Twee goede documentaires van mijn vriend Benny Brunner, een Israelisch-Nederlandse filmmaker, zijn hier te zien. Warm aanbevolen:
AL NAKBA - http://vimeo.com/3714871
IS IS NO DREAM - http://vimeo.com/3173676
Twee goede documentaires van mijn vriend Benny Brunner, een Israelisch-Nederlandse filmmaker, zijn hier te zien. Warm aanbevolen:
AL NAKBA - http://vimeo.com/3714871
IS IS NO DREAM - http://vimeo.com/3173676
April 17 is Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, which for years has been marked with sit-in tents, protests and solidarity actions both here and around the world in support of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.
This year will be no different, especially for mothers who have waited year after year for their sons to come home. At present, there are close to 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails. Many have been sentenced, some serving consecutive life sentences, some years and some months. Others are in administrative detention, which allows Palestinians to be held without charge in accordance to a ‘secret file’ for any length of time, usually for renewable six month stretches. According to the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem, as of February, 2009 there were 560 Palestinians in Israeli administrative detention facilities, two people who have served over four years without ever being charged. As for children, classified as those under the age of 18, also according to B’Tselem, there were 346 as of February, 54 of them under the age of 16.
The statistics can go on, of course. There are over 100 incarcerated women, men in solitary confinement, those still undergoing grueling interrogations by Israel’s intelligence agency, the Shin Bet. There are those who are in dire need of medical attention and are instead given an aspirin for their ailments. And there are those unfortunate souls who have perished behind Israeli bars after years of isolation from their loved ones. Close to 200 Palestinian prisoners have died inside Israeli jails since the latter’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem in 1967.
There is ample information on Palestinian prisoners but unfortunately not enough emphasis is put on their plight or efforts for their release. Recently, the prisoner issue was back in the headlines because of a single Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. Shalit, in the hands of Hamas and Hamas affiliated groups in Gaza since his capture in 2006, has been the center of a prisoner exchange debate for several months now. Hamas, who is negotiating with Israel, albeit indirectly through Egypt, has demanded the release of 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the Israeli soldier, including hundreds of prisoners Israel refuses to release because of their alleged involvement in Israeli deaths. As a result, the exchange has not yet taken place and seems to have been relegated once again to the back burner now that Israel’s new government is being led by none other than Benjamin Netanyahu.
Lees verder: http://www.miftah.org/Display.cfm?DocId=19360&CategoryID=3
Religious Right Group Claims Same Sex Marriage Leads to Mass Murder
By David Corn, Mother Jones.
Recent acts of gun violence, they claim, are the poisoned fruit of the push
for gay marriage.
Is there a connection between same-sex marriage and mass murder?
That's what one religious right outfit is suggesting. This week, Morality
in Media disseminated a statement noting that the Iowa Supreme Court had
legalized gay marriage on the same day that a gunman murdered 13 people in
Binghamton, New York. The headline on the release: "Connecting the Dots:
The Line Between Gay Marriage and Mass Murders." The group's president, Bob
Peters, notes that the "underlying problem is that increasingly we live in
a 'post-Christian' society, where Judeo-Christian faith and values have
less and less influence." And, he continues, this "secular value system is
also reflected in the 'sexual revolution,' which is the driving force
behind the push for 'gay marriage.'"
Here's the punch line:
It most certainly is not my intention to blame the epidemic of mass
murders on the gay rights movement! It is my intention to point out that
the success of the sexual revolution is inversely proportional to the
decline in morality; and it is the decline of morality (and the faith that
so often under girds it) that is the underlying cause of our modern day
epidemic of mass murders.
That is, he's not saying that gay rights activists are directly responsible
for the murderous actions of gun-toting madmen. But Peters maintains that
those who champion gay rights are undermining the moral fiber of society
and that this assault on traditional values creates an environment in which
killing sprees can more easily occur. These acts of gun violence, he
insists, are the poisoned fruit of the push for gay marriage.
Talk about exploiting tragedy to advance an agenda. It might be tempting to
dismiss Peters and Morality in Media as marginal, but this group did
receive federal funding from 2005 through 2007. The money supported a
Morality in Media project, ObscenityCrimes.org, which paid two retired law
enforcement officers to review citizen complaints about obscenity on the
Internet and to forward the best leads to the US Justice Department for
possible prosecution. A total of $300,000 was provided to Morality in Media
through two earmarks Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) placed into spending bills,
according to Peters. And a portion of that money went to cover Peters'
salary. As The New York Times reported in 2007, no obscenity prosecutions
had resulted from the Morality in Media's obscenity-tracking work.
Lees verder: http://www.alternet.org/mediaculture/135997/
In Gaza filmde ZEMBLA de verwoestingen van de oorlog en zag dat de anjers van het door Nederland betaalde bloemenproject gevoerd worden aan de schapen. Door de blokkade kan er niks in en niks uit Gaza. De bevolking leeft in armoede en scholen en ziekenhuizen worden keer op keer vernield. Afgelopen week beloofde de wereld 3,5 miljard euro aan de Palestijnen. In Zembla de vraag of al die hulp aan de Palestijnen wel helpt. Houdt het niet juist de erbarmelijke situatie van de Palestijnen in stand?
Meer informatie op de website van ZEMBLA. http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=9219683
Het huidige paradepaardje van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp aan de Palestijnen, het bloemenproject in Gaza, boekt weinig succes. Met jaarlijks drie miljoen euro helpt Nederland de Palestijnse anjerkwekers. De anjers bloeien en groeien weelderig in de Palestijnse kassen maar bereiken helaas niet de Europese vaas.
Premier Kok zette samen met Yassar Arafat de eerste spade in het zand. Toen was er nog hoop. Tot een jaar later de bouwplaats door het Israëlische leger met bulldozers werd weggevaagd. Daar gingen miljoenen euro’s aan Nederlands ontwikkelingsgeld.
Al die miljarden die nu weer aan de Palestijnen zijn beloofd, hebben geen zin zolang Israël een twee-staten-oplossing blijft tegenhouden. Met Netanyahu als nieuwe premier komt daar geen verandering in.
Nederland is van oudsher tegen het uitoefenen van druk op Israël. Robert Serry, de speciaal VN-gezant voor het vredesproces in Midden-Oosten is het daar niet mee eens. In Zembla zegt hij: "Er moet soms wel eens wat meer druk op Israël komen. Als partijen de wil niet tonen om er uit te komen zou de internationale gemeenschap misschien wat meer verantwoordelijkheid moeten nemen. We zouden als internationale gemeenschap wat minder vrijblijvend moeten zijn."
Niet de verwoestingen maar de grensblokkades zijn er de belangrijkste oorzaak van dat de economie van Gaza zo goed als vernietigd is en dat negentig procent van de Palestijnen moet bedelen om voedselhulp. UNRWA-directeur John Ging: "De grensblokkades zijn een schandalige vergissing, en ieder land dat niet actief meewerkt aan het beëindigen daarvan is medeschuldig aan de mensenrechtenschending die daardoor plaatsvindt". "Gaza wordt vaak vergeleken met een gevangenis. Maar Gaza is erger, in een gevangenis krijg je tenminste drie keer per dag een maaltijd.”
Research: Simone Tangelder
Eindredactie: Kees Driehuis
Zie: http://zembla.vara.nl/Afleveringen.1973.0.html?&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=11985&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1972&cHash=585b6a76ceAid Rots Outside Gaza
By Erin Cunningham
Inter Press Service
April 15, 2009
Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of aid intended for the Gaza Strip is
piling up in cities across Egypt's North Sinai region, despite recent calls
from the United Nations to ease aid flow restrictions to the embattled
territory in the wake of Operation Cast Lead.
Food, medicine, blankets, infant food and other supplies for Gaza's 1.5
million people, coming from governments and non-governmental agencies
around the world, are being stored in warehouses, parking lots, stadiums
and on airport runways across Egypt's North Sinai governorate.
Egypt shares a 14-kilometre border with Gaza that has been closed more or
less permanently since the Islamist movement Hamas took control of the
territory in June 2007.
Flour, pasta, sugar, coffee, chocolate, tomato sauce, lentils, date bars,
juice, chickpeas, blankets, hospital beds, catheter tubes and other
humanitarian- based items are all sitting in at least eight storage points
in and around Al- Arish, a city in North Sinai approximately 50 kilometres
from Gaza's border.
Three months after the end of the war, much of the aid has either rotted or
been irreparably damaged as a result of both rain and sunshine, and Egypt's
refusal to open the Rafah crossing.
Lees verder: http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=71128014498&h=s1tjp&u=l71kn&ref=mf
Fake Teabaggers Are Anti-Spend, Anti-Government: Real Populists Want to
Stop Banks from Plundering America
By Mark Ames and Yasha Levine and Alexander Zaitchik,
AlterNet. Posted
April 15, 2009.
The tea parties are AstroTurf -- fake grassroots. But there is a real
movement growing against corporate greed and government malfeasance.
This afternoon, groups of angry conservatives will gather on street corners
and in parks across the country to protest.
They will carry signs and deliver speeches expressing outrage over the
Democrats' stimulus bill, over entitlements, over budget pork, over taxes.
They will dump boxes of tea on the ground and wear three-cornered hats. The
leading lights of the Republican Party will be on hand to cheer them on.
But as with so much on the right, these apparent displays of populist rage
are not what they will seem.
Six weeks ago, two of us (Mark Ames and Yasha Levine) published an
investigation exposing the nascent "Tea Party" protest movement for what it
really is: a carefully planned AstroTurf (or "fake grassroots") lobby
campaign hatched and orchestrated by the conservative advocacy organization
FreedomWorks. Within days, pieces of the scam had crumbled, exposing a
small group of right-wing think tanks and shady nonprofits at its core.
The Tea Party movement was born on Feb. 19 with a now-famous rant by
second-string CNBC correspondent Rick Santelli, who called for a "Chicago
Tea Party" in protest of President Barack Obama's plans to help distressed
American homeowners. Santelli’s call blazed through the blogosphere,
greased along by a number of FreedomWorks-funded blogs, propelling him to
the status of a 21st century Samuel Adams — a leader and symbol of
disenfranchised Americans suffering under big-government oppression and
mismanagement of the economy.
That same day, a nationwide "Tea Party" protest movement mysteriously
materialized on the Internet. A whole ring of Web sites came online within
hours of Santelli's rant, like sleeper-cell blogs waiting for the trigger
to act, all claiming to have been inspired by Santelli's allegedly
impromptu outburst.
https://x.com/RyanRozbiani/status/1903959951724483030 @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...