zaterdag 6 november 2021

Covid Censuur

Directeur van AZ Turnhout wordt van het scherm gehaald

(update onderaan: momenteel 100% gevaccineerden op covidafdelingen van drie ziekenhuizen van GZA Antwerpen)

Dat krijg je dan met die regionale zenders, in dit geval het Kempense RTV. Vaak passeren daar jonge, beloftevolle nieuwsmakers, die nog écht op zoek gaan naar de waarheid, die hun journalistieke métier serieus nemen.

Zo gebeurde het, dat er op donderdag 4 november 2021 een korte reportage werd gemaakt over het stijgende aantal coronapatiënten in de Kempense grensregio. Hierbij kwam de directeur van het ziekenhuis AZ Turnhout aan het woord.

En die zei zomaar, op de lokale tv-zender, het volgende: "De patiënten die wij opnemen (met covid, red) zijn meer en meer gevaccineerde patiënten. Ik weet dat men soms andere geruchten hoort, maar de grote meerderheid van de patiënten die wij nu opnemen, zijn gevaccineerde mensen." De opnameduur lijkt hem wel korter, en het herstel vlugger dan voorheen. Omwille van vaccinatie, van betere behandelingen of omwille van de deltavariant, of een combinatie ervan? Dat werd niet meteen uitgeklaard.

De reportage werd al na enkele uren offline gehaald door de eindredactie van RTV. Iedereen die de coronaverslaggeving van onze reguliere media iet of wat volgt, snapt uiteraard waarom deze getuigenis, van een ware expert ter zake, gecensureerd wordt. Het strookt niet met het huidige narratief, dat, tegen beter weten in, de indruk wil wekken dat we hier met een 'pandemie van ongevaccineerden' zitten. Dat riedeltje wordt stel-sel-matig gebruikt, niet enkel in ons land, maar ook in de VS, in Frankrijk, in Spanje, in Nederland, in Duitsland, etc. Het is overduidelijk dat hier sprake is van een internationaal duidelijk afgestemde sensibiliseringscampagne, om de sociale en economische druk op de niet-geprikten zo hoog mogelijk te leggen. Stelselmatig worden er dan ook verhoudingen gesuggereerd, die niks meer te maken hebben met de werkelijkheid. Meestal schermt men met 'de privacy' van de patiënten, om het niet te hoeven hebben over percentages. En wanneer die cijfers dan toch uitkomen, zoals de verplichte parlementaire toelichting van minister tegen Volksgezondheid FVDB enkele weken geleden (zie fragment hieronder), dat 70% van de covidgehospitaliseerden in Vlaanderen, en 60% van de Vlaamse covidgevallen op Intensieve Zorgen wel degelijk dubbelgeprikt zijn, dan begint het meteen excuses te regenen. Zoals bijvoorbeeld het feit dat een flink deel van die covidgehospitaliseerden al in het ziekenhuis lagen voor andere ernstige kwalen, voor ze besmet bleken te zijn.

Bottomline: men overdrijft stelselmatig het percentage niet-geprikte coronapatiënten.

Dit krijgt volgens mij uiteindelijk nog een flink gerechtelijk staartje, want dit blijft niet duren.

De marsorders van FVDB en vele van zijn buitenlandse collega's zijn overduidelijk: men wil komen tot minstens 99% geprikten, te rekenen vanaf de leeftijd van zes maanden oud. En die prikken zullen uiteindelijk allemaal mRNAprikken zijn, en onderdeel van een 'prikabonnement' dat ieder half jaar of jaar vernieuwd moet worden, op straffe van het onbruikbaar maken van je coronapas. Dit heeft uiteraard niks meer te maken met volksgezondheid, maar alles met de invloed van de farmaceutische industrie én met het installeren van een flink uitgedacht sociale controlesysteem in een groot deel van onze wereld, waarbij burgers de volgende jaren steeds opnieuw hun QR-code tevoorschijn moeten halen, voor quasi elke toegang tot onderwijs, cultuur, sport, werk, socioculturele activiteiten. En wie de derde, vierde, vijfde prik weigert, of wie zich wat kritisch uitlaat op sociale media, of zich niet wenst te houden aan bepaalde absurde lockdownmaatregelen, die verliest het groene vinkje. Simple comme bonjour....voor wie het ziet. En een extreme ontnuchtering voor wie het plots door begint te krijgen. FVDB en consoorten hebben het niét goed voor met onze gezondheid. Waarom zouden ze anders alle sportaccomodaties ontoegankelijk maken voor ongeprikten? Of ermee dreigen om tienduizenden verpleegsters, artsen, kinesisten en ander zorgpersoneel te schorsen, omdat ze ervoor kozen hun prik niet te halen, terwijl onze zorg al heel zwaar onderbemand is....

Dat de leugen uiteindelijk zal ingehaald worden, is overduidelijk. Hoelang dit echter nog zal duren, en hoeveel leugens en repressie we nog te verwerken krijgen voor de waarheid boven komt, is een ander paar mouwen. Maar het kaartenhuis zàl in elkaar stuiken, dat is zeker.

UPDATE: in de drie Antwerpse ziekenhuizen van GZA geeft hoofdarts Kristiaan Deckers toe dat momenteel 100% van de covidgevallen op IC gevaccineerd zijn.

Hé Derk Sauer, Nog Steeds Anti-Assange?

Hé Derk Sauer, tevreden dat een journalist naar de VS dreigt uitgewezen te worden? Om het criminaliseren van de journalist Julian Assange te stimuleren, verwees jij als SP-multimiljonair via Twitter op 1 september 2016 naar The New York Times die een dag eerder met de kop ‘Hoe Rusland Vaak Profiteert Wanneer Julian Assange de Westerse Geheimen Onthult,’ de toon had gezet waarmee de westerse commerciële pers de hoofdredacteur van WikiLeaks diende af te beelden. 

vrijdag 5 november 2021

Risk of Collision Between US and Chinese Militaries Is Growing


Risk of Collision Between US and Chinese Militaries Is Growing

A US submarine that crashed into an underwater mountain in the South China Sea highlights the danger of US operations in the region

The risk of an accident between the militaries of the US and China is growing as Washington is increasing its presence in the South China Sea and other waters in the region, The South China Morning Post reported Friday.

The Post quoted Wu Shicun, who heads the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, and is concerned that the current mechanism between the US and China for crisis management “might not be effective in critical moments.”

Wu pointed to a near-miss in 2018 between a US destroyer and a Chinese destroyer. The vessels passed within 41 meters (134 feet) of each other in the South China Sea. “Sailing within 41 meters is very dangerous. It is not that we do not have rules, but that the rules are not followed through in [a] critical moment. This is where the risk lies,” he said.

“If the same scenario happened to two nuclear submarines, this would become a huge disaster,” Wu added. The danger of a possible nuclear submarine collision was highlighted by a US submarine crashing into an object the US Navy said was an underwater mountain in the South China Sea on October 2nd. According to the South China Sea Probing Initiative, the US has sent 11 nuclear submarines to the South China Sea in 2021 alone.

More nuclear submarines are headed to the region after the US, Britain, and Australia signed a new military pact in September. The deal will give the Australians access to nuclear submarine technology, although they are not expected to be developed and enter the water until the late 2030s.

Earlier this week, the Post cited Wu in another report that said the US had conducted over 2,000 reconnaissance flights in waters near China so far this year compared with just under 1,000 in 2020. With such a high risk for an accident, Wu is calling for the US and China to work on better mechanisms to avoid conflict.

“Establishing a risk-control mechanism with the United States is very urgent. Conflicts in the military and security fields are completely different from those in the economic and trade fields,” he said.

In 2001, a US spy plane collided with a Chinese plane about 59 miles off the coast of Hainan Island. With US-China relations at such a low point today, a similar accident could risk sparking a wider conflict.

Remember Admiral Wilsons Leaked Document

 Admiral Wilsons leaked document


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Admiral Wilsons leaked document 
The most significant leak of UFO-related documents in many years is out, and people are beginning to talk about it. Some have even called this the most significant UFO leak ever. What’s clear is that this is very important. The public conversation we will be having about these documents is only beginning, and there is no doubt in my mind that it will continue through the remainder of this year and for years to come. Or until it is surpassed by something even bigger. 

The most significant leak of UFO-related documents in many years is out, and people are beginning to talk about it. Some have even called this the most significant UFO leak ever. What’s clear is that this is very important. The public conversation we will be having about these documents is only beginning, and there is no doubt in my mind that it will continue through the remainder of this year and for years to come. Or until it is surpassed by something even bigger.

link to imgur


1) Article: UFO Leak of the Century: Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Leak

2) imgur

Remember: Ufo's are no Conspiracy, They do exist according to the Pentagon


How UFO Sightings Went From Conspiracy Theory To A Serious Government Inquiry

Are we alone? Have alien spacecraft been buzzing across Earth's skies? Those are the questions being asked in the U.S. government's new report on unexplained aerial phenomena — its preferred term for what many of us call unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

So far, it looks like the answers in the report will leave UFO spotters and conspiracy theorists unsatisfied. U.S. officials and analysts who examined video footage from U.S. Navy planes and other records say the evidence doesn't point to alien technology — but they also say they can't explain the unusual phenomena.

The report's release is still pending; after The New York Times first reported news of its findings Thursday night, a senior U.S. official confirmed to NPR that details in the newspaper's story are accurate.

Intelligence officials: The airborne vehicles weren't made by the U.S.

One of the report's only substantial conclusions is that the craft encountered by the military — objects that showed unusual flight capabilities — were not created by classified programs run by the U.S. government or the Pentagon.

That finding jibes with statements previously made by Luis Elizondo, the former leader of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. He spoke to NPR in 2017 after the release of a previously classified video taken by a camera aboard a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet.


In the footage, pilots struggled to explain what they were seeing as an object on their sensors maintained a high speed — and then, for no apparent reason, rotated.

"Look at that thing!" one pilot exclaimed.

Earlier, the same pilot remarked they might be seeing some type of drone.

"There's a whole fleet of them," the other pilot said.

"My gosh!" the first pilot replied.

Discussing that footage in an interview with NPR, Elizondo confessed he didn't know the origin of the craft.

"If you're asking my personal opinion from here, look, I've got to be honest with you, I don't know where it's from. But we're pretty sure it's not here," Elizondo said. "Now does that mean it's 'out there'? Whether or not it's Russian or Chinese inside or little green men from Mars or frankly your neighbor's dog, I wanted to purposely steer away from that because I wanted to focus on truly the raw science: What were we seeing, and did it pose a threat to national security?"

When UFOs went legit

Interest in the idea that alien beings might be visiting Earth from off-planet has skyrocketed in recent years, particularly after the Pentagon verified that several videos showing what look to be objects moving at incredible speeds and with remarkable agility had indeed come from official U.S. Navy sources.

In 2017, news of the existence of a secretive Pentagon program that was established to examine sightings of unexplained aircraft and phenomena ignited public interest. It also brought new legitimacy and definition to an area of research that for decades was defined by speculation — and stereotypes of UFO enthusiasts running around in tinfoil hats.

The Pentagon reportedly began its Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in an early form in 2007. Congress then funded it, and Elizondo took it over in 2010. But the Defense Department halted it in 2012.

In April 2020, the Department of Defense officially released footage from the Navy fighter pilots' on-board cameras.

The department said it was releasing the videos to clear up misconceptions about whether footage that had already been circulating is real.

"The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified,' " the Defense Department said.

Americans, it seems, are ready to believe. A 2019 Gallup Poll found that a third of U.S. adults agreed with the idea that "some UFOs have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies."

Why the government report is coming out now

The new report on UFOs is poised to be released to Congress this month by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

U.S. intelligence agencies and the Defense Department are required to report on what they know about unusual aerial phenomena because of a stipulation in the massive COVID-19 relief and government funding bill that Congress approved last year.

In a section titled Advanced Aerial Threats, the spending bill calls for federal agencies to submit a report on "unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as 'anomalous aerial vehicles'), including observed airborne objects that have not been identified."

When former President Donald Trump signed the bill on Dec. 27, he also triggered the start of a 180-day deadline for the director of national intelligence to send the report to Congress.

The report will go to the Intelligence and Armed Services committees in each chamber of Congress.

We've been looking for aliens for decades

Speculation about extraterrestrial beings coming to Earth — and potentially colonizing our planet, as humans have done to one another for millenniums — has long been fuel for movies and pulp novels. But fiction or not, the military has also been intrigued by the idea.

Americans' fixation with UFOs has its roots in July 1947. According to UFO enthusiasts, that's when the U.S. Air Force allegedly recovered an alien spacecraft — and its occupants — near Roswell, N.M.

As with more recent efforts, the U.S. military worked to determine whether an alien force had arrived on our planet — or whether the sightings potentially indicated unexpected gains in aeronautics and engineering by some rival power.

"The UFO craze began in the summer of 1947," journalist Annie Jacobsen told NPR in 2011 when she published a book about the mysterious Area 51 in Nevada. As speculation about that incident grew, Jacobsen added, the Army intelligence corps went on a search for former Third Reich aerospace designers who were said to have created a flying disc.

That same year, the Air Force started a program to investigate UFO sightings, called Project BLUE BOOK. Over the next two decades, 12,618 strange sightings were reported to the project. When it was phased out in 1969, around 700 sightings were still categorized as "Unidentified," according to the National Archives.

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