maandag 31 december 2007
Het Neoliberale Geloof 77

'Shell gaat banen schrappen'
Gepubliceerd: 31 december 2007 11:43 Gewijzigd: 31 december 2007 11:45
Londen, 31 dec. Shell is van plan duizenden banen te schrappen om de kosten te drukken en de bedrijfsstructuur te vereenvoudigen. Dat meldden diverse Britse media.
Het zou met name gaan om 3600 banen bij de informatietechnologiedivisie. Het olieconcern wil een groot deel van de it-activiteiten uitbesteden. Shell zou ook streven naar banenreducties bij andere onderdelen, waaronder de financiële afdeling. Bij het concern, actief in 130 landen, werken 108.000 mensen.'
Lees verder: http://www.nrc.nl/economie/article876554.ece/Shell_gaat_banen_schrappen
Aldus de NRC/Handelsblad. Wat de kwaliteitsredactie verzuimt te melden is de context. En die is deze: Shell maakt de vele jaren vele miljarden winst voor de aandeelhouders. De aandeelhouders willen niet dat die winsten besteed worden aan grootscheepse investeringen in alternatieve energiebronnen die het voortbestaan van de mensheid niet in gevaar brengen. In diezelfde jaren van winst heeft Shell steeds meer op personeelskosten bezuinigd, al duizenden banen zijn zo verdwenen. Shell is dus nu weer'van plan duizenden banen te schrappen om de kosten te drukken en de bedrijfsstructuur te vereenvoudigen.' Wat bedoeld wordt is dat die miljardenwinsten nog steeds niet voldoende zijn. Winst kent in het kapitalisme geen maximum. Kapitalisten zijn onverzadigbaar. Zoals bekend is hebzucht een psychologische stoornis, die behandelbaar is, als de patient maar realiseert dat hij aan een stoornis lijdt. Onze samenleving is inmiddels zo ziek dat een stoornis als een verworvenheid wordt aangeprezen. En als zodanig wordt het verkocht door mijn collega's die zich als voetvolk van de neoliberalen gedragen. Dat heet vrijheid van meningsuiting. Ook dit bedrog behoort tot het domein van de pathologie.
De Israelische Terreur 287
31 December 2007 (IRIN) -
Behind a luxurious five-star hotel and close to Bethlehem, yet unknown to most visitors who converged on nearby Manger Square for the recent Christmas mass, residents of Aida refugee camp - home to nearly 5,000 people - say their lives have been adversely affected by the Israeli restrictions on movement, in particular the Barrier built around the city. "I worked in Israel for over 15 years," Muhammed, aged 44, registered with UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, told IRIN. "It's been two years now since I lost my permit. At first I snuck into Israel through valleys and other illegal ways, but now, with the wall completed, I can't get in at all." All Palestinians from the occupied Palestinian territory require an Israeli-issued permit to enter Israel. Israel credits the Barrier for the cessation of suicide bombings, while officials note that some of the last bombers came from Bethlehem. Palestinians say the wall and fence structure "strangles" the city. Unemployment compounded by travel restrictions "When I worked in Israel, I was making close to a US$1,000 a month," Muhammed said. Now, he does odd construction jobs in the camp. "I don't make enough money like this. We only buy the essential things for the home." Without his wife's salary as a teacher, they would not be able to afford even the basics. That is the case of Harbi, aged 41, also a refugee. His wife does not have a job and he has not been able to get work in Israel for the last eight months: "My problem is that I am an unskilled labourer, so there are no jobs for me in the West Bank," he told IRIN. Unemployment is a widespread problem in the territory. Israel's internal West Bank checkpoints also mean travelling is difficult, affecting a worker's ability to take a job in another city. "My brothers give me money for food and clothing. I have no [independent] income at all. I got one food aid package this year from the UN," said the father of five. His youngest daughter, aged two, has asthma. While UNRWA covered 80 percent of the medicines' costs, he had to ask his brothers for the rest. "Without my brothers, I don't know what I would do," Harbi said. The need for permits began in 1991, during the first Gulf War following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and the first `intifada’ (Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation). The restrictions became tighter several years later, following the Oslo Accords, and were further intensified at the start of the second uprising in September 2000. The wall, completed in the Bethlehem region in recent years, sealed the area off from neighbouring Jerusalem. Day in the life of a labourer "I wake up every day at 0230am," Adnan, a 41-year-old labourer, told IRIN. "By 3am, I leave the house and 10 minutes later I'm at the checkpoint. I wait at the checkpoint until maybe 0530 or 0545am, when they open it." http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?ReportID=76052
Zochrot 4
De joods-Israeli's van Zochrot die blijven opkomen voor de rechten van de Palestijnen:
'Tour and Signposting in Al-Malha
On Friday, December 28, 2007 we held a tour in the Palestinian village Al-Malha in Jerusalem.A large part of the village with it's houses and alleys, but without it's Palestinian residents, still stands in the heart of Malha neighborhood in Western Jerusalem.About 100 people took part in the tour, some of them refugees of Al-Malha, whom came from neighboring Sharfat, the village they moved after the expulsion in July 1948. The refugees told us about life in the village before the occupation and we learned about the fighting that took place in the area in the war of 1948.We passed through the village's alleys and the refugees pointed out the names of owners of still existing houses. We overlooked the area standing on the hill-top "Al-Ras", nearby the mosque and the cemetery. Before 1948 the villagers overlooked their olive groves and flock from here. Today, in addition to the houses of the new Jewish neighbohood, "Teddy" soccer stadium, Malha shopping-mall, the Technologic Campus and other new buildings are seen from here.We posted a sign marking the Palestinian cemetery, next to "Ort-Minkoff" high-school. Another sign, bearing the inscription "Al-Malha village - 1948", was posted at the entrance of the village in the beginning of the tour. Someone made sure it would be extracted before the tour came to an end.We handed out the booklet "Remembering Al-Malha" which was produced for the event. It is the 23rd booklet in a series of booklets produced by Zochrot, commemorating the villages and towns existing before the Nakba.'
Pakistan 2

Tariq Ali
The single, strong parent in this case was a desperate State Department – with John Negroponte as the ghoulish go-between and Gordon Brown as the blushing bridesmaid – fearful that if it did not push this through both parties might soon be too old for recycling. The bride was certainly in a hurry, the groom less so. Brokers from both sides engaged in lengthy negotiations on the size of the dowry. Her broker was and remains Rehman Malik, a former boss of Pakistan’s FIA, who has been investigated for corruption by the National Accountability Bureau and who served nearly a year in prison after Benazir’s fall, then became one of her business partners and is currently under investigation (with her) by a Spanish court looking into a company called Petroline FZC, which made questionable payments to Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Documents, if genuine, show that she chaired the company. She may have been in a hurry but she did not wish to be seen taking the arm of a uniformed president. He was not prepared to forgive her past. The couple’s distaste for each other yielded to a mutual dependence on the United States. Neither party could say ‘no’, though Musharraf hoped the union could be effected inconspicuously. Fat chance.
Both parties made concessions. She agreed that he could take off his uniform after his ‘re-election’ by Parliament, but it had to be before the next general election. (He has now done this, leaving himself dependent on the goodwill of his successor as army chief of staff.) He pushed through a legal ruling – yet another sordid first in the country’s history – known as the National Reconciliation Ordinance, which withdrew all cases of corruption pending against politicians accused of looting the national treasury. The ruling was crucial for her since she hoped that the money-laundering and corruption cases pending in three European courts – in Valencia, Geneva and London – would now be dismissed. This doesn’t seem to have happened.
Many Pakistanis – not just the mutinous and mischievous types who have to be locked up at regular intervals – were repelled, and coverage of ‘the deal’ in the Pakistan media was universally hostile, except on state television. The ‘breakthrough’ was loudly trumpeted in the West, however, and a whitewashed Benazir Bhutto was presented on US networks and BBC TV news as the champion of Pakistani democracy – reporters loyally referred to her as ‘the former prime minister’ rather than the fugitive politician facing corruption charges in several countries.
She had returned the favour in advance by expressing sympathy for the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, lunching with the Israeli ambassador to the UN (a litmus test) and pledging to ‘wipe out terrorism’ in her own country. In 1979 a previous military dictator had bumped off her father with Washington’s approval, and perhaps she thought it would be safer to seek permanent shelter underneath the imperial umbrella. HarperCollins had paid her half a million dollars to write a new book. The working title she chose was ‘Reconciliation’.
As for the general, he had begun his period in office in 1999 by bowing to the spirit of the age and titling himself ‘chief executive’ rather than ‘chief martial law administrator’, which had been the norm. Like his predecessors, he promised he would stay in power only for a limited period, pledging in 2003 to resign as army chief of staff in 2004. Like his predecessors, he ignored his pledge. Martial law always begins with the promise of a new order that will sweep away the filth and corruption that marked the old one: in this case it toppled the civilian administrations of Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif. But ‘new orders’ are not forward movements, more military detours that further weaken the shaky foundations of a country and its institutions. Within a decade the uniformed ruler will be overtaken by a new upheaval.
Dreaming of her glory days in the last century, Benazir wanted a large reception on her return. The general was unhappy. The intelligence agencies (as well as her own security advisers) warned her of the dangers. She had declared war on the terrorists and they had threatened to kill her. But she was adamant. She wanted to demonstrate her popularity to the world and to her political rivals, including those inside her own fiefdom, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). For a whole month before she boarded the Dubai-Karachi flight, the PPP were busy recruiting volunteers from all over the country to welcome her. Up to 200,000 people lined the streets, but it was a far cry from the million who turned up in Lahore in 1986 when a very different Benazir returned to challenge General Zia ul-Haq. The plan had been to move slowly in the Bhuttomobile from Karachi airport to the tomb of the country’s founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, where she would make a speech. It was not to be. As darkness fell, the bombers struck. Who they were and who sent them remains a mystery. She was unhurt, but 130 people died, including some of the policemen guarding her. The wedding reception had led to mayhem.'
Robert Fisk 41

Weird, isn't it, how swiftly the narrative is laid down for us.
Benazir Bhutto, the courageous leader of the Pakistan People's Party,
is assassinated in Rawalpindi attached to the very capital of
Islamabad wherein ex-General Pervez Musharraf lives and we are told
by George Bush that her murderers were "extremists" and "terrorists".
Well, you can't dispute that.
But the implication of the Bush comment was that Islamists were
behind the assassination. It was the Taliban madmen again, the
al-Qa'ida spider who struck at this lone and brave woman who had
dared to call for democracy in her country.
Of course, given the childish coverage of this appalling tragedy
and however corrupt Ms Bhutto may have been, let us be under no
illusions that this brave lady is indeed a true martyr it's not
surprising that the "good-versus-evil" donkey can be trotted out to
explain the carnage in Rawalpindi.
Who would have imagined, watching the BBC or CNN on Thursday, that
her two brothers, Murtaza and Shahnawaz, hijacked a Pakistani
airliner in 1981 and flew it to Kabul where Murtaza demanded the
release of political prisoners in Pakistan. Here, a military officer
on the plane was murdered. There were Americans aboard the flight
which is probably why the prisoners were indeed released.
Only a few days ago in one of the most remarkable (but typically
unrecognised) scoops of the year Tariq Ali published a brilliant
dissection of Pakistan (and Bhutto) corruption in the London Review
of Books, focusing on Benazir and headlined: "Daughter of the West".
In fact, the article was on my desk to photocopy as its subject was
being murdered in Rawalpindi.
Towards the end of this report, Tariq Ali dwelt at length on the
subsequent murder of Murtaza Bhutto by police close to his home at a
time when Benazir was prime minister and at a time when Benazir was
enraged at Murtaza for demanding a return to PPP values and for
condemning Benazir's appointment of her own husband as minister for
industry, a highly lucrative post.'
zondag 30 december 2007
The Empire 334

WOUNDED KNEE, Lakota (formerly South Dakota)- December 27 - Thirteen days and 287 miles ago, 44 people mounted horses and began the Memorial Chief Big Foot Ride in honor of Si Tanka (Chief Big Foot) and his unarmed band of Mniconjou and Hunkpapa refuges who were slaughtered by U.S. Calvary in 1890 at Wounded Knee.
But while these 44 riders began their journey under the shadow of U.S. Treaty, their numbers will swell to over 100 and end under the protection of a free and sovereign Lakota Nation.
The ride began on December 15th in Standing Rock, the anniversary of Sitting Bull's death, and has traveled through fierce snowstorm and cold, the same conditions faced by the 357 mostly women, children and elder men at Wounded Knee Creek 127 years ago.
"The purpose of the ride is to ride the spirit trail of Chief Big Foot," said Tegihya Kte also known as Garry Rowland, leader of the riders and recent delegate of the Lakota Freedom effort in Washington D.C.. "The Tree of Life died in Wounded Knee in 1890, and the ride was begun to mend the Sacred Hoop."
Riders ranging in age from 10 to 65 travel the footsteps of their Ancestors, along the way offering prayer for the women, children, the Elders, and the conditions the Lakota people are forced to live under today. For the children, the ride is also a powerful introduction to the sacred relationship between the Lakota and the horse and the courage their Ancestors took during their 13 day walk from the site of Sitting Bull's assassination to Wounded Knee.
"My sons and now my grandsons have participated in the ride," shared Tegihya Kte. "They ride for our future and the self-determination of our people."
The self-determination of the Lakota now takes on powerful meeting as the Lakota Freedom Delegation traveled to Washington D.C. and withdrew the Lakota from their treaties with the United States Government. The ride becomes an outward expression of sovereign Lakota rights and spirituality.
Tegihya Kte said, "We don't want the government telling us what to do, we want to be free."
Lakota Freedom delegate and Cante Tenza leader Canupa Gluha Mani (Duane Martin Sr.) agreed, "The Lakota withdrawal in Washington D.C. brings real protection for our people today, exactly the real protection Big Foot sought for his people then."
We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have withdrawn from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please visit our new website at http://www.lakotafreedom.com.
Geert Wilders 3

Dit las ik op de blog yelamdenu:
pretentie te spreken namens "het volk".
Er is niets nieuws onder de zon.''Er is geen enkel fundamenteel onderscheid tussen het antisemitisme van de 19e, en eerste helft van de 20e eeuw in Oost- en West-Europa, en de manier waarop Geert Wilders tegen moslims aankijkt.
Beide zijn gebaseerd op een volslagen karikaturaal beeld van joden, resp. moslims, en beide uiten zich in verbale agressie, onredelijkheid, zeer lange tenen, het verdachtmaken van de Talmud, resp. de Koran, als zouden deze gevaarlijke inspiratiebronnen zijn, het stellen van vernederende eisen aan joden, resp. moslims, om acceptabel gevonden te worden...'
Lees verder: http://yelamdenu.blogsome.com/2007/12/29/geert-wilders-is-een-antisemiet/
Deze tekst stond ook op www.nujij.nl Een van de reacties erop was deze:
'Sinds wanneer is Wilders een Jodenhater? Dit slaat echt helemaal nergens op.'
Zie: http://www.nujij.nl/geert-wilders-is-een-antisemiet.1566666.lynkx
Dit soort reacties ziet men wel meer. Dat komt omdat algemeen wordt aangenomen dat het christelijke antisemitisme na de holocaust is verdwenen. Die veronderstelling is onjuist. Het antisemitisme is ondergronds gegaan en duikt als een veenbrand weer op, nu in de vorm van de haat tegen de islam. En de islam wordt weer onmiddellijk gekoppeld aan de Arabieren. De haat tegen de joden mag dan wel niet meer expliciet zichtbaar zijn onder een aanzienlijk deel van de bevolking, maar de haat tegen de ander is nooit verdwenen. Alleen is de Arabier nu de ander. Op de islam, de Arabier, die net als de jood een semiet is, wordt nu de haat geprojecteerd. Zo mobiliseert Geert Wilders de eeuwige haat en rancune tegen de ander. Hij gebruikt dezelfde technieken als de nationaal-socialisten gebruikten tegen de joden, het criminaliseren en stigmatiseren van een groep mensen. De fout van de enkeling wordt gepresenteerd als de fout van de groep. Of Geert Wilders nu een antisemiet is, is in wezen niet zo belangrijk, hij gedraagt zich als een antisemiet.
In 2004 schreef ik in het tijdschrift De Humanist het volgende: 'Ed van Thijn verklaarde onlangs in het Amsterdams Stadsblad over de toenemende polarisatie: ‘Dit is de prijs die je betaalt voor een welbewuste verharding; het is een doodlopende weg. Die bewuste verharding tegen de islam moet stoppen. Er zijn mensen die in die context afgelopen jaren alle remmen hebben losgegooid – Theo van Gogh was daar een van. Met alle gevolgen van dien: een verruwing van de samenleving die we niet zouden moeten willen. Het gaat niet om de vrijheid van meningsuiting, het gaat om de beschaafde omgang daarmee... als je elkaar… op hoge toon de maat gaat nemen, en van hele bevolkingsgroepen roept dat ze achterlijk zijn, dan gaat dat gisten, dan voelen mensen zich in de hoek gezet. Sommige groepen gaan zich afwenden… Het is een historisch macabere vergelijking dat we op 9 november de Kristallnacht uit 1938 zouden herdenken toen er op diezelfde dag een islamitische basisschool in de brand ging.’ Dat de holocaust een exclusief Westers fenomeen is, beseft de moslim gemeenschap in Nederland maar al te goed. Dit soort historische kennis bezit ze wel degelijk en is ondermeer de reden van een aanzienlijke dosis scepsis over de westerse aanspraak op superioriteit. Maar dat inzicht moet nog doordringen tot een groot deel van de autochtonen.'
Lees verder: http://home.planet.nl/~houck006/autisme.pdf Of:
Irak 234

By Salah Nasrawi 12/29/07
"HuffingtonPost" -- -
CAIRO, Egypt — Osama bin Laden warned Iraq's Sunni Arabs against fighting al-Qaida and promised to expand the terror group's holy war to Israel in a new audiotape Saturday, threatening "blood for blood, destruction for destruction."Most of the 56-minute tape dealt with Iraq, apparently al-Qaida's latest attempt to keep supporters in Iraq unified at a time when the U.S. military claims to have al-Qaida's Iraq branch on the run.The tape did not mention Pakistan or the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, though Pakistan's government has blamed al-Qaida and the Taliban for her death on Thursday.But bin Laden's comments offered an unusually direct attack on Israel, which has warned of growing al-Qaida activity in Palestinian territory. The terror network is not believed to have taken a strong role there so far."We intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the sea," he said, threatening "blood for blood, destruction for destruction.""We will not recognize even one inch for Jews in the land of Palestine as other Muslim leaders have," bin Laden said.In Iraq, a number of Sunni Arab tribes in western Anbar province have formed a coalition fighting al-Qaida-linked insurgents that U.S. officials credit for deeply reducing violence in the province. The U.S. military has been working to form similar "Awakening Councils" in other areas of Iraq.White House spokesman Tony Fratto said bin Laden's tape shows that al-Qaida's aim is to block democracy and freedom for all Iraqis."It also reminds us that the mission to defeat al-Qaida in Iraq is critically important and must succeed," Fratto said. "The Iraqi people _ every day, and in increasing numbers _ are choosing freedom and standing against the murderous, hateful ideology of AQI. And we stand with them."In the audiotape, bin Laden denounced Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha, the former leader of the Anbar Awakening Council, who was killed in a September bombing claimed by al-Qaida."The most evil of the traitors are those who trade away their religion for the sake of their mortal life," bin Laden said.Bin Laden said U.S. and Iraqi officials are seeking to set up a "national unity government" joining the country's Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds."Our duty is to foil these dangerous schemes, which try to prevent the establishment of an Islamic state in Iraq, which would be a wall of resistance against American schemes to divide Iraq," he said.The authenticity of the tape could not be independently confirmed. But the voice resembled that of bin Laden. The tape was posted on an Islamic militant Web site where al-Qaida's media arm, Al-Sahab, issues the group's messages.The tape was the fifth message released by bin Laden this year, a flurry of activity after he went more than a year without issuing any tapes. The messages began with a Sept. 8 video that showed bin Laden for the first time in nearly three years. The other messages this year have been audiotapes.'
Lees verder: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18968.htm Of:
The Empire 333

'The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis
By Richard K. Moore
Global Research, December 27, 2007
In order to understand anything about American political affairs, it is necessary to have some understanding of who it is that really makes the decisions behind the scenes, and what their interests are. In this way we have some hope of identifying the hidden agendas being served by government actions and programs, and some hope of identifying the longer-term strategies that are in play.
It turns out‹and informed people should already know this‹that the U.S. is essentially owned and managed by a small clique of wealthy families‹the ones who own and control the Federal Reserve. The Rockefellers are the obvious and well-known members of this clique, but there are others less well-known, not all American, and some whose identity remains to this day a carefully guarded secret. We don¹t even know exactly who it is that¹s running the show.
Such has been the nature of our Œdemocracy¹ since 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was snuck through Congress during Christmas recess, by the same folks who funded Woodrow Wilson¹s campaign and who became the private owners of the new all-powerful central bank. The first major initiative of these folks, the ancestors of our current ruling clique, was to finance both sides in Europe during World War I, and then to connive the entrance of the US into the war just in time to tilt the balance to the side favored by the clique‹the same pattern that later characterized World War II.
From that point forward American policy-making has been firmly in the hands of the original Federal Reserve clique and its descendents. The mainstream media is also under the thumb of the same clique, so that public opinion is never allowed to interfere with fundamental clique objectives. The media can be used to support sitting Presidents, or to undermine them, depending on which best enhances those objectives. No President who has turned on these people has survived long in office, as we saw most recently in the case of JFK. The tentacles of the clique reach also into the top echelons of all the Intelligence services and the Pentagon, and into those influential globalist forums, such as the WTO, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergers.
Bush and the neocons have been mere tools-of-the-day for this clique. The neocons happened to be promoting a package that appealed to the clique, that promised to advance some of its objectives. In selecting the neocons to be the drivers behind a new administration, the clique was by no means adopting the neocon philosophy, nor were they buying into the whole PNAC package. They were simply employing a convenient tool that was aligned tactically with clique interests for the time being. Any such tool can be discarded whenever its behavior becomes counter-productive, or when a better tool comes along. There is always a Plan B in the wings for any tool that might go rogue or go sour.
Bush, who has probably never even read the PNAC agenda, was selected for entirely different reasons. Knowing that the agenda would be highly unpopular, the clique decided that defending it logically would be very difficult, even with complete control over the media. An articulate and intelligent President would look like a fool if he tried to defend the insane policies. So, our clique slyly figured, why not put someone up there who is obviously a fool, right through his whole little soul, so that the public will believe they are struggling against the foolishness of one man, and have no understanding of what¹s really going on. Of course Bush, being clueless on all matters apart from golf, looting, cocaine, and womanizing, would need to be kept far away from any role in running the White House. Hence the need for Cheney, the shadow real president, who leaves all the photo ops to Bush, who stays out of the public eye himself, and who carries the Black Armageddon Box with him everywhere he goes, something only official Presidents have done in the past.
This was the project that went operational in the form of Bush¹s initial Presidential campaign. The ducks were all lined up for launching a major imperialist venture, the preparations for 9/11 were well underway, and no power on Earth was going to stop the Bush Show. Of course Bush The Clueless was going to win, no matter how much vote fixing and media lying was required, or how many Supreme Court Justices were needed to accomplish the task. As a last resort they wouldn¹t have hesitated to off Gore, one of their own boys, if it was the only way to open the path for their current man, a tactic they used earlier with Bobby Kennedy. Of course now that we have Diebold machines, all of this can be accomplished by a single computer command message, specifying which candidates are to get which percentage of votes in each precinct. Exit polls have been abandoned since they provide hard statistical evidence of the systematic fix.
The neocons have accomplished much for their elite puppeteers, and have been given in return free reign to loot at will, funneling all those billions for the Iraq War into their own corporate coffers and investment portfolios. They for their part have established the foundations of a fascist state in the US and Canada, secured Iraq¹s oil reserves, built permanent forward mega-bases in Iraq, successfullly destabilized Iraq and prepared it for balkanization, secured pipeline routes in Afghanistan, restored the profitable opium trade, and made progress toward achieving the first-strike capability that will be needed when the time comes to take on Russia and China. Quite a bundle of major achievements in a very short time indeed. But to our clique, the question always is, ³What have you done for me lately, Sunshine?²'
Lees verder: http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7693
Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City
https://x.com/RyanRozbiani/status/1903959951724483030 @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...
Ziehier Yoeri Albrecht, die door een jonge journalist van het mediakanaal Left Laser betrapt werd tijdens een privé-onderonsje met twee ...