed that the situation would spiral down, so far, so fast." (NYT, 15 September
Even now, in the midst of the chaos, Wall Street, Washington and the media, are in damage control mode, still unwilling to acknowledge the dire implications of the acknowledged facts.
According to Celente, the worst is yet to come, and it's going to go global. He said, that the old adage, 'when America sneezes the rest of the world catches pneumonia,' holds truer than the newly minted "de-coupling"
theory that global growth can be sustained absent a strong US marketplace.
"Equity markets worldwide have collapsed and there is nothing in place that will support them," said Celente.
"Lehman's Brother's was the biggest bankruptcy in United States history and it won't be the last. There will be many more 'too big to fails' and there won't be enough money to bail them all out. First it was Bear Stearns; then it was Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, A.I.G.; tomorrow there will be others,"
said Celente, Director of the Trends Research Institute.
"And the failures will extend beyond the financial sector," he predicted.
"In the coming weeks, months and years, we'll see a steady stream of banks, giant retailers, consumer product companies, manufacturers, leveraged buyout firms and home builders going under. The next economic shoe to drop will be in the commercial real estate sector," he said.
Asked how he was able to see what others could not, Celente marveled, "How could they not have seen it coming? Virtually every day since July 24, 2007, when the Dow took a 226 point dive, we've been bombarded with a steady stream of dire economic news and depressing data."
When asked if the stock market has now bottomed, Celente said "don't ask me, ask Cramer." The CNBC Mad Money guru, Jim Cramer, asserted on July 29 that the market bottomed from "the panicked lows it hit on July 15. "
"It's black comedy," said Celente, "I don't know whose bottom he was talking about. Even now, when you turn on the business news, the "experts"
who didn't see the panic coming are still telling us the market has 'capitulated' and a 'bottom' is being formed.
"But I wouldn't be surprised if the Dow sinks to 8,000. When you add up the data it equals Depression," said Celente, who also accurately predicted the
1987 stock market crash, the Asian currency crisis, the last two recessions and the dot.com bust, to name a few of his major calls.
Celente has been alerting subscribers, clients and audiences worldwide, for over a year, of the severity of the crisis and what to do about it. "Our bold forecast for gold to hit $2000 and the dollar to dive gained credence yesterday when gold had its biggest one day gain ever and the dollar plummeted.
"We've made scores of rock-solid recommendations on how to preserve capital and prepare for the turbulent times ahead. But despite the hard evidence and loud warning bells, many people are still in denial. They hear what they want and hope against hope. Conventional wisdom holds that the financial turbulence will pass and the long-term fundamentals are sound.
They are not. Empire America is collapsing and neither the Fed, Congress, the President nor the Presidents-in-waiting will be able to do anything substantive to reverse the course.
*(See "Economic 9/11, Escape Plan," Trends in the News, 12 November 2007; "Economic 9/11," Top Trends 2008, Trends Journal, Winter 2008.)
Trends Research P.O. Box 660 Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Maarten Schinkel van de NRC 13

By AlterNet Staff, AlterNet. Posted September 26, 2008.
1. Outrage over the bailout spreads across the Internet and to Wall Street
The Internet is flooded with angst about Treasury Secretary Paulson's proposed $700 billion bailout:
A lot of the online rage is channeled in the form of signatures on petitions and electronic letters to members of Congress. Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vt.) is circulating a popular one on the left-wing blog Huffington Post. The 1.9-million member Service Employees International Union is also circulating a sign-on letter to Congress that reads in part: "No deal. No blank check." StopTheHousingBailout.com reasons: "A bailout tells responsible Americans that they are suckers."
The anger is coming from right-leaning groups as well. The National Taxpayers Union's "No More Bailouts!" petition reads: "Bailouts that keep mismanaged organizations afloat delay natural corrections to unsound business practices . Enough is enough. No more bailouts. Not with my tax dollars."
The conservative site townhall.com features a similar petition. Right-wing blogger Patrick Ruffini, meanwhile, urges Republicans to vote against the bailout, since "God Himself couldn't have given rank-and-file Republicans a better opportunity to create political space between themselves and the Administration."
And as Steven Wishnia reports for AlterNet, protesters took to New York's financial district:
Enraged by the prospect of $700 billion of their taxes going to reimburse Wall Street speculators for their dubious investments, about 500 protesters paraded through Lower Manhattan's financial district Thursday afternoon, their chants of "You broke it, you bought it" reverberating through the narrow office building canyons and off the flag-draped wall of the New York Stock Exchange.
2. White House pow-wow flops...'
Marnix Koolhaas van de VPRO 7

donderdag 25 september 2008
De Media Dissidenten
Leading Journalists Expose Manipulations in the Media
The riveting excerpts below are from the revealing accounts of 20
award-winning journalists in the highly acclaimed book Into the
Buzzsaw. These courageous writers were prevented by corporate media
ownership from reporting major news stories. Some were even fired
or laid off. They have won numerous awards, including several Emmys
and a Pulitzer. Join in building a better world by helping to
spread this news across the land.
Jane Akre—Fox News. After our struggle to air an honest report [on
hormones in milk], Fox fired the general manager [of our station].
The new GM said that if we didn’t agree to changes that the lawyers
were insisting upon, we’d be fired for insubordination in 48 hours.
We pleaded with [him] to look at the facts we’d uncovered. His
reply: "We paid $3 billion dollars for these stations. We’ll tell
you what the news is. The news is what we say it is!" [After we
refused] Fox’s GM presented us an agreement that would give us a
full year of salary, and benefits worth close to $200,000, but with
strings attached: no mention of how Fox covered up the story and no
opportunity to ever expose the facts. [After declining] we were
fired. (click for more)
Dan Rather—CBS, Multiple Emmy Awards. What's going on is a belief
that you can manipulate communicable trust between the leadership
and the led. The way you do that is you don't let the press in
anywhere. Access to war is extremely limited. The fiercer the
combat, the more the access is limited, [including] access to
information. This is a direct contradiction of the stated policy of
maximum access to information consistent with national security.
There was a time in South Africa when people would put flaming
tires around people's necks if they dissented. In some ways the
fear [now in the U.S.] is that you will have a flaming tire of lack
of patriotism put around your neck. That fear keeps journalists
from asking the tough questions. I am humbled to say, I do not
except myself from this criticism. (click for more)
Monika Jensen-Stevenson—Emmy-winning producer for 60 minutes.
Robert R. Garwood—14 years a prisoner of the Vietnamese—was found
guilty in the longest court-martial in US history. At the end of
the court-martial, there seemed no question that Garwood was a
monstrous traitor. Several years later in 1985, Garwood was
speaking publicly about something that had never made the news
during his court-martial. He knew of other American prisoners in
Vietnam long after the war was over. He was supported by Vietnam
veterans whose war records were impeccable….My sources included
outstanding experts like former head of the Defense Intelligence
Agency General Tighe and returned POWs like Captain McDaniel, who
held the Navy’s top award for bravery. With such advocates, it was
hard not to consider the possibility that prisoners (some 3,500)
had in fact been kept by the Vietnamese as hostages to make sure
the US would pay the more than $3 billion in war reparations.
[After the war] American POWs had become worthless pawns. The US
had not paid the promised monies and had no intention of paying in
the future. (click for more)
Kristina Borjesson—CBS, Emmy award winner. Pierre Salinger
announced to the world on Nov. 8, 1996, that he’d received
documents proving that a US Navy missile had accidentally downed
[TWA flight 800]. That same day, FBI’s Jim Kallstrom called a press
conference. A man raised his hand and asked why the Navy was
involved in the recovery and investigation while a possible
suspect. "Remove him!" [Kallstrom] yelled. Two men leapt over to
the questioner and grabbed him by the arms. There was a momentary
chill in the air after the guy had been dragged out of the room.
Kallstrom and entourage acted as if nothing had happened.
[Kallstrom was later hired by CBS.] (click for more)
Greg Palast—BBC. In the months leading up to the November [2000]
balloting, Gov. Jeb Bush ordered elections supervisors to purge
58,000 voters on the grounds they were felons not entitled to vote.
As it turns out, only a handful of these voters were felons. This
extraordinary news ran on page one of the country’s leading paper.
Unfortunately, it was the wrong country: Britain. In the USA, it
was not covered. The office of the governor [also] illegally
ordered the removal of felons from voter rolls—real felons—but with
the right to vote under law. As a result, 50,000 of these voters
could not vote. The fact that 90% of these were Democrats should
have made it news as this alone more than accounted for Bush’s
victory. (click for more)
Michael Levine—25-year veteran of DEA, writer for New York Times,
Los Angeles Times, USA Today. The Chang Mai "factory" that the CIA
prevented me from destroying was the source of massive amounts of
heroin being smuggled into the US in the bodies and body bags of
GIs killed in Vietnam. Case after case was killed by CIA and State
Department intervention and there wasn’t a thing we could do about
it….In 1980, CIA-recruited mercenaries and drug traffickers
unseated Bolivia’s democratically elected president. Immediately
after the coup, cocaine production increased massively. Bolivia
[became] the source of virtually 100% of the cocaine entering the
US. This was the beginning of the crack "plague."…The CIA along
with State and Justice Departments had to protect their drug-
dealing assets by destroying a DEA investigation. How do I know? I
was the inside source….I sat down at my desk in the American
embassy and wrote evidence of my charges. I addressed it to
Newsweek. Three weeks later DEA’s internal security [called] to
notify me that I was under investigation….The highlight of the 60
Minutes piece is when the administrator of the DEA, Federal Judge
Robert Bonner, tells Mike Wallace, "There is no other way to put
it, Mike, [what the CIA did] is drug smuggling. It’s
illegal." (click for more)
Gary Webb—San Jose Mercury News, Pulitzer Prize winner. In 1996, I
wrote a series of stories that began this way: For the better part
of a decade, a Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips
and Bloods gangs of LA and funneled millions in drug profits to a
guerilla army run by the CIA. The cocaine that flooded in helped
spark a crack explosion in urban America….The story was developing
a momentum all of its own, despite a virtual news blackout from the
major media. Ultimately, it was public pressure that forced the
national newspapers into the fray. The Washington Post, the New
York Times, and the Los Angeles Times published stories, but spent
little time exploring the CIA’s activities. Instead, my reporting
and I became the focus of their scrutiny. It was remarkable
[Mercury News editor] Ceppos wrote, that the four Washington Post
reporters assigned to debunk the series "could not find a single
significant factual error." A few months later, the Mercury News
[due to intense CIA pressure] backed away from the story,
publishing a long column by Ceppos apologizing for "shortcomings."
The New York Times hailed Ceppos for "setting a brave new
standard," and splashed his apology on their front page, the first
time the series had ever been mentioned there. I quit the Mercury
News not long after that….Do we have a free press today? Sure. It’s
free to report all the sex scandals, all the stock market news,
[and] every new health fad that comes down the pike. But when it
comes to the real down and dirty stuff—such stories are not even
open for discussion. (click for more)
John Kelly—Author, ABC producer. ABC hired me to help produce a
story about an investment firm that was heavily involved with the
CIA. Part of the ABC report charged that the CIA had plotted to
assassinate an American, Ron Rewald, the president of [the
investment firm]. Scott Barnes said on camera that the CIA had
asked him to kill Rewald. After the show aired, CIA officials met
with ABC executive David Burke, [who] was sufficiently impressed
"by the vigor with which they made their case" to order an on-air
"clarification." But that was not enough. [CIA Director] Casey
called ABC Chairman Goldenson. [Thus] despite all the documented
evidence presented in the program, despite ABC standing by the
program in a second broadcast, Peter Jennings reported that ABC
could no longer substantiate the charges. That same day, the CIA
filed a formal complaint with the FCC charging that ABC had
"deliberately distorted" the news. In the complaint, Casey asked
that ABC be stripped of its TV and radio licenses….During this
time, Capital Cities Communications was maneuvering to buy ABC.
[CIA Director] Casey was one of the founders of Cap Cities. Cap
Cities bought ABC. Within months, the entire investigative unit was
dispersed. (click for more)
Robert McChesney—500 radio & TV appearances. [There has been a]
striking consolidation of the media from hundreds of firms to an
industry dominated by less than ten enormous transnational
conglomerates. The largest ten media firms own all US TV networks,
most TV stations, all major film studios, all major music
companies, nearly all cable TV channels, much of the book and
magazine publishing [industry], and much, much more. Expensive
investigative journalism—especially that which goes after national
security or powerful corporate interests—is discouraged. Largely
irrelevant human interest/tragedy stories get extensive coverage….A
few weeks after the war began in Afghanistan, CNN president
Isaacson authorized CNN to provide two different versions of the
war: a more critical one for the global audience and a sugarcoated
one for Americans….It is nearly impossible to conceive of a better
world without some changes in the media status quo. We have no time
to waste. (click for more)
For a powerful 10-page summary of this material:
For other reliable resources on the media cover-up: Media
Information Center'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 150

The Fed said the aim was to "improve liquidity" globally, at a time when the availability of credit is limited.
The Fed made a similar move with central banks in the UK, Canada, Japan and the European Central Bank last week, making $180bn available.
The Federal Reserve said it would take "further steps" if necessary.
Commercial banks in each country can access the $30bn in the form of loans to increase short-term funding requirements.
The central banks in Australia and Sweden will have access to $10bn and Denmark and Norway will have $5bn each.
Central banks worldwide have been taking initiatives to boost the availability of funds, following a credit crunch that hit finance firms last summer.
With the emergence of the sub-prime crisis and a huge rise in defaults on loans, banks have been increasingly reluctant to lend to each other.
This in turn has made it harder for businesses and individuals to gain access to credit.
The central banks involved in the latest currency swap deal involve the Reserve Bank of Australia, Sweden's Riksbank, Denmark's Nationalbank and Norway's Norges Bank.'
Het Palestijnse Recht op Terugkeer

The rights of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons to return, restitution and compensation are fundamental rights under international law and relevant UN resolutions – particularly UN General Assembly Resolution 194 and UN Security Council Resolution 237. The content of these rights is non-negotiable irrespective of the manner in which they will be exercised;
The right of return is an individual right held by every Palestinian refugee and internally displaced person. This right is passed on from one generation to the next, based on the individual's choice on whether or not to return, an inalienable and indivisible right, and not affected by any bilateral, multilateral, or international treaty or agreement. Any such agreement must respect the fundamental precepts and principles of international law;
The right of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons to return is a collective right that is not limited to one group or another, and it is an integral part of the Palestinian right of self-determination;
The right of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons to return is not subject to referendum. May you remain steadfast in our struggle for freedom and dignity Drafted: August 2008 Signed:
194 Association (Syria)
Abassiya Association (Palestine)
Abnaa Al-Balad Center for the Defense of the Right of Return (Syria)
Aidun Group (Lebanon)
Aidun Group (Syria)
Al-Awda Palestine Network (Holland)
Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition (North America)
Arab Cultural Forum (Gaza, Palestine)
Arab Liberation Front
Arab Palestinian Front
Association for the Defense of the Rights of the Internally Displaced (Palestine)
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights (Palestine)
Beit Nabala Association (Palestine)
Bisan Association (Syria)
Coalition of Right of Return Defense Committees (Jordan)
Coalition of Right of Return Defense Committees (Jordan)
Committee for the Rights of Palestinian Women (Syria)
Confederation of Right of Return Committees (Europe: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Greece, Germany, France, Holland, Poland, Finland)
Coordinating Committee of Palestinian Organizations Working in Lebanon (Lebanon)
Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine (Palestine)
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Democratic Palestine Committee
Depopulated Towns and Villages Associations (Gaza, Palestine)
Farah Heritage Society (Syria)
Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Palestine)
Higher Follow-up Committee on Prisoners (Palestine)
Higher National Committee for the Defense of the Right of Return (Palestine)
Inevitable Return Assembly (Syria)
Islamic Jihad Movement
Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas]
Istiqlal Youth Union (Lebanon)
Istiqlal Youth Union (Syria)
Ittijah: Union of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations (Palestine)
Jafra Youth Center (Syria)
Jimzo Association (Palestine)
Lajee Center, Aida Camp (Palestine)
National Assembly of of Palestinian Civil Society Organizations (Palestine)
National Committee to Commemorate the Martyr Ahmad Al-Shuqairy (Jordan)
National Nakba Commemoration Committee (Palestine)
Palestine Democratic Union [Fida]
Palestine House Educational and Cultural Center (Canada)
Palestine Liberation Movement [Fatah]
Palestine Remembered (USA)
Palestine Right of Return Coalition (Global)
Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (Palestine)
Palestinian Civil Society Coordinating Committee in Palestine and Abroad (Global)
Palestinian Liberation Front
Palestinian National Democratic Movement (Palestine)
Palestinian National Initiative
Palestinian People's Party
Palestinian Popular Struggle Front
Palestinian Refugee Rights Defense Committee (Balata Camp, Palestine)
Palestinian University Professors Union (Gaza, Palestine)
Palestinian Women's Grassroots Organization (Syria)
Palestinian Youth Democratic Union (Syria)
Palestinian Youth Organization (Syria)
Palestinian Youth Struggle Union (Syria Branch)
People's Assembly of the Towns and Villages Depopulated in 1948 (Palestine)
Platform of Associations in Solidarity with Palestine (Switzerland)
Popular Committees to Defend the Right of Return (Gaza, Palestine)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command
Refugee and Right of Return Committee (Syria)
Refugee Camp Popular Committees (West Bank & Gaza, Palestine)
Refugee Executive Office (Palestine)
Right of Return committee (Switzerland)
Ruwwad Cultural Center (Aida Camp, Palestine)
Salameh Association (Palestine)
Secular Democratic State Group (Gaza, Palestine)
Union of Right of Return Committees (Syria)
Union of Women's Activity Centers, West Bank Refugee Camps (Palestine)
Union of Youth Activity Centers, Refugee Camps (Palestine)
Vanguard for the Popular Liberation War [Sa'iqa]
Women's Activity Centers (Gaza, Palestine)
Yaffa Charitable Fund (Jordan)
Yaffa Cultural Center (Balata Camp, Palestine)
Youth Assembly (Gaza, Palestine)
Youth Struggle Union (Lebanon)'
De Israelische Terreur 440

De Pro Israel Lobby 77

Het Neoliberale Geloof 149

De Israelische Terreur 439
Irak 259

By Jane Corbin
BBC News
Henry Waxman
A BBC investigation estimates that around $23bn (£11.75bn) may have been lost, stolen or just not properly accounted for in Iraq.
The BBC's Panorama programme has used US and Iraqi government sources to research how much some private contractors have profited from the conflict and rebuilding.
A US gagging order is preventing discussion of the allegations.
The order applies to 70 court cases against some of the top US companies.
War profiteering
While Presdient George W Bush remains in the White House, it is unlikely the gagging orders will be lifted.
To date, no major US contractor faces trial for fraud or mismanagement in Iraq.
The president's Democratic opponents are keeping up the pressure over war profiteering in Iraq.
Henry Waxman, who chairs the House committee on oversight and government reform, said: "The money that's gone into waste, fraud and abuse under these contracts is just so outrageous, it's egregious.
"It may well turn out to be the largest war profiteering in history."
In the run-up to the invasion, one of the most senior officials in charge of procurement in the Pentagon objected to a contract potentially worth $7bn that was given to Halliburton, a Texan company which used to be run by Dick Cheney before he became vice-president.
Unusually only Halliburton got to bid - and won.
Missing billions...'
Maarten Schinkel van de NRC 12

De Israelische Terreur 438

De documentaire Jerusalem... the East Side Story legt Israëls streven naar controle over Jeruzalem bloot. Maar ook de toekomst komt aan bod: Jeruzalem is de sleutel tot vrede. Prominente Israëlische en Palestijnse politici, mensenrechtenactivisten en deskundigen vertellen hoe ontwikkelingen in Jeruzalem het vredesproces torpederen.Locatie en kaartverkoopDe première vindt plaats op woensdag 15 oktober om 20.00 uur in De Balie, Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10 in Amsterdam.
Kaarten kosten € 7,00 (€ 5,00 met korting). Voor meer informatie: zie http://www.debalie.nl.
Het Neoliberale Geloof 148

Maarten Schinkel van de NRC 11

Huffington Post, The Nation.com.
Said Bush: "We must not let this happen."
The unprecedented $700 billion bailout, which the Bush administration asked Congress last weekend to approve before it adjourns, is meeting with deep skepticism, especially from conservatives in Bush's own Republican Party who are revolting at the high price tag and massive private-sector intervention by government. Though there is general agreement that something must be done to address the spiraling economic problems, Bush has been forced to accept changes almost daily, based on demands from the Right and Left.
Seeking to explain himself to conservatives, Bush stressed that he was reluctant to put taxpayer money on the line to help businesses that had made bad decisions and that the rescue is not aimed at saving individual companies. He tried to address some of the major complaints from Democrats by promising that CEOs of failed companies won't be rewarded, while warning he would draw the line at regulations he determined would hamper economic growth.
"With the situation becoming more precarious by the day, I faced a choice: to step in with dramatic government action or to stand back and allow the irresponsible actions by some to undermine the financial security of all," Bush said.
The president tried to turn himself into an economics professor for much of the address, tracing the origins of the problem back a decade.
But while generally acknowledging risky and poorly thought-out financial decisions at many levels of society, Bush never assigned blame to any specific entity, such as his administration, the quasi-independent mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or the Wall Street firms that built rising profits on increasingly speculative mortgage-backed securities. Instead, he spoke in terms of investment banks that "found themselves saddled with" the toxic assets the government is now proposing to buy and banks that "found themselves" with questionable balance sheets.'
Elma Drayer van Trouw

'Het volk slaat terug — tegen de arrogantie van de Nieuwe Politieke Correctheid
September 25, 2008
Hier ziet u het gezicht van Elma Drayer, die het niet kon laten om in een column het leed van honderdduizenden Palestijnen te beschimpen (“het volk van pakweg Darfur, Noord-Korea of Somalië* mocht per slot willen dat hun lot wereldwijd zoveel aandacht trok als dat van de Palestijnen.”) en (hoe raadt u het) Israël in de slachtofferrol te plaatsen (“Vorige week berichtte deze krant over het onderwijs in de Gazastrook. Geheel conform voornoemd Handvest leren schoolkinderen dat ze alle Israëliërs uit Palestina moeten verdrijven „want er bestaat niet zoiets als Israël”.”.De aanleiding hiervoor was (gaat u even zitten) het feit dat de gemeente Rotterdam een “zusterstedenband” aangaat met Gaza (schokkend, inderdaad - neemt u er even een glaasje water bij).
Zelfs kon Elma Drayer het niet laten om “Palestijns gebied” tussen aanhalingstekens te plaatsen, alsof de bezetting een “omstreden” zaak is in plaats van een feit. Overigens is de bezetting van de Gazastrook vervangen door een belegering, wat de situatie er niet bepaald beter op maakt.
Even los van het feit dat “aandacht” in de media nog geen gerechtigheid betekent (en dat media-aandacht zelfs wel eens heel eenzijdig zou kunnen zijn), zelfs even los van het feit dat kolonisten op de Westelijke Jordaanoever hun kinderen net zo goed leren dat al het land (van “Groot Israël”) van hun is (blijkbaar is dat wel normaal), heeft Elma Drayer zichzelf hier een slechte dienst bewezen.
Hamas is namelijk democratisch gekozen. Met Drayers kritiekloze overname van de claim dat Hamas een “terreurbeweging” zou zijn geeft zij toe dat ze de Palestijnen hun democratie niet gunt; dat ze een onder een militaire bezetting levend volk zijn verzet niet gunt; dat ze de geschiedenis van dat volk niet wenst te begrijpen. Voor Elma Drayer betekent kiezen voor de verkeerde ideologische club: uitsluiting van de mensheid.'
Jan Kuitenbrouwer Toverbal 2

posted by stan at 3:31 PM 5 comments'
Deze week reageerde jan kuitenbrouwer aldus:
12:06 PM
stan zei...
janneman als je je huiswerk had gedaan dan zou je weten dat ik boeken schrijf, binnenkort verschijnt een boek van me over israel en palestina. ik ben nu bezig met een boek over de vs. dus jan, zoals ik al schreef, je huiswerk doen. en niet zo negatief over een weblog. op internet kun je nu de interessantste journalistieke producten vinden en niet in de commerciele massamedia. kraaiend schreef je. ik begrijp nu dat je de uitzending toen niet gehoord hebt, je was volgens eigen zegen zwervend door de stad. dus wanneer werd er gekraaid? van mij mag je praatjes verkopen, maar niet zeuren zodra er om feiten wordt gevraagd. succes janneman.
12:15 PM
jan kuitenbrouwer zei...
Enfin, Stan, hier nog een fragmentje van de fameuze uitzending, om je geheugen op te frissen. Those were the days! http://geschiedenis.vpro.nl/themasites/mediaplayer/index.jsp?media=39929814&refernr=39928453&portalnr=4158511&hostname=geschiedenis&mediatype=audio&portalid=geschiedenis
12:32 PM
stan zei...
maar janneman
12:51 PM'
Marnix Koolhaas van de VPRO 6

Koolhaas, je schrijft: 'Luister bijvoorbeeld naar een fragment waarin Hanneke Groenteman (toen "Hoor Haar", nu bij omroep MAX furore makend) en oproer-verslaggever par excellence Stan van Houcke (toen radio STAD, nu nog altijd anti-autoritair voortbloggend op stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com) hun partijdigheid nadrukkelijk onderstrepen. Want natuurlijk is niet alleen de jaren 80-inbreker “fout”, ook –en misschien zelf nog veel meer!- dienen zij rekenschap en verantwoording af te leggen die op 30 april 1980 via de staatszender Hilversum 2 opriepen tot openbare geweldspleging, aanslagen op lijf en leden, en andere wetsovertredingen.Het is een leuk lijstje namen, dat destijds het oproer zo openlijk steunde. Naast Hanneke Groenteman en Stan van Houcke waren dat o.a.: Paul Witteman (destijds presentator van “In de rooie haan”), Henny Stoel (eveneens “In de rooie haan”), Cees “rondom 10” Grimbergen, Coen Serré (ex-VARA-omroeper – gepensioneerd maar nog jaarlijks meespelend in de NOS-VARA-tourtoto), Heikelien Verrijn Stuart (toen Radio Stad, nu Joegoslavië-tribunaal en internationaal gerespecteerd jurist), Jan Reiff (nu NOVA, toen “Dingen van de Dag”), Ineke van den Bergen (toen VPRO, nu De Volkskrant), Harmke Pijpers (toen VPRO, inmiddels via Talpa en Beau van Erven Dorens bij de Wereldomroep beland) en Jan Carmiggelt (toen radio Stad, nu directeur Theo Thijssen-museum).'
De Commerciele Massamedia 141

- Israël laat wapens toe op Westoever- Rice: stop met bouwen op Westoever
Frankrijk veroordeelt de nederzettingen en noemt ze 'een van de grootste obstakels in het vredesproces'. Frankrijk is op dit moment voorzitter van de EU. Ook internationale hulporganisaties hebben aangedrongen op de verwijdering van de wegblokkades, omdat die de Palestijnse economische ontwikkeling dwarsbomen.
Op een internationale donorconferentie vorig jaar in Parijs werd tot 2010 bijna vijf miljard euro aan hulp aan de Palestijnen toegezegd. Tot nog toe is daarvan bijna een miljard euro aan de Palestijnse regering gegeven.'
woensdag 24 september 2008
Het Neoliberale Geloof 147

Een ander feit dat Maarten Schinkel verzwijgt:
'US dollar set to be major casualty of Hank Paulson's bailout
Last Updated: 10:47 PM BST 22 Sep 2008
Whether or not tomorrow’s accounts of today’s turmoil prove David Owen of Dresdner Kleinwort right; whether or not this is the beginning of the end of the dollar’s pre-eminence in the world’s central banks and foreign exchanges, the economic landscape has undoubtedly changed forever.
The US taxpayer bail-out of America’s banking sector is an event whose significance will reverberate for many years. What it means for free markets, for the way Western economies are run, for the prosperity of the world economy, must remain to be seen.
But as investors scrambled to make sense of last week’s events, already one conclusion was all but irrefutable – the US dollar will have to take another major fall.
The dollar rally that began in July and pushed the pound’s value against the greenback significantly lower has come to an abrupt end as markets face up to the fact that the currency will have to absorb the effects of a sudden shocking increase in America’s budget deficit.
When Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson announced that the world’s biggest economy was about to embark on the world’s biggest bail-out for its financial sector, the first concern economists had was about the long-term prospects for the nation’s finances and its currency.
Might the dollar now be vulnerable to a run? In the longer term, might this signal the beginning of the end for the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency?
The US Treasury was already planning to borrow $438bn (£237bn) next year to shore up its budget deficit. That could now rise to $1 trillion or more after the cost of the $700bn mortgage rescue fund is taken into account.
Budget deficits of that kind are usually enough to scare many foreign investors away, and indeed the dollar slumped 1.1 cents to $1.8441 against the pound yesterday, and in late trading was down almost two cents against the euro at $1.46880.
Ironically, despite the pound’s comparative strength against the dollar – having risen from just above $1.75 in the past few weeks – it remains extremely weak against other world currencies, due to investors’ fears about the UK’s own home-grown problems.
"The magic trillion-dollar deficit is within sight," says Simon Derrick, of Bank of New York Mellon, "The combination of the fiscal position and loose monetary policy is likely to be significantly dollar-negative. With an expanding supply of US paper they might want to hold something else as their safe haven, which might mean other currencies and might just as easily mean commodities such as gold."
When a government opens the spending taps and borrows more, investors invariably take flight, fearing that assets denominated in those currencies will lose their value as inflation rises and the currency weakens.
However, with the Treasury still reluctant to spell out precisely how the rescue package, modelled on the late 1980s’ Resolution Trust Corporation, will work, analysts are still unclear about how far the dollar has to fall.'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 146

Fed plows $30 billion in money markets overseas http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/1310ap_fed_credit_crisis.html
The Fed's action - taken at 1 a.m. EDT - sets up temporary "swap"
arrangements to supply dollars to the central banks of Australia, Denmark, Norway and Sweden in exchange for their currencies.
"These facilities, like those already in place with other central banks, are designed to improve liquidity conditions in global financial markets,"
the Fed said in a brief statement.
"Central banks continue to work together during this period of market stress and are prepared to take further steps as the need arises," the Fed added.
The new swap arrangements will provide up to $10 billion each to the central banks of Australia and Sweden and $5 billion apiece to the central banks of Denmark and Norway.
Last week, the Fed and other foreign central banks pumped as much as $180 billion into money markets overseas. The European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England, the Swiss National Bank and the Bank of Canada participated in that maneuver.
The global credit crisis poses a danger not only to the U.S. economy but also the world economy.
Finance officials from the world's major economic powers pledged this week to do all they can to provide relief.
The Group of Seven countries said they welcomed the extraordinary steps by the United States to stem the crisis, including a plan for the Treasury Department to buy $700 billion in bad mortgages and other toxic assets held by banks and other financial institutions. Those dodgy debts are at the heart of the crisis. Besides the United States, the Group of Seven is made up of Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada.'
Maarten Schinkel van de NRC 10

De NRC bericht:
'FBI kijkt naar fraude bankiers
Gepubliceerd: 24 september 2008 13:03 Gewijzigd: 24 september 2008 13:05
Door onze financiële redactie
Amsterdam, 24 sept. De Amerikaanse federale recherche FBI doet onderzoek naar mogelijke fraude door topmanagers bij de vier grote financiële instellingen die recentelijk van de ondergang zijn gered. Anonieme justitiebronnen hebben dat gezegd tegenover nieuwszender CNN. Het gaat om de voormalige zakenbank Lehman Brothers, de hypotheekverstrekkers Fannie Mae en Freddie Mac en verzekeraar AIG.
Volgens CNN betreffen de verdenkingen het verstrekken van valse informatie en hypotheekfraude. Een woordvoerder van de FBI wilde tegenover CNN niet op de zaak ingaan, maar bevestigde dat er een breed onderzoek naar hypotheekfraude loopt bij 26 financiële instellingen. De vier genoemde bedrijven dreigden als gevolg van de kredietcrisis de afgelopen maand ten onder te gaan.'
Lees verder: http://www.nrc.nl/nieuwsthema/kredietcrisis/article1995861.ece/
Desondanks verklaart Maarten Schinkel, economisch commentator van de kwaliteitskrant die zich afficheert als slijpsteen voor de geest, dat 'het prachtige reddingsplan van 700 miljard dollar' zo snel mogelijk door het Congress moet worden gejaagd en niet het slachtoffer moet worden van 'politiek gesteggel... Dus het is een beetje dom wat er gebeurt nu in Amerika, dat je zo'n mooi plan hebt en dat bijna ten onder dreigt te gaan aan geharrewar.' Volgens Maarten heeft dit allemaal te maken met de Amerikaanse verkiezingen. Met andere woorden, de belastingbetaler moet zo snel mogelijk blanco cheque geven aan de misschien bankiers, tegen wie een officieel juridisch onderzoek wegens corruptie loopt, zodat de kapitalistische luchthandel overeind kan worden gehouden en de politici moeten daarbij niet steggelen. Steggelen? 'Gesteggel?' Volgens Van Dale is 'gesteggel' herrie, geknoei, vals spel. Met andere woorden, de volksvertegenwoordigers moeten volgens onze Maarten niet vals spelen en onmiddellijk zonder democratisch overleg de portemonnaie trekken. Doen ze dat niet dan is er volgens hem sprake van geknoei.
U merkt: Maarten is zijn geld ten volle waard, betere propaganda voor een failliet systeem is niet denkbaar. Hij gaat het ver schoppen. Dat besefte ik een paar maanden geleden al toen ik tegenover een volle zaal had verklaard dat de luchthandel op het punt stond ineen te storten, en dat het een onvermijdelijk gevolg was van het kapitalistische systeem. Maarten Schinkel reageerde door tegen het publiek te zeggen dat ik overdreef en dat het niet zo erg was als ik voorstelde.
Iemand die wel weet wat er werkelijk aan de hand is, is de Amerikaanse journalist Danny Schechter. Luistert u maar eens naar hem.
'Jesse Jackson on Wall Street ''PLUNDER''
Zie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjZMs0QOWA8&eurl=http://www.mediachannel.org/wordpress/2008/09/23/jesse-jackson-on-wall-street-plunder/
Marnix Koolhaas van de VPRO 5

From Voices of a People’s History of the Untied States, Introduction, p.25, edited by Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove.
Marnix Koolhaas van de VPRO 4

Marnix Koolhaas, je schrijft:
'Het is een leuk lijstje namen, dat destijds het oproer zo openlijk steunde. Naast Hanneke Groenteman en Stan van Houcke waren dat o.a.: Paul Witteman (destijds presentator van “In de rooie haan”), Henny Stoel (eveneens “In de rooie haan”), Cees “rondom 10” Grimbergen, Coen Serré (ex-VARA-omroeper – gepensioneerd maar nog jaarlijks meespelend in de NOS-VARA-tourtoto), Heikelien Verrijn Stuart (toen Radio Stad, nu Joegoslavië-tribunaal en internationaal gerespecteerd jurist), Jan Reiff (nu NOVA, toen “Dingen van de Dag”), Ineke van den Bergen (toen VPRO, nu De Volkskrant), Harmke Pijpers (toen VPRO, inmiddels via Talpa en Beau van Erven Dorens bij de Wereldomroep beland) en Jan Carmiggelt (toen radio Stad, nu directeur Theo Thijssen-museum). O ja: zelf gooide ik op die bewuste 30e april een steen. Maar dat vertelde ik al acht jaar geleden op radio 1. De steen was voor Hanneke. Niet om haar te raken, maar om haar te steunen. In de strijd waartoe zij opriep. Want zij was mijn radioheldin.
Marnix Koolhaas'
Dat laatste is opmerkelijk. Jij gooide een steen, voor Hanneke. Pathetischer kan het haast niet. Dat tekent je Marnix. Ik gooi niet met stenen uit bewondering voor iemand, ik gebruik mijn kennis als een steen om heilige huisjes te vernietigen. Kijk, Marnix, waar het om gaat besef je niet echt. Jij hebt naam gemaakt met een winderige eiland en schaatsende mannen, ik heb naam gemaakt als een dissident die niet in sport is geinteresseerd maar in sociaal onrecht. Mij interesseert de werking van de macht. Ik juich verzet ook toe. Ik zal me daar nooit voor verontschuldigen, hoe graag je dat ook zal willen.
Dat in het begin van de jaren tachtig jongeren met stenen gooiden naar de macht was voor mij volledig begrijpelijk. Mijn sympathie ging naar de stenengooiers uit, niet naar de macht die op het strijdtoneel verscheen met tanks en scherpschutters. Mijn sympathie gaat nog steeds uit naar het de underdog. Ik zal je vertellen waarom. Niets in de natuur is bestendig, panta rei, alles stroomt, dat is een natuurwet. De macht daarentegen streeft naar de bestendiging van de macht en is als zodanig volstrekt tegen-natuurlijk. Alles dat de macht bedreigt, is toe te juichen, zo kan de menselijke evolutie doorgaan. Het was niemand minder dan Thomas Jefferson die zei dat elke generatie een revolutie nodig heeft. En zo is het maar net. Gezien het neoliberalisme, die permanente staat van oorlog met de mens en natuur, kan wat mij betreft het verzet niet groot genoeg zijn. Het is een gruwelijke vergissing te denken dat de macht niet getart moet worden. Kijk maar naar de geschiedenis, Marnix. Bestudeer die eens, je ogen zullen open gaan.
Marnix Koolhaas van de VPRO 3

En ben je bereid om publiekelijk je beschuldigingen in te trekken en je te verontschuldigen voor je onjournalistieke gedrag zodra je niet met feiten op de proppen kunt komen?
Ik kom hier op terug.
Marnix Koolhaas van de VPRO 2

Nu ter zake Marnix,
Je schrijft: 'Voor onderzoeksjournalisten of zij die daarvoor door willen gaan breken gouden tijden aan. Bij tientallen moeten ze te ontmaskeren zijn: de voormalige krakers, stenengooiers, Shell-slangen-doorsnijders, dreigbrievenschrijvers en F16-slopers die hun heldendaden uit de jaren ’80 altijd angstvallig op hun CV’s hebben verzwegen en nu zijn komen bovendrijven in de politiek, in de ambtenarij of in het bedrijfsleven. Laten we dus maar een voorzetje geven.'
Een voorzetje geven, Marnix? Waarom? Het publiekelijk mea culpa belijden is een fenomeen uit totalitaire systemen, ik noem maar wat, de Spaanse inquisitie, het Russische stalinisme. Vanwaar het verlangen naar het opsporen van in jouw ogen 'schuldigen?' Laat het me weten.
Marnix, je schrijft: 'De dag die de jaren ’80 markeerde was natuurlijk de Kroningsdag. Op díe 30e april werd je als politiek bewuste scholier of student tot een bekentenis gedwongen: je was vóór of tegen die Kroning. Wie tegen was hing in elk geval de beroemdste poster uit die tijd “geen woning geen kroning” voor zijn ramen. Wie wat meer lef had begaf zich op straat om tegen de Kroning te demonstreren, daartoe aangezet door de presentatoren van de tweede publieke radiozender van ons land, destijds “Hilversum 2” geheten. Op die radiozender werd een zogenaamd “alternatief” verslag gegeven van de historische feestdag. Dat verslag moest tegenwicht bieden tegen het “staatsverslag” zoals dat op Hilversum 1 door de NOS werd verzorgd.' Wat nu? Je schrijft: Wie wat meer lef had begaf zich op straat om tegen de Kroning te demonstreren, daartoe aangezet door de presentatoren van de tweede publieke radiozender van ons land, destijds “Hilversum 2” geheten.'
Je suggereert dat 'de presentatoren' luisteraars opriepen om gewelddadig te demonstreren. Behalve de opmerking van Hanneke Groenteman 'Het is een mooie dag om te kraken, maar niet om te kronen' heeft geen enkele presentator opgeroepen om de straat op te gaan.
Sterker nog: De werkelijkheid is deze: het Openbaar Ministerie heeft na 30 april 1980 tot 2 maal toe alle geluidsbanden van die legendarische uitzending beluisterd om na te gaan of er dingen waren gezegd die strafwaardig waren. In beide gevallen constateerde justitie dat dit niet het geval was geweest. Sterker nog: in een officieel politierapport getiteld 'De Dag van de Ether. Anatomie van een rel' met 'een chronologisch verslag van een onderzoek naar de feitelijke gebeurtenissen, spontaan en georganiseerd, in Amsterdam op 30 april 1980' staat letterlijk: "Een groot gedeelte van der media spreekt, brult en schrijft schande van de realistische reportage die de medewerkers van Radio Stad over het eerste treffen met de Mobiele Eenheid van actievoerders, krakers en overig publiek. Het is nochthans de beste beschrijving van de gebeurtenissen die de media ons verschaft.' En verder: 'Ook de daden van de actievoerders c.q. relschoppers worden er duidelijk in beschreven.' Dit voor de geschiedenis.
Mijn vraag aan jou Marnix is dus simpel: kun je als journalist de lezers van deze weblog berichten wanneer in die uitzending 'de presentatoren' hebben aangezet om 'tegen de Kroning te demonsteren?'
Ik kom terug op jouw oproep in een volgend stukje.
Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City
https://x.com/RyanRozbiani/status/1903959951724483030 @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...
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