zaterdag 6 mei 2006
Ray McGovern 2

De Oorlogsstaat 48

"We must perhaps reluctantly accept that we have to help this region become a normal region, the way we helped Europe and Asia in another era. Now it's this area from Pakistan to Morocco that we should focus on… The world has gotten smaller and is getting smaller and smaller all the time... Isolationism, fortress America isn't going to deal with these problems of the kind that we're facing. Willy-nilly, this is our destiny, given our preponderance in the world, our role in the world and because of our successes." Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. ambassador to Iraq in an April 24th interview with Borzou Daragahi of the Los Angeles Times
"In short, an attack on Iran would be an act of political folly, setting in motion a progressive upheaval in world affairs. With the U.S. increasingly the object of widespread hostility, the era of American preponderance could even come to a premature end." Former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Been There, Done That," op-ed, Los Angeles Times, April 23, 2006.
Hmmm… American preponderance. We know that this preponderance dazzled the men who became known as neoconservatives (though only the "neo" part of it seems even faintly accurate as a label) -- and Zalmay Khalilzad, our ambassador to and putative viceroy in Baghdad, was one of them. They wanted to wield that "preponderance" of power preponderantly. They wanted to lower America's terrible, swift sword decisively. Now, preponderance ("superiority in weight, force, influence, numbers, etc.") is a strange word when you think about it, seeming to have both "ponder" and "ponderous" hidden somewhere within. As it happened, while the neocons proposed much from inside Washington's Beltway, from various right-wing think-tanks and later from the inner offices of the Bush administration, while oil-consultant Khalilzad was still trying to sort out energy pipeline deals with the Taliban, and while various Iraqi exile Scheherezades were whispering sweet nothings in their ears about flowers, and liberated populaces, and the glory that was Rome -- oh, sorry, those were pundits on the editorial pages of our major newspapers -- they surely pondered too little. They had been so certain of themselves for so long that they, along with administration mentors Don Rumsfeld and the Veep, had no need to think too deeply. After all, why ponder when you already know? Anyway, when it came to knocking off Iraq, if somebody didn't agree with you -- as was true of almost every expert in the State Department and most elsewhere in the government, as well as numerous generals, not to speak of Father Bush's men like family consigliere James Baker and daddy's former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft -- well, you just kicked them out of your gatherings, or left them out in the cold, to preserve the unanimity of consensus thinking. This lent the old adage, "ignorance is bliss," new meaning in the halls of superpower governance. And then, to make bad worse, all that preponderant American power they were going to shock and awe the world with -- and that would indeed prove devastatingly destructive -- turned out to be so much more ponderous, so much less effective, than any of them ever imagined from their offices in Washington.' Lees verder:
http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?pid=81770 Of:
De Bush Bende 10

"Was that a lie, Mr. Rumsfeld, or was that manufactured somewhere else? Because all of my CIA colleagues disputed that and so did the 9/11 commission," McGovern asked near the start of the 45-minute question-and-answer session. "Why did you lie to get us into a war that was not necessary?" At the start of the exchange, Rumsfeld remained his usual unflappable self, insisting, "I haven't lied; I did not lie then," before launching into a vigorous defense of the administration's prewar assertions on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. But Rumsfeld became uncharacteristically tongue-tied when McGovern pressed him on claims that he knew where unconventional Iraqi weapons were located. "You said you knew where they were," McGovern said. "I did not. I said I knew where suspected sites were," Rumsfeld retorted. McGovern then read from statements the Defense secretary had made that weapons were located near Tikrit, Iraq, and Baghdad, which led Rumsfeld to briefly stammer. The Defense secretary recovered after admonishing a security guard who was trying to push McGovern away from the microphone.' Lees verder:
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-rumsfeld5may05,1,6829919.story?coll=la-headlines-nation Of:
Martelen 37

CONTACT: Paul Silva, ACLU, (212) 549-2689 or 2666; media@aclu.org
ALEXANDRIA, VA -- The American Civil Liberties Union will argue its case on the illegal abduction and detention of Khaled El-Masri May 12 before a federal court in Alexandria. The ACLU said El-Masri is an innocent German citizen who was victimized by the CIA's policy of "extraordinary rendition."
The hearing comes in a landmark lawsuit charging former CIA director George Tenet, other CIA officials and U.S.-based aviation corporations with violations of United States and universal human rights laws. El-Masri was on vacation in Macedonia when he was kidnapped and transported to a CIA-run "black site" in Afghanistan. After several months of confinement in squalid conditions, he was abandoned on a hill in Albania with no explanation, never having been charged with a crime.
Last week, a special committee of the European Parliament issued an interim report concluding that the CIA has on several occasions illegally kidnapped and detained individuals in European countries. The report also found that the CIA detained and then secretly used airlines to transfer persons to countries like Egypt and Afghanistan, which routinely use torture during interrogations.
Members of the European investigative committee will be in the United States from May 8 - 12 to meet with the ACLU and Members of Congress. A parliamentary inquiry into El-Masri's kidnapping is also currently ongoing in Germany.
Background and briefs on the case are online at www.aclu.org/rendition.
WHAT: Hearing on the illegal abduction and detention of Khaled El-Masri
WHO: ACLU Staff Attorney Ben Wizner will argue before Judge T.S. Ellis III
WHEN: Friday, May 12, 2:00 p.m. EST
WHERE: United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia
Albert V. Bryan Courthouse401 Courthouse SquareAlexandria, VA 22314.' Zie:
vrijdag 5 mei 2006
Nederland en Afghanistan 67

Nederland en Afghanistan 66

The biggest upset occurred in early March, when 1,500 self-styled Taliban assaulted a military base in the main town, Miran Shah. The ensuing four-day battle involved artillery and helicopters gunships and left 145 militants dead, 25 of them foreigners, according to the army figures. The fight is also ideological. Taliban clerics have imposed strict social edicts, such as a ban on music or films, and started to dispense summary justice. Last week Pakistan's military ruler, General Pervez Musharraf, told the Guardian he was concerned "Talibanisation" was spilling into the settled areas. "There is an extremist mindset - attacks on barbers, no television or songs," he said. A Pakistani intelligence officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the revolt was led by eight tribal and cleric leaders. Some have direct links to the Afghan Taliban. "We have apprehended people on their way to attack US positions in Afghanistan," he said.
Army generals, who have deployed 45,000 regular and paramilitary troops to quell the revolt, insist they have the upper hand. "I am hurt when anyone says there is no writ of government, because my forces are everywhere," area commander Maj Gen Akram Sahi said. His forces had killed 324 "miscreants", arrested 142 and blown up a madrasa (religious school) used to train jihadi fighters, he said. The death toll may include some civilian deaths, western diplomats believe. Gen Sahi, who admitted that radical Islamic forces were supplanting traditional tribal rule in Waziristan, sought to discredit the revolt's leaders. After searching a house used by cleric Abdul Khaliq his troops found "the most dirty films", he said. "How can they talk of being Taliban?"' Lees verder: http://www.guardian.co.uk/pakistan/Story/0,,1767031,00.html?gusrc=rss Of:
De Commerciele Massamedia 6

donderdag 4 mei 2006
De Commerciele Massamedia 5

http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,1766835,00.html Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/050406K.shtml
Honger in de Wereld

http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=33107 En: http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=33108
Nederland en Afghanistan 65

Nederland en Afghanistan 64

Waarom de Volkskrant de Defensiewoordvoerder onweersproken aan het woord laat, blijft onduidelijk. Toen het Kamerbesluit werd genomen was nu juist het geschetste beeld dat de situatie niet grimmig en zorgwekkend was. Volgens NOVA was 90 procent van de 'deskundigen' die gehoord werden voorstander van het sturen van nog meer troepen. De enige die een 'grimmige' situatie schetste was de journalist Arnold Karskens die door de commissievoorzitter werd afgebekt toen hij zijn verhaal wilde vertellen. Waarom er zo weinig tegenstanders aan het woord kwamen werd door onder andere de Volkskrant niet onderzocht. Dat vond de redactie kennelijk niet nodig. Waarom de Nederlandse massamedia geen correpondent bij de Nederlandse troepen in Uruzgan heeft is al even onduidelijk. Men vertrouwt kennelijk op de berichtgeving van de Nederlandse autoriteiten, en af en toe de professionele buitenlandse pers. Waarom hun berichtgeving niet veel eerder werd overgenomen is eveneens onduidelijk. De situatie zoals die nu is verschilt niet wezenlijk van de situatie zoals die een jaar geleden was. Zie daarover mijn berichten over Nederland en Afghanistan. Lees vooral ook het boek 'Imperial Hubris' van oud CIA-functionaris Michael Scheuer, die al drie jaar geleden ervoor waarschuwde dat de Taliban en al-Qaida niet verslagen waren en een guerilla waren begonnen.
woensdag 3 mei 2006
Irak 73

This past Saturday I received information from the main morgue in Baghdad from a doctor there, name withheld for security reasons. "Yesterday we received 36 bodies from the police pickups. All of them are unknown, without IDs, and we don't have refrigerators to put them in since all of ours are completely full already. So we had to keep them on the ground. 12 of them were handcuffed, most of them received between 2 and 10 bullets, some many more than 10. We are not going to put them into biopsy. Reason for their death is known. Most of them are between 20 to 30 years … This is the number that was brought directly to us in one day, plus there are the dead who are sent to the hospitals. They will be put in the hospitals' morgues. We don't receive bodies from hospitals nowadays, because we don't have a place to keep them. I can't tell the exact number of killed people now, but it depends on the situation. But what I can assure you of is that since the shrine explosion, deaths have almost doubled. Daily, we receive between 70 to 80 bodies … you can see within these 40 minutes that I've talked with you, we received 9 bodies. Nearly every morning the count will be doubled twice this number, for the police find them at night. Most are either found in the streets or killed without sending them to hospitals. Four days ago we received 24 bodies in just 2 hours." At this same morgue back in June 2004, I interviewed the aforementioned director, Dr. Faiq Bakir, who had to flee for his life. He said that their maximum holding capacity with the freezers was 90 bodies, and since January 2004 an average of well over 600 bodies each month had been brought there. The cause of death for at least half of these were gunshots or explosions. He also pointed out that those numbers did not include the heavy fighting areas of Fallujah and Najaf. In addition, he told me, "We deal only with suspicious deaths, not deaths from natural causes. And so many bodies are buried that never go to a morgue anywhere." According to Dr. Bakir, the rate of bodies brought to the Baghdad Morgue even back then was 3-4 times greater than it ever was during the regime of Saddam Hussein. "I am sure that not all of the bodies that should come here do," he continued before very diplomatically adding, "Because our legal system has some problems right now."' Lees verder:
Iran 47

UNITED NATIONS - Iran asked the United Nations on Monday to take a stand against American threats that it said included possible nuclear strikes on its territory and that were "in total contempt of international law." In a letter to Secretary General Kofi Annan, Javad Zarif, Iran's ambassador to the United Nations, pointed to recent comments by President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on ways to halt Iran's nuclear program and to news reports of Pentagon planning for possible nuclear attacks on nuclear facilities in Iran. "Such dangerous statements, particularly those of the United States president, widely considered in political and media circles as a tacit confirmation of the shocking news on the administration's possible contemplation of nuclear strikes against certain targets in Iran, defiantly articulate the United States' policies and intentions on the resort to nuclear weapons," Mr. Zarif wrote in the letter. He made no mention of any specific news reports, referring only to "recent news in U.S. newspapers." He said the comments by the United States were "matters of extreme gravity that require an urgent, concerted and resolute response on the part of the United Nations, and particularly the Security Council." Mr. Zarif also faulted the United Nations for remaining silent on "these illegal and inexcusable threats" and said the lack of action had "emboldened senior United States officials to go further and even consider the use of nuclear weapons as 'an option on the table.' " American officials have said they are pursuing a diplomatic solution to the dispute over Iran's nuclear program, but they have repeatedly said that all options, including military ones, are being considered. Iran says its nuclear program is only for producing energy, but the United States and its European allies contend that Iran is preparing to build weapons.
Mr. Bush, asked at the White House on April 18 if the United States was considering military action against Iran, said, "All options are on the table." Two days later, Ms. Rice echoed the president in a speech to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. In his letter, Mr. Jarif made specific mention of both comments.' Lees verder: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0502-02.htm
Martelen 37

In a report for the United Nations' Committee against Torture, the London-based human rights group also alleged abuses within the U.S. domestic law enforcement system, including use of excessive force by police and degrading conditions of isolation for inmates in high security prisons. "Evidence continues to emerge of widespread torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment of detainees held in U.S. custody," Amnesty said in its 47-page report.
It said that while Washington has sought to blame abuses that have recently come to light on "aberrant soldiers and lack of oversight", much ill-treatment stemmed from officially sanctioned interrogation procedures and techniques. "The U.S. government is not only failing to take steps to eradicate torture, it is actually creating a climate in which torture and other ill-treatment can flourish," said Amnesty International USA Senior Deputy Director-General Curt Goering.
The U.N. committee, whose experts carry out periodic reviews of countries signatory to the U.N. Convention against Torture, is scheduled to begin consideration of the United States on Friday. The last U.S. review was in 2000. It said in November it was seeking U.S. answers to questions including whether Washington operated secret detention centers abroad and whether President George W. Bush had the power to absolve anyone from criminal responsibility in torture cases. The committee also wanted to know whether a December 2004 memorandum from the U.S. Attorney General's office, reserving torture for "extreme" acts of cruelty, was compatible with the global convention barring all forms of cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment. In its own submission to the committee, published late last year, Washington justified the holding of thousands of foreign terrorism suspects in detention centers abroad, including Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, on the grounds that it was fighting a war that was still not over. "Like other wars, when they start, we do not know when they will end. Still, we may detain combatants until the end of the war," it said. The U.S. human rights image has taken a battering abroad over a string of scandals involving the sexual and physical abuse of detainees held by American forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. Lees verder: http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=topNews&storyid=2006-05-03T050706Z_01_L01670156_RTRUKOC_0_US-RIGHTS-AMNESTY.xml Of:
http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/050306Z.shtml Nederland is betrokken bij dit martelen omdat de Nederlandse militairen in Afghanistan gevangenen hebben overgeleverd aan de Amerikanen. Ik ben benieuwd of het Nederlandse parlement nu de Nederlandse regering ter verantwoording roept.
dinsdag 2 mei 2006
Verarmd Uranium 3

De Commerciele Massamedia 4

Iran said Russia and China, also veto-wielding permanent council members, would not back any punitive measures. "The thing these two countries have officially told us and expressed in diplomatic negotiations is their opposition to sanctions and military attacks," Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told Iran's Kayhan newspaper. China and Russia both have big energy interests in Iran, the world's fourth biggest oil exporter. Russia is also helping Iran build its first atomic power plant in the Gulf port of Bushehr. Nicholas Burns, the U.S. under-secretary of state for political affairs, said in Paris that Tuesday's meeting would seek to keep the Security Council members and Germany united before a meeting of foreign ministers in New York on May 9. Lees verder: http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=worldNews&storyID=2006-05-02T141940Z_01_L02627060_RTRUKOC_0_UK-NUCLEAR-IRAN.xml
Chalmers Johnson 4

We Americans have never outgrown the narcissistic notion that the rest of the world wants (or should want) to emulate us. In Iraq, bringing democracy became the default excuse for our warmongers -- it would be perfectly plausible to call them "crusaders," if Osama bin Laden had not already appropriated the term -- once the Bush lies about Iraq's alleged nuclear, chemical, and biological threats and its support for al Qaeda melted away. Bush and his neocon supporters have prattled on endlessly about how "the world is hearing the voice of freedom from the center of the Middle East," but the reality is much closer to what Noam Chomsky dubbed "deterring democracy" in a notable 1992 book of that name. We have done everything in our power to see that the Iraqis did not get a "free and fair election," one in which the Shia majority could come to power and ally Iraq with Iran. As Noah Feldman, the Coalition Provisional Authority's law advisor, put it in November 2003, "If you move too fast the wrong people could get elected."' Lees verder: http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?pid=81088
De Israelische Terreur 16

"Breaking the Silence" briefing on the IDF rules of engagement in the occupied territories:
Breaking the Silence is an Israeli NGO of ex-combatants from the IDF that served in the second Intifada (since September 2000).
Since June 2004 we have been collecting testimonies from young Israelis like ourselves about their service in the occupied territories.
We wish to bring to our society and the world the truth about the reality in the OT.
As part of our testimonial project we have gathered a massive and frightening collection of testimonies on the rules of engagement in the OT.
In Israel the rules of engagement are classified and are not brought to the awareness of the public, politicians or legal arena.
This leads to the reality of a "black hole" surrounding the deadliest activities of the IDF in the OT.
Over 6 months ago "Breaking the Silence" lead a campaign of exposures in the Israeli and foreign media on this issue.
We wish to hold a briefing for the foreign audiance on this issue.
We will address the following issues:
1. Conclusions from the testimonies.
2. What has happened since the exposure in the media.
3. New testimonies on the rules of engagement.
4. What is needed to encourage systematic criticism on the rules and procedures in the OT.
We will present some video materials during this briefing, some of which have never been shown before.
The briefing will take place on:
Tuesday the 9th of May at 18:00
Place- Daila center in Jerusalem (4 Shlomzion Hamalka Street, West Jerusalem).
Please inform us if you intend to arrive to this gathering.
For more information about "Breaking the Silence" you may check out our website.
Attached you can find the testimonial booklet on the rules of engagement.
Avichay Sharon
Breaking the Silence
Vluchtelingen 2

Met vriendelijke groet,
Bas Baltus
Informatie over het ASKV/Steunpunt Vluchtelingen vindt u op http://www.askv.nl/Wij zijn bereikbaar op: Frederik Hendrikstraat 111c 1052 HN Amsterdam tel 020-6272408 of 020-4205670 fax 020-4203208 postbank 7913334 tnv Stichting ASKV
De Israelische Terreur 15

Thom Meens

vriendelijke groet
stan van houcke.' Ik ben benieuwd of ik een antwoord krijg.
maandag 1 mei 2006
De Oorlogsstaat 47

Failed States

Iran 46

Amerikaanse Nucleaire Wapens 2

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12440710/site/newsweek/ Meer over Amerikaanse nucleaire wapens:
http://www.eoslifework.co.uk/du2012.htm En: http://www.wand.org/issuesact/bunkerbusterinfo.htm
Irak 74

Iran 45

http://informationclearinghouse.info/article12887.htm Of: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3245382,00.html
zondag 30 april 2006
Klimaatverandering 33

Newsweek: They say timing is everything. Has the moment arrived for this issue?
Al Gore: I hope it has. I hope that we are close to a tipping point beyond which the country will begin to face this very seriously and the majority of politicians in both parties will begin to compete by offering meaningful solutions. We're nowhere close to that yet, but a tipping point by definition is a time of very rapid change-and I think that the potential for this change has been building up, with the evangelical ministers speaking out, General Electric and Republican CEOs saying we have to address it, grass-roots organizations-all of these things are happening at the same time because through various means people are seeing a new reality. The relationship between our civilization and the earth has been radically transformed. Global warming is by far the most serious manifestation of the collision-and Mother Nature is making the evidence ever more obvious. Scientific studies have been coming out right and left over the last several years that connect various parts of the overall picture to the whole. And by whatever means, a lot of people have been absorbing this message, and they're now saying, "Wait a minute, we really have to do something about this." (…) In 2000 and in 1988 when you ran, you really didn't talk about the environment that much. I think you were counseled that it was not a good issue. Any regrets about that? AG: That's the conventional wisdom that I want to challenge because in both cases I talked about it extensively. And to take 2000 as an example, there were numerous speeches and events and proposals and multipoint plans that were not considered news, and if a tree falls in the forest and it's not heard, then later on people think it didn't happen. John Kerry went thru a very similar experience in '04 because the way the issue has been covered has been plagued with some of the adjectives that you began with-it's marginal, it's arcane, it's irrelevant, ridiculous-and so if a daily news cycle is devoted to that issue, then one candidate has his message out there and the other is mysteriously missing. There's another factor that's often overlooked in 2000. Then governor George W. Bush publicly pledged to regulate CO2 emissions and to forcibly, with the rule of law, reduce them-and publicly said "this is a serious problem and I will deal with it." Now, the other way that issues get covered in the media is if there's conflict, and if there's a sharp difference. And one is tempted to conclude that [Karl] Rove crafted those positions that were immediately abandoned after the election-in the first week after the inauguration, the first week-one is tempted to conclude that Rove wrote those positions in order to take from that issue any sense of contrast or conflict and thereby make it non-newsworthy. It certainly had that effect, whether it was intentional or not. I can't look into their hearts-I'll let the grand jury do that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. The mainstream media still ruled during your campaign in 2000. It's a very different world today with the Internet. How do you see the new media changing upcoming campaigns? AG: The old cliché about six months being a lifetime in politics is probably out of date now with the new technology coming wave upon wave. But I have a slightly different view from what I hear a lot. I think that television is still the dominant medium, and I do believe that the Internet has brought about a continuing and accelerating revolution in the technique of politics and the way candidates reach out to connect with individual voters and groups. But where the wholesale messaging is concerned, television is still completely dominant. One statistic that illustrates that is that last year according to this new study Americans watched on average four hours and 39 minutes of television per day-and that's up four minutes from the previous year,even with the increased use of the Internet. And the vast majority of Internet users are watching television while they're using the Internet. I have a television network. I've spent a lot of time looking into these things. And the characteristic of television that is so different from the printing press that was the medium dominating America's birth is that television is one-way. The individual has no way to get into the conversation. My point is that television may not be dominant in 2008, but I wouldn't bet on that. I think that it is still the most powerful medium, and the reason is it's quasi-hypnotic. One of the most valuable things in the television business if you're a content creator is to have a good lead-in show before you. Why?
People don't get up.
Not only do they not get up - a significant percentage are incapable of moving a thumb muscle to hit the remote because there's a quasi-trance that sets in. I don't want to overdramatize it, but the fact is that people just sit there entranced - and that's why most of the money in politics goes to television.' Lees verder:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12535460/site/newsweek/ Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/042906A.shtml
De Oorlogsstaat 46

De BBC bericht: 'US War Costs "Could Hit $811Bn" BBC News. The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has soared and may now reach $811bn (£445bn), says a report by the Congressional Research Service. It estimates that Congress has appropriated $368bn for the global war on terror, including both conflicts. It says that if the current spending bill is approved, US war costs will reach $439bn, and it estimates that an extra $371bn may be needed by 2016.
On that basis, the two wars would cost more than the $579bn spent in Vietnam. The future costing assumes that US troop levels will drop from the 258,000 currently engaged in all operations to 74,000 by 2010.
Budget Gap
The rising cost of the war is leading to growing concerns in Congress, where attempts to control the budget deficit have been hindered by the "supplementary" requests received each year for war spending. The CRS estimates that the US Department of Defense's annual war funding has risen from $73bn in 2004 to $120bn in 2006, with an increase of 17% this year alone.
There have also been concerns that extra non-related appropriations are often tucked inside the war funding bill. On Thursday Senators deleted funding for a $15m seafood promotion programme that had been tucked away in the current bill. Earlier, Senators diverted $1.9bn in war funds to pay for increased immigration controls at US borders.
Troop Levels
The cost of the war in Iraq has been increasing since US troops have become bogged down in the conflict.' Lees verder: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4955418.stm Of:
Irak 73

De Amerikaanse journalist Mike Whitney schrijft: 'Blood payments for Flawed Leadership "As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They're not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time." -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Bad news continues to pile up around Don Rumsfeld like garbage at a land fill. The latest blast came from an unlikely source, The Army Times”, which conducted a poll showing that 64% of enlisted men think Rumsfeld should tender his resignation immediately. It would be impossible to find a more conservative publication than the Army Times or a more compelling reason for stepping down. Still, the recalcitrant Rumsfeld shows no sign of caving in or loosening his withered grip on the levers of power. Earlier in the week, an equally devastating article appeared in the New York Times “Criticism of Rumsfeld Widens to Young Officers” echoing that younger officers are just as sick of the glib Rummy as their elders. One anonymous officer noted, “We have not lost a single tactical engagement on the ground in Iraq….The mistakes have all been at the strategic and political levels." Confidence in the Secretary is deflating more rapidly than the air leaving a punctured tire. Most of the grumbling about Rumsfeld seems to center on his two salient attributes; arrogance and ineptitude, the twin-axels of predictable failure. There isn’t one part of the 3 year occupation he hasn’t mishandled, mismanaged or completely bungled. His tenure at the War Dept represents the greatest collapse of leadership in the history of the republic. You’re doin’ a heck-uva job, Rummy. It was Rumsfeld who refused to commit enough troops to the original invasion making it impossible to establish order; just as it was Rumsfeld who left the armories and munitions dumps unattended, disbanded the Iraqi military, and dismantled the government through de-Ba’athification. All these proved to be costly and avoidable mistakes which made reconstruction difficult and security impossible. Rummy has brushed aside such idle criticism saying, “Stuff happens”. Rumsfeld’s only success has been in alienating the Iraqi people by authorizing the torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib as well as the gratuitous destruction of Falluja; two events which galvanized the Iraqi resistance and savaged any chance of winning over Iraqi “hearts and minds”. Now, Iraq is in the throes of deadly guerilla war with casualties mounting by the day and not a glimmer of light in the tunnel. The responsibility for the deteriorating situation mainly rests with one man, Don Rumsfeld, the primary architect of America’s desert “cakewalk”. . Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton's summarized Rumsfeld’s abysmal performance best when he said that Rumsfeld was "incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically, and is far more than anyone responsible for what has happened to our important mission in Iraq."' Lees verder:
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