zaterdag 13 april 2019

Vredesdag 9 mei: Stan van Houcke

Vredesdag 9 mei: Stan van Houcke
Gepubliceerd op 13 apr. 2019
Stan van Houcke, journalist en schrijver:
'Ik verzet me tegen de sfeer om Russen uit te pikken als de grote vijand.' ***** Kijk voor meer informatie over de Vredesdag op: Vindt u deze Vredesdag een goed initiatief en wilt u ons graag steunen met een financiële bijdrage, groot of klein? U kunt ons helpen door een bijdrage over te maken op: NL52 SNSB 0783 2518 15t.a.v. Stichting Vredesdag 9 mei te Amersfoort We zijn oprecht blij met iedere euro!

Trump Threatens ICC and the Netherlands

Sat Apr 13, 2019 05:50AM [Updated: Sat Apr 13, 2019 08:57AM ]
Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki (C) leaves the ICC at the Hague.  (Photo by AP)
Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki (C) leaves the ICC at the Hague. (Photo by AP)
US President Donald Trump has warned the International Criminal Court (ICC) of "swift and vigorous response" if the Hague-based tribunal investigates Americans and Israelis for war crimes.
Trump issued the warning on Friday after ICC judges rejected a request by the court's prosecutor to probe atrocities committed by US forces in Afghanistan.
Trump hailed the unusual ruling as a "major international victory," claiming that the Americans and Israelis should be immune from ICC prosecution.
"Since the creation of the ICC, the United States has consistently declined to join the court because of its broad, unaccountable prosecutorial powers; the threat it poses to American national sovereignty; and other deficiencies that render it illegitimate," he said.
"Any attempt to target American, Israeli, or allied personnel for prosecution will be met with a swift and vigorous response," he added.
Amnesty International denounced the ICC's decision as a "shocking abandonment of victims" that would "weaken the court's already questionable credibility."
Biraj Patnaik, South Asia Director at Amnesty International, stressed that the ruling would be seen as a "craven capitulation to Washington's bullying."
Last month, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the US would withdraw or revoke visas for ICC staff who prosecute American troops in Afghanistan as well as their allied personnel, including Israelis.
He also warned about potential economic sanctions "if the ICC does not change its course."
US National Security Adviser John Bolton had also threatened to revoke the visas of ICC personnel if the court pursued charges against members of the US military over crimes in Afghanistan.
Earlier this month, the US revoked ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda's visa as part of a crackdown on the ICC.
Read more:
The ICC has been examining abuses committed by all parties in the Afghan war for more than a decade.
In November 2017, Bensouda sought authorization to open an inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, including in states where the CIA held prisoners.
The ICC is also investigating Israeli atrocities in the West Bank and Gaza, including the demolition of Palestinian property and eviction of the Palestinians from the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds. 
Neither the US nor Israel are ICC members.

Vredesconcert 9 mei 2019

Vredesconcert 9 mei 2019

     Pianist Martin Oei (1996) / Foto: © Sarah Wong.

Optreden van het Russisch-orthodox ensemble 'Zlatoust' in Hengelo in 2014.Roy ter Haar.


Onder het motto 'Vrijheid van, vrede voor Europa en Rusland' willen we in een periode van grote spanning tussen het Westen en Rusland op 9 mei 2019  een statement maken om de impasse te doorbreken en een brug te bouwen tussen Oost en West. Daarom organiseren we op deze dag een concert met het Russisch-orthodoxe koor Zlatoust en de jonge Nederlandse toppianist Martin Oei.

Russisch-orthodox koor Zlatoust (Gouden Stem) uit Moskou

Het Russisch-orthodox koor Zlatoust ('Gouden Stem') komt speciaal voor dit ene concert over uit Moskou. Het 12-koppige ensemble, dat vijf jaar geleden voor het laatst op tournee was in Nederland, is in 1990 opgericht en staat onder leiding van dirigent Mikhail Borodyanski. De betoverend mooie samenzang van Zlatoust heeft binnen en buiten Rusland al vele harten veroverd.

Toppianist Martin Oei

Martin Oei (1996) begon op zijn 9de met pianospelen. Hij studeerde aan het Utrechts Conservatorium en nam op zijn 14de zijn eerste cd op. Op zijn 16e gaf hij een solorecital in het Concertgebouw. Hij won diverse prijzen, waaronder Prinses Christina Concours, Jong Muziektalent Nederland, Young Pianist Foundation, Steinway & Sons. In 2013 en 2014 deed hij succesvolle tournees samen met Daniël Wayenberg. In 2016 bracht Martin Oei zijn vierde cd uit, Chopin à deux, waarop hij samen met Daniël Wayenberg op twee originele Erard vleugels uit de 19de eeuw speelt. Voor het Vredesconcert op 9 mei 2019 vertolkt Martin Oei werk van twee Russische componisten:
  • Anatoli Ljadov (1855-1914)
    Barcarolle op. 44 in fis gr.t.
  • Sergej Rachmaninov (1873-1943)
    Preludes op. 23, nr. 1, 2, 4, 5, en 6
    Moment musical op. 16, nr. 4 in e kl.t.

Roy ter Haar

De moderator voor deze avond is Roy ter Haar van Bureau Amadeus. Roy ter Haar zal tevens het lied 'Over de Muur' ten gehore brengen.


Datum: donderdag 9 mei 2019
Tijd: 20.00-22.00 uur
Locatie: Musis, Velperbinnensingel 15, 6811 BP Arnhem
Prijs: € 29,50

NB: Bent u lid van Vrouwen van Nu? Bestel uw concertkaarten dan niet via deze website, maar via, graag onder vermelding van de naam van uw afdeling en het aantal kaarten.

Vredestocht 9 mei 2019

Voorafgaand aan het concert organiseren we 's middags een tocht door Arnhem. We vragen de duizenden Russen en voormalige Sovjetburgers die in Nederland wonen om op 9 mei 2019 mee te doen en, samen met de Nederlandse bevolking, in Arnhem over een brug over de Rijn te lopen, wel of niet met een bordje van uw dierbaren die in de Tweede Wereldoorlog om het leven zijn gekomen. In verband met de organisatie van de vredestocht en het cultureel programma, zouden we het erg fijn vinden als u zich van tevoren aan zou willen melden. Dit kan door een mailtje te sturen naar met de tekst 'Aanmelden vredestocht'. Wij zullen u dan op de hoogte houden van de tocht en het avondprogramma. 

Steun Vredesdag

'9 mei 2019: Vrijheid van, vrede voor Europa en Rusland' wordt breed gedragen. We hebben lijst van organisaties die dit vredesinitiatief steunen op onze website gezet. Wilt u ook uw steentje bijdragen? Laat het ons weten.

Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous”

Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S.

Media Options
Attorneys for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are vowing to fight his possible extradition to the United States following his arrest in London, when British police forcibly removed Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy, where he had taken asylum for almost seven years. On Thursday night, Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman spoke to Noam Chomsky about Assange's arrest, WikiLeaks and American power.

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! I’m Amy Goodman in Boston, as we sit down with Noam Chomsky for a public conversation. I asked him about the arrest of Julian Assange.
NOAM CHOMSKY: Well, the Assange arrest is scandalous in several respects. One of them is just the effort of governments—and it’s not just the U.S. government. The British are cooperating. Ecuador, of course, is now cooperating. Sweden, before, had cooperated. The efforts to silence a journalist who was producing materials that people in power didn’t want the rascal multitude to know about—OK?—that’s basically what happened. WikiLeaks was producing things that people ought to know about those in power. People in power don’t like that, so therefore we have to silence it. OK? This is the kind of thing, the kind of scandal, that takes place, unfortunately, over and over.
To take another example, right next door to Ecuador, in Brazil, where the developments that have gone on are extremely important. This is the most important country in Latin America, one of the most important in the world. Under the Lula government early in this millennium, Brazil was the most—maybe the most respected country in the world. It was the voice for the Global South under the leadership of Lula da Silva. Notice what happened. There was a coup, soft coup, to eliminate the nefarious effects of the labor party, the Workers’ Party. These are described by the World Bank—not me, the World Bank—as the “golden decade” in Brazil’s history, with radical reduction of poverty, a massive extension of inclusion of marginalized populations, large parts of the population—Afro-Brazilian, indigenous—who were brought into the society, a sense of dignity and hope for the population. That couldn’t be tolerated.
After Lula’s—after he left office, a kind of a “soft coup” take place—I won’t go through the details, but the last move, last September, was to take Lula da Silva, the leading, the most popular figure in Brazil, who was almost certain to win the forthcoming election, put him in jail, solitary confinement, essentially a death sentence, 25 years in jail, banned from reading press or books, and, crucially, barred from making a public statement—unlike mass murderers on death row. This, in order to silence the person who was likely to win the election. He’s the most important political prisoner in the world. Do you hear anything about it?
Well, Assange is a similar case: We’ve got to silence this voice. You go back to history. Some of you may recall when Mussolini’s fascist government put Antonio Gramsci in jail. The prosecutor said, “We have to silence this voice for 20 years. Can’t let it speak.” That’s Assange. That’s Lula. There are other cases. That’s one scandal.
The other scandal is just the extraterritorial reach of the United States, which is shocking. I mean, why should the United States—why should any—no other state could possibly do it. But why should the United States have the power to control what others are doing elsewhere in the world? I mean, it’s an outlandish situation. It goes on all the time. We never even notice it. At least there’s no comment on it.
Like, take the trade agreements with China. OK? What are the trade agreements about? They’re an effort to prevent China’s economic development. It’s exactly what they are. Now, China has a development model. The Trump administration doesn’t like it. So, therefore, let’s undermine it. Ask yourself: What would happen if China did not observe the rules that the United States is trying to impose? China, for example, when Boeing or Microsoft, some other major company, invests in China, China wants to have some control over the nature of the investment. They want some degree of technology transfer. They should gain something from the technology. Is there something wrong with that? That’s how the United States developed, stealing—what we call stealing—technology from England. It’s how England developed, taking technology from more advanced countries—India, the Low Countries, even Ireland. That’s how every developed country has reached the stage of advanced development. If Boeing and Microsoft don’t like those arrangements, they don’t have to invest in China. Nobody has a gun to their heads. If anybody really believed in capitalism, they should be free to make any arrangement they want with China. If it involves technology transfer, OK. The United States wants to block that, so China can’t develop.
Take what are called intellectual property rights, exorbitant patent rights for medicines, for Windows, for example. Microsoft has a monopoly on operating systems, through the World Trade Organization. Suppose China didn’t observe these. Who would benefit, and who would lose? Well, the fact of the matter is that consumers in the United States would benefit. It would mean that you’d get cheaper medicines. It would mean that when you get a computer, that you wouldn’t be stuck with Windows. You could get a better operating system. Bill Gates would have a little less money. The pharmaceutical corporations wouldn’t be as super-rich as they are, a little less rich. But the consumers would benefit. Is there something wrong with that? Is there a problem with that?
Well, you might ask yourself: What lies behind all of these discussions and negotiations? This is true across the board. Almost any issue you pick, you can ask yourself: Why is this accepted? So, in this case, why is it acceptable for the United States to have the power to even begin to give even a proposal to extradite somebody whose crime is to expose to the public materials that people in power don’t want them to see? That’s basically what’s happening. 

Hillary Clinton of the Empire of Lies

Video of the Day: To no one’s surprise, Hillary Clinton is pleased that Julian Assange has been arrested because he dared commit treason in the empire of lies, to quote Ron Paul. She even made some stupid joke and laughed. Here is the clip:

Comments on Julian Assange's Arrest

Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles.

By Craig Murray
Tonight both Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are in jail, both over offences related to the publication of materials specifying US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and both charged with nothing else at all. Read more...

Video: Assange’s Lawyer Says Wikileaks Founder’s Life in Danger if Extradited to the U.S.

By Defend Democracy Press
Assange’s lawyer, Carlos Poveda, told journalists that his client, who has lived in Ecuador’s London embassy for almost seven years, was not given a chance to defend himself before his asylum there was terminated in reprisal for corruption allegations against Ecuador’s president. Read more...

British Government Arrests WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Behalf of the American Empire

By Dr. Leon Tressell
Assange now faces extradition to the U.S. where the Department of Justice (DOJ) has indicted Assange today with a federal  charge of conspiracy with Chelsea Manning to gain access to classified government records i.e. the Iraq and Afghanistan War logs. The DOJ’s press release states that Assange faces a maximum of 5 years in prison if convicted of, “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.” Read more...

Julian Assange Should be Lauded and Protected, Not Persecuted and Destroyed

By Mark Taliano
Assange now faces extradition to the U.S. where the Department of Justice (DOJ) has indicted Assange today with a federal  charge of conspiracy with Chelsea Manning to gain access to classified government records i.e. the Iraq and Afghanistan War logs. The DOJ’s press release states that Assange faces a maximum of 5 years in prison if convicted of, “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.” Read more...

The Assange Arrest Is a Warning from History

By John Pilger
The shocking arrest of Assange carries a warning for all who, as Oscar Wilde wrote, “sew the seeds of discontent [without which] there would be no advance towards civilisation”. The warning is explicit towards journalists. Read more...

Julian Assange: The Age of Injustice

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Washington’s man in Quito said he revoked Assange’s political asylum and Ecuadoran citizenship because Assange engaged in free speech. Read more...

USA v. Julian Assange: DOJ Indictment on Phony Charge Revealed

By Stephen Lendman
Britain complied, unjustly arresting Assange with intent to hand him over to US authorities – to be detained and prosecuted on one fabricated count, calling for imprisonment for up to five years if convicted. Read more...

Assange & The Unforgivable Sin

Assange & The Unforgivable Sin Of Disemboweling Official Narratives

The entire global status quo is on the cusp of the S-Curve decline phase.
There is really only one unforgivable sin in the political realm, and that's destroying the official narrative by revealing the facts of the matter. This is why whistleblowers who make public the secret machinery of the elaborately artful lies underpinning all official narratives are hounded to the ends of the Earth.

Employees of state entities such as Ellsberg, Manning and Snowden are bound by vows of secrecy and threatened by the promise of severe punishment.Outsiders such as Assange are even further beyond the pale because they can't be accused of being traitors, as they never took the vows of secrecy required by the Deep State.
The single most damaging revelation to all the elaborate lies that make up official narratives is the truth revealed in official emails, documents and conversations. This is why virtually every document and correspondence is now "classified," so anyone releasing even a mundane scrap can be sentenced to rot in federal prison.
In a recent C-SPAN interview, author Nomi Prins explained the incredible difficulty of accessing papers in presidential libraries now due to virtually everything being classified. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) applications must be filed, and researchers must wait years to gain access to routine correspondence that was freely available to all a decade or so ago.
Official paranoia has a 100% correlation with the amount of damage done to official narratives by any leaks of the facts of the matter. What are they so afraid of? Here's the dynamic in play: the more fragile the narrative, the greater the dependence on half-truths and lies, the greater the official urgency to crush all whistleblowers and maintain a Stasi-like vigilance against any murmurs of dissent or doubt.

If the entire contraption wasn't so vulnerable to exposure and so dependent on lies, why the infinite paranoia? This paranoia extends past the present system of lies into the past, as exposing the lies in decades past calls into question the official narratives of today.
Any doubt is extremely dangerous, as if even a single thread is pulled loose, the entire fabric of ginned-up statistics, false assurances, half-truths and outright lies unravels. Once the Pentagon Papers revealed the facts of the war in Vietnam, support for the official narrative collapsed essentially overnight.
In the immortal words of Jean-Claude Juncker, when it becomes serious you have to lie, and it's now serious all the time.
The entire global status quo is on the cusp of the S-Curve decline phase. Hence the vulnerability to disruption of its official narratives and the panicky paranoia of its handlers.
*  *  *
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