zaterdag 7 februari 2009
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29 januari kreeg ik deze reactie:
De Pro Israel Lobby 106

January 29th, 2009 · No Comments
This is J Street’s latest awesome initiative to support 60 Minutes’ Bob Simon for his accurate portrayal of the very real impediments to peace that exist in the West Bank. Check out Part 1 of his report below and then sign a letter of support!
Use the form below to tell Bob Simon you thought his 60 Minutes segment on Israeli settlements was an accurate and thoughtful portrayal of the threat Israeli settlements pose to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Simon’s already getting an earful from CAMERA (the Orwellian-named Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) and others accusing him of anti-Israel bias. He needs to hear from us.
Sign the petition here: J Street - Support 60 Minutes’ Bob Simon'
De Israelische Oorlogsmisdaden 57

vrijdag 6 februari 2009
“We zullen disproportioneel geweld gebruiken”
Geplaatst onder: Algemeen, Mensenrechten, Palestina/Israël om 8.00 uur
Hier de link naar het belangrijke artikel van juriste Heikelien Verrijn Stuart,
Karadzic zit nu in de Scheveningse gevangenis en wacht op zijn proces voor het Joegoslavië tribunaal. Of dat met de Israëlische verdachten gaat gebeuren is de vraag. Maar Verrijn Stuart somt wel een aantal mogelijkheden op die Nederland en de EU hebben om Israel aan het internationaal recht te houden. Of het zou kunnen komen tot het inroepen van het ICC, het Internationaal Strafhof is de vraag: Israel is geen lid, en de Palestijnen hebben geen internationale status die het lidmaatschap van het ICC mogelijk maken. Maar wat wel kan is het optreden van nationale strafrechters in diverse landen, en het is duidelijk dat het Israel zenuwachtig maakt dat mogelijke verdachten van internationale misdrijven in een groot aantal landen zouden worden kunnen opgepakt, en dus maar beter weg kunnen blijven.
Lees het artikel.'

vrijdag 6 februari 2009
Boycot Israel 24

CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid
Must see. Het item is van CBS ’senior foreign correspondent’ Bob Simon, een jood die in de buurt van Tel Aviv woont. Gedeelte commentaar Bob Simon: “The problem is, even before Israel invaded Gaza, a growing number of Israelis and Palestinians had concluded that peace between them was no longer possible, that history had passed it by. For peace to have a chance, Israel would have to withdraw from the West Bank, which would then become the Palestinian state…. It’s known as the “two-state” solution. But, while negotiations have been going on for 15 years, hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers have moved in to occupy the West Bank. Palestinians say they can’t have a state with Israeli settlers all over it, which the settlers say is precisely the idea.”Uitzonderlijk voor een commerciële Amerikaanse zender. Het toont aan dat Israël ook op dit front aan het verliezen is.'
In percentages omgerekend is de landroof van Israel alsvolgt: Van de 47 procent die de Palestijnse bevolking van de Verenigde Naties kreeg in 1947 was na het zionistisch geweld in 1948 slechts 22 procent over. De rest was grotendeels etnisch gezuiverd. Sinds 1967 bezet of belegert Israel deze resterende 22 procent, en laat het volbouwen met joodse nederzettingen. Van het oorspronkelijke gebied dat de Palestijnen van de VN kregen is voor hen nu nog ongeveer 11 procent over, eenkwart van het hen toegezegde land. En die 11 procent is of bezet, al veertig jaar lang, of belegert. Dit feit is een van de belangrijkste oorzaken van het voortdurende geweld. De tweede reden is dat de joods-Israelische regeringen weigeren de Palestijnse vluchtelingen terug te laten keren naar hun inmiddels grotendeels platgebulldozerde plaatsen waar ze eens leefden. Die weigering is in strijd met het internationaal recht en talloze VN-resoluties.
De Israelische Oorlogsmisdaden 56

"What we are doing is becoming the law," says Asa Kasher, perhaps the most celebrated Israeli philosopher alive, referring to the Israeli army's setting of new "standards" of asymmetric warfare where the Geneva Conventions should no longer apply, according to him.
Kasher, with the current head of Israeli military intelligence wrote in 2003 a "Code of Conduct" as an ethical guidebook for the Israeli army in its operations against the Palestinian resistance. One of his most famous contributions was providing "ethical" justification for extrajudicial killings even when many Palestinian civilians are highly expected to be killed in the process.
Kasher's main point is that in the fight against "terror" (are there any better actors that define industrial-scale terror better than the US and Israel?!) the army's main objectives must be met, and the lives of its soldiers must be protected even if doing so causes the death of many civilians on the other side. Some western military strategists, particularly in the US and Britain, seem to subscribe to this same school of thought which basically aims at replacing international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions, in particular, with new rules made in the USA ... and Israel!
Morality aside, Kasher of course ignores that the indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians in Gaza and the resulting mass killings of Palestinian civilians (at least 1,000 civilians were killed until the end of the aggression and many are dying every week as a result of injuries sustained during the war) in Israel's recent masscre in Gaza was not at all justifiable by military necessity, as required by international law, and therefore constitute war crimes, pure and simple, as most objective legal experts concur. A woman interviewed on Aljazeera last night testified in total despair of life how her four children were screaming in pain as they were burning after being hit by white phosophorus in their home and how they begged her to save them, but she was injured herself and was completely unable to do anything. She watched the fire devour them before her very eyes. Burning children to death with white phosphorus in UN schools and residential areas cannot be shown, logically, to even save soldiers' lives.
The very fact that Kasher is among the most celebrated Israeli academics, laureate of the prestigious Israel Prize, and a very influential voice in the Israeli academy provides further evidence, if any is still needed, of Israel's moral collapse as a rogue state. It should also give yet another reason for a boycott of Israel, particularly its ethically bankrupt academy, which has been in bed with the military and intelligence community for six decades. As Ilan Pappe once said, most Israeli academics act as ambassadors of the state justifying, whitewashing, and otherwise contributing to its crimes and violations of international law.
Academic boycott initiatives against Israel started in Britain, crossed the Atlantic to Canada and the US very recently, and from there reached Australia and, to an extent, also spread to Spain. Academics in France, Ireland, Belgium, Greece, Norway, South Africa, several Latin American countries, among other places, are also in the process of launching their own campaigns soon. The time to boycott ALL Israeli academic institutions is NOW! They are shameful, immoral, literal "devil advocates" of the first degree.
Omar Barghouti
Haaretz 06/02/2009
The philosopher who gave the IDF moral justification in Gaza
By Amos Harel
When senior Israel Defense Forces officers are asked about the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians during the fighting in the Gaza Strip, they almost all give the same answer: The use of massive force was designed to protect the lives of the soldiers, and when faced with a choice between protecting the lives of Israeli soldiers and those of enemy civilians under whose protection the Hamas terrorists are operating, the soldiers take precedence.
The IDF's response to criticism does not sound improvised or argumentative. The army entered Gaza with the capacity to gauge with relatively high certainty the impact of fighting against terror in such a densely populated area. And it operated there not only with the backing of the legal opinion of the office of the Military Advocate General, but also on the basis of ethical theory, developed several years ago, that justifes its actions.
Prof. Asa Kasher of Tel Aviv University, an Israel Prize laureate in philosophy, is the philosopher who told the IDF that it was possible. In a recent interview with Haaretz Kasher said the army operated in accordance with a code of conduct developed about five years ago for fighting terrorism.
"The norms followed by the commanders in Gaza were generally appropriate," Kasher said. In Kasher's opinion there is no justification for endangering the lives of soldiers to avoid the killing of civilians who live in the vicinity of terrorists. According to Kasher, IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi "has been very familiar with our principles from the time the first document was drafted in 2003 to the present."
Kasher's argument is that in an area such as the Gaza Strip in which the IDF does not have effective control the overriding principle guiding the commanders is achieving their military objectives. Next in priority is protecting soldiers' lives, followed by avoiding injury to enemy civilians. In areas where Israel does have effective control, such as East Jerusalem, there is no justification for targeted killings in which civilians are also hit because Israel has the option of using routine policing procedures, such as arrests, that do not endanger innocent people.
Prof. Kasher has strong, long-standing ties with the army. He drafted the IDF ethical code of conduct in the mid-1990's. In 2003 he and Maj. Gen Amos Yadlin, now the head of Military Intelligence, published an article entitled "The Ethical Fight Against Terror." It justified the targeted assassination of terrorists, even at the price of hitting nearby Palestinian civilians. Subsequently Kasher, Yadlin, and a team that included IDF legal experts wrote a more comprehensive document on military ethics in fighting terror. Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon, who was the IDF Chief of Staff at the time, did not make the document binding but Kasher says the ideas in the document were adopted in principle by Ya'alon and his successors. Kasher has presented them to IDF and Shin Bet security service personnel dozens of times.
"The article was translated into English and published in a military ethics journal and is still being debated around the world," Kasher said. "The feedback is generally positive, although the message is difficult to digest. In the end, everyone acknowledges that they conduct themselves this way. There is no army in the world that will endanger its soldiers in order to avoid hitting the neighbors of an enemy or terrorist. The media don't understand the nature of international law. It's not like tough traffic laws. Much of it is customary law. The decisive question is how enlightened countries conduct themselves. We in Israel are in a key position in the development of law in this field because we are on the front lines in the fight against terrorism. This is gradually being recognized both in the Israeli legal system and abroad. After the debate before the High Court of Justice on the issue of targeted killings there was no need to revise the document that Yadlin and I drafted even by one comma. What we are doing is becoming the law. These are concepts that are not purely legal, but also contain strong ethical elements.
"The Geneva Conventions are based on hundreds of years of tradition of the fair rules of combat. They were appropriate for classic warfare, where one army fought another. But in our time the whole business of rules of fair combat has been pushed aside. There are international efforts underway to revise the rules to accommodate the war against terrorism. According to the new provisions, there is still a distinction between who can and cannot be hit, but not in the blatant approach which existed in the past. The concept of proportionality has also changed. There is no logic in comparing the number of civilians and armed fighters killed on the Palestinian side, or comparing the number of Israelis killed by Qassam rockets to the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza."
When asked whether the IDF should be guided in its operations in Gaza by the concept that there should be zero tolerance for endangering the lives of soldiers, Kasher responds, "The soldiers' lives are endangered by virtue of their very presence in Gaza, by virtue of the fact that we send them to an area where there are enemy snipers and explosives set to go off in areas where the IDF is present. Sending a soldier there to fight terrorists is justified, but why should I force him to endanger himself much more than that so that the terrorist's neighbor isn't killed? I don't have an answer for that. From the standpoint of the state of Israel, the neighbor is much less important. I owe the soldier more. If it's between the soldier and the terrorist's neighbor, the priority is the soldier. Any country would do the same."
The decision regarding the magnitude of force used to protect the lives of the soldiers is up to the commander in the field. "The commander must be skilled in gauging the appropriate use of force," Kasher said.'
Boycot Israel 23

After sports fans and activists in Turkey and New Zealand took action in support of a sports boycott of Israel, this very promising sports boycott movement has finally eached Europe, where it counts the most, starting from Barcelona, no less, a major European sports powerhouse! As many of you already know, Israeli teams compete in European championships as if Israel were part of Europe. Not different from academia, among other fields.
Finally, Israeli sports teams are facing what their South African predecessors had experienced in the 1980s. Could not have come at a more opportune time ...
And for those who think that sports should not be "politicized" or that Israeli sports is about the nobility of athletics as an expression of humanity, a thorough examination of the Israeli sports scene will confirm that sports teams (particularly football and basketball teams and most of their fans) are no different from the mainstream in Israel: racist, colonial and every bit deserving of boycott.
Omar Barghouti'
De Israelische Terreur 737

Schuld en Boete

De Israelische Oorlogsmisdaden 55

JERUSALEM -- More than two weeks after halting its Gaza offensive, Israel is still dealing with the international fallout, including a very public spat with the leader of Turkey, a slew of war crimes allegations and broken ties with Venezuela, Bolivia and Qatar.
It's not quite a major diplomatic crisis, but it is a serious public relations problem for the Jewish state, which once again finds itself on the defensive against an avalanche of accusations.
Israel's defenders say the country was acting in self-defense and charge that no other country would be singled out for the kind of criticism that has been slung in its direction since the beginning of the Gaza offensive on Dec. 27.
The Foreign Ministry says Israel's important relationships are unharmed and predicts the international mood will pass.
The three-week offensive, aimed at halting years of rocket fire at Israeli towns from Gaza, killed some 1,300 Palestinians, at least half of them civilians, according to Gaza health officials. Thirteen Israelis were killed, including three civilians.
Perhaps the most noteworthy outburst was Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's spat with Israeli President Shimon Peres at the Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum, usually a refined get-together for the world's most powerful.
"You kill people," Erdogan snapped at Peres, shortly after Peres offered an impassioned defense of the Israeli operation and shortly before Erdogan stormed off the stage.
Despite hurried attempts at damage control from both sides, the flap has further disrupted the close alliance between the two countries. The hordes of Israeli package tourists who vacation in Turkey are reportedly staying home.
The Davos incident came as a Spanish judge decided to open a war crimes investigation into a 2002 incident in which an Israeli F-16 killed a top Hamas mastermind in Gaza along with 14 other people, including nine children. Though it dealt with an earlier incident, the timing was clearly linked to the current violence.'
Kees Schaepman van de VPRO 2

Zie: http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/2009/02/kees-schaepman.html
'De VPRO kondigde hem als volgt aan: 'Chizki Loonstein is ambulancebroeder bij de Rode David Ster, een zusterorganisatie van het Rode Kruis.' Waarom werd hij door de VPRO ook niet aangekondigd als zakenman, als president-directeur van een bedrijf? Was dit irrelevante informatie en zo ja, waarom?
Zie: http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/2009/02/jair-stein-van-de-pro-israel-lobby-7.html
'Vraag jezelf als eindredacteur van VillaVPRO en ook nog eens als hoofdredacteur van de VPRO-Radio het volgende af: zou 'mijn medewerker' zoals je hem zo fraai omschrijft, Jair Stein, een Palestijnse gast in de uitzending van VillaVPRO onweersproken hebben laten verklaren dat, wat betreft de Joden in Israel, wij 'te maken [hebben] met een volk dat gebrainwashed is.' Sterker nog: zouden Jair Stein en jij een Palestijn aan het woord hebben gelaten die publiekelijk verklaart dat na een bloedbad onder Joodse burgers in Israel, waarbij bijna 300 Joodse kinderen gedood werden: 'wij een grote opruimingsactie [hebben] gehouden, maar blijkbaar, wat ik begrijp, dus niet groot genoeg' ?
Zie: http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/2009/02/jair-stein-van-de-pro-israel-lobby-6.html
'Mede dankzij jou weten we nu dat, in de woorden van Loonstein, we 'te maken [hebben] met mensen die niet beter weten dan dat ze 70 maagden krijgen als ze uit het leven stappen middels zelfdoding en daarin joden meenemen.' En dat we 'hier te maken met een volk dat gebrainwashed is.' Wat is de journalistieke relevantie van dit racisme?
donderdag 5 februari 2009
Het Poldermodel 6

5 februari 2009 13:34
Laatst gewijzigd:
5 februari 2009 17:42
DEN HAAG - De voormalige Amerikaanse onderminister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Richard Armitage, ontkende woensdag in het NOS Journaal dat de Verenigde Staten Nederlandse militaire steun hebben gevraagd voor de inval in Irak.
Tijdens een eerder interview met persbureau GPD zou hij verkeerd zijn begrepen.
De GPD heeft het interview echter op band. Er zijn fragmenten op internet gezet waarin te horen is dat Armitage zegt: ''We wilden militaire assistentie'' en ''We hadden militaire steun nodig.'' De fragmenten zijn hier en hier te beluisteren (MP3).'
Zie: http://www.nu.nl/algemeen/1912219/gpd-heeft-interview-met-armitage-op-band.html
Obama 82

You hear a lot of talk these days about the necessity of bipartisanship. But Democrats and Republicans in Congress can't seem to agree on the meaning of the word. For Democrats, it apparently means compromising on everything and watering legislation down until a few Republicans are willing to vote for it. For most Republicans it means finding unity in opposition, threatening to filibuster, constantly contradicting yourself and generally being assholes. For Judd Gregg it means doing a highly partisan back room deal on Monday afternoon and denouncing bipartisanship Tuesday morning.
Paul Krugman is absolutely right:
Obama may be able to get a few Republican Senators to go along with his plan; or he can get a lot of Republican votes by, in effect, becoming a Republican. There is no middle ground.
That isn't the change we were promised.'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 308

'David Bromwich
Posted February 4, 2009 10:50 PM (EST)
Our God That Failed
The high doctrine of Economic Correctness of the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush years is as bankrupt as Soviet Communism. It is all but officially dead. Why then are the president's economic advisers paid to prop it up and apply a sickly rouge and embalm it and set it in motion with galvanic shocks to simulate life? All the money proposed to be donated to bankers and brokerage houses to keep their discredited privilege is a proof of religious belief. The hundreds of billions in public funding to indemnify a huddle of private owners represent a sacrifice to our own god that failed -- an idol we cannot surrender the habit of adoring. And the plucking of state subsidy out of taxpayer pockets to ensure that nothing is state-owned: a form of savage prayer or burnt offering.' http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-bromwich/our-god-that-failed_b_164112.html
Boycot Israel 22

By AP Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
(JERUSALEM) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak says the Israeli navy has intercepted a ship carrying activists and supplies from Lebanon to the Gaza Strip.
Barak says the navy is towing the vessel to the Israeli port of Ashdod.
The ship had set sail on Wednesday in a bid to defy Israel's blockade of Gaza. Reporters from Arab TV stations Al-Jadeed and Al-Jazeera who were on the vessel said the Israelis fired at the ship before boarding it and beating the crew.
They said they were unable to show pictures of the incident because the Israeli force smashed their broadcast equipment.
The Israeli military says it never fired at the ship.'
Boycot Israel 21

Letter to the editor
Monday, February 2, 2009; 9:56 PM
We stand in support of the indigenous Palestinian people in Gaza, who are fighting for their survival against one of the most brutal uses of state power in both this century and the last.
We condemn Israel's recent (December 2008/ January 2009) breaches of international law in the Gaza Strip, which include the bombing of densely populated neighborhoods, illegal deployment of the chemical white phosphorous, and attacks on schools, ambulances, relief agencies, hospitals, universities, and places of worship. We condemn Israel's restriction of access to media and aid workers.
We reject as false Israel's characterization of its military attacks on Gaza as retaliation.
Israel's latest assault on Gaza is part of its longtime racist jurisprudence against its indigenous Palestinian population, during which the Israeli state has systematically dispossessed, starved, tortured, and economically exploited the Palestinian people.
We reject as untrue the Israeli government's claims that the Palestinians use civilians as human shields, and that Hamas is an irredeemable terrorist organization. Without endorsing its platforms or philosophy, we recognize Hamas as a democratically elected ruling party.
We do not endorse the regime of any existing Arab state and call for the upholding of internationally mandated human rights and democratic elections in all Arab states.
We call upon our fellow writers and academics in the United States to question discourses that justify and rationalize injustice, and to address Israeli assaults on civilians in Gaza as one of the most important moral issues of our time.
We call upon institutions of higher education in the U.S. to cut ties with Israeli academic institutions, dissolve study abroad programs in Israel, and divest institutional funds from Israeli companies, using the 1980s boycott against apartheid South Africa as a model.
We call on all people of conscience to join us in boycotting Israeli products and institutions until a just, democratic state for all residents of Palestine/Israel comes into existence.
Steven SalaitaAssistant Professor,department of EnglishVirginia TechNahla Abdo
Etel AdnanMohammed AbedElmaz AbinaderDiana Abu-JaberAli AbunimahOpal Palmer AdisaDina Al-KassimDeborah Al-NajjarDoug AndersonEvelyn Azeeza AlsultanyDavid BakerAmina BarakaAmiri BarakaGeorge BisharatSherwin BitsuiBreyten BreytenbachVan BrockEllen CantarowHayan ChararaYvette ChristianseAllison Hedge CokeCindy CruzLara DeebVicente DiazBen EhrenreichNava EtshalomMarilyn HackerMechthild HartSam HamillSuheir HammadNathalie HandalRanda JarrarFady JoudahTony JudtMohja KahfRima Najjar KapitanPersis KarimJ. Kehaulani KauanuiHaunani Kay-TraskMarilyn KryslDavid LloydSunaina MairaNur MasalhaRania MasriKhaled MattawaD.H. MelhemImam MersalDaniel AbdalHayy MooreAileen Moreton-RobinsonMichel MoushabekNadine NaberMarcy NewmanViet NguyenSana OdehSimon J. OrtizVijay PrashadAdrienne RichSteven SalaitaTherese SalibaJill SchoolmanSarita SeeDeema ShehabiMatthew ShenodaNaomi Shihab NyeMagid ShihadeVandana ShivaElla Habiba ShohatEvie ShockleyNoenoe SilvaAndrea SmithAhdaf SoueifMary Austin SpeakerGayatri Chakravorty SpivakGhada Talhami
Chase Twichell
Daya Varma
Frank X. Walker
Robert Warrior
Ellen Dore Watson
Eleanor Wilner
Abe Louise Young
Rami Zurayk'
De Israelische Oorlogsmisdaden 53

Tags: IDF, Gaza, amira hass
GAZA - Palestinian doctors at a number of hospitals in the Gaza Strip informed foreign medical experts allowed into the area over the past two weeks that they were witnessing an unexpected deterioration in the condition of their burn victims. They described the same phenomenon: Two weeks after being injured, the burn victims seemed to be getting worse, requiring skin grafts abroad. In other instances, internal tissue was also destroyed. Some of the wounded died a week to 10 days after being injured, even though they had not appeared to suffer extensive injuries. The doctors only later discovered that their liver and kidneys had been affected. But at this point, it was already too late to save many of the wounded.
Rights group: IDF using white phosphorous bombs in attacks on Gaza
Human Rights Watch: Israel using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza
Gazans say IDF troops ignored white flags and shot at them'
De Israelische Oorlogsmisdaden 52

Tiny Kox en Tuur Elzinga terug uit de Raad van Europa, waar ik ook een tijd in heb gezeten. Ter info: de Raad houdt zich vooral bezig met mensenrechten. Bericht van Tuur en Tiny: dat de stemming ook daar heel kritisch was ten opzichte van Israel, met maar weinig landen die nog probeerden Israels oorlog tegen Gaza goed te praten. Het zegt iets over de kanteling in de publieke opinie, die ik op veel niveau’s waarneem.Er was enig gedoe over de VN school in Gaza die was beschoten, met 43 burgerdoden als gevolg. De VN zegt nu dat er niet op maar naast de school was geschoten, en wil dat rechtzetten. Nu was het Israel zelf die begon met voor verwarring te zorgen, want zij zeiden meteen dat ze op de school hadden geschoten omdat Hamas van daaruit was begonnen met schieten. Het filmpje dat ze als ‘bewijs’ uit de kast trokken bleek van 2007 te zijn. Nu ziet het er dus naar uit dat er niet op maar naast de school is geschoten. Meteen werd ik bestookt door de firma hasbara. Zie je wel, Israel was weer eens voor niets beschuldigd. Nu lijkt het mij dat die 43 burgerdoden er niet minder dood om zijn, het is verder bekend dat er nog een reeks VN doelen zijn beschoten, waaronder ook andere scholen waar mensen heen gevlucht waren, het hoofdkwartier en een voedselopslagplaats die afbrandde, en het lijkt mij dat de lijst burgerdoden en mogelijke gepleegde oorlogsmisdaden lang genoeg is om nu niet meteen victorie te kraaien. Maar laat er vooral goed onderzoek komen. (Zie Haaretz, hier)En, zoals ik al eerder zei, ook naar Hamas. Op dit moment horen we uit Gaza dat Hamas hulpgoederen die voor de VN waren bedoeld in beslag heeft genomen. Dat is een slechte zaak. De hulp is broodnodig, er wordt dor Israel al veel te weinig over de grens gelaten, en als ook nog blijkt dat er niet gegarandeerd kan worden dat de goederen aankomen bij voor wie ze bedoeld zijn vraag je om nog meer moeilijkheden.
Amira Hass gaat door op het onderzoek naar de gebruikte wapens. Artsen die de gewonden verzorgen zeggen dat ze gecronfonteerd worden met patienten met brandwonden, die opeens, na een week of tien dagen zienderogen achteruit gaan of alsnog sterven, omdat ook hun interne organen als nieren en lever zijn aangetast. Dat wijst op fosfor. Het erge is dus dat de artsen die brandwonden niet goed hebben kunnen behandelen omdat ze dat niet wisten. Er sterven dus nog steeds mensen. Hass, over de wapens, hier. En voor wie dat nog verbaast: de fosforbommen komen waarschijnlijk uit de VS.Haaretz wordt een beetje ten onrechte gezien als een progressieve krant, omdat daarin ook journalisten als Amira Hass, Gideon Levy en Akiva Eldar publiceren. Het is vooral een krant die alle kanten aan het woord laat, en dat is in Israel al tamelijk zeldzaam. Zo vindt er nu de voorspelde discussie plaats over of die oorlog tegen Gaza wel goed was. Ik citeerde al eerder: het verschil tussen links en rechts is dat links vindt dat het ene goede oorlog was maar dat ze er eerder mee op hadden moeten houden en rechts eveneens vindt dat het een goede oorlog was, maar dat ze die voort hadden moeten zetten. Dat wordt nu geïllustreerd. Moshe Arens (Hier) vindt dat het Israelische leger best in staat zou zijn geweest om het vermogen van Hamas om nog raketten af te schieten totaal te vernietigen, en niet op had mogen houden met de oorlog tot dat gebeurd was. Arens heeft het er uiteraard niet over hoe het leger dat had moeten doen zonder minstens de halve bevolking om zeep te helpen, maar misschien kent hij Gaza niet zo goed. Of vindt hij dat niet zo’n punt. Yoel Marcus daarentegen (hier.) vindt wel dat het een gerechtvaardigde oorlog was, maar dat Israel eerder op had moeten houden. Smaakvol maakt hij de vergelijking dat oorlog net is als een lekkere maaltijd, je zucht van plezier, maar opeens heb je te veel gegeten en ben je misselijk.'
Het Neoliberale Geloof 307

Harry Markopolos also assailed the Securities and Exchange Commission in his first appearance before lawmakers. The SEC failed to act despite receiving credible allegations of fraud from Markopolos about Madoff's operations over a decade.
Because of the agency's inaction, "I became fearful for the safety of my family," Markopolos said at the hearing of a House Financial Services subcommittee.
"The SEC is ... captive to the industry it regulates and is afraid" to bring big cases against prominent individuals, Markopolos asserted. The agency "roars like a lion and bites like a flea" and "is busy protecting the big financial predators from investors," he said.
He spoke as several top-level SEC officials, including the agency's enforcement director, sat three rows back in the packed hearing room, awaiting their turn to testify before the panel.
While the SEC is incompetent, the securities industry's self-policing organization, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is "very corrupt," Markopolos charged. That organization was headed until December by Mary Schapiro, President Barack Obama's new SEC chief.
The SEC has been sustaining volleys of criticism from lawmakers and investor advocates over its failure to discover Madoff's alleged $50 billion fraud, which could be the biggest Ponzi scheme ever, despite the credible allegations brought to it over years. Against the backdrop of the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, the SEC is being accused of further eroding investor confidence and lawmakers of both parties are calling for a shake-up of the agency.
Madoff, a prominent Wall Street figure, was arrested in December after allegedly confessing to bilking investors in what the authorities say was a giant Ponzi scheme, possibly the largest ever. His repeated warnings to SEC staff that Madoff was running a massive pyramid scheme have cast Markopolos as an unheeded prophet in the scandal.
"The SEC was never capable of catching Mr. Madoff. He could have gone to $100 billion" without being discovered, Markopolos testified. "It took me about five minutes to figure out he was a fraud."'
Het Poldermodel 5

Den Haag, 31 jan. Er is geen verband tussen de benoeming van Jaap de Hoop Scheffer tot secretaris-generaal van de NAVO en de politieke steun van Nederland voor de Amerikaanse inval in Irak. ‘Steun Irak-oorlog hielp benoeming De Hoop Scheffer'
Dat heeft premier Balkenende gisteren gezegd na afloop van de ministerraad. Hij weerspreekt daarmee de opmerking van de voormalige Amerikaanse onderminister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Richard Armitage. In een interview met de GPD-kranten zei Armitage donderdag dat de steun de benoeming van De Hoop Scheffer in september 2003 geholpen had.' Zie: http://www.nrc.nl/binnenland/article2137771.ece/
There was some media speculation that President Bush would appoint him to a key security position such as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Director of National Intelligence or Defense Secretary. As of the start of July 2007, Armitage had not re-entered public service. On May 10, 2006, he was elected to the board of directors of the ConocoPhillips oil company.
In October 2006, Armitage lobbied – on behalf of the L-3 Communications Corporation, a company providing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance products – some key people in the Taiwanese political circles regarding the possible sales of P-3C marine patrol aircraft to the ROC military. Those who received his personal letter included Premier Su Tseng-chang, President of the Legislative Yuan Wang Jin-pyng, and opposition People First Party leader James Soong. Armitage stated in the letter that he wished the Taiwan government would reconsider the purchase from Lockheed Martin, the dealer the United States government had designated.' Zie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Armitage_(politician)
BP, Shell and ExxonMobil are being given access to eight oil fields, which represent some 40 percent of Iraq's oil reserves. The biggest ever sale of oil assets will take place today, when the Iraqi government puts 40 billion barrels of recoverable reserves up for offer in London.BP, Shell and ExxonMobil are all expected to attend a meeting at the Park Lane Hotel in Mayfair with the Iraqi oil minister, Hussein al-Shahristani.'
Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City
https://x.com/RyanRozbiani/status/1903959951724483030 @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...
Ziehier Yoeri Albrecht, die door een jonge journalist van het mediakanaal Left Laser betrapt werd tijdens een privé-onderonsje met twee ...