zaterdag 7 oktober 2023

Palestinians attacked the tank with drone

Breaking: Palestinians attacked the tank with drones!!! Drone warfare has come to Israel. An Israeli Merkava tank was destroyed by a Palestinian drone. The war in Ukraine is a familiar picture, but Israel is only now becoming familiar with it.

Palestinian resistance launches surprise attack on Israel – Updates to come


Weekly Recap for: Saturday, October 7th 2023

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who vote year after year to give Israel over $10 million per day.

Palestinian resistance launches surprise attack on Israel – Updates to come

Hamas, the ruling party in Gaza, has launched a major, multi-pronged, surprise attack on Israel - 200 Israelis dead, 900 injured; Israeli forces are now bombing Gaza - 232 Palestinians dead, 1600 injured... Here is a rundown of this unfolding story

Latest from Israel/Palestine: 2 killed, 9 children detained, Pope furious

Two Palestinian young men were killed, nine Palestinian children were detained; the pope is disgusted by Israelis who spit on Christians.

Prominent Israeli Settler Says Spitting on Christians ‘Ancient Jewish Custom’

Israeli settler activist Elisha Yered, suspected of involvement in the killing of Palestinian teen Qosai Mi'tan, made the comment amid a rise in incidents of Jews spitting on or near Christian worshippers in Jerusalem’s Old City
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NOS Tendentieuze Berichtgeving

 NOS: Dat kwam mede door de brute manier waarop Israëlische militairen en burgers in handen vielen van Hamas, werden vermoord of in gijzeling genomen en voor een deel werden meegenomen naar geheime plaatsen in de Gazastrook.

In een reactie mobiliseerde Israël tientallen brigades en voerden gevechtsvliegtuigen luchtaanvallen uit. Daarbij zijn volgens de Palestijnse autoriteiten zeker 200 mensen omgekomen.

Joden worden 'vemoord,' Palestijnen zijn 'omgekomen.' Het NOS racisme typeert deze staatsomroep.

Updated Casualty Figures

You can find updated casualty figures on our website here:

Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...