zaterdag 24 september 2016

Teetering on Global War


Teetering on Global War in Middle East, Obama Failed Black Community, Economic Update

1edfBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW 255 9.23.16)
The ceasefire is basically over in the Syrian War after less than a week. The U.S. reportedly bombed a known Syrian military position five days into the cease fire and killed at least 83 Syrian soldiers and wounded more than 100.  The U.S. says it was just a “mistake,” but Russia says this “mistake” came with four U.S. warplanes and an attack that lasted 15 minutes.  Now, trust between the U.S. and Russia is gone, and diplomacy is largely off the table.  Is a wider Middle East war not too far behind?  In a word, yes.

We Are Headed For War-Paul Craig Roberts

paul_craig_roberts-323x346By Greg Hunter’s
Former Assistant Treasury Secretary (in the Reagan Administration) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has a stark warning for the world. Dr. Roberts says, “We changed our nuclear doctrine.  It used to be we used nuclear weapons only in retaliation.  There was no first use, but the George W. Bush regime, the Neocons, changed our nuclear doctrine.  It’s now a preemptive first strike.  So, this tells both the Russians and Chinese they could get a preemptive first strike.  Then, we tell the Russians we are putting missiles right on your border.  You won’t have two minutes’ notice.  They can’t accept that.  It’s too much risk from a crazy country (U.S.) that won’t negotiate with them. . . . So, we’re headed for war. I think the only thing that would block it is if one or two of the European governments realize that they have nothing whatsoever to gain with a conflict with Russia. . . . The only thing they could do to prevent a nuclear war is to pull out of NATO.”

Stock & Bond Bubbles Much Worse Than 1929-David Stockman

stockman-david-new-cr-caryl-englanderBy Greg Hunter’s 
Economic expert and best-selling author David Stockman offers a dire view of the deep financial trouble America faces in his new book titled “Trumped!”   Stockman warns, “I think we are on the very edge, but what is different this time and makes it scarier . . . is I believe the central banks that ruled the roost have gone from one extreme to the next and done unfathomable things like negative interest rates on $13 trillion of bonds around the world, monetization of the debt, and bond purchases that are staggering such as $90 billion a month in Europe. . . . So, this time, as the phrase goes, they went all in.  They have violated every principle of sound money and sustainable finance that mankind has ever learned about over many centuries.  They have taken us to the edge, but they are out of dry powder.  I think it’s pretty obvious that they can’t go any deeper with subzero interest rates, or negative interest rates. . . . If they tried this in the United States, I think there would be a huge political uprising. . . . They are out of dry powder and out of tools, and therefore, the financial markets of the world are more vulnerable, maybe even more so than in 1929.  You are talking about a bond bubble like never before imagined or conceived, and the stock market is the same way as well as derivatives.”

Catastrophic Bond Market Collapse Approaches-Michael Pento

michael-pentoBy Greg Hunter’s
Money manager Michael Pento wrote a book a few years ago warning of “The Coming Bond Market Collapse.” All the signs say this calamity is very close. Pento explains, “Global central bank balance sheets have risen from $6 trillion in 2007 to $21 trillion today. That’s the increase in the size of central bank balance sheets. . . . I can prove to you when this bubble breaks, it’s going to be disastrous. . . . Just that they (European Central Bank-ECB) didn’t hint at expanding QE and look at what it has rendered us. That’s proof positive that everything that has happened since the 2008 collapse, that it’s just been artificial and ephemeral in nature. Once central banks even hint at pulling back from their QE programs and ZIRP and NERP go away, bonds will crash, and when those sovereign bonds crash on a global basis, it’s going to take everything else down with it concurrently.”

Rising Rates: Financial Extinction Level Event Coming-Michael Krieger

michael-kriegerBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Former Wall Street analyst Michael Krieger says the key to predicting this market is to watch interest rates. Krieger explains, “Do I think that there is going to be a huge U.S. currency devaluation next month?  No I don’t, but on the flip side, there is going to be some sort of financial calamity.  What I am looking at personally is interest rates.  I’m 38 years old.  My entire life, basically, we’ve been in a downtrend on sovereign yields.  So, it’s basically been this 40 year bond bull market.  It’s a secular bull market my entire life.  When that reverses and interest rates start to rise, and it’s probably not going to be because the Fed is raising rates, when rates naturally stop going down, and they start going up, that’s going to be a financial extinction level event. That’s going to be the most important event in all of our lives because it’s going to be the end of a 40 year bond bull.   (more…)

Hillary Clinton Update, Economy Continues to Sink, G-20 Fears

1By Greg Hunter’s (9.9.16)
Hillary Clinton is having trouble with words and phrases that begin with the letter “C.” She has explaining to do on her concussion while at the State Department, cyber security, coughing, The Clinton Foundation and classified documents. In her first so-called press conference in 278 days, she walked off when the questions came up on these subjects.

Cease-Fire Destroyed By U.S.

The Cease-Fire Destroyed By U.S. Bombing

Translated Wednesday 21 September 2016, by  Henry Crapo
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The air strikes against the Syrian Army took place at Deir ez-Zor, to the south-east of Raqqa, encircled by Daesh. Washington admits to its error. But Damascus and Moscow are growling.
Photo Y. Warwashan, AFP
The cease-fire put in place under the direction of the United States and Russia eight days ago, and which held, despite great odds, is fundamentally upset by the bombing by coalition airplanes (under U.S. command) of a Syrian army position, killing 90 persons. The act in itself is very serious. And it is all the more serious in that the attacks were not made just anywhere. The Syrian military were on the Djebel Thourda, near the Deir ez-Zor airport, which they were protecting. This city to the south-east of Raqqa (the headquarters of Daesh in Syria) has been encircled by the djihadists for more than a year. This position permitted the army to protect the airport, which, otherwise, would have been under fire from ISIS. It was retaken by the Syrian army, yesterday [1].
The U.S. and Russia enter into a new diplomatic struggle
According to the Washington Post, it is simply “an error by the intelligence services”. On its side, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) explained that “Syria is a complex situation with different military forces and different militias operating at close range to one another, but the coalition forces did not deliberately attack a unit of the Syrian military, identified as such”.
At the request of Russia, the Security Council of the United Nations met urgently for one hour on Saturday evening. The U.S. and Russia engaged in a new diplomatic struggle at the end of the meeting. Judging that Russia had never displayed such indignation concerning civilians killed by the Syrian regime, the U.S. ambassador Semantha Power qualified the Russian attitude as one of "cynicism and hypocrisy".
When asked to say whether the bombings on Saturday marked the end of the Russian-U.S. agreement on a cease-fire in Syria, her Russian counterpart, Vitali Tchourkine, replied, “There is a very big question mark. It will be very interesting to know what will be the reaction in Washington. If the attitude today of the ambassador Semantha Power furnishes the slightest indication of their possible reaction, we are facing grave problems”, he added. In a communique, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs declared that these military strikes were situated “on the boundary between criminal negligence and direct connivance with the terrorists of the Islamic State”. Yesterday, Daesh shot down a Syrian military airplane at Deir ez-Zor.
Everyone is in agreement as to the fact that the solution will not be military, but diplomatic
Moscow, just as Damascus, affirms now that Washington is supporting Daesh. These are declarations to be put back in the context of the on-going arm-wrestling, but everyone is now in agreement about the fact that the solution will not be military, but will be diplomatic. That’s where the going gets tough. In view of upcoming negotiations, one has to place one’s pawns on the chess-board. On the side of the Syrian powers and their allies (Russia, Iran, the Lebanese Hezbollah, and some Shiite militants), the road-map is clear. Not so in the other camp, supported by the West [2]and the Wahabite nations of the Gulf region. Under the appellation of “rebels” hide a number of Islamic groups and Salafists, still in alliance with the former al-Nosra Front (al Qaida in Syria), all of whom saying they were part of the cease-fire! This is the case, for example, of the powerful group Ahrar al-Cham. Not to mention the Turkish army, which is combating the Kurds of the YPG.
In the long run, it is precisely the territorial integrity of tomorrow’s Syria that is at stake. But isn’t that exactly what various opposition powers are meddling with, at the risk of exploding the Middle East?
Links to two related articles, already in English, by Finnian Cunningham and Paul Craig Roberts.
[1Sunday 18 September
[2U.S., U.K., France, Israel, ...

Paul Craig Roberts 219

The Russians Discover That Negotiation With Washington Is Pointless

By Paul Craig Roberts

September 23, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - If the dumbshit Western peoples and the corrupt EU, UK, Canadian, Japanese, and Australian political puppets don’t wake up ASAP, war will be upon us, a war that cannot be won.
The criminal neoconservatives must immediately be removed from power in Washington before the insane fools start World War 3. The CIA and the Pentagon must be put under tight constraints. And Donald Trump needs a massive trustworthy security guard. The European governments need to immediately disband the NATO alliance. Life on the planet is at stake.
No more provocations from Washington. Period. The insanity must stop. Now.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

US. Protects al-Qaeda

In Kerry's Own Words: Syria Prohibited from Attacking al-Qaeda

No wonder the United States insisted that its Syria ceasefire deal with Russia remain secret! It turns out that one of the US demands was that the Syrian air force must be prohibited from attacking al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria). Crazy conspiracy theory? Listen to John Kerry's own words at the UN yesterday:

Why US kept Syria truce terms secret: Syrian planes prohibited from flying over areas where al-Nusra is present i.e. US protecting al-Qaeda

Kerry argued at the UN that it would be impossible to separate Washington's "moderates" from al-Qaeda while al-Qaeda was under attack:
Now, I have said to Russia many times it’s very hard to separate people when they are being bombed indiscriminately and when Assad has the right to determine who he’s going to bomb, because he can, quote, 'go after Nusrah' but go after the opposition at the same time because he wants to.
Does this make any sense? It seem much more logical to argue that the threat of being bombed alongside al-Qaeda would be the greatest incentive for "moderates" to separate themselves from al-Qaeda as soon as possible! 

You would think Washington would tell its "moderates": "You must cease and desist from fighting alongside al-Qaeda in Syria within the next 48 hours or you will yourselves become targets of Syrian, Russian, and coalition planes." 

Instead Washington argues that because its "moderates" refuse to separate from al-Qaeda the Russians and Syrians must stop attacking al-Qaeda!

George W. Bush famously said, "either you're with us, or you are with the terrorists." But what happens when Washington itself is "with the terrorists"?

Copyright © 2016 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.
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As we have already said many times, the main aspect of this political season is not elections, but war. But if elections do have importance somewhere, then this is in the US where, once again, they are closely connected to war. Two days ago, on Saturday, September 17th, the likelihood of this war was breathtakingly high. As we know, American troops, who no one ever invited to Syria, bombed the positions of the Syrian army at Deir ez-Zor. As a result of the bombing, 60 Syrian soldiers were killed.
This strike was extremely important for ISIS militants, whom the US is informally advising and arming while supposedly fighting them. This crossed the line. Bombing Syrian soldiers is one thing, but this means declaring war not only against Syria, but also Russia, which is fighting in Syria on Assad’s side. And this means that we have reached a climax.
Sure, the US leadership immediately reported that the airstrike was a mistake and warned the Russian leadership not to express any emotions. But Americans can only be lying, as modern technology allows satellite objects to be seen from a desktop. Theoretically, American bombers could not have simply confused such a strike. And what’s most important: if they had told you that they were preparing to bomb you, and you said nothing, then does that mean you agree?
It is completely obvious that the US is preparing to start a war against Russia. Border incidents represent reconnaissance operations. But how will Moscow, Putin, and the Kremlin react? The point of no return has not yet been crossed, but did Moscow’s reaction not show just how many Russians are ready for a direct, frontal confrontation with the US and NATO? This was why the airstrike was launched against Syrian army positions.
The globalist US leadership obviously cannot rule the whole world and, what’s more, the threat posed by Trump puts their control over America itself into question. Now, while the puppet Barack Obama is still in office and the globalist candidate Hillary Clinton is falling apart in front of American voters’ very eyes, is the last chance to start a war. This would allow them to postpone elections or force Trump, if he were to win, to begin his presidency in catastrophic conditions. Thus, the US neoconservatives and globalists need war. And fast, before it’s too late. If Trump gets into the White House when there will be peace, then there will be no such war, at least for the foreseeable future. And this would spell the end of the omnipotence of the maniacal globalist elites.
Thus, everything at this point is very, very serious. NATO’s ideologues and the US globalists falling into the abyss need war right now - before the American elections. War against us. Not so much for victory, but for the process itself. This is the only way for them to prolong their dominance and divert the attention of Americans and the whole world from their endless series of failures and crimes. The globalists’ game has been revealed. Soon enough, they’ll have to step down from power and appear before court. Only war can save their situation.
But what about us? We don’t need war. Not now, now tomorrow, never. Never in history have we needed war. But we have constantly fought and, in fact, we have almost never lost. The cost entailed terrible losses and colossal efforts, but we won. And we will always win. If this were not so, then today we wouldn’t have such an enormous country free from foreign control.
But in this case, we need to buy as much time as possible. The Americans have essentially attacked our positions, like the Georgians in Tskhinvali in August 2008. Russians are under fire, and this cannot be ignored. Our reaction is extremely cautious and balanced. We have expressed what we think about this American act of aggression, but in very deliberate terms.
The fatality of the situation lies in that, if Washington decides to opt for war now, then we cannot avoid it. If they will insist and repeat the September 17th situation again and again, then we will have to either accept the challenge and go to war, or knowingly admit defeat.
In this situation, the outcome of the struggle for peace which is, as always, fully in our interests, does not depend on us. We really need peace, to buy time until November 8th, and then everything will be much easier. But will the collapsing colossus allow us this time?
God forbid that this happens. But those who could pray prayed on the eve of the First and Second World War. In any case, our goal is always and only victory. Our victory.
The Americans are bombing our guys. A Third World War has never been so close. 

Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...