zaterdag 1 maart 2008

De Commerciele Massamedia 114

Slachtoffers in Gaza van de Israelische 'holocaust'.

De Nieuwe Reporter is een website waar regelmatig aandacht wordt besteed aan het ontbreken van democratie elders, maar nooit aandacht aan het ontbreken van een ware democratie hier, met een vrije uitwisseling van echt uiteenlopende meningen. Ik heb net deze reactie gemaild:
beste nadine,
nu nog een open, volwassen democratie in het westen, met een echt onafhankelijke pers, en met ware vrijheid van meningsuiting en niet de voorgekookte consensus-verslaggeving. ik geef je een voorbeeld, deze week bedreigde een israelisch kabinetslid de palestijnen met letterlijk een holocaust. heeft dit de krantenkoppen beheerst? nee, maar als palestijnen joods-israeli's met genocide hadden bedreigd dan hadden de commerciele massamedia moord en brand geschreeuwd. en terecht. er is bij ons sprake van een geweldige selectieve berichtgeving, van propaganda zelfs. daar wordt niet serieus over gediscussieerd in de massamedia, wel onder angelsaksische intellectuelen. vraag jezelf af waarom dat zo is en lees dit eens:'Israel's deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai hasthreatened Palestinians in Gaza with a "holocaust." TheBBC which reports this fact says that the word"'holocaust' is a term rarely used in Israel outside discussions of the Nazi genocide during World War II."Here is the country, supposedly the built from legacy ofthe Nazi holocaust now openly threatening genocide against another people.What will the response of the world be? What will theresponse be of all those hypocrites that preach humanrights and international law but praise Israel as thefinest, most upstanding, most faultless nation on earth,or who know of its crimes but are afraid to act against it?What will the EU, NATO, the United States, the ArabLeague do? What will Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International do? What will the Save Darfur campaign do? What will those who express daily outrage about the statements of Ahmedinejad do? What will Ban Ki Moon and Javier Solana do?What will "stalwart" supporters of Israel, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain say?Israel is by its own admission all that it claims to abhor.Ali
het wordt tijd dat we onze eigen tekortkomingen serieus onder de loep nemen, in plaats van de hele tijd naar de anderen te bekritiseren.zelfkritiek is net zo'n interessant fenomeen als zelfcensuur.
stan van houcke

De Israelische Terreur 335

Een paar dagen geleden dreigde een Israelisch kabinetslid met een holocaust in Gaza en het ziet er inderdaad naar uit dat de Israelische strijdkrachten genocide plegen. Die sluipende massammord was al langer gaande, maar nu komt Israel er open voor uit. Kijken hoe lang de Nederlandse regering dezee genocidale politiek blijft accepteren, en hoe lang Nederlandse intellectuelen hierover blijven zwijgen.

'Israeli Genocides, Holocausts & Massacres: 55 Victims in 12 hours, names included
Anna Goldman reports from the Gaza Strip
Gaza strip, 1st, March, 2008, (PCAS)- Since the early morning, the Israeli holocausts against Palestinians have started. About 10 of freedom fighters died but the majority was 45 victims from civilians.

The holocaust which was declared by Matan Vilnai, Vice Israeli defence (War) minister, yesterday is being launched by today morning with confines. Diverse sorts of weapons, such as F16 and Apaches planes were used. In addition to using heavy guns, bombs, missiles and cluster bombs as well.

Attalla Family was exposed to a 1-ton-missle fired by F16. The missile destroyed their house which was of 2 floors resulted in killing 4 members including a child.

Around 30 air raids and 50 bombs and artillery shells fired towards the Palestinian civilians. The Jabalya camp which is the position of the military holocaust is densely populated. Around 1000 thousands live in about 1 killo meter. Thus a lot of innocent victims fall quickly.

1- Eyad Al Ashram, Male, 26
2- Musleh Abu Ali, Male, 17
3- Jakline Abu shbak, Female, 17
4- Eyad abu Shabk, Male,14
5- Basam Muhammad Ubaid, Male, 45
6- Basam Ubaid, Male, 15
7- Hamza Al jamal, Male,40
8- Abdallah Abd Rabu, male, 4
9- Ibrahim Alzain, Male, 25
10- Mustafa Zaghloul, Male, 32
11- Hamada Abd Al hameed, male, 29
12- Saeed Al hasheem, Male, 23
13- Husain Al batsh, Male, 27
14- Samah Zaydan Asalya, Female, 17
15- Salwa Zaydan Asalya, Female, 23
16- Tala't Dardona, Male, 29
17- Mustafa Abu Jalala, Male, 28
18- Hasan Safi, Male, 25
19- Abdallah Abu Shaira, Male, 18
20- Mutasim Abd Rabu, Male, 24
21- Hamada Saleh Al abad, Male, 16
22- Mustafa Manon, Male, 22
23- Muhammad Sleem, Male, 24
24- Muhammad Abdalrahman Shhab, male, 23
25- Ali Al kitnani, Male, 15
26- Tal'at Dardona, Male, 17
27- Sana Ghad Al abed Saleh, Female, 16
28- Ahmed Albatsh, Male, 16
29- Muslih Muhamad Muslih,Male, 17
30- Thabet Junied, Male
31- Sultan Al zain, Male
32- Mustafa Abu Jalala, Male
33- Muhammad Al atar, Male
34- Nael Abu Alon, Male, 20
35- Muhammad Abd Al mouti Sleem, Male,
36- Saed Dabour, Male, 28
37- Hamada Saed, Male
38- Mahmoud Rayan, Male
39- Jedjad Hatem Abu Hlayal, Male
40- Thari Abu Aubaid, Male
41- Tamer Weshah, Male
42- Ahmed Saleh Abd Al rahman
43- Muhammad Abd Al qader Oqylan
44- Hasan Abu Harb
45- Abd Al rahman Atallah, Male, 60
46- Ibrahim Attalah, Male,30
47- Sua'd Atallah
48- Unknown
49- Unknown
50- Unknown
51- Unknown
52- Unknown
53- Unknown in Khanyonis City
54- Unknown in KhanYonis City
Pictures aviable in the facebook:
Group 1:
Group 2:
10000 Say Israel .. Stop killing Palestinians

Group 3:
Freedom for Palestine

De Israelische Terreur 334

De Israelische terreur begint steeds meer genocide te worden. En ook vandaag weer geen woord hierover in de nieuwsbrief van de NRC, die zich graag afficheert als de slijpsteen voor de geest. Waren daarentegen joods Israelische kinderen vermoord door Palestijnen dan had de krant er uitvoerig over bericht, maar nu het Arabische kinderen zijn is het niet zo belangrijk, net zoals voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog het lot van de joden voor de westerse elite volstrekt onbelangrijk was. En ook de ochtendnieuwsbrief van de Volkskrant zwijgt over de Israelische terreur.
Defence for Children International bericht:

'DCI appalled at rising death toll of children in Gaza
[RAMALLAH, 1 March 2008] – Today, DCI/PS received further reports, which are as yet unconfirmed, of the killing of several children in Israeli military air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip. Today’s attacks may have caused the deaths of as many as 11 children. DCI fieldworkers are currently investigating each incident. These deaths are in addition to those already reported by DCI last Thursday, 28 February. As of Friday 29 February, the total number of children killed in Gaza in Israeli military attacks since the beginning of 2008 is 14. Following today’s attacks, this figure could rise to 25. DCI/PS strongly condemns Israel’s intensifying military attacks on Gaza. These attacks are a further manifestation of a policy of unrestrained violence towards the population of Gaza, as a means to put an end to indiscriminate rocket fire from the Strip. On 20 January, Israel’s Internal Security Minister, Avi Dichter, declared: “the government must instruct the IDF to eliminate the rocket fire from Gaza entirely. These attacks need not be minimised or managed, but stopped completely irrespective of the cost to the Palestinians.” Palestinian rocket attacks, although unlawful, cannot justify the willful or reckless killing of civilians including children. This disproportionate response amounts to further violations of international law and constitutes a dramatic escalation of violence. In a press release on Friday, the Palestinian human rights organisation Al Haq, an affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists, has condemned some of Israel’s recent military attacks on Gaza as war crimes, “which may amount to grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, for which individuals can be held criminally responsible”. Information on today’s attacks and on the resulting casualties is still coming in, and further updates will be posted on the DCI/PS website as they become available. With regards to Wednesday’s and Thursday’s incidents, DCI/PS has received the following clarifications:
Earlier this week, DCI reported that 7 Palestinian children were killed in three separate incidents on Thursday and Friday. The death toll has since risen to 9: • At 14:45 on Thursday 28 February a group of four children were playing in a yard near their house in the proximity of Al Salam mosque, East of Jabalia in North Gaza while, 20 metres away from the yard, Palestinian armed groups launched a home made rocket. Ten minutes later an Israeli warplane retaliated launching an air-to-surface missile. The children, Omar Husain Mohammad Dardouneh, 14, Ali Munir Mohammad Dardouneh, 6, Dardouneh Deeb Khalil Dardouneh, 10, Mohamad Nai’m Mahmoud Dardouneh, 13 were killed instantly. • Also on Thursday 28 February, Amjad Hafez Heidar Al Sakany, 16 years old, was attending a burial in the Shujaiia cemetery in the Gaza governorate, near the border fence. After the ceremony Amjad and other children stayed in the cemetery a little longer. At 13:30 Israeli soldiers arrived and shot at the group; the child was hit in the chest and died. • Stil on Thursday, Ala’ Ayman Omar Al Bourno, 17 years old, was visiting some friends at Al Shat’ camp in Gaza city. As he was approaching a police station, an Israeli airplane launched a missile towards the guards’ booth at the entrance of the station. The child was hit in the head and transferred to Al Shufat hospital. He died the next day at 11:30am. Casualties confirmed over the last 3 days: Wednesday 27 February: 3 Thursday 28 February: 5 Friday 29 February: 1
DCI/PS reiterates its condemnation of the inaction of the international community towards Israel’s human rights violations in the Gaza Strip, especially in light of the fact that Israel has declared its intention to continue its attacks until Palestinian resistance fighters stop firing missiles at Israeli towns, whatever the cost to the civilian population may be. DCI/PS condemns the unlawful firing of rockets by Palestinian armed groups towards Israeli civilian areas, and deplores the casualties recently registered in Sderot. However DCI/PS believes that these attacks cannot justify Israel’s unrestrained attack on Gaza and a continued blockade of the Territory. DCI/PS calls on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligations under Article 1 of the Convention, and urge Israel to abide by its duties under the Convention regarding the conduct of hostilities and the principles of distinction, proportionality and necessity. Finally, DCI/PS urges the EU and its Member States to use their influence on Israel and exert diplomatic, political and economic pressure to ensure that it acts in compliance with its obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law, and calls on EU member states to investigate and, where feasible, prosecute, through the exercise of universal jurisdiction, individuals responsible for crimes under international law.

De website van de NRC bericht ons om om '16:57 Palestijnse raketten maken slachtoffers in Israël'
Om 13.14 uur berichtte de NRC: 'Dodental in Gazastrook loopt op na aanval Israël
Gepubliceerd: 1 maart 2008 13:14 Gewijzigd: 1 maart 2008 13:33
Gaza-stad, 1 maart. Het dodenaantal in de Gazastrook is opgelopen. De Israëlische strijdkrachten hebben vandaag zeker dertig Palestijnen gedood tijdens gevechten in de Gazastrook.
Nieuws - Israël verwoest kantoor van leider Hamas
Onder hen zijn vier kinderen die in hun slaap werden geraakt door granaatscherven. Dat lieten Palestijnse medici weten. Het dodental van vandaag is het hoogste in maanden.
De gevechten vonden hoofdzakelijk plaats in en rondom het dichtbevolkte vluchtelingenkamp Jabaliya, in het noorden van de Gazastrook. Israëlische tanks en helikopters vielen het kamp voor het ochtendgloren binnen, waarop hevige gevechten tussen Israëlische en Palestijnse militairen losbraken.'
Deze zin: 'De Israëlische strijdkrachten hebben vandaag zeker dertig Palestijnen gedood tijdens gevechten in de Gazastrook.' Bij gevechten dus tussen het op vier na machtigste leger ter wereld tegen licht bewapende milities. Toch suggereert NRC dat het hier om gelijkwaardige partijen gaat. Hoe kunnen bij gevechten vier onschuldige kinderen in hun slaap worden gedood? Zij zijn toch niet bij gevechten gedood? Nee, zij zijn gedood door granaatscherven van de Israelische artillerie of Israelische helicopters, die op grote afstand bevolkingscentra in een van de dichtst bevolkte gebieden op aarde lukraak bestoken met geavanceerde wapens.

Deze zin: 'Israëlische tanks en helikopters vielen het kamp voor het ochtendgloren binnen, waarop hevige gevechten tussen Israëlische en Palestijnse militairen losbraken.' Kennelijk weet de betrokken journalist niet dat helikopters een kamp niet binnenvallen, maar op veilige afstand een vluchtelingenkamp bestoken. Waarom het woord kamp en niet vluchtelingenkamp? Palestijnse militairen? Hebben de Palestijnen nu ineens een leger, uitgerust met tanks en helikopters? Nee dus. Waarom meldt de NRC niet dat volgens het internationaal recht een volk dat aangevallen wordt het expliciete recht heeft om zich tegen de agressie van een vijand te verdedigen? Waarom bericht de NRC niet dat de Israelische belegering van de Gaza Strook in strijd is met het internationaal recht? Waarom meldt de NRC niet, zoals deskundigen maar al te goed weten, dat Israel de contra-terreur uitlokt en daar bepaalde redenen voor heeft? Waarom belicht de NRC niet de ware redenen waarom Israel weigert gestolen Palestijns land terug te geven en weigert de joodse nederzettingen te ontmantelen in bezet gebied en weigert de in 1948 en 1967 etnisch gezuiverde Palestijnen terug te laten keren, zoals de Verenigde Naties en het internationaal recht al zes decennia lang eisen. Waarom meldt de NRC niet dat de Palestijnse Autoriteit al twintig jaar geleden de joodse staat heeft erkend en genoegen neemt met slechts 22 procent van de 47 procent van Palestina die de Palestijnen van de VN heeft gekregen? Waarom bericht de NRC niet over de redenen dat Israel meent recht te hebben op ongeveer 10 procent van de resterende 22 procent? Waarom vertelt de NRC niet aan de lezers dat de Israeli's het conflict niet willen oplossen door gewoon te voldoen aan de bindende regels van het internationaal recht? Waarom suggereert de NRC impliciet en expliciet dat er twee gelijkwaardige partijen zijn, en dat de Palestijnen de extremisten zijn en de joods Israeli's de gematigde krachten, die zich alleen maar verdedigen tegen 'Palestijns terrorisme'? Waarom verzwijgt de NRC dat Israel zich gedraagt als een koloniale macht die met geweld de heerschappij in het Midden Oosten wil behouden? Welke belangen verdedigt de NRC en waarom?
De NRC bericht ook dit: 'Militanten vuurden meer dan veertig raketten en mortiergranaten af op het zuiden van Israël. Op hetzelfde moment traden Israëlische militairen in de Gazastrook op tegen militanten.' Militanten, daar is dit begrip weer. Wat het Palestijn verzet ook doet, of het nu tegen burgers of militairen is gericht, altijd zijn de verzetsmensen militant. Natuurlijk was het Nederlands verzet tegen de Duitse bezetter, het verzet dat koningin en vaderland diende niet, let wel, niet militant, maar zodra het de gekoloniseerden betreft dan zijn die altijd militant. En hadden de nazi's gewonnen dan hadden mijn collega's uit volle overtuiging geschreven dat het Nederlands verzet had bestaan uit militanten en terroristen. Vanwaar deze tendentieuze kwalificatie? Is het verzet tegen het Israelisch geweld per definitie militant, zo ja waarom? Zo nee, waarom gebruikt u het woord dan te pas en te onpas? En dan die laatste zin, wat staat daar nou? De politie trad op tegen de relschoppers. Optreden? Pardon, dat woord is in deze context volstrekt absurd. Beste collega, het gaat hier niet om een optreden, maar om grootschalig geweld waarbij talloze burgerdoden, onder wie kinderen vallen. Traden de Israelische militairen nu op tegen alleen de militanten of ook tegen de kinderen die omkwamen? Leer in godsnaam je eigen taal te beheersen. Leer de betekenis en gevoelswaarde van woorden. Probeer wat minder propaganda te bedrijven. En als je er niet uitkomt, draai de zaak om. Wat zou je schrijven als er vier joods Israelische omkwamen? Probeer zo ook over Palestijnse kinderen te schrijven. Probeer onafhankelijk te zijn. Ik weet dat het je carriere kan schaden, maar in elk geval behoud je je eergevoel.

Het Neoliberale Geloof 98

Uit eerder onderzoek bleek dat de kosten van de ziekenhuiszorg de afgelopen acht jaar met 8 miljard stegen naar 18 miljard in 2006. (Foto Dirk-Jan Visser)

Ho eens even, hoe zou dat nou komen? Wat gek, nietwaar? Of zou dat de bedoeling zijn geweest? De slijpsteen voor de geest bericht:

'Stijgende kosten zorg na invoering marktwerking
Gepubliceerd: 1 maart 2008 08:50 Gewijzigd: 1 maart 2008 13:43
Door onze redacteur Esther Rosenberg

Amsterdam, 1 maart. De invoering van marktwerking in de ziekenhuiszorg heeft geleid tot een explosieve stijging van het aantal behandelingen. Daardoor zijn de kosten, tegen de verwachting in, fors gestegen.
· Nieuws - Markt in de zorg werkt slecht
Dat blijkt uit niet eerder bekend gemaakte declaratiegegevens van de zorgverzekeraars over 2005 en 2006. Gegevens over het afgelopen jaar worden deze zomer bekend.
In 2005 werden de tarieven voor enkele veelvoorkomende behandelingen vrijgegeven, zoals knie-, heup- en staaroperaties. Door ziekenhuizen te laten concurreren, was de verwachting, zouden ze voor een behandeling niet meer gaan vragen dan een ander. De kosten zouden zo worden gedrukt.
Maar sinds ziekenhuizen voor die behandelingen per keer betaald krijgen, zijn ze die zo vaak gaan uitvoeren – 10 procent vaker – dat de kosten met 12 procent stegen. De totale omvang van de ziekenhuiszorg steeg de afgelopen jaren gemiddeld met circa 3 procent.
Niet eerder was bekend hoe de geliberaliseerde ziekenhuiszorg in omvang groeide. Onderzoeksbureau Vektis van de zorgverzekeraars en adviesbureau The Boston Consulting Group analyseerden de declaraties. Daaruit blijkt ook dat ziekenhuizen 28 procent meer behandelingen voor amandelen declareerden in 2006 dan het jaar ervoor en 16 procent meer behandelingen voor knieslijtage. Patiënten werden vaker behandeld voor nierstenen (16 procent) en ureterstenen (30 procent) – dat zijn dezelfde stenen, maar ze zitten lager, in de urineleider.
Woordvoerders van de Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit zeggen dat de toezichthouder deze zomer voor het eerst zal rapporteren over het volume van de ziekenhuiszorg. „We vinden het belangrijk om uit te zoeken hoe dit kan.”'

En dat uitzoeken wordt gedaan door duur betaalde adviseurs die ontdekken wat wij allemaal al lang weten, namelijk dat in het kapitalisme het geld wint. Zo is dat altijd geweest en zo zal het altijd zijn. De rest is luchtverplaatsing, propaganda en ordinaire diefstal. Dit zou eens mooi beschreven kunnen worden door de slijpsteen voor de geest, maar die is weer afhankelijk van de adverteerders en dus... Ondertussen zijn we getuige van een grote zwendel en we doen net of het geen zwendel is. Ook Esther Rosenberg weet dit allemaal maar speelt de domme August omdat ze carriere wil maken.

Lees verder:

De Israelische Terreur 333

Trees Kosterman, die in Israel woont, stuurde me deze noodkreet:

'Palestijnen zijn geen voorpaginanieuws meer.
Of je nu 10 palestijnen dood, of 2 of zoals in de laatste 12 uur 27. Of het nu vrouwen zijn die vermoord worden of kinderen of strijders van Hamas, het maakt allemaal niets meer uit.
Onze nederlandse pers is bang om niet meer te scoren, en gaat er vanuit dat de lezers misschien wel “palestijnenenmoe” zijn, dus des te meer doden des te minder nieuwswaarde het heeft.
Er zijn te veel Palestijnen gedood en het gaat al zoveel jaren door, dus schrijven ze er niet meer over. Een dode in Sderot is wel nieuws. Uiteraard, dat is nog niet zoveel voorgekomen. Palestijnen die raketten richting Israel sturen,raketten die weinig schade brachten, leveren nu opeens slachtoffers aan de andere kant van de grens op.
Nu zijn er enkele doden gevallen,en dat geeft Israel weer de kans om nog meer Palestijnse slachtoffers te maken, en inderdaad, dit kunnen ze ongestraft doen,want des te meer doden en gewonden, des te meer ‘palestijnenenmoe” de westerse pers wordt. En men schrijft er niet over. In Nederland is de “bourkini” voorpaginanieuws, dit is zo’n vreselijk belangrijk item, wauw, dat is echt nieuws.
Maar tientallen Palestijnse doden en gewonden is uiteraard niet belangrijk.
In enkele artiklen waarin het wel vermeld wordt, word het excuus aangevoerd dat de Israelische acties komen als retaliation voor de gazaanse Qassam raketten.
Zullen we het eens omdraaien. Misschien komen die Qassamraketten wel als retaliation voor het jarenlang uithongeren van de Gaza strip, voor het opsluiten van een miljoen mensen op zo’n klein stukje grond,voor het decennias lang stelen van land.
Voordat de Qassams afgeschoten warden , werden de Palestijnen al jarenlang onderdrukt.
Al jaren lang warden ze vermoord, uitgehongerd, tegengehouden bij de grenzen, hun leven kapotgemaakt.
En nu vandaag de dag is men “Palestijnenmoe”, de hele pers, de westerse wereld moet zich de ogen uit de kop schamen dat men hier niets tegen probeert te doen, tegen deze slachting.
Ik zit vandaag achter mijn computer omdat ik het gevoel heb dat ik mensen wakker moet schudden om aan deze ellende een einde te maken. Maar ik heb al zo vaak achter mijn computer gezeten met hetzelfde gevoel en waar zijn jullie? Het maakt geen donder uit.
Des te meer doden des te saaier het item wordt.
Natuurlijk is het voor velen de ver van mijn bed show, maar men moet niet vergeten dat ook Nederland verantwoordelijk is voor deze situatie. De nederlandse regering die altijd gezien wordt als een van de grootste supporters van Israel. De nederlandse regering die bij de festiviteiten van het 60 jarig bestaan als een van de eersten hun felicitaties zullen komen overhandigen. Ze zijn allemaal medeplichtig aandeze slachting.natuurlijk roepen ze Israel op om zich een beetje in te houden,niet te veel doden te maken, en verder komen ze allemaal glimlachend handjes schudden met degenen die hier in Israel de opdrachten geven om de bommen boven Gaza af te schieten en degenen die de westbank terroriseren.
Ik praat niet over het feit of Israel bestaansrecht heeft, ik praat niet over politiek, ik praat over het feit dat als Israel deze slachtingen aanricht, iedereen een oogje dichtknijpt. Want Israel heeft het recht om zichzelf te beschermen, palestijnen niet.
Wat een lafbekken zijn het toch, en de pers, waar zijn jullie verdorie?'

Beste Trees, mijn collega's weten dat als als ze een carriere in de journalistiek willen maken, ze de grenzen van de consensus niet mogen overtreden. En de consensus schrijft voor dat de joden goed zijn en de Palestijnen fout. Punt uit. Als een Palestijnse politicus de joodse bevolking in Israel met genocide zou bedreigen, dan zouden de commerciele massamedia in Nederland moord en brand hebben geschreeuwd, nu een joods-Israelische staatssecretaris van Defensie dit doet, wordt dit als normaal beschouwd. Vergeet niet Trees dat de Arabieren in het Westen de rol hebben toebedeeld gekregen die de joden voor de oorlog hadden. Uit angst voor antisemiet te worden uitgemaakt, durven ze de 'joodse staat' niet te bekritiseren. Het antisemitisme is nooit verdwenen, het is nu gericht tegen die andere semieten, de Arabieren. Ik vrees dat pas wanneer de joden in Israel de Palestijnen volledig hebben uitgeroeid, er een omslag komt.

vrijdag 29 februari 2008

De Israelische Terreur 332

Zoals bekend levert terreur op den duur contra terreur op, de Israelische terreur veroorzaakt de terreur van Hamas. The Herald Tribune bericht:

UN expert calls Palestinian terrorism 'inevitable consequence' of Israeli occupation
GENEVA: A report commissioned by the United Nations suggests that Palestinian terrorism is the "inevitable consequence" of Israeli occupation and laws that resemble South African apartheid — a claim Israel rejected Tuesday as enflaming hatred between Jews and Palestinians.
The report by John Dugard, independent investigator on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the U.N. Human Rights Council, will be presented next month, but it has been posted on the body's Web site.
In it, Dugard, a South African lawyer who campaigned against apartheid in the 1980s, says "common sense ... dictates that a distinction must be drawn between acts of mindless terror, such as acts committed by al-Qaida, and acts committed in the course of a war of national liberation against colonialism, apartheid or military occupation."
While Palestinian terrorist acts are to be deplored, "they must be understood as being a painful but inevitable consequence of colonialism, apartheid or occupation," writes Dugard, whose 25-page report accuses the Jewish state of acts and policies consistent with all three.
He cited checkpoints and roadblocks restricting Palestinian movement to house demolitions and what he terms the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.
As long as there is occupation, there will be terrorism, he argues.
"Acts of terror against military occupation must be seen in historical context," Dugard says. "This is why every effort should be made to bring the occupation to a speedy end. Until this is done, peace cannot be expected, and violence will continue."'

De Israelische Terreur 331

February 28, 2008 at 9:49 pm (Ethnic Cleansing, Gaza, Genocide, Occupation, Palestine, War Crimes)
Watch it HERE

Spread the video. Get code here:
YouTube: Moyion:
Thanks to Haitham for this
paul revere II said,
February 28, 2008 at 10:49 pm
Dear God, When will peace prevail……..
February 28, 2008 at 11:44 pm
[…] Danger Room - Wired Blogs wrote an interesting post today on 24 HOURS OF DEATH IN GAZA¦VIDEOHere’s a quick excerptImage ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff Watch it HERE Spread the video. Get code here: YouTube:… […]
‘24 HOURS OF DEATH IN GAZA…VIDEO’ « DetainThis said,
February 29, 2008 at 12:29 am
[…] 28, 2008 By DesertPeace ∙ February 28, 2008 Image ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff Watch it […]
j.c. said,
February 29, 2008 at 12:32 am
The zIONISTs are continuing their policy of genocide hatched from the very beginning of the state of iSRAEL…
Gewyne said,
February 29, 2008 at 11:44 am
Its a shame Ron Paul is not getting better coverage in the US as he seems the only person who will do anything about the situation between Palestinians and Israelis - I hope whoever wins the US presidency will help, but I fear that as Dr Paul is the only one with even a clue where to start I don’t hold my breathe.
Jihadist said,
February 29, 2008 at 3:46 pm
I know it’s not politically correct to give the Israeli side, but…
Posted: February 28, 20083:15 pm EasternBy Aaron Klein© 2008 WorldNetDaily
JERUSALEM – Intensifying its rocket war against Israel, the Hamas terror group today fired long-range rockets farther than usual into the Jewish state, targeting a city that houses the main electrical supply station that powers the Gaza Strip.
“This is a war for victory or for martyrdom. We will keep improving our rockets and target further into the Zionist entity,” Muhammad Abdel-Al, spokesman for the Hamas-allied Popular Resistance Committees terror group, told WND.
yeah, these are the peacemakers.
Hadaf said,
February 29, 2008 at 4:29 pm
They continue as they have started :
Numb. 31:17-18Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him.But all the girls, who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
Deut. 20:16-17But of the cities of these peoples, that Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes;but you shall utterly destroy them: the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite; as Yahweh your God has commanded you;
Jos. 6:21And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, both young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.
Jos. 10:28Joshua took Makkedah on that day, and struck it with the edge of the sword, with its king. He utterly destroyed them and all the souls who were in it. He left none remaining. He did to the king of Makkedah as he had done to the king of Jericho.
Judg. 21:10The congregation sent there twelve thousand men of the most valiant, and commanded them, saying, “Go and strike the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead with the edge of the sword, with the women and the little ones.
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The Empire 360

The Lnd of the free, home of the brave. Onze democratische bondgenoot en wereldmacht, die de Nederlandse buitenlandse politiek bepaalt. Onthoudt dit getal zodra u voor de zoveelste maal door onze commercuiele massamedia getrakteerd wordt op de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen. Waarom zou in een demcratie 1 op de 100 mensen wachter slot en grendel zitten? Dat was een leuke vraag voor Twan Huys geweest om aan mevrouw Albright te stellen. Niet dat hij dat ooit gedurfd zou hebben, maar toch.

'One in 100 Americans in Prison: Study

The Globe and Mail Canada

For the first time in history, more than one in every 100 American adults is in jail or prison, according to a new report tracking the surge in inmate population and urging states to rein in corrections costs with alternative sentencing programs.
The report, released Thursday by the Pew Center on the States, said the 50 states spent more than $49 billion on corrections last year, up from less than $11 billion 20 years earlier. The rate of increase for prison costs was six times greater than for higher education spending, the report said.
Using updated state-by-state data, the report said 2,319,258 adults were held in U.S. prisons or jails at the start of 2008 - one out of every 99.1 adults, and more than any other country in the world.
The steadily growing inmate population "is saddling cash-strapped states with soaring costs they can ill afford and failing to have a clear impact either on recidivism or overall crime," said the report.
Susan Urahn, managing director of the Pew Center on the States, said budget woes are prompting officials in many states to consider new, cost-saving corrections policies that might have been shunned in the recent past for fear of appearing soft in crime.
"We're seeing more and more states being creative because of tight budgets," she said in an interview. "They want to be tough on crime, they want to be a law-and-order state - but they also want to save money, and they want to be effective."
The report cited Kansas and Texas as states which have acted decisively to slow the growth of their inmate population. Their actions include greater use of community supervision for low-risk offenders and employing sanctions other than re-imprisonment for ex-offenders who commit technical violations of parole and probation rules.
"The new approach, born of bipartisan leadership, is allowing the two states to ensure they have enough prison beds for violent offenders while helping less dangerous lawbreakers become productive, taxpaying citizens," the report said.
According to the report, the inmate population increased last year in 36 states and the federal prison system.
The largest percentage increase - 12 percent - was in Kentucky, where Gov. Steve Beshear highlighted the cost of corrections in his budget speech last month. He noted that the state's crime rate had increased only about 3 percent in the past 30 years, while the state's inmate population has increased by 600 percent.
The Pew report was compiled by the Center on the State's Public Safety Performance Project, which is working directly with 13 states on developing programs to divert offenders from prison without jeopardizing public safety.
"For all the money spent on corrections today, there hasn't been a clear and convincing return for public safety," said the project's director, Adam Gelb. "More and more states are beginning to rethink their reliance on prisons for lower-level offenders and finding strategies that are tough on crime without being so tough on taxpayers."
The report said prison growth and higher incarceration rates do not reflect a parallel increase in crime or in the nation's overall population. Instead, it said, more people are behind bars mainly because of tough sentencing measures, such as "three-strikes" laws, that result in longer prison stays.

De Israelische Terreur 330

'29 February 2008

Israel's deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai has
threatened Palestinians in Gaza with a "holocaust." The
BBC which reports this fact says that the word
"'holocaust' is a term rarely used in Israel outside discussions of the Nazi genocide during World War II."
Here is the country, supposedly the built from legacy of
the Nazi holocaust now openly threatening genocide against another people.
What will the response of the world be? What will the
response be of all those hypocrites that preach human
rights and international law but praise Israel as the
finest, most upstanding, most faultless nation on earth,
or who know of its crimes but are afraid to act against it?
What will the EU, NATO, the United States, the Arab
League do? What will Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International do? What will the Save Darfur campaign do? What will those who express daily outrage about the statements of Ahmedinejad do? What will Ban Ki Moon and Javier Solana do?
What will "stalwart" supporters of Israel, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain say?
Israel is by its own admission all that it claims to abhor.
Ali Abunimah

Zie ook: Herman2

Zo gaat het in het "democratische" israel... NO INVESTIGATION...=no military police inquiry and no one will be held accountable, the statement said.= Israel: 2006 deadly shelling, accidental Wed, 27 Feb 2008 06:54:40 No legal action will be taken about 2006 (en NU PAS een reaktie Sic! H.) Israeli shelling of two houses which killed 21 sleeping Palestinian civilians, the military says. The shelling in Gaza was "not intentional and was directly due to a rare and severe failure in the artillery fire control system," the military said Tuesday, releasing the findings of an internal inquiry. Therefore, there will be no military police inquiry and no one will be held accountable, the statement said. The shelling which occurred in northern Gaza in November 2006 provoked the wrath of international groups and human rights organizations. The shells crashed into houses in the town of Beit Hanoun, killing mostly women and children. The Israeli military claimed it was aimed at Hamas resistance fighters firing rockets from northern Gaza. JS/DT§ionid=351020202

De Israelische Terreur 329

'Still no justice for October 2000 killings
Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 26 February 2008

On 2 October 2000, as the Israeli army was beginning its ruthless crackdown on the second intifada in the occupied territories, 17-year-old Aseel Asleh joined tens of thousands of other Palestinian citizens across Israel in taking to the streets in protest and in a show of solidarity with their kin across the Green Line.

A firm believer in nonviolence, Asleh wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the logo of a prominent Jewish and Arab coexistence group, Seeds of Peace, as he marched alongside family, friends and neighbors through his town of Arrabeh in northern Israel.

Within hours Asleh was dead, face down in an olive grove. A bullet, fired from a police gun at point-blank range, had severed an artery near the back of his neck in what looked suspiciously like an execution. Earlier he had been seen fleeing through the grove, chased by a police squad breaking up the demonstration.

Late last month, after a seven-year battle for justice, Asleh's parents and those of another 12 Palestinian demonstrators killed inside Israel at the start of the intifada heard that the policemen responsible for the deaths would almost certainly never stand trial.

Israel's attorney-general, Menachem Mazuz, told the families that the investigations were being wound up. In most cases there was a lack of evidence, he claimed, and in the cases where there was evidence the policeman had acted in the belief that their lives were in danger.

The decision was a heavy blow not only to the families but also to the fifth of Israel's population who are Palestinian. In a display of anger and frustration over the continuing inaction by the state, a one-day general strike was called, bringing Palestinian citizens out onto the streets once again.'

"Arab blood is worthless"

Lees verder:

De Israelische Terreur 328

Het onvermijdelijke is gebeurd, een Israelisch kabinetslid heeft de Palestijnen met genocide bedreigd. Kennelijk is deze joods-Israeli van mening dat de joodse bevolking die opgesloten zat in de getto van Warschau terecht werd uitgeroeid. Het feit dat de Nederlandse regering een dergelijke bedreiging accepteert, zegt veel over het christelijke en sociaaldemocratische gehalte van deze mensen. Let u eens op hoe het CIDI en de pro-Israel lobby in de commerciele massamedia op dit bericht zullen reageren, als ze er uberhaupt aandacht aan besteden. In elk geval zag ik dat er in de NRC-nieuwsbrief met geen woord over wordt gerept.

''Israeli minister 'warns of Palestinian holocaust'

This article was first published on on Friday February 29 2008. It was last updated at 11:29 on February 29 2008.

An Israeli minister today warned of increasingly bitter conflict in the Gaza Strip and that the Palestinians would bring on themselves what he called a "holocaust".

According to Reuters news agency, Matan Vilnai, Israel's deputy defence minister, used the Hebrew word for holocaust in an interview on Israeli army radio.

The term is rarely used in Israel outside discussions of the Nazi genocide during the second world war. Many Israelis are loath to countenance it to describe other events.

The minister's statement came after two days of tit-for-tat missile raids between Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli army. At least 32 Palestinians and one Israeli have been killed since the upsurge in violence on Wednesday.

"The more Qassam [rocket] fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, they [the Palestinians] will bring upon themselves a bigger holocaust because we will use all our might to defend ourselves," Vilnai told Army Radio.

Today Israel activated a rocket warning system to protect Ashkelon, a city of 120,000 people, from Palestinian attacks.

Ashkelon was hit by several Grad rockets fired from Gaza yesterday. One hit an apartment building, slicing through the roof and three floors below, and another landed near a school, wounding a 17-year-old girl.

Located 11 miles from Gaza, Ashkelon had been sporadically targeted in the past but not suffered direct hits or significant damage.

"It will be sad, and difficult, but we have no other choice," Vilnai said, referring to the large-scale military operation he said Israel was preparing to bring a halt to the rocket fire.

"We're getting close to using our full strength. Until now, we've used a small percentage of the army's power because of the nature of the territory."

Israel would not launch a ground offensive in the next week or two, partly because the military would prefer to wait for better weather, defence sources said. But the army has completed its preparations and has informed the government it is ready to move immediately the order is given, officials said.

Until now, the Palestinian rocket squads have largely targeted Sderot, a small town near Gaza. Ashkelon, a big population centre only 25 miles from Tel Aviv, was caught unprepared, its mayor said on Friday.

"It's a city of 120,000 people, with large facilities – a huge soccer stadium, a basketball stadium and a beach. No one is ready for this," Roni Mehatzri told Israel Radio.

Dozens of soldiers in orange berets from the Israeli military's Home Front Command arrived in Ashkelon and hung posters around the city instructing residents on what to do in case of rocket attack.

The barrage of Iranian-made Grads directed at Ashkelon yesterday came after an escalation of violence in Gaza. Israel killed five Hamas militants on Wednesday morning, apparently including two planners of the rocket attacks, in an air strike on a minivan.

Later in the day, a Palestinian rocket killed an Israeli civilian, a 47-year-old father of four, in Sderot.

Hamas, an Islamist group with close ties to Iran, has ruled Gaza since its violent takeover of power there in June 2006.

Since Wednesday, 32 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli missile strikes, including 14 civilians, among them eight children, according to Palestinian officials. The youngest was a six-month-old boy, Mohammed al-Borai, whose funeral was held yesterday.

There were further indications that Israel was preparing for an offensive by sending confidential messages to world leaders, including the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, who plans to visit the region next week.

"Israel is not keen on, and rushing for, an offensive, but Hamas is leaving us no choice," the Israeli defence minister, Ehud Barak, told the senior figures, according to Israel's mass circulation daily, Yedioth Ahronoth.

Security sources were quoted by both Israel Radio and Army Radio as saying a big operation was being prepared but was not imminent. © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008

woensdag 27 februari 2008

Het Neoliberale Geloof 97

Worries grow for worse 'stagflation'

WASHINGTON (AP) -- It's a toxic economic mix the nation hasn't seen in three decades: Prices are speeding upward at the fastest pace in a quarter century, even as the economy loses steam.

Economists call the disease "stagflation," and they're worried it might be coming back.

Already, paychecks aren't stretching as far, and jobs are harder to find, threatening to set off a vicious cycle that could make things even worse.

The economy nearly stalled in the final three months of last year and probably is barely growing or even shrinking now. That's the "stagnation" part of the ailment. Typically, that slowdown should slow inflation as well
- the second part of the diagnosis - but prices are still marching higher.

The latest worrisome news came Tuesday: a government report showing wholesale prices climbed 7.4 percent in the past year. That was the biggest annual leap since 1981.

"We're in a slowdown," Press Secretary Dana Perino said at the White House, where the economics talk was still upbeat until recently.

Once the twin evils of stagflation take hold, it can be hard to break the grip. People cut back on their spending as they are stung by rising prices and shriveling wages. Businesses, also socked by rising costs and declining demand from customers, clamp down on their hiring and capital investment.

That would be a nightmare scenario for Wall Street investors, businesses, politicians and most everyone else. They're already looking to the Federal Reserve for help, but the Fed's job is complicated by the situation.

The mission of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues is to nurture economic growth and keep inflation under control. To brace the teetering economy, the Fed since September has been ratcheting down its key interest rate. Another cut is expected in March. However, to combat inflation, the Fed would be expected to boost rates instead.

"The Fed has its hands full. It is preoccupied with the economic slowdown at the front door, but inflation looks to be sneaking in the back door," said Greg McBride, senior financial analyst at "If that trend continues, the Fed would need to show the economy some tough love, meaning higher interest rates to keep inflation from getting out of hand."

Lees verder:

Het Neoliberale Geloof 96

Meer dan een jaar geleden verklaarde een mij bekende bankier dat het verstandig was om te beleggen in landbouwland, zowel akkers, als weiden, want, zo was zijn redenering, de prijzen van graan en zuivel zullen drastisch gaan stijgen, aangezien de Chinese markt gigantisch groeit. De moderne Chinezen willen nu ook biefstuk en corn-flakes. Uit het volgende bericht kunt u opmaken dat u nooit rijk zult worden terwijl de rijken met hun geld almaar rijker worden:

'Wheat prices in biggest one-day rise
By Javier Blas in London and Isabel Gorst in Moscow
Published: February 25 2008 20:18 Last updated: February 25 2008 20:18
Prices of top-quality wheat jumped 25 per cent to a record high on Monday in their largest one-day increase as Kazakhstan, one of the largest grain exporters, said it would impose export tariffs to curb sales.
The move, which follows similar export restrictions in Russia and Argentina, is likely to put further pressure on already tight global wheat supplies, analysts said.

Akhmetzhan Yesimov, Kazakhstan’s minister of agriculture, said the government wanted to limit exports as it battled against rising domestic inflation of nearly 20 per cent.

Mr Yesimov said: “Whatever happens, we will soon limit exports.”

Kazakh grain, prized for its high protein and gluten content, is similar to some of the scarce top-quality North American crops that jumped in price on Monday.

Spring wheat at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange surged an unprecedented $4.75 to a record high of $24 a bushel as consumers scrambled to secure supplies and speculators poured fresh money into the agriculture market.

The price of spring wheat, used to bake bread, has more than doubled since January and has risen fourfold in the last year, contributing to a rise in global food inflation.

Gavin Maguire, of Iowa Grain in Chicago, said consumers such as mills and bakers, who needed wheat, were “panicking”.

He said: “Historical references are useless. We are breaking all the rules.”

Iraq and Turkey said they were planning substantial wheat purchases to replenish inventories and analysts said China could be forced to follow because of drought damage to its next crop.

Global suppliesare scarce after extreme weather damaged the crops in Australia, Canada and the European Union. As a result, the US is experiencing record demand and its inventories are set to drop to the lowest for 60 years.

Signs emerged in the bond market on Monday that investors had higher expectations for inflation. The difference between yields on 10-year inflation-protected securities and conventional government bonds rose 3 basis points to 2.41 per cent on Monday, up from a January low of 2.04 per cent, a sign that bond investors are nervous that interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve may stoke inflation.

Additional reporting by Saskia Scholtes in New York

Why are food prices rising?
Food prices

Food prices have been rising steadily in the past few months and the effects are being felt globally. Our multimedia feature explores the factors that contribute to food price inflation.'

dinsdag 26 februari 2008

Alex Burghoorn

De man met de zonnebril is Alex Burghoorn, de Volkskrant-correspondent in Israel, die meermaals voor het CIDI heeft opgetreden, de volgens Haaretz 'pro-Zionistische lobby groep.' En weer is zijn verslaggeving gekleurd. Hij schrijft dit:
"Gaza’s rioolwater kolkt de zee in
REPORTAGE, Van onze correspondent Alex Burghoorn
gepubliceerd op 26 februari 2008 07:34, bijgewerkt op 26 februari 2008 08:33
GAZA-STAD - De rioolzuivering in de Gazastrook staat symbool voor de uitputtingsslag tussen Hamas en Israël...

De rioolwaterzuivering hier staat al ruim een maand stil. Dagelijks stroomt ruwweg 40 miljoen liter rioolwater de Middellandse Zee in. De afwateringspijp ligt vlak langs de kustweg. Met schuimkoppen kolkt het bruine rioolwater over het strand, waar het door de branding wordt opgeslokt. ‘Het is niet dat ik daar schik in heb’, zegt Shoblak. ‘Maar de Israëlische blokkade laat me geen andere keus.’"

Wat staat hier nu precies? Allereerst dit: 'De rioolzuivering in de Gazastrook staat symbool voor de uitputtingsslag tussen Hamas en Israël.' Hoe nu? Er is volgens onze ad hoc CIDI-medewerker annex Volkskrant-correpondent sprake van een 'uitputtingsslag'. Een uitputtingsslag suggereert dat er een oorlog gaande is tussen - op zijn minst - twee gelijkwaardige partijen, want anders zou er geen uitputtingsslag kunnen zijn. Dan zou er moeten staan: slachtpartij of bloedbad, immers, Israel bezit het op vier na machtigste leger ter wereld. De Palestijnen vormen op geen enkele wijze, volgens Israelische generaals zelf, een bedreiging voor de staat Israel. Daar tegenover staan enkele licht bewapende milities, waaronder die van Hamas. Dus van 'uitputtingsslag' is geen enkele sprake. De Gaza Strook wordt omsingeld via het land, de lucht en de zee door een van de best bewapende strijdkrachten voorzien van de meest geavanceerde wapens. Het is een beleg dat alle humanitaire wetten schendt, een sluipende genocide volgens de Israelische historicus Ilan Pappe. Maar dat vertelt Alex Burghoorn zijn lezers niet nu hij gedwongen is enige aandacht te besteden aan het Israelische terrorisme tegen de Palestijnse burgerbevolking. Dus doet hij net alsof er twee gelijkwaardige partijen zijn die met elkaar in gevecht zijn. En ondertussen vervuilen die Palestijnen het milieu met hun uitwerpselen, want het 'rioolwater kolkt de zee in.' Natuurlijk zijn de Israelis daar fel tegen gekant, want zij zijn beschaafd en beschermen dus de natuur. En de Palestijnen niet. Dat is de essentie van zijn reportage, daarom staat die kop er ook boven. Het is niet verbazingwekkend dat de pro-Israelische lobbygroep het CIDI juist Alex Burghoorn vraagt om op te treden. En de Volkskrant-redactie keurt dit goed, het cynisme is daar de heersende ideologie geworden.

Paul-Kleis Jager Journalist

Een aantal van mijn collega's is structureel in de war, op het mallotige af. Een voorbeeld daarvan stond vanochtend in Trouw. Leest u even met me mee:

'Nicolas Sarkozy overladen met kritiek na uitglijder

Paul-Kleis Jager

De Franse president Sarkozy kampt met een dalende populariteit. Een veelbesproken incident dit weekend maakt het er niet beter op.
Bijna een miljoen Fransen zagen afgelopen weekend een
amateurvideo op internet hoe hun president, op gedempte toon en glimlachend, ’Lazer dan ook op, klootzak’ zegt tegen een man die hem weigert de hand te schudden. Het gebeurde op de jaarlijkse landbouwtentoonstelling en de man had Nicolas Sarkozy toegevoegd dat hij niet door hem ’bevuild’ wilde worden.'

Lees verder:

Nou, nog 1 keer dan: beste Paul-Kleis Jager: een politicus die zegt tegen een medemens wiens belangen hij als staatshoofd dient te behartigen: 'Lazer dan ook op, klootzak' maakt geen 'uitglijder'. Een uitglijder doe je per ongeluk. Maar het minachtend behandelen van een burger getuigt van een fundamenteel disrecpect voor de ander. De ander is een klootzak die op moet lazeren. Het is geen uitglijder, het is een van de talloze aanwijzingen dat deze Sarkozy geen zelfrespect en geen zelfbeheersing heeft. De man is een gevaar voor zijn omgeving en zichzelf. Hij is een dwaas. Dwazen maken geen uitglijders, die doen wat ze zijn, dwaas. Begrijp je, Paul-Kleis. Het is ook geen 'incident,' de houding van Sarkozy is structureel. Lees De Prins van Macchiavelli, of beter nog De Tijgerkat van Tomasi di Lampedusa.

Ik zal het makkelijker voor je maken. Neem een Nederlands voorbeeld: Rob Oudkerk, die het over 'Kut Marokkanen' had, bedoelende Amsterdamse jongeren wier ouders uit Marokko hierheen kwamen. Rob Oudkerk was een socialistische wethouder en notoire hoerenloper, vader, echtgenoot, huisarts, politicus die heroinehoertjes eerder zou gebruiken dan in bescherming nemen. Dit zijn politici die worden geacht voor het goede in een samenleving op te komen, ze worden evenwel niet door humanisme gedreven, maar door macht. Dat is geen uitglijder beste jongen, zo zijn ze. En het barst van dit soort tuig in de politiek. En weet je hoe dat komt? Dat komt vooral ook vanwege het feit dat journalisten zoals jij deze luitjes in bescherming nemen door eufemismen te gebruiken in plaats van eerlijke woorden. De politici worden in een consumptiemaatschappij door de commerciele massamedia verkocht aan het publiek, net zoals de nieuwste gadgets worden aangeprezen. Dus doe je best Paul-Kleis. Waar komt Kleis eigenlijk vandaan?

maandag 25 februari 2008

Westers Terrorisme 9

O ja, hier ging het de Westerse terroristen om: olie, de rest was allemaal propaganda voor de commerciele journalisten om aan hun publiek te verkopen.
'The door to Iraq's oil opens
By M K Bhadrakumar
The cynosure of Western eyes at the meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, commonly known as OPEC, in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, last December 5 was an unexpected personality - Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani. But that wasn't a chance occurrence. By the time OPEC gathered in Vienna six weeks later, it was beyond doubt that Shahristani was on the way to becoming a celebrity in the West. Shahristani is "a rare thing" in politics, to quote Toby Lodge, the well-known scholar on Iraq at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London - "not too religious, not too political, not too secular, not too pro-American Shi'ite who [GrandAyatollah Ali] Sistani would talk to". But for the ease with which Shahristani traversed in his later years the dividing line that separates religiosity and idealism from worldliness and pragmatism, Shahristani would have become a cult figure for human-rights activists, given his extraordinary background as a top nuclear scientist who turned a stubborn dissident, and then a reckless jail breaker from Saddam Hussein's Abu Ghraib prison where he was tortured and tucked away in solitary confinement for an impossibly long 10 years till 1991. But in Abu Dhabi, if Shahristani became a rising star for the Western media, that was for an entirely different reason. It was hardly metaphysical. Plainly speaking, the media had good enough reason to flatter him and pamper his vanities. Iraq's 'super giants' Of course, the soft-spoken, English-speaking Iraqi Shi'ite dissident leader was a familiar face in Western capitals through the 1990s. But today, he is no longer a political fugitive. He is no longer an Iraqi dissident seeking patronage. On the contrary, Shahristani finds himself in an enviable position as a creator of wealth for the Western world. He holds the key to the door that opens out to the magical world of Iraqi oil. Iraq's proven reserves of oil are only smaller than those of Saudi Arabia and Iran - and Iraq is only about 30% explored. Experts are generally of the view that Iraq's actual oil reserves could well turn out to be at least double the 115 billion barrels of proven reserves. Beyond that, it is anybody's guess as to the scale of Iraq's as-yet-untapped gas reserves. And Shahristani is visibly getting ready to negotiate the contracts for Iraq's "super giants". In the idiom of Big Oil, "super giants" are fields with at least five billion barrels of oil in reserve. Iraq's super giants are Kirkuk (in Kurdistan), Majnoon (bordering Iran), Rumaila North and South (in the south), West Qurna (west of Basra) and Zubair (in the southeast) fields, and, possibly, the Nahr Umr and East Baghdad fields. In addition, Iraq is estimated to have 22 "giant" fields, each having more than 1 billion barrels of oil. In fact, Iraq may host the largest untapped reserves in the world. There is a strong likelihood that Iraq's reserves may turn out to be exponentially higher than the current estimations, which are based on old-style seismic surveys. All said, unsurprisingly, the world oil market is in a tizzy when Shahristani says something, anything. He is about to sign the contracts for these and many other large Iraqi oil-producing fields.'

Het Israelisch Expansionisme 72

'Kosovo and the question of Palestine
Ali Abunimah,
The Electronic Intifada,
25 February 2008

Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence has produced a range of reactions among Israeli and Palestinian observers that reveal their anxieties about their respective situations.An editorial in the Israeli daily Haaretz called on the Israeli government to immediately recognize Kosovo, arguing that "the struggle of the persecuted Kosovar people for independence is reminiscent of the struggles by other nations for the right of self-determination." Of course Haaretz was not talking about the Palestinians, but about the "State of Israel, which was established in the wake of the Jewish people's struggle for self-determination" ("Recognize Kosovo," Haaretz, 18 February 2008).By identifying Israel with the supposed underdog, ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, Haaretz implicitly recognizes that there are indeed some striking similarities though not ones it would acknowledge. Kosovo, like Israel, was illegally severed by force of arms from another country against the wishes of the majority population of the whole territory. Both entities came into being and can only survive with the sponsorship and support of the Great Powers of the day who sustain them in violation of international law because it suits their imperial interests. Furthermore, both entities are animated by a virulent ethno-nationalism that is fundamentally incompatible with the values of freedom, tolerance and democracy that they claim to have come into being to uphold. In this sense, Kosovo is the latest in a collection of Western-backed pseudo-states that also includes the Kurdish entity in northern Iraq.Haaretz's desire to recognize Kosovo flows not merely from selfless concern for the oppressed, but is also explicitly opportunistic. First, doing so would please Washington (Israel's main sponsor), and second it provides a "unique opportunity" to "prove that the Jewish state is not an enemy of the Muslims" -- though Haaretz was careful to note that Albanians in Kosovo are 'good' Muslims "who ha[ve] not identified with extremist Islamic tendencies and ha[ve] kept a distance from Israel's opponents in the Arab world."A radically different Israeli view by Haaretz columnist Israel Harel echoes the position expressed by former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 1999 when NATO forces bombed Serbia and then occupied Kosovo under the pretext of protecting ethnic Albanians in the province from abuses and ethnic cleansing by Yugoslav authorities. (These reports were greatly exaggerated to justify the war. By contrast massive ethnic cleansing of Kosovo Serbs by Albanians since 1999 and NATO inaction to stop it is well-documented.)For Harel, Israel should identify with Serbia. "Muslims of Kosovo constitute an absolute majority of the population," Harel worries, "and the same is true for the Galilee Arabs," his dismissive term for Palestinian citizens of Israel living in their native towns and villages in the north of the country. Lamenting Israel's failure to "Judaize" the Galilee, he repeats right-wing claims that the Palestinians inside Israel are an ungrateful fifth column receiving too many resources from an over-generous and "impotent" Israeli state. Ignoring the decades of racial, legal and economic discrimination, land confiscation and forced displacement that Palestinian citizens of Israel have suffered and continue to endure, he charges that "Israeli governments have resigned themselves to the blatant, unconcealed separatist actions of the Galilee Arabs" ("Kosovo is already here," Haaretz, 21 February 2008).'

Lees verder:

De Israelische Terreur 327

Palestinian relatives of one of three Palestinians killed by an Israeli missile mourn outside the hospital of Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, 23 February 2008. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages)

'Three Gaza picnickers killed by Israeli missile The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the Israeli war crime perpetrated in the evening of Saturday, 23 February 2008, east of the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. Three Palestinian civilians were killed by an Israeli rocket fired as they were on a picnic in the Nazaz area east of the town.The Centre's preliminary investigation indicates that at approximately 3:40pm on Saturday, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) fired a surface-to-surface missile from one of its bases along the Gaza Strip border. The rocket targeted three friends in a bamboo hut in a field belonging to the family of one of the victims in the Nazaz area east of Beit Hanoun. The targeted area was approximately 1.2 kilometers away from the border with Israel. The rocket landed in the middle of the three civilians who were preparing food during their picnic in the field. They were instantly killed and dismembered. Their remains were taken to the Beit Hanoun Hospital. They were identified as:
Mohammad Talal al-Za'anin (20), university student from Beit Hanoun
Ibrahim Ahmad Abu Jarad (20), driver from Beit Hanoun
Mohammad Hasan Hussein (22), an employee from Jabalia
After the incident, an IOF spokesperson was quoted on the Yediot Ahronot website claiming that the army targeted armed Palestinian rocket launchers. However, the Centre's investigation refutes the claim, and affirms that they were civilians on a picnic in an open field. They were roasting meat and waiting for other friends to join them for dinner. The bombardment occurred before the others arrived.PCHR reiterates its condemnation of this crime, and:1. Affirms that this crime is part of a continuous series of Israeli war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, reflecting IOF disregard for civilian life.2. Calls upon the High Contracting Parties (HCP) of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) to fulfill their legal obligation under Article 1 of the Convention and ensure that it is respected by all parties under any circumstances. The Centre calls upon the HCP to fulfill their obligations under Article 146 of the Convention to pursue persons suspected of perpetrating grave violations of the Convention, which are defined as war crimes under Article 147 of the Convention.'


De Israelische Terreur 326

'Activists to Bono: Don't honor Israel!
Open Letter, PACBI,
25 February 2008
The following is an open letter from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel to musician and activist Bono, issued on 22 February:The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has learned that you have been invited by Israeli President Shimon Peres to take part in a conference designed to mark Israel's contributions to medicine, science and conservation. We urge you, as a prominent activist on issues of global inequality and a campaigner for basic human rights, to say no to Israel, especially since the invitation coincides with celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the state. With the creation of this state 60 years ago, "Palestine ceased to exist except in the hearts and mind of Palestinians," [1] of whom three quarters of a million were dispossessed and uprooted from their homes and lands, condemned to a life of exile and destitution.Israel at 60 is a state that is still denying Palestinian refugees their UN-sanctioned rights, simply because they are "non-Jews." It is still illegally occupying Palestinian and other Arab lands, in violation of numerous UN resolutions. In the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Israel is continuing the construction of its colonies and massive Wall in direct violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention as well as the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of July 2004. It is still persistently and grossly breaching international law and infringing fundamental human rights with impunity afforded to it through munificent US and European economic, diplomatic and political support. It is still treating its own Palestinian citizens with institutionalized discrimination.We urge you to reject the invitation from a man who has nothing to do with the lofty ideals of progress in science, medicine and the environment. His decades-long political career includes war crimes committed against the Lebanese and Palestinian people.In 1996, when Israel still occupied southern Lebanon, Shimon Peres as Prime Minister launched "Operation Grapes of Wrath," causing 400,000 Lebanese to flee their homes, with almost 800 of them fleeing to a UN base in Qana, South Lebanon. On 18 April the Israeli army shelled the UN shelter in Qana, killing 102 civilians, mainly women, children and the elderly. Many more were injured. Human Rights Watch, the UN and Amnesty International subsequently disproved the myth that the Israeli army did not deliberately intend to shell the UN base. Shimon Peres said at the time, "In my opinion, everything was done according to clear logic and in a responsible way. I am at peace." Peres is on record for being responsible for other war crimes, from building colonies on occupied Arab land to endorsing a policy of extra-judicial killings, by which Palestinians and other Arabs are murdered without the benefit of a trial or, in fact, any evidence other than that provided by Israeli intelligence. Peres also supports the siege of Gaza and the elaborate system of checkpoints all across the West Bank. He defends the demolition of Palestinian homes, and he justified the atrocities committed by the Israeli army in its recent war on Lebanon in 2006.'

zondag 24 februari 2008

Theodor Holman

Dit is het hoofd van Theodor Holman, een publicist uit Amsterdam, die zich steeds meer ontwikkelt als het vleesgeworden cynisme. Cynisme van een door en door verveelde consument, vol eigenwaan. Iemand die geen consequenties verbindt aan zijn eigen woorden, die maar eindeloos aan blijft kwekken over zichzelf. Een volstrekt onnozele oninteressante man. Waarom schrijf ik dan over hem? Omdat ik dit weekeinde een stukje van hem in Het Parool onder ogen kreeg geduwd. Het is een zogenaamd persoonlijke boodschap aan zijn dochter waarin hij en passant meedeelt dat papa 'van plan was zelfmoord te plegen.' Dit zieke proza eindigt met: 'Kun jij mettertijd eens antwoord geven op de vraag of ik het allemaal wel goed heb gedaan? Ik ben ontzettend bang dat je nu denkt: "Wat heb je dan gedaan?" En dan kan ik slechts antwoorden: "Alleen maar slechte dingen, ik heb altijd alleen maar aan mezelf gedacht, en daarna pas aan mij - in die volgorde ook." Nou ja, schat, alles is weer goed. Voel je niet schuldig, dan doe ik dat ook niet. Groeten, kussen, liefde.'

Hier is de buitenwereld getuige van hoe een man op leeftijd zijn dochter publiekelijk misbruikt. Schaamteloos, zonder enige reserve probeert hij haar ook nog via een omweg een schuldgevoel aan te praten. En dat allemaal in een goedkope en ranzige imitatie van de Gerard Reve-stijl. Hoe ver kan iemand zinken? Een cynicus, iemand die overal de prijs van weet, maar van niets meer de waarde, om in de woorden van Oscar Wilde te blijven. Waar verveling en angst allemaal toe kunnen leiden! Hier is geen sprake meer van enige ironie, het probleem met een slechte ironicus is dat hij op de duur door de dubbele bodem van de ironie zakt en ineens blijkt te menen wat hij zogenaamd ironisch bedoeld leek te hebben. Begijp je Theodor. Misschien wat minder taartjes eten en je wat meer inspannen voor anderen. Dat lijkt me een veel humanistischer standpunt.

Hillary Clinton 4

Valt u iets op aan deze dames?

'Why Hillary Clinton’s Iraq Vote Does Matter
By Stephen Zunes

-- In response to a series of articles in recent months regarding the foreign policy positions of Senator Hillary Clinton - in which, among other things, I have emphasized her October 2002 vote authorizing the U.S. invasion of Iraq - I have received comments such as the following:
“The only mistake Hillary made was to believe what the President told her and that Dubya would not lie about such a national matter involving the military. She chose to believe what he said and the intel presented to her -as did so many others on both sides of the political aisle…. GET OVER IT! It is water under the bridge…”
In reality, however, Hillary Clinton’s decision to vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq in fact is of critical importance and should disqualify her - along with Senator John McCain, who also voted in favor of the war resolution - from ever becoming president.
There have been many tragic consequences of the war for which Senator Clinton and others who made it possible should be held accountable: the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and the tens of thousands permanently wounded; the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed; the hundreds of billions of dollars drained from our national treasury; the social, economic and environmental damage inflicted upon Iraq; the misallocation of human and material resources away from real strategic threats; and, the resulting growth in Islamic extremism and anti-Americanism which will threaten our national security for decades to come .
More importantly, however, is what the decision says about Hillary Clinton’s world view:Contempt for International Law
According to Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, international treaties signed by the president and ratified by a two-thirds majority of the Senate are to be treated as supreme law of the United States. Among these is the United Nations Charter, long recognized as the most important single document regulating the use of military force in the post-World War II era.
Senator Clinton has defended her vote on the grounds of enforcing UN Security Council resolutions being violated by Iraq. However, in articles 41 and 42 of the UN Charter, the nations of the world agreed that no member state has the right to enforce any resolution militarily unless the Security Council determines that there has been a material breach of its resolution, decides that all non-military means of enforcement have been exhausted, and specifically authorizes the use of military force. This is what the Security Council did in November 1990 with Resolution 678 in response to Iraq’s ongoing occupation of Kuwait in violation of a series of resolutions demanding withdrawal. When Iraq finally complied through its forced evacuation from Kuwait in February of 1991, this resolution became moot.'

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