zaterdag 25 maart 2006
De Nederlandse Terreur 7

De Commerciele Massamedia 3

Van Boudine Berkenbosch kreeg ik de volgende email: 'Gisteren (22 maart) stond in het AD een artikeltje over het proces tegen Zaccarias Moussaoui, de "20e kaper". De bron was: Marc Guillet, New York. Het kwam er op neer dat een FBI-agent, Samit uit Minneapolis, die door het Openbaar Ministerie was opgeroepen als kroongetuige tegen Moussaoui zijn superieuren beschuldigde, omdat ze ondanks al zijn e-mails (70 pagina's) met waarschuwingen en verzoeken, geen toestemming gaven tot huiszoeking bij Moussaoui. Hij beschuldigde zijn bazen van "criminele nalatigheid" en zijn advocaten zeggen dat de top van de Federale Politie zelf schuld draagt voor de 3000 doden op 9/11. Daarmee komt de doodstraf voor Moussaoui op losse schroeven te staan. Verder heb ik dit bericht nergens kunnen vinden, maar ik kwam weer terecht bij die verdoemde Depleted Uranium. Bij deze de link. Have you ever heard of countercurrents.org? This is an excellent article, Depleted Uranium For Dummies By Irving Wesley Hall. You can see this page at: http://www.countercurrents.org/hall230306.htm P.S.: zie ook http://www.notinkansas.us/
Ik heb het bericht ook in Het Parool gelezen. Een klein bericht onderaan pagina 9, waarin ondermeer stond: 'FBI-agent Harry Samit, die hem (Moussaoui. svh) ondervroeg, kwam direct tot de conclusie dat er groot terroristisch gevaar dreigde... Samit die er op grond van Franse inlichtingen van overtuigd was dat Moussaoui een fundamentalistische terrorist was, liet in totaal zeventig waarschuwingen uitgaan. In een rapport na de aanslagen van 11 september beschuldigde hij de FBI-chefs van "obstructie, criminele verontachtzaming en carrierezucht."' De vraag is waarom de FBI obstructie pleegde. Bekend is dat de Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten wisten dat er aanslagen zouden plaatsvinden. En toch deden ze niets. Waarom niet? Het heeft er alle schijn van dat er een complot bestond. De kritiek dat dit een bewering is van complotdenkers is lachwekkend. Want ook de nauwelijks plausibele officiele versie gaat uit van een complot, namelijk een complot van negentien fundamentalistische islamieten. Een andere vraag is waarom de commerciele massamedia de ongerijmdheden van de officiele complotversie niet serieus analyseren. De vragen die de officiele versie oproepen zijn tamelijk voor de hand liggend en in het oog lopend, dus is het wonderlijk dat de commerciele media die weigeren te behandelen. Op dezelfde Parool-pagina van dinsdag 21 maart staat een net zo merkwaardig bericht. 'Minister van Saddam werkte voor de CIA. Washington - De voormalige Iraakse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Naji Sabri was een betaalde informant van de Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst CIA. Dat berichtte de Amerikaanse zender NBC. Voor honderdduizend dollar gaf Sabri de CIA inlichtingen over massavernietigingswapens in Irak. Hij zei dat Irak geen noemenswaardig programma had voor de ontwikkeling van zulke wapens.' Die bezetting ging evenwel niet om massavernietigingswapens maar om een de heerschappij over de olie, met als gevolg dat deze informatie terzijde werd geschoven. Dat het niet om massavernietigingswapens ging is uitgebreid en gedocumenteerd beschreven door talloze deskundigen op het gebied van de Amerikaanse buitenlandse politiek. Desalniettemin schrijft Het Parool de volgende tekst van twee persbureau's over: 'Achteraf bleken zijn uitspraken (van Sabri. svh) betrouwbaar, maar indertijd werd hij niet geloofd. De VS trokken immers ten oorlog om de massavernietigingswapens van Saddam onschadelijk te maken.' En zo wordt een bewijs uit het ongerijmde als onomstotelijke verklaring gegeven. De stelligheid van de bewering berust op niets. Dit heeft natuurlijk niets met journalistiek en alles met propaganda te maken. Maar waarom doen sommige journalisten dit? Luiheid? Onwetendheid? Onnozelheid? Angst?
vrijdag 24 maart 2006
De Pro-Israel Lobby

Officials at Jewish organizations are furious over "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," a new paper by John Mearsheimer, a top international relations theorists based at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, the academic dean of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. In their report — versions of which appear on the Kennedy School Web site and in the March 26 issue of the London Review of Books — the scholars depict "the Israel lobby" as a "loose coalition" of politicians, media outlets, research institutions, Jewish groups and Evangelical Christians that steers America's Middle East policy in directions beneficial to Israel, even if it requires harming American interests. Despite their anger, Jewish organizations are avoiding a frontal debate with the two scholars, while at the same time seeking indirect ways to rebut and discredit the scholars' arguments. Officials with pro-Israel organizations say that given the limited public attention generated by the new study — as of Tuesday most major print outlets had ignored it — they prefer not to draw attention to the paper by taking issue with it head on. As of Wednesday morning, none of the largest Jewish organizations had issued a press release on the report.' Lees verder: http://www.forward.com/articles/7548
Irak 53

http://www.alternet.org/bloggers/ritter/33788/ Of: http://informationclearinghouse.info/article12447.htm
Aangifte Strafbaar Feit
Amsterdam, 24 maart 2006
Aan de Hoofdofficier van Justitie
van het Arrondissementsparket Amsterdam,
mr. L.A.J.M. de Wit
Geachte heer De Wit,
Ondergetekende doet hierbij aangifte van een strafbaar feit, te weten: schending van het internationaal recht door minister van Defensie Henk Kamp en de Nederlandse militairen die in de Afghaanse provincie Kandahar van terrorisme verdachte personen aan de Amerikaanse autoriteiten hebben overgedragen, terwijl algemeen bekend is dat deze bondgenoot in de zogeheten ‘war on terror’ stelselmatig de mensenrechten van deze categorie gevangenen schendt. Niet voor niets verklaarde de directeur onderzoek van het bureau Azië van de Amerikaanse mensenrechtenorganisatie Human Rights Watch tegenover de NRC dat ‘de Nederlandse troepen hiermee het risico lopen dat ze handelen in strijd met de mensenrechten.’ De Nederlandse advocaat dr. Liesbeth Zegveld, gespecialiseerd in oorlogsrecht, is nog explicieter wanneer zij stelt dat ‘Nederland het internationaal recht schendt.’ Zie daarvoor haar bijgesloten commentaar voor de NRC/ Handelsblad. Bovendien heeft minister Kamp zelf over het Amerikaanse beleid het volgende tegenover het Radio I Journaal verklaard: ‘Het is zo dat de Amerikanen een derde categorie gevangenen onderscheiden. Het gaat voor hen niet alleen om burgers en om militairen, maar het gaat ook om unlawful combatants waar ze over spreken. Nou, dat is niet onze uitleg van het Verdrag van Genève, dus wij denken dat het beste is als de Amerikanen dezelfde uitleg aan dat Verdrag geven als alle andere landen doen.’ De Radio I verslaggever vroeg de minister vervolgens: ‘Ja, dat wilt u graag, maar dat doen ze op dit moment nog niet. Dus is het geen risico dat als Nederlanders betrokken zijn bij zo’n arrestatie dat ze dan medeplichtig zijn aan dingen die u niet wilt?’ Minister Kamp antwoordde: ‘Maar het risico is nog veel groter als je terroristen maar laat lopen.’ Een opmerkelijke uitspraak aangezien in een rechtstaat een verdachte pas een terrorist is op het moment dat dit onomstotelijk door een onafhankelijke rechter na een eerlijk proces is bewezen geacht en niet wanneer een politicus dit meent. Erger nog: de minister impliceert met zijn opmerking dat omdat hij en de Amerikanen nu eenmaal vinden dat de verdachten terroristen zijn ze daarom aan een bondgenoot kunnen worden overgedragen, van wie bekend is dat deze het internationaal recht schendt. Voor alle duidelijkheid: minister Kamp gaat er dus impliciet vanuit dat 'terroristen' het gevaar mogen lopen te worden gemarteld. Immers ‘het risico is nog veel groter als je terroristen maar laat lopen.’ Zie hiervoor ook mijn weblog onder de rubrieken ‘Martelen’ en ‘De Nederlandse Terreur.’ http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/ Ik citeer in dit verband ook Barbara Olshansky van het gezaghebbende Amerikaanse ‘Center for Constitutional Rights’ die in ‘Secret Trials and Executions’ over ‘military tribunals and the threat to democracy’ het volgende schrijft: ‘Declaring an “extraordinary emergency,” on November 13, 2001, President George W. Bush signed an unprecedented order authorizing the creation of special military tribunals to try non-citizens suspected of terrorism. While these tribunals or commissions may take place either inside or outside the United States, all such trials will be almost entirely outside of the cardinal constitutional guarantees embodied in the American criminal justice system. With a single wipe of his pen, President Bush replaced the democratic pillars of our legal system with that of a military commission system in which he, or his designee, is rule-maker, investigator, accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, sentencing court, reviewing court, and jailer or executioner.’ Zie Seven Stories Press. ISBN: 1-58322-537-4 Een dergelijk regime, dat in strijd is met het internationaal recht, wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door de impliciete en expliciete medewerking van de Nederlandse minister van Defensie en de betrokken Nederlandse militairen in Afghanistan. Vandaar mijn aangifte.
In afwachting van uw reactie,
Stan van Houcke
Verarmd Uranium

John Pilger 5

John Pilger schrijft: 'The War Lovers. The war lovers I have known in real wars have usually been harmless, except to themselves. They were attracted to Vietnam and Cambodia, where drugs were plentiful. Bosnia, with its roulette of death, was another favorite. A few would say they were there "to tell the world"; the honest ones would say they loved it. "War is fun!" one of them had scratched on his arm. He stood on a land mine.I sometimes remember these almost endearing fools when I find myself faced with another kind of war lover – the kind that has not seen war and has often done everything possible not to see it. The passion of these war lovers is a phenomenon; it never dims, regardless of the distance from the object of their desire. Pick up the Sunday papers and there they are, egocentrics of little harsh experience, other than a Saturday in Sainsbury's. Turn on the television and there they are again, night after night, intoning not so much their love of war as their sales pitch for it on behalf of the court to which they are assigned. "There's no doubt," said Matt Frei, the BBC's man in America, "that the desire to bring good, to bring American values to the rest of the world, and especially now to the Middle East … is now increasingly tied up with military power."Frei said that on April 13, 2003, after George W. Bush had launched "Shock and Awe" on a defenseless Iraq. Two years later, after a rampant, racist, woefully trained, and ill-disciplined army of occupation had brought "American values" of sectarianism, death squads, chemical attacks, attacks with uranium-tipped shells and cluster bombs, Frei described the notorious 82nd Airborne as "the heroes of Tikrit."Last year, he lauded Paul Wolfowitz, architect of the slaughter in Iraq, as "an intellectual" who "believes passionately in the power of democracy and grassroots development." As for Iran, Frei was well ahead of the story. In June 2003, he told BBC viewers: "There may be a case for regime change in Iran, too."How many men, women, and children will be killed, maimed, or sent mad if Bush attacks Iran? The prospect of an attack is especially exciting for those war lovers understandably disappointed by the turn of events in Iraq. "The unimaginable but ultimately inescapable truth," wrote Gerard Baker in the Times last month, "is that we are going to have to get ready for war with Iran. … If Iran gets safely and unmolested to nuclear status, it will be a threshold moment in the history of the world, up there with the Bolshevik revolution and the coming of Hitler." Sound familiar? In February 2003, Baker wrote that "victory [in Iraq] will quickly vindicate U.S. and British claims about the scale of the threat Saddam poses."' Lees verder: http://informationclearinghouse.info/article12446.htm
donderdag 23 maart 2006
Martelen 30

The New York Times analyseert: 'The Joy of Being Blameless. The contrast could not have been more stark, nor the message more clear. On the day that a court-martial imposed justice on a 24-year-old Army sergeant for tormenting detainees at Abu Ghraib with his dog, President Bush said once again that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, whose benighted policies and managerial incompetence led to the prisoner abuse scandal, was doing a "fine job" and should stay at his post. We've seen this sorry pattern for nearly two years now, since the Abu Ghraib horrors first shocked the world: President Bush has clung to the fiction that the abuse of prisoners was just the work of a few rotten apples, despite report after report after report demonstrating that it was organized and systematic, and flowed from policies written by top officials in his administration. Just this week, Eric Schmitt and Carolyn Marshall provided a bloodcurdling account in the Times of how a Special Operations unit converted an Iraqi military base into a torture chamber, even using prisoners as paintball targets, in its frenzy to counter a widely predicted insurgency for which Mr. Rumsfeld had refused to prepare. In early 2004, an 18-year-old man suspected of selling cars to members of a terrorist network was arrested and beaten repeatedly. Another man said he had been forced to strip, punched in the spine until he fainted, put in front of an air-conditioner while cold water was poured on him and kicked in the stomach until he vomited. His crime? His father had worked for Saddam Hussein. These accounts are tragically familiar. The names and dates change, but the basic pattern is the same, including the fact that this bestiality produced little or no useful intelligence. The Bush administration decided to go outside the law to deal with prisoners, and soldiers carried out that policy. Those who committed these atrocities deserve the punishment they are getting, but virtually all high-ranking soldiers have escaped unscathed. And not a single policy maker has been called to account. Col. Thomas Pappas, the former intelligence chief at Abu Ghraib, testified at the dog handler's trial that the use of dogs had grown out of conversations he had had with military jailers from Guantánamo Bay led by Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, who had been sent to Iraq to instruct soldiers there in the interrogation techniques refined at Gitmo under Mr. Rumsfeld's torture-is-legal policy. Colonel Pappas said General Miller had explained how to use the "Arab fear of dogs" to set up interrogations. What of General Miller? He invoked his right against self-incrimination to avoid testifying, and Time magazine reported this week that he was exonerated by an Army whitewash. Apparently he was not responsible for the actions of soldiers operating under rules he put in place.' Lees verder: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/23/opinion/23thu1.html?_r=2&hp&oref=slogin&oref=slogin Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/032306K.shtml
De Oorlogsstaat 31

De Kruistochten

Pope Benedict reached out to Muslims and Jews after his election and called for dialogue. However, the Pope, who is due to visit Turkey in November, has in the past suggested that Turkey’s Muslim culture is at variance with Europe’s Christian roots. At the conference, held at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University, Roberto De Mattei, an Italian historian, recalled that the Crusades were “a response to the Muslim invasion of Christian lands and the Muslim devastation of the Holy Places”.' Lees verder: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-2093921,00.html
Water Schaarste 3

UNICEF, which helped organise the conference, said children paid the highest price in a world where over 1 billion people do not have safe water and one in three lacks a basic toilet.
"Waterborne illness kills a child every 15 seconds and underlies much of the world’s disease and malnutrition," UNICEF's executive director Ann Veneman said in a statement on the eve of World Water Day (March 22). "Solutions to the world water crisis must ensure that children survive, thrive, learn and live in dignity." Diarrhoea alone kills 4,500 children every day - the second highest single cause of childhood deaths. Waterborne diseases also mean many children are missing out on education which in turn reduces their chances of escaping poverty.' Lees verder: http://www.alertnet.org/thefacts/reliefresources/114297179713.htm
Martelen 29

The New Standard bericht: 'Human Rights Body Slams U.S. Treatment of Youth Detainee
An international human rights commission has ruled that the detention of a Canadian youth at the US prison camp in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba presents a "serious and urgent risk of irreparable harm" to the detainee. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) also expressed concerns that statements obtained from Khadr through alleged torture and inhumane treatment could be used against him in a military tribunal. The case concerned Guantánamo detainee Omar Khadr, captured in 2002 by US forces in Afghanistan after a firefight and later transported to Guantánamo Bay. Khadr was 15 years old at the time of his capture. As reported by The NewStandard last week, the US government held Khadr without access to a lawyer for over two years and finally charged him last November with conspiring with Al-Qaeda and throwing a grenade that killed Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer, a commando with the US Army Special Forces. Khadr has alleged that interrogators and US military personnel have tortured and humiliated him during his detention. In an attempt to stop Khadr’s trial by military tribunal, his lawyers brought the case before the IACHR, an independent organ of the Organization of American States established to protect human rights in the Western Hemisphere. They accused the government of violating Khadr’s rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child by detaining him with adult detainees, denying him access to counsel, and subjecting him to humiliation and torture. In ruling on the case Tuesday, the IACHR faulted the US government for only providing general statements about its prohibitions on torture during last week’s hearing and for failing to respond specifically to Khadr’s allegations of mistreatment. "Similarly," wrote the Commissioners, "in response to questions raised by the Commission during the hearing concerning whether the state has taken any measures to investigate [Khadr’s] allegations of abuse, the state’s representative indicated that it was the policy of the United States to investigate all credible allegations of torture but otherwise declined to provide further information, citing privacy concerns."' Lees verder:
Grote Leugens

Dit is wat Hitler in hoofdstuk Tien van Mein Kampf schreef: "All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes." Het zijn de grote leugens die geschiedenis maken.
De Nederlandse Terreur 6

Al in het begin van de jaren zestig wees George Steiner erop 'wat politieke beestachtigheid en leugen van een taal kunnen maken, wanneer deze laatste is losgescheurd van de wortels van de moraal en het gevoelsleven, afgestompt door cliche's, loze beweringen en woordrestanten... Het Engels dat Eisenhower bezigde tijdens zijn persconferenties, was, evenals de taal die gebruikt wordt om een nieuw wasmiddel te verkopen, niet bedoeld om de kritieke waarheden van het nationale leven over te dragen, noch om de geest van de toehoorder te bezielen. Dit Engels was bestemd om de eisen die het begrip stelt te ontduiken of te verdoezelen. De taal van onze gemeenschap is in een hachelijke toestande geraakt, wanneer een onderzoek naar radio-actieve neerslag de naam "Operation Sunshine" kan krijgen.' En daar komt voor Nederland nog bij dat hier historisch gesproken altijd al de opvatting heeft gegolden: 'het zijn maar woorden, dus het maakt allemaal niets uit.' Woorden zijn hier consequentieloos. Journalistiek is hier dan ook altijd ondergewaardeerd gebleven. Vandaar dat een NOS verslaggever als Bas Gemmink de ene dag het onderwerpje zwaarlijvigheid behandelt en de volgende dag de mensenrechtenschendingen in Irak. In Hilversum gaat men ervan uit dat iedereen geluid en beeld kan produceren. Er is geen hierarchie van waarden, alles is even belangrijk geworden, en deskundigheid is ook maar een woord. Vandaar dat Bas Gemmink zonder enige ironie zijn item over de leugenachtigheid van minister Kamp kon eindigen met de historische woorden: 'Voor de wederopbouw missie in Uruzgan, waar de militairen dit jaar heengaan, is het dan ook anders geregeld. De verdachten worden overgedragen aan de Afghanen en die kunnen dan via een eerlijk proces in eigen land berecht worden.' Ik heb de opname vier keer teruggespoeld, maar hij zei het echt!!! Een eerlijk proces in een land waar volgens de Verenigde Naties de opiummafia de touwtjes in handen heeft, een voormalige adviseur van de Amerikaanse oliemaatschappij Unocal door zijn vroegere opdrachtgevers als president in het zadel werd geholpen, en een christen het gevaar loopt de doodstraf te krijgen vanwege afvalligheid. Wat is het toch een voorrecht om in een land te mogen leven, waar de mensen in hun eigen leugens geloven. Overigens, morgen doe ik aangifte bij de Amsterdamse politie van een strafbaar feit, te weten het schenden van de mensenrechten door minister Kamp en de Nederlandse militairen die in de provincie Kandahar opereerden. Niemand heeft zich aangemeld om mee te doen met die aanklacht. Jammer.
De Nederlandse Terreur 5

De Nederlandse Terreur 4

In zijn essaybundel 'Verval van het Woord' schrijft professor George Steiner dat ‘de eisen van de massacultuur en massacommunicatie de taal een steeds geringere taak hebben doen vervullen. Wat kan er, uitgezonderd halve waarheden, grove simplificaties of onbenulligheden, overgebracht worden aan dat half-geletterde massale gehoor, dat dankzij de overal doorgedrongen democratie de voorstelling mag bijwonen? Alleen in een verschraalde of gecorrumpeerde taal kan een dergelijke communicatie effectief gemaakt worden.’ Dagelijks zien en horen we hoe de taal geterroriseerd wordt, hoe begrippen ontkracht worden, hoe woorden hun betekenis wordt ontnomen. Een voorbeeld is de woordenbrij van minister Kamp tegenover een verslaggever van het NOS- en Radio I-Journaal. Na maandenlang voor parlementsleden vitale informatie te hebben achtergehouden over het Nederlands militair optreden in Afghanistan vertelde hij Tweede Kamerleden dat Nederlandse commando’s in januari en februari van dit jaar vijf keer betrokken waren geweest bij ‘incidenten’ in de buurt van de Zuid-Afghaanse stad Kandahar. Naar aanleiding daarvan hebben, volgens Kamp, de Amerikanen 21 mensen gearresteerd. Een deel van de arrestanten is terechtgekomen in de omstreden gevangenis op de Amerikaanse luchtmachtbasis Bagram. Twaalf van hen zouden nog vastzitten in deze gevangenis waar volgens Human Rights Watch wordt gemarteld. Minister Kamp verdedigde dit beleid als volgt: ‘Mijn stelling is dat wij daar gedurende een jaar lang er mede voor gezorgd hebben dat in Kandahar sprake was van een vrij rustige situatie. Tot nu toe hebben we al onze special forces gezond en wel weer teruggekregen. We hebben in die gevallen dat we met tegenstanders zijn geconfronteerd hebben we adequaat gereageerd, en ik denk dat we hier een positieve bijdrage hebben geleverd aan de inspanning van de internationale gemeenschap om de situatie in Afghanistan geleidelijk te verbeteren.’ Wanneer we logica op dit betoog loslaten dan zegt de minister al dan niet impliciet het volgende: een jaar lang is het in Kandahar vrij rustig geweest, want onze militairen zijn ongeschonden uit de strijd gekomen. Wij hebben gevangenen overgedragen aan de Amerikanen om ze naar een gevangenis over te brengen waar volgens een mensenrechtenorganisatie gemarteld wordt en zo hebben we niet alleen adequaat gehandeld, maar ook nog eens een positieve bijdrage geleverd aan de stabiliteit van de regio. En zo omzeilt de liberale minister, voor wie vrijheid en democratie een hoog goed zijn, het feit dat hij op deze manier de mensenrechten heeft geschonden en theoretisch gesproken hiervoor veroordeeld zou kunnen worden door een tribunaal. In tegenstelling tot een dictatuur is een rechtstaat gefundeerd op woorden, woorden die betekenis geven aan ons leven. Waarom laten we politici het leven betekenisloos maken. Achter de woorden van Kamp gaan het martelingen schuil, en schendingen van de mensenrechten, en wie weet, oorlogsmisdaden. Waarom laat de parlementaire democratie dit toe?
Amerikaans Terrorisme 8

De BBC NewsNight besteedde gisteravond aadacht aan berichten over Amerikaanse oorlogsmisdaden. U kunt de uitzending hier bekijken: 'The Aftermath Of A Massacre
Have American troops been killing unarmed civilians in Iraq?This is the account of a nine year old survivor. " watched them shoot my grandfather First in the chest then in the head, then they killed my granny." BBC NEWSNIGHT REPORT - BROADCAST 03/22/06.' Zie:
http://informationclearinghouse.info/article12443.htm Of lees het artikel in Time Magazine:
woensdag 22 maart 2006
De Opiniemakers

Leuke citaten van opiniemakers vermomd als journalisten. 'Declaring Victory"Iraq Is All but Won; Now What?"(Los Angeles Times headline, 4/10/03) "Now that the combat phase of the war in Iraq is officially over, what begins is a debate throughout the entire U.S. government over America's unrivaled power and how best to use it." (CBS reporter Joie Chen, 5/4/03)"Congress returns to Washington this week to a world very different from the one members left two weeks ago. The war in Iraq is essentially over and domestic issues are regaining attention." (NPR's Bob Edwards, 4/28/03) "Tommy Franks and the coalition forces have demonstrated the old axiom that boldness on the battlefield produces swift and relatively bloodless victory. The three-week swing through Iraq has utterly shattered skeptics' complaints." (Fox News Channel's Tony Snow, 4/13/03)"The only people who think this wasn't a victory are Upper Westside liberals, and a few people here in Washington."(Charles Krauthammer, Inside Washington, WUSA-TV, 4/19/03) "We had controversial wars that divided the country. This war united the country and brought the military back."(Newsweek's Howard Fineman--MSNBC, 5/7/03) "We're all neo-cons now." (MSNBC's Chris Matthews, 4/9/03)"The war was the hard part. The hard part was putting together a coalition, getting 300,000 troops over there and all their equipment and winning. And it gets easier. I mean, setting up a democracy is hard, but it is not as hard as winning a war." (Fox News Channel's Fred Barnes, 4/10/03) "Oh, it was breathtaking. I mean I was almost starting to think that we had become inured to everything that we'd seen of this war over the past three weeks; all this sort of saturation. And finally, when we saw that it was such a just true, genuine expression. It was reminiscent, I think, of the fall of the Berlin Wall. And just sort of that pure emotional expression, not choreographed, not stage-managed, the way so many things these days seem to be. Really breathtaking." (Washington Post reporter Ceci Connolly, appearing on Fox News Channel on 4/9/03, discussing the pulling down of a Saddam Hussein statue in Baghdad, an event later revealed to have been a U.S. military PSYOPS operation--Los Angeles Times, 7/3/04)' Lees verder: http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=2842
Chalmers Johnson 2

Deel Twee van Tom Engelhardt's interview met de gezaghebbende Amerikaanse geleerde Chalmers Johnson: 'What I can't explain is what has happened to Congress. Is it just that they're corrupt? That's certainly part of it. I'm sitting here in California's 50th district. This past December, our congressman Randy Cunningham confessed to the largest single bribery case in the history of the U.S. Congress: $2.4 million in trinkets -- a Rolls Royce, some French antiques -- went to him, thanks to his ability as a member of the military subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee to add things secretly to the budget. He was doing this for pals of his running small companies. He was adding things even the Department of Defense said it didn't want. This is bribery and, as somebody said the other day, Congress comes extremely cheap. For $2.4 million, these guys got about $175 million in contracts. It was an easy deal. The military is out of control. As part of the executive branch, it's expanded under cover of the national security state. Back when I was a kid, the Pentagon was called the Department of War. Now, it's the Department of Defense, though it palpably has nothing to do with defense. Hasn't for a long time. We even have another department of the government today that's concerned with "homeland security." You wonder what on Earth do we have that for -- and a Dept of Defense, too! The government isn't working right. There's no proper supervision. The founders, the authors of the Constitution, regarded the supreme organ to be Congress. The mystery to me -- more than the huge expansion of executive branch powers we've seen since the neoconservatives and George Bush came to power -- is: Why has Congress failed us so completely? Why are they no longer interested in the way the money is spent? Why does a Pentagon budget like this one produce so little interest? Is it that people have a vested interest in it, that it's going to produce more jobs for them?' Lees verder:
Helen Thomas

Waarom kunnen in Nederland autoriteiten niet stevig aangepakt worden door journalisten? Democracy Now bericht: 'AMY GOODMAN: We return to President Bush's news conference. Veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas asked President Bush what some analysts called the most direct questioning he’s ever received on his reasons for invading Iraq.
HELEN THOMAS: I'd like to ask you, Mr. President, your decision to invade Iraq has caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, wounds of Americans and Iraqis for a lifetime. Every reason given, publicly at least, has turned out not to be true. My question is, why did you really want to go to war? From the moment you stepped into the White House, from your Cabinet -- your Cabinet officers, intelligence people, and so forth -- what was your real reason? You have said it wasn't oil -- quest for oil, it hasn't been Israel, or anything else. What was it?
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: I think your premise, in all due respect to your question and to you as a lifelong journalist, is that, you know, I didn't want war. To assume I wanted war is just flat wrong, Helen, in all due respect --
HELEN THOMAS: Everything --
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Hold on for a second, please.
HELEN THOMAS: -- everything I've heard --
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Excuse me, excuse me. No president wants war. Everything you may have heard is that, but it's just simply not true. My attitude about the defense of this country changed on September the 11th. We -- when we got attacked, I vowed then and there to use every asset at my disposal to protect the American people. Our foreign policy changed on that day, Helen. You know, we used to think we were secure because of oceans and previous diplomacy, but we realized on September the 11th, 2001, that killers could destroy innocent life. And I'm never going to forget it. And I'm never going to forget the vow I made to the American people that we will do everything in our power to protect our people.
Part of that meant to make sure that we didn't allow people to provide safe haven to an enemy. And that's why I went into Iraq -- hold on for a second --
HELEN THOMAS: They didn't do anything to you or to our country.
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Look -- excuse me for a second, please. Excuse me for a second. They did. The Taliban provided safe haven for al-Qaeda. That's where al-Qaeda trained HELEN THOMAS: I'm talking about Iraq --
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Helen, excuse me. That's where -- Afghanistan provided safe haven for al-Qaeda. That's where they trained. That's where they plotted. That's where they planned the attacks that killed thousands of innocent Americans.
I also saw a threat in Iraq. I was hoping to solve this problem diplomatically. That's why I went to the Security Council; that's why it was important to pass 1441, which was unanimously passed. And the world said, ‘Disarm, disclose, or face serious consequences’ --
HELEN THOMAS: -- go to war --
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: -- and therefore, we worked with the world, we worked to make sure that Saddam Hussein heard the message of the world. And when he chose to deny inspectors, when he chose not to disclose, then I had the difficult decision to make to remove him. And we did, and the world is safer for it.' Lees verder: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/22/150252
Irak 52

Een andere vlijmscherpe Amerikaanse commentator is Norman Solomon. Hij schrijft: 'On Invasion's Third Anniversary, Tune Out the PunditsThe current anniversary of the invasion should be a time for sober reflection about the U.S. war effort in Iraq. But we shouldn’t expect much insight from the pundits who applauded when the United States went to war three years ago. Researchers at the media watch group Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (where I’m an associate) have exhumed statements made by prominent media cheerleaders for war in the spring of 2003. Frequently showing elation as Baghdad fell, U.S. journalists often lavished praise on the invasion and aimed derisive salvos at American opponents of the military action.
One of the most gleeful commentators on network television was MSNBC’s “Hardball” host, Christopher Matthews. “We’re all neocons now,” he crowed on April 9, 2003, hours after a Saddam Hussein statue tumbled in Baghdad. Weeks later, Matthews was still at it, making categorical declarations: “We’re proud of our president. Americans love having a guy as president, a guy who has a little swagger, who’s physical, who’s not a complicated guy like Clinton or even like Dukakis or Mondale, all those guys, McGovern. They want a guy who’s president. Women like a guy who’s president. Check it out. The women like this war. I think we like having a hero as our president. It’s simple.” Simplistic was more like it. And, in the rush of stateside enthusiasm for war on Iraq, centrist pundits like Matthews—apt to sway with the prevailing wind—were hardly inclined to buck the jingoistic storm. Pseudo-patriotic hot air remained at gale force on Fox News Channel, still blowing strong several weeks after the invasion. “Tommy Franks and the coalition forces have demonstrated the old axiom that boldness on the battlefield produces swift and relatively bloodless victory,” Tony Snow told viewers in late April. “The three-week swing through Iraq has utterly shattered skeptics’ complaints.”' Lees verder: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20060317_norman_solomon_invasion/
Irak 51

De Amerikaanse columnist Robert Scheer schrijft: 'On the third anniversary of the beginning of his Iraq catastrophe, President Bush yet again dealt in denial, but this time the carefully screened audience at the Cleveland City Club wasn’t buying it. Perhaps most on target was an elderly gentleman who cited what he said were the three main reasons for going to war in Iraq — WMD, Iraq’s ties to the Sept. 11 terrorists and the alleged purchase of nuclear material from Niger — and then noted dryly that all three of these rationales turned out to be false. “How do we restore confidence that Americans may have in their leaders and to be sure that the information they are getting now is correct?” he asked the president. How indeed? “That’s a great question,” began Bush by way of dissembling. “First, just if I may correct a misperception. I don’t think we ever said — at least I know I didn’t say — that there was a direct connection between Sept. 11 and Saddam Hussein.” Really? So when he said in his May 1, 2003, “Mission Accomplished” speech on the deck of the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln that “we have removed an ally of Al Qaeda,” he meant a different gang with the same name as the one blamed for the attack on the World Trade Center twin towers and Pentagon? It is his way of finessing the firm conclusion of the bipartisan Sept. 11 commission that Hussein was an opponent of Al Qaeda and never its ally. Yet that didn’t stop Bush from again on Monday insisting that “the central front on the war on terror is Iraq.”' Lees verder: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20060321_bush_cleveland_wmd_lies
Irak 50

De Los Angeles Times bericht: 'Gunmen Kill 20 in Breakout at Iraqi Jail. BAGHDAD, Iraq -- About 100 masked gunmen stormed a prison near the Iranian border Tuesday, cutting phone wires, freeing all the inmates and leaving behind a scene of devastation and carnage -- 20 dead policemen, burned-out cars and a smoldering jailhouse. At least 10 attackers were killed in the dawn assault on the Muqdadiyah lockup on the eastern fringe of the Sunni Triangle, police said. The raid showed the mostly Sunni militants can still assemble a large force, capable of operating in the region virtually at will -- even though U.S. and Iraqi military officials said last year that the area was no longer an insurgent stronghold. On Wednesday, suspected insurgents stormed a police station in the town of Madain south of Baghdad, killing four policemen and wounding at least five, authorities said. The insurgency's strength, spiraling sectarian violence and the stalemate over forming a government in Iraq have led politicians and foreign policy experts to say Iraq is on the brink or perhaps in the midst of civil war. In all, 33 prisoners were freed in Tuesday's assault, including 18 insurgents who were detained Sunday during raids by security forces in the nearby villages of Sansal and Arab, police said. It was the capture of those insurgents that apparently prompted the attack. The 15 other inmates were a mix of suspected insurgents and common criminals. In an Internet posting Tuesday night, the military wing of the Mujaheddin Shura Council, a militant Sunni Muslim insurgent group, purportedly claimed it carried out the operation. The posting said the group killed "40 policemen, liberated 33 prisoners and captured weapons."' Lees verder: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/wire/ats-ap_top10mar21,0,4839640.story Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/032206Z.shtml
De Nederlandse Terreur 3

Aangifte wegens Mensenrechtenschending

Dit is minister Kamp van Defensie, verantwoordelijk voor het schenden van de mensenrechten in Afghanistan. Zie de Volkskrant van vanochtend of Trouw of welke andere Nederlandse krant dan ook: 'Nederland zet Afghanen in VS-kamp. Door toedoen van Nederlandse militairen zijn Afghanen terechtgekomen in een berucht Amerikaans detentiecentrum. Tot ergernis van vooral de linkse oppositie in de Tweede Kamer weet de regering niet of deze Afghanen, die als terreurverdachten vastzitten, blootstaan aan martelingen of andere kwalijke praktijken.' Zie: http://www.volkskrant.nl/binnenland/article255939.ece Mijn vraag is aan u: wie wil samen met mij een aangifte doen bij de politie van schending van internationale vragen, waaronder het VN-Verdrag tegen Foltering? Ik wil die aangifte vrijdagochtend bij de Amsterdamse politie doen, een aangifte zowel tegen de betrokken Nederlandse militairen als tegen de politiek verantwoordelijken. U kunt het natuurlijk ook zelf doen in uw eigen woonplaats. Wilt u het samen met mij doen, emailt u me dan.
De Nederlandse Terreur 2

Trouw bericht wat iedereen met een beetje gezond verstand al kon weten: 'Vuile handen in Afghanistan. Arrestanten van Nederlanders in omstreden Amerikaanse kampen. Nederlandse commando’s in Zuid-Afghanistan hielpen veel vaker bij arrestaties van terreurverdachten dan werd aangenomen. De Afghanen zitten nu vast in het VS-detentiesysteem waarop ook Nederland kritiek heeft, omdat daar het internationale humanitaire recht niet wordt gerespecteerd. Zwaar bewapende Afghanen die in januari en februari door Nederlandse patrouilles uit auto’s werden gevist, zijn formeel niet door de Nederlanders opgepakt. In lijn met een geheime ’werkafspraak’ werd de arrestatie van verdachten overgelaten aan Amerikaanse militairen. Daarom houdt minister Kamp (defensie) vol dat Nederlandse troepen het humanitaire oorlogsrecht niet schenden. Wél dat de regering door deelname aan de wereldwijde anti-terreuroperatie onder leiding van de VS geen schone handen kan houden. „Als je mee doet, dan draag je medeverantwoordelijkheid voor wat er in die operatie Enduring Freedom gebeurt.” Onverwacht maakte Kamp gisteren in de Kamer openbaar hoeveel terreurverdachten door zijn commando’s rond Kandahar in Amerikaanse kampen zijn gekomen zoals de omstreden VS-luchtmachtbasis in Afghanistan, Bagram. De 165 militairen sterke special forces hielden bij vijf incidenten 21 Afghanen staande, die raketwerpers, andere wapens of grote hoeveelheden drugs vervoerden. Twaalf van hen, die wapens vervoerden, zitten nog vast in de Amerikaanse detentiecentra in Afghanistan. Eén man werd door Nederlands vuur gedood. De anderen zijn vrijgelaten of in handen van de Afghaanse politie. Eerder meldde Defensie slechts één schietincident waarbij de dode viel en twee gewonden aan de Amerikanen waren overgedragen. Ook kamerleden kregen vertrouwelijk niet meer te horen. Kamp zei dat hij de effecten van de commando-operatie pas gisteren openbaar kon maken, omdat de troepen klaar zijn. Vorige week namen Canadezen de operatie over. De geheime afspraken over de missie –wel aanhouden, maar de VS laten arresteren– mochten van Kamp niet eerder op straat komen omdat dit de veiligheid van de troepen in gevaar zou brengen. De linkse oppositiepartijen, die tegen de missie waren, achten nu aangetoond dat ook Nederland wel degelijk, indirect, het oorlogsrecht schendt. De coalitiepartijen CDA en VVD accepteren dat de anti-terreurstrijd niet met schone handen kan worden gevoerd.' Zie: http://www.trouw.nl/hetnieuws/nederland/
article255773.ece/Vuile+handen+in+Afghanistan U moet eens voor de aardigheid naar de reacties op dit artikel kijken. Veel gaan er blind van uit dat de gearresteerden meteen ook terroristen zijn, terwijl ze nog steeds verdachten zijn. Bovendien mogen ze kennelijk daarom gemarteld worden. Het zegt veel over de democratische opvattingen, het beschavingsniveau van deze Trouw-lezers. Het laat ook zien dat in een komend conflict deze mensen niet anders zullen reageren dan de meeste Nederlanders tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Die bleven braaf collaboreren, zonder enige gewetenswroeging, met of zonder de bijbel in de hand, maar wel met de luchtgod aan hun kant.
De Volkskrant 2

http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/2006/03/israelisch-expansionisme-5.html Enu nu maar weer afwachten.
Leo Kwarten Consultancy

http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2003/03/9914.shtml. Ik ken Leo Kwarten niet maar volgens de Wereldomroep bezoekt hij al jaren Saoedi Arabie 'de grootste golfstaat voor zijn werk als adviseur van bedrijven die in het Midden-Oosten zakendoen.' In 2004 verklaarde hij "Wel voel ik me de afgelopen twee jaar steeds onveiliger in het land. Arabische kranten maken regelmatig melding van moordaanslagen op westerlingen, die zomaar op straat worden doodgeschoten. Ook worden alle Westerse doelwitten, zoals winkel- en uitgaanscentra, streng bewaakt. Sommige winkelcentra lijken wel bunkers. Maar ja, zaken zijn zaken." De journalistiek in handen geven van zakenmensen, voor wie zaken nu eenmaal zaken zijn, en die dus andere belangen hebben dan puur journalistieke is journalistiek verwerpelijk, zoals uit het geval Kwarten blijkt. Waarom de Volkskrant hem nu toch een platform biedt als recensent is opmerkelijk en getuigt van weinig respect voor de lezer. Enkele dagen na zijn tirade tegen de vredesbeweging in de rubriek Forum verscheen de volgende ontnuchterende brief in de Volkskrant van de heer J.W. van Leenhoff: 'Leo Kwarten betoogt in het artikel over Irak (Forum, 27 februari) dat de anti-oorlogsbeweging de wensen van het Iraakse volk miskent. Sinds 1961 ben ik actief in de vredesbeweging. Natuurlijk zijn wij tegen de schending van mensenrechten, niet alleen in Irak, maar overal in de wereld. Wij zijn voor vrijheid en democratie voor de Irakezen. Een oorlog is echter geen oplossing om deze idealen te verwezenlijken. Integendeel, oorlog is massamoord en de grootste schending van mensenrechten. De Iraki's willen wel meer vrijheid en democratie, maar niet nog meer lijden als gevolg van een oorlog. Ze hebben al genoeg geleden door de economische sancties sinds de Golfoorlog. De Afghanen zouden ook ''bevrijd'' worden, maar hebben nog steeds geen democratische regering.' Die brief getuigde van een grote dosis nuchter verstand. Het duurde drie jaar voordat Leo Kwarten oog kreeg voor dit 'sober realisme.' Ik kan me voorstellen dat het zo lang duurde omdat de Amerikaanse bezetting gunstig voor zijn 'Leo Kwarten Middle East Consultancy' kon zijn, maar dan toch, drie jaar is lang. Beter laat dan nooit, zou men kunnen zeggen. Daar staat tegenover dat hij op die manier ook als business consultant geen sterke indruk maakt. Ik zou in elk geval niet afgaan op zijn zakenadviezen betreffende het Midden Oosten, per slot van rekening: zaken zijn zaken.
De Commerciele Massamedia 2

http://www.consortiumnews.com/2006/031906.html Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/032106M.shtml
Klimaatverandering 27

De lente is nog steeds niet is gearriveerd. Dat geldt zowel voor Europa als de Verenigde Staten. CBS bericht: 'Rewriting The Science. (CBS) As a government scientist, James Hansen is taking a risk. He says there are things the White House doesn't want you to hear but he's going to say them anyway. Hansen is arguably the world's leading researcher on global warming. He's the head of NASA's top institute studying the climate. But this imminent scientist tells correspondent Scott Pelley that the Bush administration is restricting who he can talk to and editing what he can say. Politicians, he says, are rewriting the science. But he didn't hold back speaking to Pelley, telling 60 Minutes what he knows. Asked if he believes the administration is censoring what he can say to the public, Hansen says: "Or they're censoring whether or not I can say it. I mean, I say what I believe if I'm allowed to say it." What James Hansen believes is that global warming is accelerating. He points to the melting arctic and to Antarctica, where new data show massive losses of ice to the sea. Is it fair to say at this point that humans control the climate? Is that possible? "There's no doubt about that, says Hansen. "The natural changes, the speed of the natural changes is now dwarfed by the changes that humans are making to the atmosphere and to the surface."' Lees verder: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/03/17/60minutes/main1415985.shtml
dinsdag 21 maart 2006
Amerikaans Terrorisme 7

AMY GOODMAN: Tell us the story. Your story in Time is called “One Morning in Haditha."
APARISIM GHOSH: The victims told us that the Marines came in and they killed everybody inside. In one house they threw a grenade into a kitchen. That set off a propane tank and nearly destroyed the kitchen and killed several people in that home. The scenes that were described by the survivors and the witnesses were incredibly bloody and very graphic. But they are, unfortunately, very commonplace in Iraq.
AMY GOODMAN: Inside, you talked to -- you have the description of a nine-year-old girl.
AMY GOODMAN: Tell us about her and her family and what she says happened.
APARISIM GHOSH: Well, she was indoors with her family when the explosion took place. The explosion was loud enough to wake everybody up in the neighborhood.
AMY GOODMAN: The bomb that killed the Marine.
APARISIM GHOSH: The first explosion, yes. And she says when she heard gunshots – of course, she's a child, she was frightened. When the Marines stormed towards their home, her grandfather slipped into the next room, as is, apparently, was his custom to pray, to reach out for the family Koran and pray to God that this crisis would pass. On this occasion, the Marines came into the home. They entered the room where the grandfather was, and other members of the family, and killed him.
AMY GOODMAN: And she was left alive.
APARISIM GHOSH: She survived, yes.
AMY GOODMAN: And her little brother.
APARISIM GHOSH: And her brother was injured by a piece of -- either by a bullet or a piece of shrapnel, we're not sure.
AMY GOODMAN: But her parents, her mother, her father, her grandparents --
APARISIM GHOSH: Her parents, her grandparents, I believe her uncle, were also killed.
AMY GOODMAN: And then, another house.
APARISIM GHOSH: Four houses in all, involving a total of -- indoors, total of 19 people, and four people outside.
AMY GOODMAN: And what, once you had more details like this, did the military respond, outside of saying that you were just buying the enemy propaganda?
APARISIM GHOSH: Well, once we had all these details and we were not getting any way with the Marines, we took the videotape and the evidence that we had to the senior-most military public affairs officer in Baghdad and showed him what we had. He then took that evidence and passed it on to his superior officers, recommending that they conduct a full and thorough inquiry. That inquiry is a two-step process. The first step has been completed.' Lees of luister verder: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/21/1418210
Klimaatverandering 26

Overal verandert het weer en het klimaat. Van de mij onbekende CornerMark [tbrewitz@cornermark.com] kreeg ik deze email opgestuurd: 'Spring Snowstorm Blamed on Global Warming. Mar 20, 2006The first day of spring arrived with an unusual blast of winter, an event some are attributing to global warming.(Washington, D.C.) The first day of spring arrived today with widespread cold and snow, an event that some say is just one more sign of global warming. "This is exactly in line with what we have been predicting for years," explained James Fearmonger, chief climate scientist at the newly formed Global Warming Prediction Center. "With global warming we have predicted that some areas will see more precipitation, some less precipitation, some will experience warmer weather, some colder. So this event can be fully explained by global warming"With winter storm warnings extending from the Great Plains into the Ohio Valley, a few government insiders are predicting that a new congressional inquiry into the unusual storm will be started later this week. "There has been a lot of finger pointing this morning," explained one FEMA official. "This storm surprised everyone. Local, state, and federal disaster officials were all caught with their pants down on this one…it's not a pretty sight." http://www.ecoenquirer.com/
New Global Warming Legislation Outlined by FeinsteinMar 20, 2006U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today outlined legislation to reduce America's emissions of greenhouse gases in order to minimize the impact of climate change on the Earth, while safeguarding our economy. "The clock is ticking on global warming," Senator Feinstein said. "If we do not slow, stop, and reverse global warming soon, we will do irreparable harm to the world around us. Many hurricane scientists believe that Katrina and Wilma – and the cost in lives, money, and property – are indicators of what we can expect from storms in the future if we don't turn back global warming. http://www.yubanet.com/artman/publish/article_33120.shtml
Bitter cold grips eastern half of nationStrong winds knock out power to thousands, and the weather gets blame for seven deaths.February 20, 2006ROCHESTER, N.Y. - Utility crews worked Sunday to restore power to thousands of homes and businesses from Michigan to Maine after a weekend winter storm, while slick roads and heavy winds were blamed for several deadly accidents.As far south as Texas, ice and freezing rain canceled dozens of flights over the weekend at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, including 85 American Airlines flights, according to a company spokesman.Little Rock, Ark., had a Sunday morning low of 18. Farther west, Alliance, Neb., bottomed out at 8 below, the National Weather Service said. At least three people were killed on icy roads in Arkansas over the weekend.In the Upper Midwest, the 8 a.m. reading of 2 below zero at Duluth, Minn., combined with 17 mph wind for a wind chill of 23 below.A reading of 18 below was recorded in Allagash, Maine, while temperatures dipped to a low of 10 degrees in Rochester and wind of up to 17 mph made it feel like almost 10 below zero, the weather service said.The fierce wind, including a 143 mph gust recorded on Vermont's Stratton Mountain on Friday, knocked out power and toppled trees, which were blamed for four deaths.Utility officials in New York expected to have crews working through the week to restore power to the 31,500 customers without electricity Sunday. That's down from a peak of 328,000 customers blacked out Friday. http://www.heraldnet.com/stories/06/02/20/100wir_a3weather001.cfm
Evangelicals debate global warming(March 20, 2006The atmosphere within the evangelical community has been heating up since the Evangelical Climate Initiative was introduced in early February.The statement, which is endorsed by more than 80 prominent evangelical leaders, asserts that climate change is an urgent problem and that the Christian faith mandates a strong response to global warming. “It is a very appropriate move in terms of a biblical basis and, in fact, long overdue,” said Fred Van Dyke, who teaches environmental ethics at Wheaton College. “The evangelical community has long associated the environmental agenda with a liberal agenda, but they are getting over it.”’Roy Spencer, principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and former senior climate scientist with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, said he is concerned that the initiative focuses too strongly on activism and not enough on science. He helped the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance draft a 19-page monograph on global warming called “An Examination of the Scientific, Ethical and Theological Implications of Climate Change Policy.”“Right now we have a government that has done nothing effective about global warming and doesn’t listen to people like me — scientists,” said Mark Cane, professor of earth and climate science, and academic board member of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. “They do listen to evangelicals, however, so [the Evangelical Climate Initiative] plays an important saving role.” http://www.stnews.org/News-2719.htm Back in the deep freeze by next weekendFebruary 20, 2006Chicago's weekend subzero blast is now history as temperatures have started a rebound that will take them into the 40s later in the week. However, the moderating trend will not last, and a repeat blast of arctic air is poised to descend into the Midwest next weekend, once again sending the mercury tumbling toward single digits or lower.The South is also cold as an icy mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain is glazing highways from Texas to the southern Appalachians.Record lows were set Sunday at Portland Ore. (23(degrees)) and Casper, Wyo. (-17(degrees)), while Houston set a new record minimum high of 38(degrees). http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-0602200074feb20,1,4219293.column?coll=chi-news-hed
Global warming reaches ‘tipping point’March 20, 2006 Human-fueled global warming has reached a “tipping point,” according to a new survey of scientific research that found warming would continue even if greenhouse gas emissions halted immediately. “It would keep on warming even though we have stopped the cause, which is greenhouse gases from the combustion of fossil fuels,” David Jhirad of the Washington-based World Resources Institute said on Wednesday. The rate of warming would be slower, Jhirad said in a telephone interview, but a kind of thermal inertia would ensure that global temperatures continue their upward trend. “Taken collectively, they suggest that the world may well have moved past a key physical tipping point,” the institute wrote. Jhirad said there were actually two tipping points. The first is that there is no doubt human activities cause global warming; a more physical tipping point is that the effects of global warming are evident now. The Kyoto agreement obliges some 40 industrial nations to cut emissions of heat-trapping gases by 5.2 percent below 1990 levels by 2008 to 2012. Jhirad said the United States should adopt a system of carbon trading, like one in place in much of Europe, where companies that emit few greenhouse gases get credits that can be traded with companies that emit a lot.Also on Wednesday, the nonprofit, nonpartisan Civil Society Institute released a survey that found 83 percent of Americans wanted more leadership from the federal government to reduce the pollution linked to global warming. http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006%5C03%5C20%5Cstory_20-3-2006_pg6_11
Record cold grips areaDenver Post, CO - Feb 18, 2006Only the hearty were out recreating on Friday in Denver, and the cold will persist into the weekend. The temperature at Denver International Airport dipped to the coldest March temperatures since 1993. http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_3522150
Are you working for impeachment?March 10, 2006People are being tortured and murdered, toxins such as depleted uranium and napalm are being spread disseminated, global warming is being accelerated by the policies of the Bush/Cheney administration. WE THE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE!The only recourse we have is impeachment. This is available to us. it is legal, peaceful, and democratic.
RECORD COLD TAKES HOLDFriday's high temperature is a chill-inducing 48FMar. 11, 2006Here we are in mid-March and you're still reaching for your favorite thick scarf.You groan and wonder what's up with yet another spell of frigid weather? And is that really snow atop Mount Toro? Record cold -- brrr -- temperatures, are teasing the Central Coast.Friday's "frigid" high of 48 broke the previous record high of 53 degrees for the day, recorded in 1999."We beat the record big time," said Bob Renard, an observer with the National Weather Service in MontereyMeanwhile, Friday afternoon, Highway 17 in the Santa Cruz Mountains was closed for more than an hour because of snow and ice on the summit and a big rig that overturned, according to the California Highway Patrol. http://www.montereyherald.com/mld/montereyherald/news/local/14074703.htm
Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City
https://x.com/RyanRozbiani/status/1903959951724483030 @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...
Ziehier Yoeri Albrecht, die door een jonge journalist van het mediakanaal Left Laser betrapt werd tijdens een privé-onderonsje met twee ...