zaterdag 31 augustus 2019

Israeli professor calls Israel 'racist regime'

Israeli professor calls Israel 'racist regime'

Israeli professor, artists call to boycott Israeli-sponsored international Berlin festival.
Arutz Sheva Staff,   | updated: 09:33

Banner calling for boycott of Israel
Banner calling for boycott of Israel

Professor Eyal Sivan, a lecturer in Sapir College's graduate program for filmmaking, signed an open letter last week calling to boycott the international Berlin Pop-Kultur Festival due to its sponsorship by the Israeli embassy.
The festival, to be held from August 21 to August 23 in Berlin, is an annual festival that brings together musicians from across the world.
The open letter, published on website of "Artists for Palestine UK," was signed by Prof. Sivan and 13 other Israeli artists who dubbed Israel a "racist regime" and called to boycott the festival.
"As Israeli artists, musicians, and filmmakers, we support the Palestinian call to boycott Pop-Kultur Berlin festival 2019, given its complicity with Israel’s racist regime," wrote the artists.
The signatories also echoed other fringe Israeli academics who criticized Germany's recent law equating BDS to anti-Semitism.
"We agree with 240 Jewish and Israeli scholars who called on the German government not to endorse the recent anti-Palestinian Bundestag resolution," continued the letter.
"We also agree with Ishay Rosen Zvi, a Talmud professor at Tel Aviv University, who decried the attempts in Germany and elsewhere 'to erase differences between criticism of Zionism, criticism of Israel, criticism of the policies of the government of Israel and antisemitism.’"
Matan Peleg, CEO of the pro-Israel watchdog Im Tirtzu that first reported the letter, said that this is another example of the harm caused by radical Israelis.
"While tremendous amounts of resources are invested in Israel and throughout the world to combat the international BDS movement, there are radical Israeli professors undermining these efforts by promoting BDS from within Israel," said Peleg.
"This is further evidence of how radical Israelis play a leading role in promoting BDS and delegitimization against Israel," continued Peleg, "and universities must immediately work to root out this severe phenomenon."

A Danger To Europe

The New Nuclear Arms Race in Space A Danger To Europe
27 AUGUST 2019

In addition to the already existing nuclear threat, particularly in Europe, there is now a threat from space.

The United States under Obama transformed its main hydrogen bomb into a guided smart weapon, made its submarine-launched nuclear missiles five times more accurate, and gave its land-based long-range missiles so many added features that the Air Force in 2012 described them as “basically new.” To deliver these more lethal weapons, military contractors are building fleets of new heavy bombers and submarines. Which resulted in a new Nuclear Arms Race and the end of the INF treaty, which was signed on 8th of December 1987 between US president Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.
After the treaty was ended on August 2nd 2019, The United States tested a new missile which is prohibited under the landmark of the 32-year-old arms control treaty that the US and Russia canceled, the US blamed Russia for not complying, which actually gave the US the opportunity to start the new nuclear arms race in space.
A grave danger to the world, according to the last speech of President Putin of Russia and his Chinese counterpart President Xi. Nobody seems to take notice that the Chinese government has put it’s military alert on code red, meaning: extreme danger.
Mike Pence, the vice president of the US, announced the Nuclear Arms Race in space to politicians, military serviceman and NASA scientist, who gathered under the Shuttle’s  spacecraft wing and declared ( that the United States Space Force will ensure that our nation is prepared to defend our people, to defend our interests and defend our values in the vast expanse of space and here on Earth with the technologies that will support our common defense.   
According to a presidential memorandum the US is going to launch spacecrafts, containing space nuclear systems. As a result of this new spacecraft program, each inhabitant on Earth will have a nuclear bomb hanging over his/her head. Russia has proposed, many times, to ban the nuclear militarization of outer space, because it’s a threat to mankind, which can result into the destruction of planet Earth.
The main battle field will be Europe. Romania; were recently already 900 serviceman and MK-41 systems are deployed. This Aegis Ashore missile system will also be deployed in Poland and Japan in 2020. The US has a long history, since WWII and during the Cold war, to put it’s nuclear missiles on European soil. After the Cold war the nuclear bombs were not removed. Although Germany participates in the NATO nuclear weapons sharing arrangements and trains for delivering United States nuclear weapons.  Along with most other industrial nations, Germany still produces components that can be used for creating deadly agents, chemical weapons, and other WMD. Alongside other companies from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, India, the United States, Belgium, Spain, and Brazil, German companies provided Iraq and most likely Syria, with precursors of chemical agents. This in combination with the nuclear threats makes it extremely dangerous.
Recently various European MSM outlets reported the existence of secret locations of 150 US nukes hidden in Europe. The locations were accidentally leaked in a NATO report sparking major security fears.  According to the Belgium newspaper “De Morgen”; the bombs are stored at six US and European bases — Kleine Brogel in Belgium, Büchel in Germany, Aviano and Ghedi-Torre in Italy, Volkel in The Netherlands, and Incirlik in Turkey.
The new Space Force will be the sixth branch of the military and will help revive the United States space program, Trump said in his memorandum, ensuring we don’t fall behind China, Russia, and other countries. This new Space Force will be an independent “separate but equal” branch of the military. The Space Force’s purpose will be to oversee the safety of the US Trump said.
In addition to the already, above mentioned existing nuclear threat, particularly in Europe, there is now a threat from space. The famous Starwars space program is now back in operation under a different name, perhaps it had never ceased to exist. The threat is now more eminent and goes to a new level in the history of mankind. Let us hope that the leaders of America and Europe will have the wisdom to not carry out this real threat to humanity. With an unguided projectile like President Donald Trump and the deep-state and the large American military complex, the threat has never been greater.



by Denijal Jegic
“I love Israel. What a great country. Kosovo is a friend of Israel,” Kosovan President Hashim Thaci said shortly before declaring independence from Serbia in 2008. A decade later, Thaci promised to open an embassy in Jerusalem if the Israeli state recognises Kosovo.
For over a decade, Kosovo’s political elite has been courting Israel, hoping to get its political support. Despite Tel Aviv’s refusal to recognise Kosovan independence, Kosovan officials have persisted with the charm offensive.
In April this year, Kosovan Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj welcomed six US investors to Pristina in 2019 in his office decorated with the flags of Kosovo, the United States, and Israel. He told his guests: “We are very proud of our cooperation with the US and the Jewish people, and Israel as a nation is a good model to follow.”
In July, during a trip to Israel, organised by the American Jewish Committee, Kosovan ambassador to the US, Vlora Citaku, said that she is fond of the Zionist state and that the Kosovan people “look up to Israel as an example of how a state can be built”. That the Israeli state was built on the continuing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and that she herself had once become a refugee as a result of a similar ethnic cleansing campaign did not appear to bother her.
Whether ordinary Kosovans love Israel is indeed debatable, but what is quite obvious is that their government has adopted a stubborn pro-Israeli stance, ignoring history, geopolitical realities and Israel’s own practical considerations. 
Staunchly pro-US
Kosovo has been struggling with gaining international recognition. Although over 90 percent of the country’s population is Albanian, Serbia still claims control over Kosovo, clinging onto what it claims is historically Serbian territory.
Central to Belgrade’s narrative on the matter is the Battle of Kosovo of 1389, in which the Ottomans defeated the Serbs and shortly thereafter conquered Serbian lands. This historical event became a cornerstone of the Serbian national ethos during nation-building efforts of the newly independent Serbian state in the 19th century.
Despite its demography having changed significantly in four centuries of Ottoman rule, Kosovo was mystified in Serbian nationalist imagery as “the heart of Serbia” or even the “Jerusalem of Serbia”.
Under Yugoslav and then Serbian rule, Kosovo’s Albanians suffered various forms of oppression, from colonisation practices in the early 20th century to ethnic cleansing in the 1990s. During the 1999 war, some 90 percent of its population was displaced and thousands killed before NATO forces intervened and forced Serbian troops to withdraw.
As a result, Kosovars and their elite became staunchly pro-US. According to a 2018 Gallup poll, Kosovo’s population remains the most pro-American in the world, with almost 75 percent of Kosovars supporting the current US administration. Much of Kosovo’s public spaces are decorated with US flags and former President Bill Clinton and his Secretary of State Madeleine Albright have statues in Pristina. 
Unsurprisingly, when it comes to foreign policy, as Citaku pointed out during her visit to Israel, “Kosovo always follows the American position.” This means Kosovo’s government is indisputably and unapologetically pro-Israel.
Palestinian-Kosovan differences
Kosovan politicians rarely speak of Palestine, and the Palestinians refuse to recognise Kosovo as a state, or form any type of diplomatic relations with it. There are a number of reasons for this paradoxical animosity between two nations which share a similar history of victimisation.
As a leading member of the Non-Aligned Movement, Yugoslavia supported the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and broke all ties with Israel following the 1967 war. However, after Yugoslavia’s dissolution in the 1990s, the newly emerged countries rebranded themselves as Western liberal democracies and adopted pro-Israeli policies on their path towards European Union integration. Kosovo was no exception.
However, Serbia under Slobodan Milosevic followed a different path. While it was the first among ex-Yugoslavian states to open an embassy in Tel Aviv, it has also extended symbolic gestures towards Palestine.
Serbia was the only country in the region to vote in favour of Palestine’s admission to the United Nations as a non-member observer in 2012.
In response to the support Serbia gave Palestine on the international arena, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has not only frequently voiced its gratitude, but also declared its opposition to Kosovo’s statehood. In January 2000, just months after his regime’s brutal campaign against the Kosovo Albanians, the PA invited Milosevic to join the celebrations of the Christian Orthodox Christmas in Bethlehem.
More recently, in July 2019, Palestine’s ambassador to Serbia, Mohamed Nabhan, thanked Serbia for its long-standing support and reaffirmed that Palestine would oppose Kosovo’s admission to Interpol.
Palestine’s opposition to Kosovo’s statehood can also be attributed to Palestine’s own struggles with recognition. American, Israeli, and European arguments for not recognising Palestine are often based on the rejection of unilateral declaration of statehood, which, in the case of Kosovo, has not been a problem.
When Pristina declared its independence, senior Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo said: “Kosovo is not better than us. We deserve independence even before Kosovo, and we ask for the backing of the United States and the European Union for our independence.” 
The attitude of Kosovan authorities towards Palestine is undoubtedly affected by the Palestinian Authority’s dismissive approach to the question of Kosovan statehood as well as its strong relations with Serbia.
Israeli support for Serbia
Despite Kosovo’s pro-Israeli stance on the Palestinian issue, its relations with Israel face one major hurdle. Tel Aviv clearly sees the parallels between Kosovo and Palestine and fears that accepting its unilaterally-declared independence would aid Palestinian liberation efforts.
For the same reason, Israel also stood by Belgrade throughout the 1990s, as Yugoslav republics were also announcing their independence. While Western governments and Jewish organisations condemned the Serbian regime in the 1990s, Israel’s position was ambivalent at best and supportive at worst.
Moreover, there are some indications that Israel broke the arms embargo imposed by the West on Yugoslavia and sold weapons to Belgrade.
According to Israeli professor Yair Auron, there “is almost no doubt” that the shells that fell on the Markale market in August 1994, killing 68 and wounding 142, in what came to be known as the Sarajevo Massacre, were manufactured by Israel. In response to the incident, Israel issued a condemnation in which it failed to make a distinction between victims and perpetrators.
Presenting evidence that Israel armed Serb forces, Auron and Israeli human rights lawyer Eitay Mack petitioned the state in 2016 to disclose the documents regarding the Israeli state’s involvement in the Bosnian genocide. Israel’s Supreme Court, however, claimed that a revelation would threaten Israel’s security and foreign relations.
When war broke out in Kosovo, Israel was hesitant to openly take a stance against Serbia. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu only condemned the atrocities committed by Serbian forces following criticism over his initial silence. 
His foreign minister, Ariel Sharon, condemned NATO’s intervention in Kosovo in 1999. He voiced his opposition to Albanian self-determination using Islamophobic rhetoric, warning “the free world” of dangers of “a large bloc of Islamic states” forming a “Greater Albania”.
After his defeat at the Israeli elections that year, Netanyahu was eager to publicise the fact that his government sent humanitarian aid and admitted about 200 refugees, who he used as a photo op. 
A year after Kosovo’s independence, Israel’s ambassador in Belgrade, Arthur Koll, affirmed that Israel will not recognise Kosovo, asking “the Serbian people and government” to “appreciate Israel’s position” as a sign of friendship. Following Israel’s 2014 aggression on Gaza, Serbia’s current president, Aleksandar Vucic, who served in the Milosevic regime, visited Israel and declared that Serbia is “very proud” of its friendship with Israel. 
Despite Israel’s firm support for Serbia – in rhetoric and in practice – Kosovo’s governing elite continues to eagerly support the Israeli state at any opportunity. A decade of blind adulation of Israel and its apartheid regime, however, has not really paid off politically.
At the same time, there are solid grounds for solidarity between Palestinians and Kosovo Albanians, who, with their unique experiences of oppression, share similar goals of national liberation and recognition. Perhaps soon, it will be the people, rather than their uncouth leadership, that will determine the future of Palestinian-Kosovan relations.
Source: Al Jazeera

The Land of the Free

Police in the US Kill Citizens at Over 70 Times the Rate of Other First-World Nations

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In case you’ve been under a rock lately, it is becoming quite clear that police in the US can and will kill people, even unarmed people, even on video, and do so with impunity.
The tallying methods, or rather lack thereof, used by both the FBI and individual police departments to count the amount of people killed by police, have been shown to be staggeringly inaccurate. 
However, this inability of the government to count the number of people it kills, has been met with multiple alternative means of calculating just how deadly the state actually is.
One of these citizen run databases, is the website The site is basically a spreadsheet that lists every person killed by cops in the years 2013 and 2014. In addition to naming those killed, it also provides a link to media reports for each of the killings, age, sex and race if available.

The tally for 2014? 1,100 people killed by those sworn to protect. That is an average of three people a day.

Do not mistake this as saying that those who were killed were innocent. However, when we look at violent crime in this country, we can see that it is at an all time low.
While violence among citizens has dropped, violence against citizens carried out by police has been rising sharply.
When we look at citizens killed by police over the last two years, deaths have increased 44 percent in this short time; 763 people were killing by police in 2013.
As a comparison, the total number of US troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, in 2014 was 58.
Fewer soldiers were killed in war than citizens back home in “the land of the free” in 2014, by a large margin.

So why is that?

Is this some natural tendency of police in “free societies” to kill their citizens more, in an effort to maintain this freedom? Hardly, and hardly is the US a free country.
According to the 2014 Legatum Prosperity Index released in November, in the measure of personal freedom, the United States has fallen from 9th place in 2010 to 21st worldwide—behind such countries as Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Uruguay and Costa Rica.
Other such rankings systems show the US as low as 46.
Let’s look at our immediate neighbors to the north, Canada. The total number of citizens killed by law enforcement officers in the year 2014, was 14; that is 78 times less people than the US.
If we look at the United Kingdom, 1 person was killed by police in 2014 and 0 in 2013. English police reportedly fired guns a total of three times in all of 2013, with zero reported fatalities.
From 2010 through 2014, there were four fatal police shootings in England, which has a population of about 52 million. By contrast, Albuquerque, N.M., with a population 1 percent the size of England’s, had 26 fatal police shootings in that same time period.
China, whose population is 4 and 1/2 times the size of the United States, recorded 12 killingsby law enforcement officers in 2014.

Let that sink in. Law enforcement in the US killed 92 times more people than a country with nearly 1.4 billion people. 

It doesn’t stop there.
From 2013-2014, German police killed absolutely no one. 
In the entire history of Iceland police, they have only killed 1 person ever. After exhausting all non-lethal methods to detain an armed man barricaded in his house who actually shot 2 police officers, police were forced to take the 59-year-old man’s life. The country of Iceland grieved for weeks after having to resort to violence.

So why are police in the US so much more likely to kill than all of these other first world countries?

To better understand the multi-dimensional answer to that question, we can start by looking at the prison population of the US.
America imprisons almost twenty five percent of all people imprisoned in the world, although containing only about 5% of the worlds population, an extremely disproportionate share of people imprisoned globally.
The U.S. houses 2.3 million inmates, while China, a country with four times the population of the U.S., is a distant second with 1.6 million prisoners.
The war on drugs coupled with the military industrial state created by the US playing police of the world, has created a deadly combination.
A constant pursuit of new weaponry by the military has paved the way for the hand-me-down cycle of military gear to police departments.
The idea was that if the U.S. wanted its police to act like drug warriors, it should equip them like warriors, which it has—to the tune of around $4.3 billion in equipment, according to a report by the American Civil Liberties Union.

What we are calling the militarization of police has already taken place, on a large scale. We are now seeing a domestic military, pretending to be a police force.

The time for peaceful resistance is now and more and more people are beginning to understand this.
Even retired police chiefs of large cities are watching from the sidelines with anxiety as they see their once, only slightly corrupt cities, turn into occupied militarized zones, ready to pounce on the first instance of civil opposition.
The most recent of former police chiefs coming to terms with the horrid consequences of their actions is Norm Stamper, former chief of the Seattle Police. Stamper was recently on the Colbert Report and Stephen Colbert asked him what happened during the infamous Seattle WTO protests in 1999 under his leadership. “Well we gassed non-threatening, non-violent protesters,” replied the former Chief of police for Seattle Washington.
Of course while Norm Stamper was a cop, he didn’t realize that his actions, no matter how “justified” by the state, would be contributing to a hellish future police state. Stamper, like myself a 4 year veteran of the USMC, and most of those who serve, or have served the state in some way, are unable to think outside of the paradigm while simultaneously supporting it.
“Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service.” -Two time medal of honor recipient General Smedley Butler, USMC
Because Stamper is out of the paradigm, he can see clearer now. According to his website, he wants to:

End the Drug War… Drive Bigotry and Brutality Out of the Criminal Justice System… Honor the Constitution… Build Respect for Cops…

UnfortunatelySo far, Stamper has been quite outspoken against the police state of which he was once complicit in creating. In order to affect change more people like Stamper need to come out. If half of the officers that contacted the Free Thought Project spoke publicly about their concerns, we’d be in a much better place.
Unfortunately when officers do speak out against their own department they are met with horrid backlash from their peers.
The Free Thought Project is contacted regularly by police officers who know the system they uphold is completely corrupt, but they find it nearly impossible to call out the corruption.
Most recently an officer in Texas contacted us, who wanted to help prevent brutality and corruption. When we told him that speaking out and refusing to enforce immoral laws is how to change things, he replied by stating that he does refuse to arrest people for marijuana possession, but that he “fear(s) the repercussions by speaking out, simply because I do need a paycheck.”

When police fear the police, it is high time for change.

The overwhelming majority of police brutality cases stem from the war on drugs. When so many people are tasked with finding and prosecuting those in possession of a substance deemed illegal, the interactions become more frequent and less cordial. If we end that, we get the state out of the private lives of most individuals. This will only serve to lessen the scope of police harassment, in turn lessening the instance of brutality and killings.
The Free Thought Project is currently planning a world wide day of peaceful resistance to #End the Drug War.
We are also starting a Go Fund Me campaign to help support whistleblower police officers.With enough ‘good cops’ coming out against corruption in their departments, this would help to speed up the awakening process for Americans who still support the police state.
We’ve seen the change that one or two good cops can effect, imagine 100.
The time for peaceful action is now.

Fighting The Jewish Lobby

Journalists call on Labour to restore Asa Winstanley’s press pass

Rows of people seated in large auditorium
More than two dozen prominent journalists have launched a petition calling on the Labour Party to restore the press pass of The Electronic Intifada’s Asa Winstanley.
An additional 900 people have signed on in just the first day.
“Asa Winstanley’s reporting for The Electronic Intifada, an influential Palestine news site, doubtless has many critics, as well as supporters. But robust, independent, investigative reporting is the litmus test of a free press,” the petition states.
“The fact that such reporting may arouse vehement opposition cannot excuse suppressing press freedom.”
Among the initial signers are the BAFTA award-winning documentary maker John Pilger, award-winning former Sunday Times journalist Hala Jaber, former BBC Middle East correspondent Tim Llewellyn, The Canary editor-in-chief Kerry-Anne Mendoza, Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté of The Grayzone, and public intellectual Noam Chomsky.

“Laughable” Labour excuses

Jacob Ecclestone, former deputy general secretary of the UK’s National Union of journalists, has also signed on.
“The excuse offered by the party for withdrawing Mr. Winstanley’s press accreditation – that his membership of the Labour Party has been suspended and therefore he cannot attend any Labour Party meetings – would be laughable were it not such a serious matter,” Ecclestone said.
“Does the Labour Party now require all accredited journalists to be members of the party in good standing? That seems rather improbable.”
In July, the UK’s main opposition party informed Winstanley in writing that it had approved a press pass for him to cover its annual conference in September.
But just weeks after approving the pass, party officials abruptly claimed that the approval had never happened.
Facing criticism, party bureaucrats gave the excuse that Winstanley is under a disciplinary investigation.

“Heartening” support

That investigation, started in March, is part of a witch hunt against members who question the party’s crackdown on Palestinian rights supporters and the left based on routinely bogus accusations of anti-Semitism.
“The support I’m receiving is heartening, but it’s also a symptom of a much wider issue,” Winstanley said, reacting to the petition.
“Tens of thousands of ordinary Labour members now feel that they are forbidden from talking freely about their support for Palestinian human rights.”
“Members I talk to every week in the course of my reporting do not agree with the failed party line, which has too often indulged the manufactured anti-Semitism crisis,” Winstanley added.
“They don’t like seeing the party leadership back down time and time again. Fabricated allegations of anti-Semitism – which are the vast majority of cases – will not go away until they are aggressively confronted.”
The journalist vowed that no matter what happens, “I will never shut up or go away. I will continue reporting on this issue.”
Many other journalists and activists have shared the petition and expressed support online:

German and Dutch Support for Terror

The Pro-Assad and Syria Supporters Are Hunted In The Netherlands And Germany

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor the hunt on Assad supporters
First there was the Netherlands with a smearcampain aboutthe so-called ” pro-Assad” supporters, who are labelled as criminals and terrorists. 
Now Germany follows (maybe a partly EU campaign). There was the case that Germany had arrested two alleged former Syrian secret service officers accused of torture and crimes against humanity, late February 2019.
The men, 56-year-old Anwar R. and Eyad A., 42, were arrested in Berlin and Rhineland-Palatinate state. Both left Syria in 2012. Also Tuesday, another Syrian believed to have worked for the secret service was arrested in France in what was a “coordinated” operation, the federal prosecution in Karlsruhe said.”From April 2011 at the latest, the Syrian regime started to suppress with brutal force all anti-government activities of the opposition nationwide,” a prosecution statement said. “The Syrian secret services played an essential role in this. The aim was to use the intelligence services to stop the protest movement as early as possible.”
We, who follow the conflict called the Arab Spring since 2011, know the truth and what has happened in Syria and other countries who are destroyed by the Western powers. We know how it begun in Da’ara. The whole arrest is maybe a “hoax”, like many things when it comes to reporting about Syria in the West. Nobody can verify these people who were allegedly arrested.
your cover
1 How it started Much has been written and said about Syria, in the West the official version was: It’s a civil war, because the Syrian people stood up against President Assad’s government. The Syrians, also Hezbollah, the Russians and others, have proved that there was no civil war, it was a war, waged and sponsored by the West, who, under the influence of the US, shouting the same mantra “remove dictator Assad” and thus allowing the support and destruction of Syria and the Middle East and therefore, indirectly being guilty of imperialism and geopolitical crimes, as a guideline for the US, which has been practicing these “regime-changes” since World War II.  
Here are some facts and proof how it started: The beginning There was a terrible drought in the eastern part of Syria since 2010, so the people of Hasaka and Da’ara held spontaneous demonstrations to ask attention for this terrible drought, which made their harvests fail. Among the protesters were many members of the Muslim Brotherhood (now Al-Queda and ISIS) and other Islamist groups, they recognized their advantage in the situation and started a violent armed uprising by first killing soldiers and civilians. They said the government soldiers killed civilians and Assad was a terrible dictator,
9 2011 civilians (according to the official western statement) The city of Dara’a, near the Jordanian border, was the epicenter of the protests that was the start of anti-government sentiments and the scene of a violent terrorist uprising, the cause had grown due to a recent influx of expropriated and desperate families, by what an expert called “the worst long-term drought and most serious series of harvests since agricultural civilizations began in the Fertile Crescent many millennia ago”. What actually happened President Assad attempted to calm down the situation by sending high government officials with family members in the city and by expressing sympathy and personal commitment to those responsible for this violent uprising. He fired the provincial governor and a general of the political security force, for their bad role, being unable to control violence. President Assad also announced a number of national reforms. As summarized by an independent UN Commission of Inquiry into Syria, “These steps included the formation of a new government, the lifting of the state of emergency, the abolition of the Supreme State Security Court, the granting of a general amnesty and new rules on the right of citizens to participate in peaceful demonstrations. ” At the same time, however, according to another report, unknown shooters in Dara’a killed 19 Syrian soldiers. Buy the book
The other case in Germany was broadcasted in a documentary called; “Kriegsverbrecher in Deutschland – Jagd auf Assads Schergen”;
The case: According to this documentary they hunted and found a man in Osnabrück whom they call Muhammed S. So-called opposition rebels (Jihadist many of them in Germany) accuse him of warcrimes and crimes against humanity.
Actually, this is easy to trace back, the man who they accuse is Muhammad al-Sa’eed, high ranking member of Liwa al-Quds, a Palestinian battalion working together with the Syrian Army. Muhammd al-Sa’eed now living or perhaps just visiting as it seems in Germany, accused by a Syrian Palestinian man who, like him lived in Handarat (refugeecamp) in Aleppo. Most likely his accuser, of we don’t know his name, was a member of the
The Nour al-Din al-Zenki terrorist group, was supported by the US and Western allies. They beheaded a 12 old boy, who’s father was a member of Liwa-al-Quds. Now they tell the opposite story on the German TV, the boy who was beheaded was most likely a “child” soldier from Liwa al-Quds they argue. I suppose some of this terrorist group members among them the perpurtrators are in Germany and accusing Muhammed al- Sa’eed of crimes against humanity, which is the opposite way. And the Western media is buying it off, so low is the standard of journalism in Europe.
Share this on WhatsAppDONEER EN STEUN ONS WERK DONATE AND SUPPORT US: IBAN: NL10 SNSB 0902 6349 33 Weten we het allemaal nog? De onthoofding van een 12 jarige Syrische-Palestijnse jongen, in Handarat Kamp, Aleppo? De beschuldiging was dat zijn vader voor Liwa al-Quds vocht (Palestijnse brigade, die samen met het Syrische leger vocht voor … Meer lezen over De laatste daad van OBAMA: bombarderen van Nour al-Din al-Zenki
The irony is that several members of that group were previously supported by the CIA and even received weapons such as: TOW rockets as part of the Obama program.
A B-52 took off Friday and bombed the camp, the Pentagon said, it was aimed at the Shaykh Sulayman training camp in Idlib. The Pentagon said it had been in use for several years, but had only recently become a base for “Al Qaeda” extremists, after being transported to Idlib by green buses and identified as moderate rebels. 14 bombs and rockets were used in the attack
Handarat camp was besieged by what the West called “rebels”, actually they were a bunch of terrorist, DAESH, members of Al-Nusra, ISIS and al-Queda and of course Nour al-Din al-Zenki who ruled the camp. Liwa al-Quds liberated this camp in cooperation with the Syrian army, situated in Eastern-Aleppo, the remaining terrorists, who survived went with the green busses to Idlib and from there some of them emmigrated to Europe.
Still the Western media German and Ducth reporting about the rebels, of course they supported them and still do, now in Europe, because the Arab Spring has failed.
Share this on WhatsAppErger nog bij het artikel is een foto gebruikt waar één man duidelijk afgebeeld staat, verboden volgens de nieuwe EU-richtlijnen, dit is een grove schending van privacy en gebruik van andersman foto zonder toestemming; Het uploaden en publiceren van andermans foto’s zonder toestemming is meestal namelijk inbreuk op het auteursrecht/persoonsrecht. Het maakt … Meer lezen over De smeercampagne van de NPO en pseudo-Syrische vluchtelingen in Nederland
What is the story about?
It is about Syrians in the Netherlands, specifically about the Syrian Netherlands Committee. A committee of a large group of Syrians, Christians, the majority of whom had lived in the Netherlands long before the conflict and emigrated to the Netherlands through legal means. Dutch people!
This is what the NPO writes: The long arm of Assad in Europe; (in Ducth)
But of course things are getting tough for pro-Assad supporters Syrian or foreign. I rather call them Pro-Syria and pro-freedom-truth fighter supporters. They debunked the illegal war (s) of Western countries against sovereign states like Syria, Iraq, Libya, Jemen, Venezuela, (Iran on the brink of war) only a few to mention, otherwise the list is getting to long. Palestine has become a warzone even to mention it you can be labelled as anti-Semite.
Some of what they call “pro-Assad” supporters emmigrated to Western countries, some of them as refugee, because at the height of the conflict (2015) also they were threathened by DAESH. Some of them decided to stay, others went back. Now they are going to be persucuted again through the so-called “rebels” in Europe, the mercenaries of the West, who got housing, study, money, HarzIV, Kindergeld, Bijstand etc. Through “legal” ways they are trying to get them behind bars in Germany or the Netherlands.
The war for the West is lost in Syria and now they have their emmigrants (rebels) who can work as cheap labour, because Germany and the Netherlands are aging and they need new fresh “blood”. That’s the “standard” nowadays in Europe, they speak about “democracy” and do the opposite.

Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...