donderdag 11 juni 2009
De Vrije Markt
Het recht om anderen te exploiteren heet de vrije markt. De uiterste consequentie van deze ideologie was Auschwitz. De vernietigingskampen kwamen niet uit de lucht vallen, alles heeft een oorzaak en een gevolg, niets is zonder oorzaak en gevolg. Werkelijk niets.
De Nuance van de NRC 111
De Pro Israel Lobby 134
Er is een website die gratis reclame maakt voor mijn website. En die website wordt gemaakt door een meneer die zich tooit met de naam Barracuda. Omdat ik nagenoeg niets van vissen weet, heb ik opgezocht wat voor soort vis een barracuda is: 'De barracuda is voor de visserij van beperkt commercieel belang. Wel wordt er op de vis gejaagd in de hengelsport. De soort kan worden bezichtigd in sommige openbare aquaria. In het wild kan voor worden gekomen dat een barracuda een mens bijt. Omdat mensen geen prooi zijn voor een barracuda zal het vaak maar bij een bijt blijven. Dit doen ze meestal als ze worden bedreigd door de mens of als het zicht slecht is.' Zie:
Kortom, een tamelijk onschuldige vis die de mens doorgaans alleen maar bijt zodra 'het zicht slecht is' of als de vis zich 'bedreigd' voelt.
Welnu, Barracuda schrijft het volgende: Richard Myers kennen we als de voorzitter van de Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dat was hij ook even ten tijde van 9/11 omdat de eigenlijke voorzitter Hugh Shelton in Europa zat. Toen het eerste vliegtuig zich in een van de WTC torens boorde, bevond Myers zich op Capitol Hill voor een vergadering. Later verklaarde Meyers dat het opperbevel pas gevechtsvliegtuigen heeft ingezet na de inslag in het Pentagon.'"Een van de dingen die u moet begrijpen, is dat we veel minder vliegtuigen direct operationeel hebben dan in het hoogtepunt van de Koude Oorlog. En daarom hebben we nog slechts enkele bases in de omtrekken van de Verenigde Staten. Het is daarom niet alleen een kwestie van het omhoog sturen van vliegtuigen, het is omhoog sturen om wat te doen? Er moet een specifieke dreiging zijn. We zijn behoorlijk goed als de dreiging van buiten komt. We zijn niet zo goed als de dreiging van binnenuit komt."
Deze bewering is onjuist, zoals ik sinds 2002 weet. Toen was ik in de VS om een aantal deskundigen te interviewen voor een serie radioprogramma's over olie die ik voor de VPRO-radio maakte. Ik wist namelijk toen al dat de Bush regering Irak zou aanvallen en wilde de redenen voor een groter publiek duidelijk maken. In het kader daarvan sprak ik in met de oud-kolonel van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht Bob Bouwman die regelmatig publiceerde over het Amerikaans kolonialisme. Na het interview spraken we over de gevolgen van de aanslagen van 11 september. Bowman zei toen dit: Op dit moment is het wel acceptabel om te zeggen dat de FBI en de CIA hun werk niet goed deden en men kan openlijk speculeren over de vraag waarom we 11 september niet hebben voorkomen. Maar wat in Amerika zeker niet door de beugel kan, is om in de media te stellen dat de FBI en de CIA wel degelijk hun werk hebben gedaan, dat ze wisten dat de aanslagen van 11 september eraan zaten te komen, dat onze regering het opzettelijk liet gebeuren. Dat drukken ze niet af. Ik denk dat de betrokken autoriteiten wisten dat die aanslagen zouden plaatsvinden. De 'nieuwe Pearl Harbour,' die volgens hen zelf nodig was om door te kunnen gaan met hun plannen om Irak en Afghanistan aan te vallen en de militaire macht te grijpen in het Midden-Oosten. De inlichtingendiensten van elf verschillende landen hebben onze regering vooraf gewaarschuwd. Een FBI agent meldde aan het FBI hoofdkwartier dat de zogeheten twintigste kaper Zacarias Moussaoui van plan was een vliegtuig te kapen om het in een van de torens van het World Trade Center te vliegen. Tot in de details had hij informatie verstrekt, er werd niets mee gedaan. Even opmerkelijk is het volgende. Toen op 25 oktober 1999 het vliegtuig van de bekende golfspeler Paine Stewart boven South Dakato radiocontact verloor, vlogen er binnen zestien minuten gevechtsvliegtuigen vleugel aan vleugel met dat toestel. Maar toen er op 11 september 2001 vier vliegtuigen bijna tegelijkertijd waren gekaapt, werd bijna anderhalf uur lang niets ondernomen. Standaardprocedure is dat als een vliegtuig radiocontact verliest of van zijn voorgenomen koers afwijkt, er dan onmiddellijk jachtvliegtuigen de lucht ingaan om te kijken wat er aan de hand is. Dat schrijft de wet voor, daar is geen presidentiele goedkeuring voor nodig. Waarom gebeurde dat wel boven een geïsoleerde staat als South Dakato in het Westen, en niet boven het centrum van de macht aan de Oostkust, terwijl toch al die tijd de vier gekaapte vliegtuigen op het federale radar gevolgd werden en er genoeg jachtvliegtuigen in de omgeving klaarstaan? Het lijkt alsof er een bevel was dat het toepassen van die standaardprocedure tegenhield. Als de regels waren uitgevoerd dan zou het World Trade Centrum er nog staan en zouden die duizenden dode Amerikanen nog leven.
Toen ik weer terug was in Amsterdam begon ik me te verdiepen in de officiele complottheorie en ontdekte al snel dat er verschillende ongerijmdheden in deze officiele versie van de werkelijkheid zitten en dat wat Bowman mij had verteld ook klopte. Meyers' verklaring dat "een van de dingen die u moet begrijpen, is dat we veel minder vliegtuigen direct operationeel hebben dan in het hoogtepunt van de Koude Oorlog. En daarom hebben we nog slechts enkele bases in de omtrekken van de Verenigde Staten. Het is daarom niet alleen een kwestie van het omhoog sturen van vliegtuigen, het is omhoog sturen om wat te doen? Er moet een specifieke dreiging zijn. We zijn behoorlijk goed als de dreiging van buiten komt. We zijn niet zo goed als de dreiging van binnenuit komt" is klinkklare nonsens, om de simpele reden dat Meyers helemaal geen opdracht had hoeven te geven, aangezien het een standaardprocedure was dat zodra een vliegtuig boven de VS om onverklaarbare redenen uit de koers raakte er onmiddellijk gevechtsvliegtuigen opstegen. Wanneer dat niet gebeurt dan moet daartoe opdracht zijn geweest. En de vraag is: wie gaf opdracht om niet op te stijgen op het moment dat het grondgebied van de VS daadwerkelijk werd aangevallen? Wie en waarom?
Wat duidelijk wordt uit het stukje van de man die zich tooit met de naam Barracuda is dat hij zich niet verdiept heeft in de zaak en toch een uitgesproken mening verspreidt. Deze Barracuda is zelfs bereid voetstoots aan te nemen dat de staat die meer uitgeeft aan de zogeheten nationale veiligheid dan alle andere staten ter wereld tezamen over te weinig gevechtsvliegtuigen beschikte die Washington en New York konden verdedigen. Sommige mensen zijn bereid om alles te geloven. Onnozelheid is van alle tijden. Voor dit soort mensen tellen feiten niet. Zelfs niet als direct betrokkenen ze geven. Een feit als dit: terug kijkende op zijn ruim 33 jaar actieve militaire dienst verklaarde in 1933 generaal Smedley Butler, oud bevelhebber van het Korps Mariniers: 'Oorlog is misdaad. Hij wordt gevoerd ten voordele van de zeer weinigen ten koste van de massa. Ik ben heel lang een eersteklas uitsmijter geweest voor het bedrijfsleven. Voor Wall Street en voor de banken. Ik was in feite een misdadiger, een gangster voor het kapitalisme. Ik heb in 1914 Mexico veilig gemaakt voor de Amerikaanse oliebelangen. Ik hielp bij het verkrachten van een half dozijn Midden Amerikaanse republieken voor het profijt van Wall Street. In China heb ik ervoor gezorgd dat Standard Oil ongestoord zijn weg kon gaan. Al Capone is niet verder gekomen dan drie wijken. Mijn werkterrein omvatte drie continenten.'
woensdag 10 juni 2009
De Pro Israel Lobby 133
Knapen constateerde achteraf iets wat al vanaf tenminste het begin van de negentiende eeuw in brede kringen bekend is in de VS, namelijk dat het de politici er doorgaans corrupt zijn, gekocht kunnen worden door de hoogste bieder. Jarenlang is dat vooral ook de joodse pro-Israel lobby geweest. Ook dat is algemeen bekend in de VS.
Paul 2 emailde me dit: In a sign of growing concern in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's government over US President Barack Obama's Middle East policies, Minister-without-Portfolio Yossi Peled proposed Israeli sanctions on the US in a letter to cabinet ministers on Sunday.
In the 11-page letter, obtained by The Jerusalem Post from a minister on Monday, Peled recommends steps Israel can take to compensate for the shift in American policy, which he believes has become hostile to Israel.
But in the interim, the minister suggests reconsidering military and civilian purchases from the US, selling sensitive equipment that the Washington opposes distributing internationally, and allowing other countries that compete with the US to get involved with the peace process and be given a foothold for their military forces and intelligence agencies.
Peled said that shifting military acquisition to America's competition would make Israel less dependent on the US. For instance, he suggested buying planes from the France-based Airbus firm instead of the American Boeing.
In what may be his most controversial suggestion, Peled recommends intervening in American congressional races to weaken Obama and asking American Jewish donors not to contribute to Democratic congressional candidates. He predicted that this would result in Democratic candidates pressuring Obama to become more pro-Israel.
Israël begint nattigheid te voelen
'Peled recommends intervening in American congressional races'
Natuurlijk,maar dat was toch business as usual?
Aldus Paul. Kenmerkend is vooral de openheid waarmee de corruptie wordt toegegeven door zionistische politici van Israel 'In what may be his most controversial suggestion, Peled recommends intervening in American congressional races to weaken Obama and asking American Jewish donors not to contribute to Democratic congressional candidates. He predicted that this would result in Democratic candidates pressuring Obama to become more pro-Israel.'
Openlijk wordt door de Israelische zionisten gesteld dat Amerikaanse politici door de pro-Israel lobby worden gekocht om de terreur en het expansionisme van 'de Joodse natie' te steunen en te financieren. Wat zou Ronny Naftaniel hier allemaal van vinden? Vraag het hem eens collega's, per slot van rekening is hij in Nederland directeur van de -- volgens Haaretz -- 'pro-zionistische lobbygroep', het CIDI. Doe je werk.
De Pro Israel Lobby 131
dinsdag 9 juni 2009
Nederland en Afghanistan 205
Tuesday 09 June 2009
by: Norman Solomon,
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
It takes at least tacit faith in massive violence to believe that after three decades of horrendous violence in Afghanistan, upping the violence there will improve the situation. Despite the pronouncements from high Washington places that the problems of Afghanistan can't be solved by military means, 90 percent of the spending for Afghanistan in the Obama administration's current supplemental bill is military. Often it seems that lofty words about war hopes are boilerplate efforts to make us feel better about an endless warfare state. Oratory and punditry laud the Pentagon's fallen as noble victims of war, while enveloping its other victims in a haze of ambiguity or virtual nonexistence.
When last Sunday's edition of The Washington Post printed the routine headline, "Iraq War Deaths," the newspaper meant American deaths - to Washington's ultra-savvy, the deaths that really count. The only numbers and names under the headline were American.
Ask for whom the bell tolls. That's the implicit message - from top journalists and politicians alike.
A few weeks ago, some prominent US news stories did emerge about Pentagon air strikes that killed perhaps a hundred Afghan civilians. But much of the emphasis was that such deaths could undermine the US war effort. The most powerful media lenses do not correct the myopia when Uncle Sam's vision is impaired by solipsism and narcissism.
Words focus our attention. The official words and the media words - routinely, more or less the same words - are ostensibly about war, but they convey little about actual war at the same time that they boost it. Words are one thing, and war is another.
Yet words have potential to impede the wheels of war machinery. "And henceforth," Albert Camus wrote, "the only honorable course will be to stake everything on a formidable gamble: that words are more powerful than munitions."
A very different type of gamble is routinely underway at the centers of political power, where words are propaganda munitions. In Washington, the default preference is to gamble with the lives of other people, far away.
More than 40 years ago, Country Joe McDonald wrote a song, "An Untitled Protest," about war fighters: who "pound their feet into the sand of shores they've never seen / Delegates from the western land to join the death machine." Now, tens of thousands more of such delegates are on the way to Afghanistan.
In pseudo-savvy Washington, "appearance is reality." Killing and maiming, fueled by appropriations and silence, are rendered as abstractions.
The deaths of people unaligned with the Pentagon are the most abstract of all. No wonder The Washington Post is still printing headlines like "Iraq War Deaths." Why should Iraqis qualify for inclusion in Iraq war deaths?
There's plenty more media invisibility and erasure ahead for Afghan people as the Pentagon ramps up its war effort in their country.
War thrives on abstractions that pass for reality.
There are facts about war in news media and in presidential speeches. For that matter, there are plenty of facts in the local phone book. How much do they tell you about the most important human realities?
Millions of words and factual data pour out of the Pentagon every day. Human truth is another matter.
My father, Morris Solomon, recently had his ninetieth birthday. He would be the first to tell you that his brain has lost a lot of capacity. He doesn't recall nearly as many facts as he used to. But a couple of days ago, he told me: "I know what war is. It's stupid. It's ruining humanity."
That's not appearance. It's reality.
De Israelische Terreur 877
De Nuance van de NRC 110
Afgelopen vrijdag luidde het commentaar van de NRC alsvolgt:
‘It is true that you can fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.’
maandag 8 juni 2009
De Israelische Terreur 877
The HSRC commissioned an international team of scholars and practitioners of international public law from South Africa, the United Kingdom, Israel and the West Bank to conduct the study. The resulting 300-page draft, titled Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid?: A re-assessment of Israel's practices in the occupied Palestinian territories under international law, represents 15 months of research and constitutes an exhaustive review of Israel's practices in the OPT according to definitions of colonialism and apartheid provided by international law. The project was suggested originally by the January 2007 report by eminent South African jurist John Dugard, in his capacity as Special Rapporteur to the United Nations Human Rights Council, when he indicated that Israel practices had assumed characteristics of colonialism and apartheid.
You can download the report here:
Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid, Executive Summary [950KB] or Full Study [3.5MB]
Regarding colonialism, the team found that Israel's policy and practices violate the prohibition on colonialism which the international community developed in the 1960s in response to the great decolonisation struggles in Africa and Asia. Israel's policy is demonstrably to fragment the West Bank and annex part of it permanently to Israel, which is the hallmark of colonialism. Israel has appropriated land and water in the OPT, merged the Palestinian economy with Israel's economy, and imposed a system of domination over Palestinians to ensure their subjugation to these measures. Through these measures, Israel has denied the indigenous population the right to self-determination and indicated clear intention to assume sovereignty over portions of its land and natural resources. Permanent annexation of territory in this fashion is the hallmark of colonialism.
Regarding apartheid, the team found that Israel's laws and policies in the OPT fit the definition of apartheid in the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Israeli law conveys privileges to Jewish settlers and disadvantages Palestinians in the same territory on the basis of their respective identities, which function in this case as racialised identities in the sense provided by international law. Israel's practices are corollary to five of the six 'inhuman acts' listed by the Convention. A policy of apartheid is especially indicated by Israel's demarcation of geographic ‘reserves' in the West Bank, to which Palestinian residence is confined and which Palestinians cannot leave without a permit. The system is very similar to the policy of ‘Grand Apartheid' in apartheid South Africa, in which black South Africans were confined to black homelands delineated by the South African government, while white South Africans enjoyed freedom of movement and full civil rights in the rest of the country.
The Executive Summary of the report says that the three pillars of apartheid in South Africa are all practiced by Israel in the OPT. In South Africa, the first pillar was to demarcate the population of South Africa into racial groups, and to accord superior rights, privileges and services to the white racial group. The second pillar was to segregate the population into different geographic areas, which were allocated by law to different racial groups, and restrict passage by members of any group into the area allocated to other groups. And the third pillar was "a matrix of draconian ‘security' laws and policies that were employed to suppress any opposition to the regime and to reinforce the system of racial domination, by providing for administrative detention, torture, censorship, banning, and assassination."
The Report finds that Israeli practices in the OPT exhibit the same three 'pillars' of apartheid:
The first pillar "derives from Israeli laws and policies that establish Jewish identity for purposes of law and afford a preferential legal status and material benefits to Jews over non-Jews".
The second pillar is reflected in "Israel's 'grand' policy to fragment the OPT [and] ensure that Palestinians remain confined to the reserves designated for them while Israeli Jews are prohibited from entering those reserves but enjoy freedom of movement throughout the rest of the Palestinian territory. This policy is evidenced by Israel's extensive appropriation of Palestinian land, which continues to shrink the territorial space available to Palestinians; the hermetic closure and isolation of the Gaza Strip from the rest of the OPT; the deliberate severing of East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank; and the appropriation and construction policies serving to carve up the West Bank into an intricate and well-serviced network of connected settlements for Jewish-Israelis and an archipelago of besieged and non-contiguous enclaves for Palestinians".
The third pillar is "Israel's invocation of 'security' to validate sweeping restrictions on Palestinian freedom of opinion, expression, assembly, association and movement [to] mask a true underlying intent to suppress dissent to its system of domination and thereby maintain control over Palestinians as a group."
The research team included scholars and international lawyers based at the HSRC, the School for Oriental and African Studies (London), the British Institute for International and Comparative Law, the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal (Durban), the Adalah/Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel and al-Haq/West Bank Affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists. Consultation on the study's theory and method was provided by eminent jurists from South Africa, Israel and Europe.
The HSRC serves as the national social science council for South Africa. The Middle East Project of the HSRC is an independent two-year project to conduct analysis of Middle East politics relevant to South African foreign policy, funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Government of South Africa. The analysis in this report is entirely independent of the views or foreign policy of the Government of South Africa and does not represent an official position of the HSRC. It is intended purely as a scholarly resource for the South African government and civil society and the concerned international community.
For more information or interviews, contact: or +27-21-466-7924.
Het Zionistisch Racisme 9
Jonathan Cook
The National
June 08. 2009
MISGAV, ISRAEL // A community in northern Israel has changed its bylaws to demand that new residents pledge support for “Zionism, Jewish heritage and settlement of the land” in a thinly veiled attempt to block Arab applicants from gaining admission.
Critics are calling the bylaw, adopted by Manof, home to 170 Jewish families in Galilee, a local “loyalty oath” similar to a national scheme recently proposed by the far-Right party of the government minister Avigdor Lieberman.
Other Jewish communities in the central Galilee – falling under the umbrella of a regional council known as Misgav – are preparing similar bylaws in response to a court petition filed by an Arab couple hoping to build a home in Misgav.
“It looks very much like this is being co-ordinated by the Misgav council in an attempt to pre-empt the court ruling,” said Ronin Ben Ari, resident of another Misgav community, Mikhmanim, and an opponent of the bylaw change.
Manof’s move comes in the wake of efforts by Ahmed and Fatina Zbeidat, who live in the neighbouring Arab town of Sakhnin, to win admission to the Misgav community of Rakafet.
Traditionally some 700 rural communities in Israel, including 30 in Misgav, have weeded out Arab applicants by issuing automatic rejections through special vetting committees. Arab citizens make up one-fifth of the country’s population.
According to a legal rights group, rural communities, which are home to only five per cent of the population but have control over four-fifths of the countryside, are seen by the state as a bulwark against Arabs gaining access to what are called “national lands”.
However, the vetting system has been under threat since a court ruling in 2000 that required the committees to consider Arab applicants and justify their decisions.
In line with the ruling, the Zbeidats demanded the right to take a suitability test when their application was turned down in 2006. Examiners found Fatina too “individualistic” for life in a small community while her husband lacked “knowledge of sophisticated interpersonal relations”.
The Zbeidats then petitioned the courts against the use of vetting committees, saying they enforced “blatant discrimination” against Arab applicants.
Earlier this year, in an indication that the court was preparing to back them, it demanded that the attorney-general explain why the vetting committees should continue.
“There is little doubt that many residents of Misgav are panicking about the court case,” said Mr Ben Ari, who heads a small dissident group called Alternative Voice in the Galilee.
He added that Ron Shani, who was elected Misgav’s mayor late last year, made opposition to the Zbeidats’ bid to live in Rakafet a major platform in his campaign.
Mr Shani defended the bylaw change last week to the Israeli media. “The council’s position is that it is appropriate to strengthen the character of the community – a community in which Zionist values and Jewish heritage stand at the heart of its way of life. We don’t see this as racism in any way.”
Mr Ben Ari said: “There is a widely held feeling in Misgav that changing the bylaws is a legitimate way for the Jewish minority in the Galilee to defend itself against an Arab and Islamic danger.
“The residents here are not right-wing types like Lieberman. They see themselves as liberals and in fact are made very uncomfortable by the Lieberman comparison.”
A bill proposed by Mr Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party that conditioned citizenship on declaring loyalty to a Jewish state was rejected by a ministerial committee last week.
The bylaw, accepted by an overwhelming majority in Manof, stipulates that applicants must share “the values of the Zionist movement, Jewish heritage, settlement of the Land of Israel ... and observance of Jewish holidays”.
It also proposes that local children be encouraged to join the Zionist youth movement and the Israeli army.
A similarly worded proposal will come before another Misgav community, Yuvalim, later this month.
One resident opposed to the change, Arik Kirschenbaum, told the liberal Haaretz newspaper last week: “It suddenly seems as if we adopted bylaws from the settlements.”
Residents of Manof have been quoted in the Israeli media decrying accusations of racism.
“It’s unpleasant and even offensive to wake up one morning and find that you’ve turned into Lieberman,” said Alon Mayer, pointing out that Yisrael Beiteinu won only 2.5 per cent of Manof’s vote in the February general election.
Several residents were reported to fear that living alongside Arabs might lead to ethnic tensions and sectarian violence.
Suhad Bishara, a lawyer with the Adalah legal rights group who is representing the Zbeidats, said: “There is nothing unique or special about the way of life in these communities to justify this kind of restriction on admission.
“Rather, the purpose of the selection system is to make sure 80 per cent of the territory inside Israel is not accessible to Arabs, that the control of public resources stays exclusively in Jewish hands.”
The Zbeidats’ application was submitted after they were unable to find a building plot in Sakhnin. The town’s young couples face increasing difficulties building homes after much of Sakhnin’s land was turned over to Misgav’s jurisdiction.
Sakhnin officials point out that its 25,000 inhabitants have only one-twentieth of the land available to the 20,000 residents of Misgav’s 30 communities. An appeal by Sakhnin that it be awarded some of Misgav’s land was rejected by a boundary commission in 2005.
Misgav promotes itself, in the words of its website, as a model of “ethnic pluralism” because it includes 5,000 Bedouin.
However, critics note that Misgav’s Bedouin live in a handful of separate communities deprived of the land available to the Jewish communities.
The Bedouin inhabitants are generally denied basic services such as water and electricity, as well as schools and medical clinics. In one, Arab al Naim, the inhabitants are forced to live in tin shacks because permanent structures are demolished by the state.
Last week, three members of the Israeli parliament introduced a bill stipulating that vetting committees should assess candidates’ “suitability to the community’s way of life and social fabric”. The legislators said the bill would help in “maintaining the Zionist vision”.
Het Neoliberale Geloof 455
-- Posted By David DeGraw on Monday, June 8th, 2009 at 12:32 pm, Filed under Economy, News . Follow post comments through the RSS 2.0 feed. Click here to comment, or trackback.
By Adam Turl, Socialist Worker
Back in February–when even the mainstream media was convinced the capitalist economy was in full-blown meltdown mode–Newsweek magazine ran an article titled “Why there won’t be a revolution.” Newsweek wanted to reassure the rich–and convince working people–that the masses weren’t getting ready to dust off their pitchforks and head to the town square.
“Americans might get angry sometimes,” they wrote, “but we don’t hate the rich. We prefer to laugh at them.”
Newsweek couldn’t be more wrong. The 10 percent of Americans who rely on food stamps, the 25 percent of Ohioans who are waiting in lines at food banks, the 500,000 people who lost their jobs last month and the millions more who can’t find work–these people aren’t laughing.
And plenty of Americans–rightly–hate the rich. While our homes go into foreclosure, while our credit card rates go up, while our jobs disappear and college tuition shoots up, the well-heeled “masters of the universe” on Wall Street are still making out like bandits, but now with hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money, courtesy of the Obama administration.
A lot more people would be even angrier if the mainstream media reported the truth about the rich and powerful in America–who they are and how they “made it” to the top. Consider the 10 richest people in the country as of last September, according to the annual Forbes magazine list.
Number 10-9
The Koch Brothers
Charles Koch ($19 billion) and David Koch ($19 billion)
Studies show that the most likely job of any child is that of their parents. If your mom or dad is a janitor, you’re more likely to be a janitor than anything else, according to the statistics.
Charles and David Koch are no exception to the rule–only much luckier. Like their father, Fred Koch, they run the largest privately owned energy company in the U.S. Koch Industries–with annual revenues nearing $100 billion–is also one of the biggest polluters in history.
Fred founded Koch Industries in 1940, and during the Second World War, he made a bundle helping the USSR’s ruler Joseph Stalin build up an energy infrastructure in his country. After the war, however, Fred “saw the light” and became one of the founders of the right-wing anti-Communist John Birch Society, which helped whip up a hysteria during the McCarthyite witch-hunts of the 1950s.
Lees verder:
De Aarde 2
400 miljoen ondervoed in Zuid-Azië
Hoogste nood in veertig jaar tijd
artikel | Woensdag 03-06-2009 | Sectie: Buitenland | Pagina: 05
Het aantal mensen met honger in Zuid-Azië is in twee jaar met honderd miljoen gestegen tot het hoogste niveau in veertig jaar. Ruim 400 miljoenmensen krijgen nu chronisch te weinig calorieën binnen.
Dat zegt Unicef, de kinderorganisatie van de Verenigde Naties, in het gisteren verschenen rapport A matter of magnitude; the impact of the economic crisis on women and children in South Asia. In 2007 en 2008 zijn de inkomens per hoofd van de bevolking in de regio gestegen, maar zijn door de hoge voedselprijzen, de hoge inflatie en de economische crisis de calorie-innames gelijk gebleven of gedaald.
Vijf jaar geleden beloofden de wereldleiders het aantal ondervoede mensen tegen 2015 met de helft terug te dringen. Van een sloridige 800 miljoen naar 400 miljoen. Honger uit de wereld roeien was te veel gevraagd. 400 miljoen monden deugdlijk voeden is een ambitieus project, blijkt nu. Want vijf jaar later is het plan in de praktijk bijna niets gevorderd. De meest optimistische cijfers spreken van een vermindering met zes miljoen elk jaar. Een peuleschil.
zondag 7 juni 2009
De Aarde
De Pro Israel Lobby 132
Can Obama Stop Israeli Settlements?
Sunday 07 June 2009
Now comes the heavy lifting. Barack Obama has spoken in Cairo, calling for a new beginning between the U.S. and the world's one billion Muslims. All the major players have offered their initial reactions, and everyone from Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to the incredibly shrinking Osama bin Laden is asking the same question: Can Obama deliver?
The first and most obvious test will be Israeli settlements on the occupied West Bank. In his speech, Obama drew a rather modest line in the sand. "The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements," he said. "This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop."
Obama did not call for a withdrawal of existing settlements, the tearing down of the separation wall, or the opening of the Israeli-only highways that carve up the Palestinian land and make a viable state impossible. He left these and other life-and-death issues to future negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians.
Even so, Netanyahu and his Likkud-led government said no. "Israel will not heed President Barack Obama's powerful appeal to halt all settlement activity on lands the Palestinians claim for a future state, officials said Friday, a position that looks sure to cause a policy clash with its most powerful ally," the Associated Press reported.
"The government plans to allow construction inside existing West Bank settlements to accommodate for growing families, said the officials."
Columnist Charles Krauthammer and America's whatever-Israel-wants crowd dutifully repeated the "natural growth" argument, finding a humanitarian necessity in helping Israeli families grow and prosper on Palestinian land.
In their eagerness to avoid any suggestion of "moral equivalence" in the suffering of Palestinians and Jews, the American Likkudniks urged Obama to hold off on the settlements until he stopped the Iranian nuclear program, the build-up of Hamas missiles in Gaza, and the threat posed by a newly-strengthened Hezbollah in Lebanon.
And, no surprise, the same voices somehow managed to overlook the Fourth Geneva Convention, which makes it a crime in international law for any country to colonize land it has conquered in war.
One could be forgiven for beginning to see a pattern here.
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