zaterdag 11 maart 2006
De Bush-gang heeft een nieuw slachtoffer op het oog: Venezuela, en laat dat nu ook toevallig een olieland zijn. Al eerder heeft Washington via een militare coup de democratisch gekozen president Chavez proberen kalt te stellen, maar dat mislukte omdat niet alleen de meerderheid van de bevolking achter hem bleef staan, maar ook een deel van het leger. Maar de gangsters geven het niet op. De Los Angeles Times bericht: 'US More Intent on Blocking Chavez . Venezuela's leader seeks to rally opposition to Washington as elections near in the region. Washington - The Bush administration is stepping up efforts to counter leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as he builds opposition to U.S. influence in Latin America. U.S. diplomats have sought in recent years to mute their conflicts with Chavez, fearing that a war of words with the flamboyant populist could raise his stature at home and abroad. But in recent months, as Chavez has sharpened his attacks - and touched American nerves by increasing ties with Iran - American officials have become more outspoken about their intention to isolate him. Signaling the shift, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Congress last month that the United States was actively organizing other countries to carry out an "inoculation strategy" against what it sees as meddling by Chavez. U.S. officials believe Chavez uses his oil wealth to reward governments that share his anti-American views and to foment change in those that don't. "We are working with other countries to make certain that there is a united front against some of the things that Venezuela gets involved in," said Rice, who called Venezuela a "sidekick" of Iran. Rice leaves today on an eight-day trip to Latin America, Indonesia and Australia, including a stop in Chile for the inauguration of President-elect Michelle Bachelet. Rice said pointedly Thursday that she did not plan to see Chavez, who is expected to attend the inauguration Saturday. As part of the administration's new view of Venezuela, U.S. defense and intelligence officials have revised their assessment of the security threat Venezuela poses to the region. They say they believe Venezuela will have growing military and diplomatic relationships with North Korea and Iran, and point with concern to its arms buildup. Of equal worry to them is Venezuela's overhaul of its military doctrine, which now emphasizes "asymmetric warfare" - a strategy of sabotage and hit-and-run attacks against a greater military power, much like that used by Iraqi insurgents.' Lees verder:,0,2226304.story?coll=la-home-headlines Of: Onafhankelijke berichtgeving over de achtergronden van dit conflict geven de Nederlandse commerciele media nauwelijks. Misschien kan bijvoorbeeld de NRC beter zijn geld in een goede verslaggeving investeren dan in een nieuw krantje voor jongeren.
Israelisch Expansionisme 6
Noam Chomsky 4
Terwijl de Verenigde Staten zijn oorlogen voert, verandert de geopolitieke situatie in de wereld razendsnel. Noam Chomsky schrijft: 'New world relationships. THE prospect that Europe and Asia might move toward greater independence has troubled US planners since World War II. The concerns have only risen as the ‘tripolar order’ — Europe, North America and Asia — has continued to evolve. Every day, Latin America, too, is becoming more independent. Now Asia and the Americas are strengthening their ties while the reigning superpower, the odd man out, consumes itself in misadventures in the Middle East. Regional integration in Asia and Latin America is a crucial and increasingly important issue that, from Washington's perspective, betokens a defiant world gone out of control. Energy, of course, remains a defining factor — the object of contention — everywhere. China, unlike Europe, refuses to be intimidated by Washington, a primary reason for the fear of China by US planners, which presents a dilemma: Steps towards confrontation are inhibited by US corporate reliance on China as an export platform and growing market, as well as China's financial reserves, reported to be approaching Japan's in scale.' Lees verder:§ion=opinion&col= Of:
De Oorlogsstaat 29
Charles Sullivan schrijft in Information Clearing House: 'Externalizing the Cost of War. It must seem odd to the world that while our nation is coming apart at the seams, and every last shred of decency is being severed from the cloth of conscience, all we can do is watch American Idol and Survivor. According to author Mike Green (The Whole Truth about the U.S. War on Terror), there are one hundred and ninety-two recognized nations on earth, and the U.S. has troops stationed in one hundred and thirty-five of them. In total, we have in excess of four hundred thousand troops occupying a substantial majority of the world. The nation with the second largest number of troops deployed is Great Britain with thirty-five thousand, followed by France with twenty-three thousand. Apparently, bringing democracy to the world requires an extensive presence and lots of weapons. If only that were what this is about. It is really about hegemony, domination, global empire. Perhaps America’s insatiable demand for entertainment is in fact a form of self medication whose delivery mechanism is television, rather than the hypodermic needle. Mind-numbing, irrelevant, sensory-depriving entertainment is a method to kill the pain of a truth that laves ceaselessly upon the shores of our eroded conscience—a truth so painful that we must suppress it at all cost. It is American Idol, a program whose mass appeal I have never understood, that keeps the white noise of reality at bay and allows so many to ignore the world’s pain and misery. Reality television does many things. But one thing I am quite certain that it does not do is portray reality. Cheap and shallow entertainment only dulls the senses, like imbibing alcohol in excess to keep us comfortably numb, safely insulated from the reality that our nation is foisting upon the world. For many of the world’s people, America has reduced their reality to piles of broken rubble; lonely hours of endless terror called Shock and Awe; the filth and stench of secret gulags where torture is implemented on a scale known only to the CIA. The disquieting loss of life and its impact upon families is beyond the pale of comprehension. Genocide and ethnic cleansing are not democracy and they never will be.' Lees verder:
Propaganda 13
In Information Clearing House schrijft Mike Whitney: 'The 48 Hour Media-blitz for War with Iran. In the last 48 hours all the major players in the Bush administration have issued statements warning of the impending danger of Iran. Cheney blasted the Islamic regime saying there would be “meaningful consequences” if it refuses to comply with international demands to stop its nuclear program. Condoleezza Rice said, “We face no greater challenge from a single country than Iran… This is a country that seems determined, it seems, to develop a nuclear weapon in defiance of the international community that is determined that they should not get one.” Donald Rumsfeld warned at a press conference on Wednesday, “I will say this about Iran. They are currently putting people into Iraq to do things that are harmful to the future of Iraq. We know it, and it is something that they, I think, will look back on as having been an error in judgment.” Bush chimed in too, “Iran must not have a nuclear weapon. The most destabilizing thing that can happen in this region and in the world is for Iran to have a nuclear weapon.” And then there was Bolton, the most vehement of all, saying that the Security Council should issue a “vigorous response” to Iran’s nuclear ambitions or the United States might have to consider other steps. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said, “It’s going to be incumbent on our allies around the world to show that they are willing to act.” Congress also added their support led by Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) “Iran’s quest for nuclear arms requires us to do two things: squeeze Iran’s economy as much as possible and do so without delay.” Lantos claims that more than 300 lawmakers will support sanctions. Israel’s Defense Minister joined the chorus as well,” If the UN Security Council is incapable of taking action to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, Israel will have no choice but to defend itself.” Bush, Cheney, Bolton, Rice, Rumsfeld, Burns, Congress, and Israel. Whoa! That’s quite a line-up. All in the last 48 hours!' Lees verder: En nu opletten wie van de Nederlandse commerciele massamedia deze propaganda overneemt. De inzender met het antwoord krijgt een prijs. Bovenaan de voorlopige lijst staan al Trouw en NRC. De laatste krant nam gisteren de propaganda klakkeloos over zonder het in een groter perspectief te plaatsen. Uit het feit dat de kop van het artikel niet tussen aanhalingstekens staat, mag de lezer concluderen dat Iran inderdaad het grootste gevaar voor de VS is. Dat zit dus wel goed met de krant die de nuance zoekt. De komende maanden zal de buitenland-redactie de handen vol hebben met het overtuigen van de lezers dat er nu toch eindelijk gewelddadig moet worden ingegrepen. Leest u zelf maar: Rice: 'Iran is het grootste gevaar voor VS. WASHINGTON, 10 MAART. Iran vormt nu al waarschijnlijk de grootste bedreiging voor de Verenigde Staten, en zou in het bezit van kernwapens nog honderden malen zo gevaarlijk zijn. Dat heeft de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Condoleezza Rice, gisteren gezegd tijdens een hoorzitting in het Congres. Haar uitspraken kwamen aan het begin van pogingen van de internationale gemeenschap tot een consensus te komen over eventuele maatregelen om Iran te dwingen alle uraniumverrijkingsactiviteit te staken. De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties buigt zich daar volgende week over. Rice zei dat Iran vastbesloten is kernwapens te ontwikkelen. Iran zelf ontkent dat, terwijl het laatste rapport van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) meldt noch het een noch het ander te kunnen bevestigen.' Lees verder:
Nieuw Guinea
Saul Landau
Saul Landau is al jaren 1 van de helderste commentatoren die ik ken. In Znet schrijft hij: 'The Country's Going to Hell at Home and Abroad. "If the country's on the road to Hell, just claim that it's Heaven." I don't meet many Republicans, but those few I do talk to agree that the world and the country are going to hell. That oft spouted cliché - has taken on new meaning given recent and very dire environmental news. The worsening of global warming may have brought about natural catastrophes - hurricanes. The almost comical incompetence by Bush's imperial managers compounded the disasters experienced by poor people. Yet, Bush's panorama in his State of the Union address and subsequent speeches reflected only optimism. Bush's rosy picture contradicts certain economic facts. He attributed to tax cuts and free trade policies the news that "The Dow Jones rose above 11,000 in February on the basis of good economic news." An NPR reporter explained that "mild January weather spurred home starts." I don't know what "above 11,000" means, but why didn’t the Dow react to the nearly $730 billion US trade deficit? This all-time record was dwarfed, however, by the $8.2 trillion national debt. The supposedly conservative Republicans spend like addicts hooked on wasting the public's money. Nothing succeeds like failure, I suppose. Outgoing Fed chairman, Alan "The Enigmatic" Greenspan, in various farewell speeches lauded free-trade as a solid basis for the economy. Did Greenspan mean the Chinese economy? In 2005, the US reported a $200+ billion trade deficit with China, an amount that grows every year. In addition, the United States ran record deficits with Japan, Europe and Canada; the US even ended 2005 minus $50 billion with Mexico. Bush (41), Clinton and Bush (43) promised that NAFTA would buoy the US trade balance. It would also help create enough jobs in Mexico to cut back illegal border crossings. Promise 'em anything! Despite the maquila jobs created by NAFTA, Mexicans have not significantly raised their standard of living. Some 60 million of the 100 million people there live under the poverty line. After Congress approved the trade treaty in 1993, US companies raced faster than ever to Mexico to take advantage of low wage labor, the absence of environmental and work place regulation, and no taxes. Clinton was right about increasing US jobs, however. The $35 an hour skilled auto worker lost his job to a Mexican who made one tenth the amount. After losing his job, the auto worker might have begun bagging groceries in Safeway for $12 an hour; so did his wife, who used to stay home with the kids. Compare their combined $24 an hour with his previous $35. But thanks to NAFTA, the family had two jobs instead of one. And, a third job arose from this new economic agreement: the couple hired a baby sitter for $7 an hour.' Lees verder: Of: Zie ook:
Milieu Catastrofe
Klimaatverandering 23
De Oorlogsstaat 28
Cindy Sheehan, moeder van een in Irak gesneuvelde militair, is in de VS bekend geworden vanwege haar acties tegen de Amerikaanse agressie in het Midden Oosten. Op een video van Information Clearing House kunt u zien hoe ze voor het gebouw van de Verenigde Naties aangehouden wordt wanneer ze probeert een petitie aan de VN te overhandigen. Het is een tijdsbeeld van de Verenigde Staten, het imperium dat claimt de grootste democratie op aarde te zijn, maar waar de Amerikanen zelf het recht niet hebben om bij de VN te protesteren tegen een zinloze oorlog. 'On Monday, March 6th, Cindy Sheehan and three others were arrested while attempting to deliver a petition to the US Mission at the UN. t r u t h o u t's Rebecca MacNeice was on the ground and filmed the arrests.' Zie:
vrijdag 10 maart 2006
De Dollar Hegemonie 5
Irak 43
Common Dreams bericht: 'Fuse Lit for Total War in Mideast: U.S. EnvoyWarns against pulling troops out of Iraq too soon Country `really vulnerable' to an all-out civil war. BAGHDAD - The toppling of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003 opened a "Pandora's box" of ethnic and sectarian tensions that could engulf the region in all-out war and disrupt the global economy if U.S. forces were to leave the country too soon, says the top American diplomat in Iraq. In remarks that were among the frankest and bleakest public assessments of the situation by a high-level American official, U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said the "potential is there" for sectarian violence to become all-out civil war, but that Iraq for now had pulled back from that prospect after the wave of sectarian reprisals for the Feb. 22 bombing of a Shiite shrine in Samarra. "If another incident (occurs), Iraq is really vulnerable to it at this time," Khalilzad said in an interview. Abandoning Iraq in the way the U.S. disengaged from civil wars in Lebanon, Afghanistan and Somalia could have dramatic global repercussions, he said. "We have opened the Pandora's Box and the question is, what is the way forward? The way forward, in my view, is an effort to build bridges across these communities."
Khalilzad's comments came as Britain's most senior officer in Iraq said his country plans to pull out nearly all its soldiers from Iraq by the summer of 2008, with the first withdrawals within weeks. Lieut.-Gen. Nick Houghton, outlined a phased two-year withdrawal plan in an interview published yesterday in the Daily Telegraph newspaper. Britain, America's biggest partner in the Iraq campaign, has 8,000 troops in Iraq, based in and around the southern port of Basra.
U.S. military officials must decide this month whether to cancel scheduled deployments of several army combat brigades — a decision that would lead to a reduction in the total number of U.S. troops by mid-year from about 130,000 to about 100,000. On Sunday, U.S. Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a televised interview that things in Iraq are "going very, very well, from everything you look at."' Lees verder:
Iran 15
Martelen 27
Israelisch Expansionisme 5
Links: Palestijnen die met humor de aanval hebben ingezet op de Apartheids Muur, waarmee Israelische extremisten nog meer land van de Palestijnen proberen te stelen. De Volkskrant berichtte vanochtend: 'Israël zal uiterlijk in 2010 de definitieve grenzen van de joodse staat vaststellen tenzij Hamas Israël erkent en afziet van geweld. Dat heeft waarnemend premier Ehud Olmert donderdag gezegd in een interview met The Jerusalem Post. Het is voor het eerst dat Israël een deadline noemt voor het vaststellen van de definitieve grenzen.' Zie: Kennelijk gaat de Volkskrant ervan uit dat haar lezers zo onnozel zijn dat ze zich niet zullen afvragen waarom een land dat sinds 1948 bestaat pas over vier jaar laat weten waar zijn grenzen liggen, dus 62 jaar na dato. Om de Volkskrant-redactie al vast een beetje op weg te helpen: 'In 1938, Ben-Gurion made it clear of his support for the establishment of a Jewish state on parts of Palestine ONLY as an intermediary stage, he wrote: "[I am] satisfied with part of the country, but on the basis of the assumption that after we build up a strong force following the establishment of the state--we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 107, One Palestine Complete, p. 403) Ben-Gurion emphasized that the acceptance of the Peel Commission would not imply static borders for the future "Jewish state". In a letter Ben-Gurion sent to his son in 1937, he wrote: "No Zionist can forgo the smallest portion of the Land Of Israel. [A] Jewish state in part [of Palestine] is not an end, but a beginning ..... Our possession is important not only for itself ... through this we increase our power, and every increase in power facilitates getting hold of the country in its entirety. Establishing a [small] state .... will serve as a very potent lever in our historical effort to redeem the whole country." (Righteous Victims, p. 138) In August 1937, the 20th Zionist Congress rejected the Peel Commission proposed partition plan because the area allotted to the "Jewish state" was smaller than expected. On the other hand, the concept of partitioning Palestine into two states was accepted as a launching pad for future Zionist expansions, and to secure unlimited Jewish immigrations. In September 1938, Ben-Gurion explained why he advocated partitioning the country NOW, and to accept the Peel Commission's proposal: "The ONLY reason that we agreed to discuss the [Peel commission proposed] partition plan," Ben-Gurion wrote Moshe Sharett, "is mass immigration. Not in the future, and not according to abstract formula, but large immigration now." (Shabtai Teveth, p. 184) And in October 1938, he wrote to his children that : "I don't regard a state in part of Palestine as the final aim of Zionism, but as a mean toward that aim." (Shabtai Teveth, p. 188)
In September 1937, he stated to a group of American Jewish labor leaders in New York:
"the borders [of the Jewish state] will not be fixed for eternity." (Shabtai Teveth, p. 188)… Soon after the U.N. Proposed Partitioning Palestinian in November 1947, Ben-Gurion urged his party to accept the partition because it will never be final, "not with regard to the regime, not with regard to borders, and not with regard to international agreements." (Simha Flapan, p. 32)
Similarly, even most left wing parties reaffirmed their commitment to the complete redemption of Biblical "Eretz Yisrael," the United Hebrew Labor (Ahdut Haavodah) stated:
"partition is the best or shortest way of realizing greater Zionism" and declared that its members would "not cease to strive for the integrity of the homeland." (Simha Flapan, p. 33)
When Pinhas Rozen, who became Israel's first Israeli Justice, demanded that Israel's Declaration of Independence should cite the COUNTRY'S BORDERS, Ben-Gurion objected, and both exchanged the following points: ROZEN: "There's the question of the borders, and it CANNOT BE IGNORED."BEN-GURION: "Anything is possible. If we decide here that there's to be no mention of borders, then we won't mention them. Nothing is a priori [imperative]."ROZEN: "It's not a priori, but it is a legal issue."BEN-GURION: "The law is whatever people determine it to be." (1949, The First Israelis, p. xviii) Ben-Gurion clearly never believed in static borders, but dynamic ones as described in the Bible. He stated during a discussion with his aides: "Before the founding of the state, on the eve of its creation, our main interests was self-defense. To a large extent, the creation of the state was an act of self-defense. . . . Many think that we're still at the same stage. But now the issue at hand is conquest, not self-defense. As for setting the borders--- it's an open-ended matter. In the Bible as well as in our history, there all kinds of definitions of the country's borders, so there's no real limit. Bo border is absolute. If it's a desert--- it could just as well be the other side. If it's sea, it could also be across the sea. The world has always been this way. Only the terms have changed. If they should find a way of reaching other stars, well then, perhaps the whole earth will no longer suffice." (1949, The First Israelis, p. 6) It has been customary among all Zionists leaders to use the Bible to justify perpetrating WAR CRIMES. Regardless of the methods used to build the "Jewish state", the quote above is a classical example how the Bible is used to achieve political objectives. During the course of the 1948 war, Yigal Allon submitted a detailed plan to Ben-Gurion for the military conquest of the West Bank, arguing that the Jordan River would provide the best strategic border. He believed that a substantial part of the Palestinian population would flee east because of the military operations, he stated: "Our offensive has to leave the way open for the army and the refugees to retreat. We shall easily find the reason or, to be more accurate, the pretexts, to justify our offensive, as we did up to now" (emphasis added). (Simha Flapan, p. 114) When Israel signed the armistice agreements with Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, Ben-Gurion stated: "The November 29[, 1947 U.N.] decision had given the Jewish state 14,920,000 dunums; now we have 20,662,000 dunums in our control. While the UN has not yet recognized our borders, Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and Lebanon have done so." (Simha Flapan, p. 49) In other words, Israel managed to expand its borders 38% more than the area allotted to the "Jewish state" by 1947 UN GA partition plan. It should be noted that 60% of the Israelis soldiers were killed in action, were killed in offensive actions in the areas conquered beyond areas allotted by the UN to the "Jewish state." (Simha Flapan, p. 198-199).' Lees verder: Vooral ook het boek van de Israelische auteur en vredesactivist Simha Flapan is onthullend. Het heet 'The Birth of Israel. Myths and Realities.' Warm aanbevolen voor mijn immer wakkere collega's van de Volkskrant. Zijn boek verklaart ook het feit waarom Israel geen grondwet heeft. In een grondwet moet namelijk staan waar de grenzen precies liggen waarbinnen de constitutie van kracht is. Bovendien wordt duidelijk waarom ook in de ontafhankelijkheidsverklaring met geen woord wordt gerept over de grenzen. Naar een zo groot mogelijk Israel streeft al meer dan een halve eeuw zowel de Israelische linkse Arbeiderspartij als het rechtse Likoed. In hun beleid gingen en gaan ze nog steeds uit van het adagium 'dunam for dunam' oftewel hectare voor hectare totdat uiteindelijk het ideaal van het Eretz-Israel op gestolen Palestijns gebied is bereikt. Een dergelijke politiek is natuurlijk extremistisch en stuit onvermijdelijk op gewapend verzet. Dat spreekt voor zich, maar de Westerse commerciele media zwijgen hierover. In hun ogen is Hamas alleen maar een extremistische organisatie en Israel niet. Het interesseert ze niet dat dit pure propaganda is. Een serieuze journalist zou zich moeten afvragen wie de afgelopen halve eeuw de ware extremisten zijn geweest.
Martelen 26
Martelen 25
Een Royaal Gebaar 3
Via de stichting ´Een Royaal Gebaar´ ontving ik dit verhaal over wat namens ons bij ons gebeurt. ´Zelf bekommer ik me een beetje om een Afghaans gezinnetje, ze zijn vorige week op straat gezet, uit Zestienhoven, nadat ze in Maastricht een kort geding hadden gewonnen over het feit dat ze gevangen zaten met hun 2 dochtertjes van 1- en 2 jaar. De dag na de rechtszitting kwam er een politie-agent hun cel in en hij zei: "Er is een brief voor jullie gekomen, jullie zijn vrij !!". B zei: "Waarheen?" Toen zei de politie: "Gewoon de straat op!" Ze zijn gewoon de straat op gesmeten in de avond, met twee kinderen, zonder vervoer. Ze wisten niet waar ze naar toe moesten. B zei nog dat hij geen onderdak had en kreeg als antwoord van de politie dat het niet hun zaak was. Als ze hen nu nog maar een nacht hadden laten blijven, maar ze werden in de regen op straat gezet, moeder heeft zware astma en de jongste is ziek. Ik vind de overwinning zeer twijfelachtig.Ze winnen een rechtszaak, ondersteund door DCI ( Defence for Children International ), en de keerzijde van de medaille is dat ze op straat staan, letterlijk.!Ook deze Afghaanse familie moest tekenen dat ze het land binnen 24 uur zouden verlaten. Ook zij hebben geen geld en papieren. De moeder Zarifa, heeft ook nog een tumor in haar buik en moet dringend behandeld worden. Ze zijn in de avond met de trein naar Heerlen gegaan en logeren nu een week bij een Afghaans gastgezin, morgen worden zij door dat gezin op straat gezet.Daar komt nog bij dat de moeder zwaar astma heeft. Iemand van Maatschappelijk werk in mijn buurt zei, ze kunnen in een bushokje overnachten, wat een beetje afgeschermd is. Dat gaat dus nu gebeuren. Dit moet toch openbaar worden gemaakt. Wilt u dit vertellen aan de pastor dan hebben jullie weer een feit waar heel Nederland zich voor kan schamen en waar maar weinig mensen van af weten.Misschien kan ik via de pastor enige adressen krijgen, zodat ze morgenavond een bed hebben om op te slapen. De familie is 6 jaar in Nederland en volledig ingeburgerd, spreken heel goed Nederlands.´ Zie
donderdag 9 maart 2006
Martelen 25
Irak 42
Steeds dieper zakt Iraq weg in een moeras van geweld. Maar het einde is nog lang niet in zicht. 'Harkin calls for pullout, says Iraq is now 'quagmire.' Sen. Tom Harkin said in Iowa Friday that Iraq has deteriorated into "civil war," declaring it no longer manageable by U.S. forces.Harkin's comments make the Iowa Democrat among the first members of Congress to declare publicly that Iraq had slipped into war between Muslim factions. They come as polls show President Bush's approval at managing the situation at an all-time low."I'm firmly convinced now, after all this time, that it really is a civil war," Harkin said.The senator, an opponent of the war, said the only solution to the surge of sectarian violence is to begin withdrawing U.S. forces."You keep hoping for the best," Harkin said. "And then after a while you say, wait a minute, this isn't working. This isn't working."About 500 Iraqis have been killed in the violence unleashed by the Feb. 22 bombing of a revered Shiite shrine in central Iraq and reprisal attacks against Sunni mosques. The dramatic wave of violence has complicated negotiations for a new government after December parliamentary elections.' Lees verder:
De Corporatistische Staat
James Lovelock
Begin vorige maand verscheen bij de Britse uitgeverij uitgeverij Penguin 'The Revenge of Gaia,' van professor James Gaia die wereldnaam verwierf met zijn these dat de aarde een levend zichzelf regulerend systeem is. In een artikel in de Independent vatte Lovelock de inhoud van zijn nieuwe boek als volgt samen: 'Our planet has kept itself healthy and fit for life, just like an animal does, for most of the more than three billion years of its existence. It was ill luck that we started polluting at a time when the sun is too hot for comfort. We have given Gaia a fever and soon her condition will worsen to a state like a coma. She has been there before and recovered, but it took more than 100,000 years. We are responsible and will suffer the consequences: as the century progresses, the temperature will rise 8 degrees centigrade in temperate regions and 5 degrees in the tropics. Much of the tropical land mass will become scrub and desert, and will no longer serve for regulation; this adds to the 40 per cent of the Earth's surface we have depleted to feed ourselves. Curiously, aerosol pollution of the northern hemisphere reduces global warming by reflecting sunlight back to space. This "global dimming" is transient and could disappear in a few days like the smoke that it is, leaving us fully exposed to the heat of the global greenhouse. We are in a fool's climate, accidentally kept cool by smoke, and before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable…Had it been known then that life and the environment are closely coupled, Darwin would have seen that evolution involved not just the organisms, but the whole planetary surface. We might then have looked upon the Earth as if it were alive, and known that we cannot pollute the air or use the Earth's skin - its forest and ocean ecosystems - as a mere source of products to feed ourselves and furnish our homes. We would have felt instinctively that those ecosystems must be left untouched because they were part of the living Earth…We should be the heart and mind of the Earth, not its malady. So let us be brave and cease thinking of human needs and rights alone, and see that we have harmed the living Earth and need to make our peace with Gaia. We must do it while we are still strong enough to negotiate, and not a broken rabble led by brutal war lords. Most of all, we should remember that we are a part of it, and it is indeed our home.' Lees verder: Zie ook: Gisteren interviewde ik James Lovelock over zijn sombere toekomstvisie. Dat gesprek kunt u hier beluisteren: onder interviews.
Zaid Atiya
Tijdens de pauze rapten Zaid en zijn medescholieren in het fietsenhok. De jongen met zijn handen voor de mond zorgde voor het ondersteunend ritme. Soms ging er gejuich of gelach op wanneer een rapper een gevatte rapregel zong. Na de jamsessie omarmden ze elkaar. In de gang van het Regio College hangen prachtige tekeningen van scholieren, die uit alle delen van de wereld komen.
De Neo Conservatieven
'By invading Iraq, the Bush administration created a self-fulfilling prophecy: Iraq has now replaced Afghanistan as a magnet, a training ground and an operational base for jihadists, with plenty of American targets to shoot at.' Richard Perle: ARCH-WARMONGER AND PIVOTAL REPUBLICAN HAWK. 'The military campaign and its political aftermath were both passionately debated within the Bush administration. It got the war right and the aftermath wrong We should have understood that we needed Iraqi partners.' Andrew Sullivan: PROMINENT COMMENTATOR AND INFLUENTIAL BLOGGER. 'The world has learnt a tough lesson, and it has been a lot tougher for those tens of thousands of dead, innocent Iraqis ... than for a few humiliated pundits. The correct response is not more spin but a sense of shame and sorrow.'
'Almost three years after the invasion, it is still not certain whether, or in what sense, Iraq is a nation. And after two elections and a referendum on the constitution, Iraq barely has a government.' Lees verder:
woensdag 8 maart 2006
De Oorlogsstaat 27
Terwijl de mensheid aan de vooravond staat van de desastreuze gevolgen van de klimaatverandering, zoals professor James Lovelock mij vanmiddag uitlegde, gaan de machtigen gewoon door met hun oorlogsvoorbereidingen. Tom Dispatch bericht: 'Tomgram: Weaponizing the Shark and Other Pentagon Dreams.
Shark and Awe. From the Annals of Full-Spectrum Dominance We already have "stealth" aircraft, but what about a little of the stealth that only nature can provide? Navy Seals, move over -- here come the Navy sharks. According to the latest New Scientist magazine, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA, the blue-sky wing of the Pentagon, has set yet another group of American scientists loose to create the basis for future red-in-tooth-and-maw Discovery Channel programs. In this case, they are planning to put neural implants into the brains of sharks in hopes, one day, of "controlling the animal's movements, and perhaps even decoding what it is feeling." In their dreams at least, DARPA'S far-out funders hope to "exploit sharks' natural ability to glide quietly through the water, sense delicate electrical gradients and follow chemical trails. By remotely guiding the sharks' movements, they hope to transform the animals into stealth spies, perhaps capable of following vessels without being spotted." So far they've only made it to the poor dogfish, "steered" in captivity via electrodes keyed to "phantom odors." As it happens though, DARPA-sponsored plans are a good deal lustier than that: Next stop, the blue shark, which reaches a length of 13 feet. Project engineer Walter Gomes of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport, Rhode Island claims a team will soon be putting neural implants "into blue sharks and releas[ing] them into the ocean off the coast of Florida." To transmit signals to the sharks, the team will need nothing less than a network of signaling towers in the area. This has "anti-ballistic shark system" written all over it.' Lees verder:
Irak 41
Lord Acton
Op deze sombere regenachtige dag een vrolijk tussendoortje van de Britse historicus Lord Acton (1834-1902), die waarschuwde voor het feit dat politieke macht de grootste bedreiging vormt van de vrijheid. "Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end...liberty is the only object which benefits all alike, and provokes no sincere opposition...The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to to govern. Every class is unfit to govern...Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Tijdens zijn inaugurale hoorcollege op de Universiteit van Cambridge zei hij tegen zijn studenten: "I exhort you never to debase the moral currency or to lower the standard of rectitude, but to try others by the final maxim that governs your own lives, and to suffer no man and no cause to escape the undying penalty which history has the power to inflict on wrong." Als dat geen vrolijke opsteker is weet ik het ook niet meer.
Gore Vidal 2
So you would be comfortable using the word fascism to describe the direction we are heading in now?
No, most uncomfortable. After all, the original fascist Mussolini could never explain just what fascism was in his native Italy. Let’s say arbitrary, dictatorial government that says any law may be ignored if the leadership dislikes it in the interest of fighting terrorism which is… whatever the controlled media tells us that morning. Although the 9/11 bombings released all sorts of fascistic measures, as I listed in my “President Jonah" piece, the detonating trigger was not 9/11 but Oklahoma City. When the federal building was struck, the Clinton administration came up with an anti-terrorist Bill of Wrongs which is still at the heart of the USA Patriot Act and other curtailments of our liberties. And it is also clear that there is no terrorist army supported by an evil empire out there. Angry Muslims who have nothing to lose will always do some suicide bombing, to blow up our buildings and so forth, but with decent intelligence and a moderately competent government we can anticipate them and thwart them. If I had been in charge of things at the time of 9/11, I would have called the police. You don’t declare war on an innocent – two innocent countries – Afghanistan and Iraq that had nothing to do with September 11th. A bunch of crazy religious zealots from Saudi Arabia did it all, and I would go to Interpol. I’d say, “Arrest these guys,” out of religious frenzy, they’ve just blown up a part of New York, a part of Washington. Arrest them, try them, do whatever you like with them, but get them. Unfortunately we were waiting for an excuse to attack Iraq and Afghanistan, and establish American bases up and down the Middle East, for all sorts of nefarious purposes, starting, dare I say?, with oil.' Lees verder:
Iran 14
Bent u al enthousiast gemaakt voor het bombarderen van het Iraanse volk? Zo ja, lees dan nog even dit artikel van de Amerikaanse fysicus James Gordon Prather: 'ElBaradei's swan song? (...) Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei has spent more than a year investigating neo-crazy charges that Iran has conducted nuclear activities in furtherance of some military purpose at various Iranian military sites, including Lavizan, Parchin and Kolahduz. On Jan. 27, ElBaradei's deputy even confronted the Iranians with what he characterized as "information" provided him about a military plan to construct a small facility to convert uranium-oxide into uranium-tetrafluoride. The CIA claims they gleaned this "intelligence" from what they suspect is a "stolen" Iranian military laptop computer. However, ElBaradei has yet to find any "indication" of that or any other use of source or special nuclear materials in furtherance of a military purpose. And, according to the Iranians, so says ElBaradei's most recent – and final – report, which was circulated last week to the 35 members of the IAEA Board. Needless to say, that isn't what U.S. officials say, echoed by domestic and international neo-crazy media sycophants.' Lees verder: Of:
Zbigniew Brezezinski
Zbigniew Brezezinski was onder president Jimmy Carter de National Security Adviseur. Hij is een geschoold geopolitiek denker, bekend ook van het fascinerende 'The Grand Chessboard,' waarin hij de strategische belangen van de Verenigde Staten beschrijft. Geen poldermodeldenken, maar de gedachtenwereld van een beleidsmaker in een imperium. Information Clearing House heeft een recent essay van hem overgenomen: 'The Dilemma Of The Last Sovereign. America needs to face squarely a centrally important new global reality: that the world’s population is experiencing a political awakening unprecedented in scope and intensity, with the result that the politics of populism are transforming the politics of power... merica’s military action against Iraq and its less dramatic but also largely solitary stance on the International Criminal Court and the Kyoto Treaty were striking assertions of the unique status of the United States as the last truly sovereign state. These steps and others like them reflect, especially after 9/11, the deep conviction of the Bush Administration that to protect America’s national interest the United States must have a free hand: The sovereign Gulliver must not be tied down by feckless Lilliputians. America’s post-9/11 political rhetoric and the related strategic reorientation involve a sharp break with five decades of bipartisanship in the shaping of U.S. global policy. Though a few leading Democrats were outspoken in their criticisms of the Administration’s formulations, the predominant inclination in the Democratic foreign policy establishment has been to tacitly accept the new strategic premises of the Bush worldview, and some Democratic leaders initially even acted as its cheerleaders. As a result, most Democratic foreign policy prescriptions acquired a “Bush lite” taste.' Lees verder:
dinsdag 7 maart 2006
Arend Jan Heerma van Voss
Vandaag ontving ik een uitnodigingskaartje van de VPRO voor het afscheid van Arend Jan Heerma van Voss (1942) die de afgelopen tien jaar lang onopvallend voor hoofdredacteur radio heeft gespeeld. De VPRO-radiomakers leerden Heerma van Voss vooral kennen als een man met een missie, wiens eerste echte beleidsdaad was het afschaffen van het befaamde radioprogramma 'Welingelichte Kringen' en het wegwerken van presentator Joop van Tijn, omdat Joop zowel als de Kringen in zijn ogen te duur waren. Met het aantreden van AJ begonnen de magere jaren van de omroep en het verbaasde dan ook niemand dat zijn laatste beleidsdaad een bezuinigingsmaatregel betrof die dermate drastisch was dat een gerenommeerde journalist als Ton van der Graaf zijn vertrek aankondigde. AJ's hart en ziel gingen tien jaar lang uit naar het grondig schrappen, afslanken, en wegwerken van wat men in Hilversum 'overtollig vet' noemt. Zonder overdrijven kunnen we de uitgeklede omroep een bekroning noemen van AJ's devote toewijding. Het bezuinigen was voor hem een dagtaak die hij met zo'n overgave uitvoerde dat hij geen tijd meer overhield om met nieuwe inspirerende voorstellen te kunnen komen. Ondertussen dwong zijn inzet voor de goede zaak in beleidskringen alom bewondering af. (Natuurlijk in de allereerste plaats ook van zijn trouwe assistente Wil van Rijnswou, maar dit terzijde) Hoewel menigeen verbaast zal opkijken als ik zeg dat Heerma van Voss een op en top workaholic was, durf ik deze stelling toch aan. Sterker nog: hij ging zo in zijn werk op dat hij er geen afscheid van kon nemen. Werd iedere VPRO-programmamaker op zijn zestigste jaar onverwijld door hem de laan uitgestuurd, AJ zelf bleef tot zijn 63ste zitten om zijn beleid tot het bittere eind onvervaard ten uitvoer te kunnen brengen. Een gewone sterveling zou van deze zware taak grijze haren hebben gekregen, zo niet Heerma van Voss, nooit ontsnapte er ook maar 1 klacht aan zijn lippen. En als het aan hem had gelegen was hij tot zijn 65ste bij de omroep blijven plakken, niet vanwege zijn pensioensopbouw zoals kwade tongen beweren, maar om als het ware als laatste in Hilversum het licht uit te kunnen doen nadat zijn werk was voltooid. Helaas stond de VPRO-directie een langer verblijf niet toe, waardoor nu toch echt een definitief eind is gekomen aan het eruitwerken van free-lancers, het afschaffen van programma's en aan dat eeuwige vergaderen. Er zijn sceptici die zeggen dat hij een kleurloze man was. En het is waar dat sommige mensen op een bepaalde leeftijd gewoon ophouden te bestaan. Maar daar staat tegenover dat Heerma van Voss al die jaren met bewonderenswaardige moed de afbraak heeft uitgevoerd, tot volle tevredenheid van zijn opdrachtgevers. In de wandelgangen werd hij 'de divan' genoemd, een verwijzing naar het feit dat alleen degene die hem het laatst sprak een afdruk achterliet, en die bijnaam heeft hij met eer gedragen, terwijl hij stijl- en eervol zijn onmogelijke taak uitvoerde. Maar al te snel wordt vergeten dat 'de divan' een man was die een in wezen eenzame en tragische rol met verve vervulde. Nu hij op de drempel van een wel verdient pensioen staat kan hij met trots terugkijken op een tienjarige loopbaan die met recht vruchtbaar kan worden genoemd nu de VPRO-radio geheel conform het format-denken in niets meer nog verschilt van het geluid van alle andere omroepen. Daardoor is het voortbestaan van de VPRO een extra vijf, misschien wel tien jaar opgerekt. Het enige minpuntje is wellicht de hinderlijke drukfout die in de uitnodiging staat. 'Echte radio wordt bevolkt door buitenstaanders, die men ongestraft vergeten kan, zonder dat zij verdwijnen.' Het klopt dat AJ maar niet verdween, maar ik denk toch dat de tekst natuurlijk had moeten zijn: 'Echte radio werd bevolkt door betrokken mensen, die men ongestraft kan laten verdwijnen.' Met deze zin zou zijn optreden bij de VPRO kort en krachtig zijn getypeerd. Enfin, op het feest waarvoor ik uitgenodigd ben, kan deze fout alsnog nog worden rechtgezet. Want een feest wordt het. Was er voor het vertrek van echte programmamakers nauwelijks of geen geld en al helemaal niet voor een keurig gedrukt kaartje, dankzij de dankbare VPRO-directie is er voor Arend Jan's vertrek genoeg geld uitgetrokken. Op het uitnodigingskaartje staat - met die kenmerkende humor van AJ - 'Sprekers & attracties: ja, maar ook weer niet te veel.' Daarom bij deze Arend Jan en ik denk dat ik namens alle programmamakers spreek: 'It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry.'
Na gestemd te hebben werd ik vriendelijk uitgewuifd door de stemcontroleurs van De Brakke Grond. Leuke mensen, vriendelijk, voorkomend, blij dat ik kwam stemmen en gaarne bereid mij te vertellen op wie ik moest stemmen, toen ik daar om vroeg. Wat wil de parlementaire democratie nog meer. Nu maar hopen dat wethouder Aboutaleb, (helaas van de PVDA) fors gaat winnen en Hansje Kalt (die vertrekt) van Amsterdam Anders/De Groenen.
De Oorlogsstaat 26
Terminator Technologie
De neoliberale ideologie is onverzadigbaar zodra het om geld gaat. De Independent bericht: 'UK Ministers Back 'Terminator' GM CropsWebsite reveals plan to scrap prohibition on seeds that threaten Third World farmers with hunger. Ministers are trying to scrap an international agreement banning the world's most controversial genetic modification of crops, grimly nicknamed "terminator technology", a move which threatens to increase hunger in the Third World… The Government is to push for terminator crops to be considered for approval on a "case-by-case basis" at two meetings this month; its position closely mirrors the stance of the United States and other GM-promoting countries. Terminator technology, so abominated even Monsanto will not develop it, would stop hundreds of millions of poor farmers from saving seeds from their crops for resowing for the following harvest, forcing them to buy new ones from biotech companies every year. More than 1.4 billion poor Third World farmers and their families pursue the age-old practice. The technique is officially known as genetic use restriction technology (Gurt), making crops produce sterile seeds. It could be applied to any crop, including maize and rice, widely grown in developing countries. The UK working group on terminator technology, a coalition of 10 British environment and development groups, says: "It could destroy traditional farming methods, damage farmers' livelihoods and threaten food security, particularly in developing countries…" Yet ministers have refused to meet environmental groups to discuss their policy and failed publicise their position, posted two weeks ago on the website of the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Britain will be pushing for this approach first at a meeting of EU ministers on Thursday, then at a meeting of the convention in Brazil in two weeks. Mr Meacher said: "For the first time in the history of the world, farmers would be stopped from using their own seeds. This would undermine food production and cause starvation."' Lees verder: Of:
Klimaatverandering 22
Ziehier Yoeri Albrecht, die door een jonge journalist van het mediakanaal Left Laser betrapt werd tijdens een privé-onderonsje met twee ...
Links op de foto ziet u Ankie Rechess, de NOVA-correspondente in Israel, bij het monument voor onder andere haar vermoorde man, een van de t...