zaterdag 16 oktober 2010

Israel as a Rogue State 126

Urgent Appeal UA 4/10

Incident: Location: Number of incidents: Date of incidents: Date of issue/update:
Shooting of children collecting building gravel North Gaza, Occupied Palestinian Territory 12 22 May to 14 October 2010
16 October 2010

Hasan W. – On 22 May 2010, 17-year-old Hasan is shot in the leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 300 metres from the border with Israel.
Awad W. – On 7 June 2010, 17- year-old Awad is shot in the right knee whilst collecting building gravel, about 350 metres from the border with Israel.
Ibrahim K. – On 16 June 2010, 16-year old Ibrahim is shot in the right leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 400 metres from the border with Israel.
Abdullah M. – On 22 June 2010, 16-year-old Abdullah is shot in right leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 60 metres from the border with Israel
Mohammad M. – On 23 June 2010, 16-year-old Mohammad is shot in his side whilst collecting building gravel, about 500 metres from the border with Israel.
Arfat S. On 10 July 2010, 16- year-old Arafat is shot in his left leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 50 metres from the border with Israel.
Nu’man A. – On 10 July 2010, 14-year-old Nu’man is shot in his right leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 300 metres from the border with Israel.
Hameed O. – On 14 July 2010, 13-year-old Hameed is shot in his left arm whilst collecting building gravel, about 50 metres from the border with Israel.
Khaled I. – On 31 July 2010, 16- year-old Khaled is shot in his left leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 600 metres from the border with Israel.
Mohammad S. – On 25 August 2010, 17-year-old Mohammad is shot in his left leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 800 metres from the border with Israel.
Ahmad H. (New) – On 13 October 2010, 17-year-old Ahmad is shot in the right leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 600-700 metres from the border with Israel.
Yahia Z. (New) – On 14 October 2010, 16-year-old Yahia is shot in his right leg whilst collecting building gravel, about 450 metres from the border with Israel.2

Nature of incidents
Between 22 May and 14 October 2010, DCI-Palestine documented 12 cases of children shot whilst collecting building gravel near the border fence between Gaza Strip and Israel. Due to a severe lack of job opportunities and a shortage of construction material entering Gaza from Israel, hundreds of men and boys scavenge for building gravel amongst the destroyed buildings close to the border fence. The gravel is collected into sacks, loaded onto donkey drawn carts and sold to builders for use in concrete. Children can earn up to 50 shekels (US $13) per day which is used to help support their families. Reports indicate that Israeli soldiers on duty in the observation towers which line the border between Gaza and Israel frequently fire warning shots to scare workers away from the border region. Reports also indicate that these soldiers sometimes shoot and kill the donkeys used by the workers, and also target the workers, usually, but not always, shooting at their legs. In the cases documented by DCI-Palestine, the children report being shot whilst working between 50 to 800 metres from the border fence. These cases were recently reported in Haaretz, The Guardian and The Independent newspapers.
Background information
According to a recent UN study, over the past 10 years, the Israeli military has gradually expanded restrictions on access to land on the Gaza side of the border, with the stated intention of preventing attacks from Palestinian armed factions. In May 2009, the Israeli air force dropped thousands of pamphlets over different parts of Gaza stating that anybody approaching within 300 metres of the border endangers his or her life. The findings of the study indicate that these restrictions have had a devastating impact on the physical security and livelihoods of around 180,000 people, exasperating an already bleak humanitarian situation caused by the blockade imposed by Israel in June 2007.
Fast facts
According to a UN report, in July 2010, only 30 truckloads of building gravel per week were permitted to enter Gaza via the Karni crossing. At this pace, it will take approximately 15 years (2025) to bring in the 24,000 truckloads of aggregate needed to complete 26 frozen UN projects, and about 75 years (2085) to bring in the aggregates needed to implement the whole UN reconstruction plan for Gaza.
According to a UN study, between January 2009 and August 2010, at least 22 Palestinian civilians in Gaza have been killed and 146 injured in the arbitrary live fire zone adjacent to the border with Israel and imposed at sea. At least 27 of these civilians were children.
In nine out of the 12 cases (75 percent) documented by DCI-Palestine, the children estimate that they were on, or outside the 300 metre exclusion zone unilaterally imposed by the Israeli army when they were shot.
The targeting of civilians is absolutely prohibited under international law, regardless of circumstances.
Recommended action
Please send Urgent Appeals urging that:
1. The Israeli army immediately ceases the practice of targeting unarmed children in the buffer zone on the Gaza side of the border with Israel; and
2. An immediate review of the orders and procedures relating to firing on persons in the buffer zone on the Gaza side of the border for compliance with international law, and to make all findings of the review public.

Appeals to: Your elected representatives; and The Israeli embassy in your country [list of Israeli diplomatic missions worldwide].
Please inform DCI-Palestine if you receive any response to your appeals and quote the UA number at the top of this document –

De Pro Israel Lobby 205

Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Israel as a Rogue State 125" achtergelaten: 

Nog een "upgrade"? Waar ligt de grens? Nederland provincie van Israël? United against Eurabia?

Info: Universiteit Gent schorst professor Marc Cogen
Op de Gentse universiteit is men blijkbaar nog niet vergeten dat studenten wijzer worden van kennis, en niet van haat- en angstpropaganda. 

Universiteit Gent schorst professor Marc Cogen
Op de Gentse universiteit is men blijkbaar nog niet vergeten dat studenten wijzer worden van kennis, en niet van haat- en angstpropaganda:

Cogen daagt niet op bij de rector

'Er zijn verschillende klachten ingediend bij de Dienst Preventie en Bescherming op het Werk (IDEWE) tegen de professor wegens verregaande pesterijen en het gebruik van verbaal geweld', zei de rector aan onze krant. 'Net om te vermijden dat de indieners van de klachten de professor tegen het lijf zouden lopen werd hem daarom tijdelijk de toegang tot de universiteit ontzegd.'
Cogen kwam eerder dit jaar al negatief in het nieuws toen hij, na herhaalde negatieve evaluaties zijn lesopdracht 'Internationaal Publiek Recht' moest afgeven. Hij nam het in zijn lessen ook vaak expliciet op voor de staat Israël, verdedigde controversiële stellingen zoals de joodse nederzettingen en is ook voorstander van de oorlog in Irak. Toen al, na het afgeven van zijn vak Internationaal Publiek Recht, en ook nu, beschuldigt hij de universiteit van antisemitsme. lees verder »

Israel as a Rogue State 125

Israeli forces train for Arab transfer riots

Last Updated: Oct 14, 2010
NAZARETH // Israel secretly staged a training exercise last week to test its ability to quell any civil unrest that might result from a peace deal that calls for the forcible transfer of many Arab citizens, the Israeli media has reported. 
The drill was intended to test the readiness of the civil defence units, police, army and prison service to contain large-scale riots by Israel's Arab minority in response to such a deal.
The transfer scenario echoes a proposal by Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's far-right foreign minister, for what he has called a "population exchange". Mr Lieberman proposes land swaps that would force many of Israel's 1.3 million Arab citizens into a future Palestinian state in return for annexation into Israel of most of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The scheme has been widely criticised as a violation of international law.
He outlined his proposal to the United Nations General Assembly last month. Although Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, said he was not consulted about the speech, he did not admonish Mr Lieberman. The training exercise has fuelled fears among Israel's Arab minority that the government might be hoping to pressure Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority (PA), to agree to land and population swaps as part of US-sponsored peace negotiations, which have stalled.
Dov Chenin, a member of the Israeli parliament representing the joint Jewish-Arab Communist Party, called Tuesday in a speech in the chamber for more details of the exercise from the government, although officials offered no immediate response. Mr Chenin said the drill was a sign Israel was heading in an "extremely dangerous direction". "A few years ago, only the extreme right-wing parties talked about transferring Arab citizens, but now we see that even the security forces are preparing concrete plans for carrying out such a scenario."
Mr Netanyahu demanded this week that the Palestinians recognise Israel as a Jewish state before further progress was possible - a move seen by the Arab minority as a threat to its status inside Israel. A US State Department spokesman referred to recognition as "a core demand" and said it had Washington's support. Haneen Zoubi, an Arab member of parliament, said the exercise was designed to send "very clear messages" to the Arab minority and Mr Abbas' negotiators.
"Netanyahu is letting us know that we are not part of his vision of Israel's future as a Jewish state and that, if we try to resist his plans, our protests will be greeted with violent repression," she said.
"He also wants the Palestinian negotiators to understand his minimum requirements for an agreement. He is not interested in justice for the Palestinians or in creating a viable state,” she added.
Details of the five-day drill were reported last weekend on the Voice of Israel radio station by Carmela Menashe, one of Israel’s most respected military correspondents.
The exercise envisioned extensive disturbances by Israel’s Arab citizens, one-fifth of the population, as security forces prepared to enforce border changes that would forcibly relocate many to a new Palestinian state, according to her report.
In the operation, code-named Warp and Weft, the security services established a large detention centre in the Galilee region between Nazareth and Tiberias to cope with an “unprecedented” number of arrests of Arab citizens.
The drill anticipated a rapid takeover of the West Bank by Hamas following the signing of the peace agreement with the Palestinian Authority. In the exercise, the security forces had to handle the firing of hundreds of rockets into Israel, terrorist attacks, prison riots and breakouts.
As Mr Chenin raised his concerns, Mr Lieberman opened a new front in his attacks on Israel’s Arab citizens, following his repeated statements questioning their loyalty to the state. While hosting the Finnish foreign minister on Tuesday, he accused groups of Arab citizens of plotting to secede from the state under orders from the Palestinians in the occupied territories.
“The Palestinians will try, through various groups among Israeli Arabs, to overturn the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish state and will work to create different autonomous areas within the state,” he said.
Aluf Benn, a senior columnist for the Haaretz newspaper, wrote yesterday that Mr Netanyahu was “hiding behind” Mr Lieberman and that the prime minister was the “true instigator” of the wave of anti-Arab policies and laws the government was promoting.
On Sunday the cabinet approved a bill that would demand a loyalty oath from non-Jews seeking citizenship.
In the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Ahmed Tibi, an Arab MP, accused Mr Netanyahu of being behind “a gradual ethnic-cleansing scheme – removing as many Arabs as possible while creating a Jewish, homogenous Israel”.
Opinion polls among Israel’s Arab minority have repeatedly shown strong opposition to any plan to revoke their citizenship or force them into a Palestinian state.
The Association of Civil Rights in Israel, the country’s largest human-rights group, wrote to Mr Netanyahu this week calling the media reports “alarming” and demanding assurances that there were no plans for “population transfer”.
It added that the impression was being created that “an issue which is completely illegitimate – the forced revocation of the citizenship of some of the country’s Arab citizens – is perceived by the government as a reasonable and even likely possibility”.
Some observers have speculated that the police minister, Yitzhak Aharonovitch, who is a member of Mr Lieberman’s Yisraeli Beiteinu Party, may have been the driving force behind the exercise.
However, Mr Chenin said such an extensive drill involving so many different branches of the security forces could not have been carried out without the involvement of other government ministers, including Ehud Barak, the defence minister.

Don't say later: we didn't know this all. In the meantime the new Dutch government plans to upgrade the ties with the 'Jewish state.'

vrijdag 15 oktober 2010

Israel as a Rogue State 124

My oath to Israel’s “Jewish democracy”: why my fingers will be crossed

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth

16 October 2010

Jonathan Cook describes his misgivings at having to swear an oath of loyalty to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic state” and explains that the loyalty oath requirement may be the first in a series of steps planned by Israeli leaders to fulfil their vision of a racially pure country.

In all likelihood, I will be one of the very first non-Jews expected to swear loyalty to Israel as an ideology rather than as a state.

Until now, naturalizing residents, like the country's soldiers, pledged an oath to Israel and its laws. That is the situation in most countries. But soon, if the Israeli parliament passes a bill being advanced by the government, aspiring citizens will instead be required to uphold the Zionist majority's presumption that Israel is a “Jewish and democratic state”.
Israel's "Jewish loyalty oath"
  • Unapologetically racist - applies only to non-Jews
  • Anti-democratic - imagine a “Christian and democratic state” or “white and democratic state”!
  • Strengthens institutionalized discrimination
  • Slippery slope - establishes principle of tying citizenship to loyalty
My application for citizenship is due to be considered in the next few months, seven years after my marriage to a Palestinian citizen of Israel. The country's 1.3 million Palestinians – usually referred to by officials as "Israeli Arabs" – are a fifth of the population. I, like a few others in my position, am likely to make such a pledge through gritted teeth and with my fingers crossed behind my back. Whatever I declare publicly to Interior Ministry officials will be a lie. Here are the reasons why.
  One is that this law is unapologetically racist. It applies only to applicants for citizenship who are non-Jews. That is not because, as most observers assume, all Jews in Israel would willingly make the pledge but because one significant group would refuse, thereby nullifying their right to become Israelis. That group is the ultra-Orthodox, religious fundamentalists distinctive for their black dress, who are the fastest growing group among Israel's Jewish population. They despise Israel's secular state institutions and would make a loyalty oath only to a state guided by divine law.

So Israel is demanding from non-Jews what it does not require of Jews.

Another reason is that I do not believe a Jewish state can be democratic, any more than I believe a democratic state can be Jewish. I think the two principles are as incompatible as a “Christian and democratic state” or a “white and democratic state”. I am not alone in this assessment. Eminent academics at Israel's universities think the same. They have concluded that the self-declared Jewish state qualifies not as a liberal democracy but as a much rarer political entity: an ethnocracy.

One of the leading exponents of this view, Professor Oren Yiftachel of Ben Gurion University in the Negev, points out that in ethnocracies, the democratic aspects of the regime are only skin deep. Its primary goal is to maintain one ethnic group's dominance over another. Israel, it should be noted, has many laws but none guarantees equality. The discrimination, Prof Yiftachel notes, is legislated into the structure of citizenship so that one ethnic group is entitled to privileges at the expense of the other group in all basic aspects of life: access to land and water, the economy, education, political control, and so on.

Even the ethnic group's majority status is maintained through sophisticated gerrymandering: Israel gives citizenship to Jewish settlers living outside its recognized borders, while banning the Palestinians it expelled in 1948 from ever enjoying immigration rights that are shared by Jews worldwide.

The third reason is that the new oath itself strengthens an elaborate structure of institutionalized discrimination based on Israel's citizenship laws.

Few outsiders understand that Israel provides citizenship under two different laws, depending on whether you are a Jew or a non-Jew. All Jews and Jewish immigrants, as well as their spouses, are entitled to automatic citizenship under the Law of Return. Meanwhile, the citizenship of Israel's Palestinians – as well as that of naturalizing spouses like myself – is governed by the Citizenship Law. It is this bifurcated citizenship that made possible a previous outrage: Israel's ban on the right of its Palestinian citizens to win citizenship, or often even residency rights, for a Palestinian spouse through naturalization.
“It is … the Citizenship Law for Palestinians, not the Law of Return for Jews, that Israel is preparing to revise to force the spouses of Palestinian citizens, myself included, to pledge an oath to the very state that confers on them and their Palestinian partners second-class citizenship.”
It is again the Citizenship Law for Palestinians, not the Law of Return for Jews, that Israel is preparing to revise to force the spouses of Palestinian citizens, myself included, to pledge an oath to the very state that confers on them and their Palestinian partners second-class citizenship.
The fourth reason is that this oath is a classic example of "slippery slope" legislation. Despite the exultations of Avigdor Lieberman, the far-right minister who campaigned under the election slogan “No loyalty, no citizenship”, this law in its current formulation will probably apply to only a few hundred applicants each year.

Currently exempt are all existing citizens, whether Jews or Palestinians; non-Jewish spouses of Jews naturalizing under the Law of Return; and Palestinian partners blocked entirely from the naturalization process. Only the tiny number of non-Jewish spouses of Israel's Palestinian citizens will have to take the pledge. But few believe that the oath will remain so marginal for ever. A principle of tying citizenship rights to a declaration of loyalty is being established in Israel for the first time.

The next targets for this kind of legislation are the non-Zionist political parties of Israel's Palestinian minority. The Jewish parties are already formulating bills to require parliament members to swear an oath to a “Jewish and democratic state”. That is designed to neuter Israel's Palestinian parties, all of which share as their main platform a demand that Israel reform from a Jewish state into a “state of all its citizens”, or a liberal democracy.

Next in Lieberman's sights, of course, are all of Israel's 1.3 million Palestinians, who will be expected to become Zionists or face a loss of citizenship and possibly expulsion. I may be one of the first non-Jews to make this pledge, but many are sure to be forced to follow me.

A version of this article originally appeared in The National, published in Abu Dhabi. The version here is published by permission of Jonathan Cook.

donderdag 14 oktober 2010

CIDI Bestuurslid Schendt Internationaal Recht 8

Riwal als criminele organisatie.


Klaagmuur 2.0 made in holland

Planning voor de bouw van de muur

Het idee voor de bouw van de scheidingsmuur is op zich niet nieuw. In 1992 stelde Yitzchak Rabin al voor om een afscheiding tussen de strijdende partijen te gaan bouwen. De organisatie Fence for Life drong in juni 2001 aan op de bouw van een muurAriël Sharon was aanvankelijk geen voorstander, maar na druk uit het buitenland werd toch besloten te beginnen met de bouw van de veiligheidsmuur.

De bouwers: familie Livnat

De joods-Hongaarse broers Avraham en Yitchak "Bondi" Livnat richtten direkt na het ontstaan van de soevereine staat Israël in de vijftiger jaren de Ta'avura Holdings op. Tegenwoordig is Ta'avura de grootste transportonderneming van Israël. Doron en Adi (Avi) Livnat zijn de zonen van Yitchak. Samen met de zonen van Avraham - Shay (Shai) en Zvika - zijn zij al op heel jonge leeftijd aktief in deze familie-onderneming.

Zvika Livnat is nu directeur van de IDB Holding CorporationIDB Development Corporation en Discount Investment CorporationShay Livnat is directeur van IDB Development Corporation en Clal. Tussen 1980 en 1986 was Doron Livnat manager bij de Ta'avura Group in Israël.

Familie Livnat in Nederland

In 1946 richtte zijn schoonvader Peet (Peter) Baris Hovago Cranes BV in Spijkenisse op. Baris kocht direkt na de tweede wereldoorlog militaire mobiele kranen van de gealliëerde strijdmachten op. Hij bouwde ze om en knapte de kranen voor civiel gebruik op.

Hovago is vanaf 1989 een onderdeel van de Baris Groep die sinds 9 december 2006 onder de naam Prodelta Holdings BVverder gaat. In 1981 is een wijziging in de akten gekomen. Doron werkt vanaf 1984/1986 bij Hovago. Deze onderneming is gespecialiseerd in de internationale handel en verhuur van mobiele kranen. Wereldwijd hoort deze onderneming bij de tien grootsten. Livnat neemt de zaak van zijn schoonvader in 1987 succesvol over.
"MDN Holding (Baris Group) is gevestigd in Spijkenisse. Bestuurders van MDN Holding zijn Jaap Henk van der Houwen en Doron Livnat."
Livnat is tevens adviseur bij de Rabobank. Eind 2007 verhuisde Hovago naar Dordrecht en het hoofdkantoor van Prodelta naar de Rotterdamse Parklaan.

Huidige adressen:

Klik hier om een grotere kaart van de gegarandeerd filevrije route vanaf de Maxwellstraat naar de Galvanistraat weer te geven.
Schalekamp Beheer BV
Maxwellstraat 27
3316 GP Dordrecht
tel: 078-6181888
tel: 078-6543777

Maxwellstraat 27
3316 GP Dordrecht
tel: 078-6181888

Hovago Cranes BV
Galvanistraat 35
3316 GH Dordrecht
tel: 010-8920475

In 1987 nam Doron Riwal de zaak van Peter Baris over. Schalekamp Beheer in Dordrecht is eigenaar van de merknaam Riwal. Prodelta heeft een belang van precies de helft in Riwal. Dick en Jaap Schalekamp, eigenaars van Schalekamp Beheer in Spijkenisse of Dordecht, bezitten tweederde. Bronnen spreken elkaar hier tegen, samen is dat al meer dan honderd procent en daar is het aandeel Prodelta niet in meegerekend. De onderneming Riwal is gespecialiseerd in hoogwerkers en verreikers en ook deze onderneming behoort tot één der grootsten ter wereld. Riwal is het grootste Europese particuliere verhuurbedrijf op het gebied van hoogwerkers.

Citaten van de website van Riwal:
Riwal Israël assisteert bij hoogbouw
"De goede contacten die de Nederlandse eigenaren van Riwal met een Israëlische zakenman hadden, bracht hen op het idee om samen een Riwal-vestiging in Tel Aviv te openen. Dat is nu gebeurd, en onder de naam Lima Holding leveren wij nu hetzelfde hoogwaardige bouwmaterieel dat u op andere plaatsen in Europa ook bij Riwal aantreft. Lima's goed onderhouden verhuurvloot, met daarin ieder type kraan en hoogwerker, helpt Israël bij de voltooiing van ambitieuze projecten in de bouwsector."
Riwal Israël heet Lima Holding
"Riwal Israël doet zaken onder de naam Lima Holding. In het economisch hart van Israël, Tel Aviv, biedt Lima Holding de gebruikelijke collectie hoogwerkers en kranen aan bedrijven in verschillende takken van industrie. Zo wordt, mede dankzij de grote toestroom van immigranten, het materieel van Riwal Israël regelmatig ingezet in de bouw. Met een huurvloot die nooit ouder dan drie jaar is, preventief onderhoud en een eigen werkplaats, is Lima Holding een logische keuze voor de ijverige bouwsector die baat heeft bij efficiënte en veilige machines."
Doron Livnat is voor vijftig procent mede-eigenaar van dit bedrijf, dat tot eind 2007 in Spijkenisse was gevestigd, onder de naam Lima Holding B.V. staat ingeschreven en in Israël onder de merknaam Riwal opereert.

Lima Holding uit Tel Aviv is eigendom van Doron Livnat, Dick en Jaap Schalekamp en beheert Riwal Israël. In 2003 begon Riwal Israël in Kibboets Einat een nieuwe vestiging. Rond dezelfde tijd begon men aan de bouw van de muur en werd ingebroken in het kantoor van Adi Livnat in Ramat Gan. Alleen zijn computer met gevoelige bedrijfsinformatie werd gestolen.

Opbouw van de muur

Op een dinsdagavond in het begin van 2003 spreken twee mannen elkaar nabij een stadspark. Ze zouden gezien het leeftijdsverschil vader en zoon kunnen zijn. Vanwege het grote uiterlijke verschil zullen ze waarschijnlijk geen verwanten zijn. Beiden zijn onberispelijk netjes gekleed in driedelig pak. De oudere man draagt een koninklijke onderscheiding op zijn revers. Ze bespreken het Peacepark-idee vanNelson Mandela. In dit gesprek wordt dit idee voor het oplossen van het conflict in het middenoosten toepasbaar gemaakt. Ze besluiten de volgende dag kontakt met Den Haag en Washington op te laten nemen.

Indien mensen in een bepaald gebied als beesten met elkaar omgaan, dan moet dat gebied alleen voor de beesten zijn. Dat is kort gezegd het idee achter de Peaceparks. Als een oorlog ontaardt in een vete, dan blijft dat generaties lang doorsudderen en worden de oorspronkelijk redenen tot oorlogvoeren vergeten. Door een generatie lang de strijdende partijen uit elkaar te houden wordt de vete doorbroken. In Berlijn werkte het ook, de muur was niet voor eeuwig en na grofweg een generatie werd deze weer afgebroken.

Afbraak van de muur

Volgens Schalekamp Beheer levert het Nederlandse bedrijf Riwal geen machines of personeel voor de bouw van de grensmuur. Na druk door voormalig minister Ben Bot deed de direktie van Lima Holding/Riwal eind september 2006 de toezegging geen materieel meer ter beschikking te stellen voor werkzaamheden aan de muur. Onderzoek van de Israëlische mensenrechtenorganisatie B’Tselem, in opdracht van United Civilians for Peace, toonde aan dat Lima Holding c.q. Riwal nog steeds betrokken is bouw van de muur.

In september 2006 ontkent de toenmalige minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Ben Bot de betrokkenheid van het Nederlandse bedrijf Riwal bij de bouw van de muur, maar benadrukt hij dat de bouw van de muur door de Nederlandse regering niet wordt gesteund. Een maand na het onderzoek concludeerde Ben Bot dat er niets aan de hand is. In zijn beantwoording op de vragen van Bert Koenders blijkt dat die conclusie gebaseerd is op magere bewijzen en een branchegenoot in Tel Aviv die 'toevallig' ook opereert onder de naam Riwal. Maar over Prodelta wordt in alle talen gezwegen, Ben Bot hield duidelijk de hand boven het hoofd van Riwal en bijbehorend conglomeraat aan bedrijven.

Het Nederlands Instituut Palestina/Israël is niet blij dat de maatschappelijke organisatie CIDI een bestuurslid heeft dat betrokken is bij de bouw van de muur. Het NIPI vroeg aan het CIDI om hierover opheldering te geven en zich van Doron Livnat te distantiëren, als hij niet meteen ophoudt met aktiviteiten die samenhangen met de bouw van de muur.

In 2003 besliste de VN Veiligheidsraad dat de veiligheidsmuur illegaal is. In 2004 besliste hetInternationaal Gerechtshof dat de muur strijdig is met het internationaal recht en de Europese Commissiebesliste dat de muur gedeeltelijk moest worden afgebroken.

Een paar dagen later werd bij de Verenigde Naties een resolutie aangenomen waarin de muur veroordeeld wordt: Honderdvijftig landen stemden voor de resolutie, zes landen tegen en tien landen brachten geen stem uit. Ook het Rode Kruis sprak zich uit tegen de bouw van de muur, maar dat is tegenover de organisatie van de halve maan wel logisch. Toch is de afbraak van de muur nog niet echt begonnen. Slechts enkele delen worden verplaatst om de zogenaamde vredesonderhandelingen op gang te houden.

Dit land is heel. heel diep gezonken.

     Directie Riwal en oprichter Dick Schalekamp sr. Foto: Rinie Boon. De directie van deze criminele organisatie, met in het midden CIDI-bestuurslid Doron Livnat.


Geschat vermogen: €75 miljoen Herkomst vermogen: Riwal

De broertjes Dick jr en Jaap Schalekamp namen in 1989 hoogwerkerverhuurder Riwal over van hun vader Dick Sr. Samen met hun latere mede-eigenaar ProDelta Investments van Israeliër Doron Livnat maakten ze het bedrijf met 12.000 hoogwerkers in 15 landen het grootste particuliere verhuurbedrijf op het gebied van hoogwerkers in de wereld. De laatste cijfers laten een goudgerande netto winst zien van €16 miljoen. Mede op basis daarvan ramen we het vermogen van de gebroeders op €75 miljoen.

Het is nu de hoogste tijd dat Nederlandse gemeentes dit bedrijf gaan boycotten, om het te dwingen het internationaal recht te respecteren zoals het Internationaal Gerechtshof in Den Haag nog eens in 2004 duidelijk maakte toen het bepaalde dat de Joodse Apartheidsmuur illegaal is en dient te worden afgebroken, evenals de Joodse nederzettingen op de bezette Westbank. 

Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...