zaterdag 8 oktober 2022

Hoe het Westen ISIS Creëerde

Dankzij de goed geïnformeerde Franse Journalist Thierry Meyssan wist ik in 2012 al dat elke serieuze correspondent in Syrie ervan op de hoogter was dat ISIS en alle andere terroristische groeperingen door het Westen gesteund werden om zo een regimechange te forceren. Het kostte de Nederlandse journalistiek zes jaar voordat mijn collega's durfden toe te geven dat er inderdaad terroristen door Nederland werden gefinancierd. De politiek verantwoordelijke zitten nog steeds in het huidige kabinet Rutte. Inmiddels weten we dat de westerse journalistiek de kluit massaal heeft belazerd, vanaf Saddam's massavernietigingswapens, tot het door Brussel en Washington nog immer gefinancierde terrorisme. 

Back then western media claimed that foreign support for terrorist groups in Syrian was a conspiracy theory. Energy rich countries in the Persian Gulf & NATO were supporting ISIS, Al-Qaeda & other terrorists, but for years western media pretended this was a conspiracy theory too.
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Middle East Observer 2
The "Syrian revolution" : 2 trillion usd of foreign financing, foreign military command structures, foreign fighters, etc. With that they created literally an alternate fake Syria and it crumbled.
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De Tendentieuze NOS Berichtgeving

De NOS-Verslaggeving:

Duizend mensen op Malieveld betuigen steun aan Iraanse demonstranten

Geen woord van de NOS over de protesten tegen de vervolging van Assange:

Supporters of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange form human chain around UK parliament

  • The WikiLeaks founder is wanted by the US for allegedly violating the US Espionage Act by publishing classified files in 2010 related to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
  • Supporters in London held life-size cut-outs of Assange, along with posters reading ‘Journalism is not a crime’ and ‘prosecute war crimes, not Assange’

Supporters of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange form a human chain around the British parliament in London, UK on Saturday. Photo: EPA-EFE
Supporters of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange form a human chain around the British parliament in London, UK on Saturday. Photo: EPA-EFE

Around a thousand people formed a human chain around the UK parliament in London on Saturday, demanding the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The Australian-born publisher has been held in a high-security London prison since 2019, and is currently appealing against a decision to extradite him to the United States.

Gezien het feit dat het hier over democratie en westerse persvrijheid handelt is het opmerkelijk dat de NOS geen aandacht besteedt aan de protesten tegen de vervolging van  Assange. 

Fly KLM to Palestine


“Fly KLM to Palestine” (1931 Ad)

Source: Duke University Libraries (1931 New York newspaper ad)

Can you imagine flying to a place that didn’t exist? Neither did the people who boarded those flights. 

Notice that these flights were bound for Lydda, Palestine. Tragically, Lydda was ethnically cleansed 17 years after this ad was featured in a New York newspaper. According to a Wikipedia entry (with 118 documented sources, “1948 Palestinian Exodus from Lydda and Ramle,” 50,000 – 70,000 Palestinian Arabs were expelled from the towns of Lydda and Ramle in July 1948. Although these towns were located “outside the area designated for a Jewish state in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, and inside the area set aside for an Arab state in Palestine,” they were “transformed into predominantly Jewish areas in the new State of Israel, known as Lod and Ramla.”

From the Israeli perspective, the conquest of the towns averted an Arab threat to Tel Aviv, thwarted an Arab Legion advance by clogging the roads with refugees, forcing the Arab Legion to assume a logistical burden that would undermine its military capacities, and helped demoralize nearby Arab cities.[6][7] On 10 July, Glubb Pasha ordered the defending Arab Legiontroops to “make arrangements…for a phony war”.[8] The next day, Ramle surrendered immediately, but the conquest of Lydda took longer and led to an unknown number of deaths; Israeli historian Benny Morris suggests up to 450 Palestinians and 9–10 Israeli soldiers died.[9] Once the Israelis were in control of the towns, an expulsion order signed by Yitzhak Rabin was issued to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stating, “1. The inhabitants of Lydda must be expelled quickly without attention to age.…”,[10] Ramle’s residents were bussed out, while the people of Lydda were forced to walk miles during a summer heat wave to the Arab front lines, where the Arab Legion, Transjordan‘s British-led army, tried to provide shelter and supplies.[11] Quite a few of the refugees died from exhaustion and dehydration. Estimates ranged from a handful to a figure of 350 based on hearsay, which is why the events are also referred as the Lydda death march.[12]

The events in Lydda and Ramle accounted for one-tenth of the overall Arab exodus from Palestine, known in the Arab world as al-Nakba (“the catastrophe”). Many Jews who came to Israel between 1948 and 1951 settled in the refugees’ empty homes, both because of a housing shortage and as a matter of policy to prevent former residents from reclaiming them.

…Father Oudeh Rantisi, a former mayor of Ramallah who was expelled from Lydda in 1948, visited his family’s former home for the first time in 1967: “As the bus drew up in front of the house, I saw a young boy playing in the yard. I got off the bus and went over to him. ‘How long have you lived in this house?’ I asked. ‘I was born here,’ he replied. ‘Me too,’ I said…”

[Father Rantisi’s heart-wrenching story can be read in more detail here.]

In Israel’s first months, largely Arab cities emptied as inhabitants were forced to flee.


(Source: The New Yorker – October 21, 2013 Issue – very informative article written by Ari Shavit, an Israeli reporter, writer, and Senior Correspondent for Haaretz)


(Refugees Escorted from Ramla; Source: Wikipedia)

Other details about this ethnic cleansing can be seen at Palestine Remembered.

Nazareth - الناصرة : NAZARETH - Late 19th, early 20th c. 55 - circa 1905 - Bird's-eye view (Per Reem Ackall)

(Nazareth in 1905; Source: Palestine Remembered)

Jaffa - يافا : Jaffa's famous al-Hamra Palestinian cinema (1937) in Jamal Basha street. Note the Palestinian flag at the tower.

(Jaffa’s al-Hamra Cinema with Palestinian flag on the tower, 1937; Source: Palestine Remembered)

A photograph from Bethlehem in 1880.

(Bethlehem in 1880; Source: Pinterest and Palestine Remembered)

Street scene inside Damascus Gate. Jerusalem, Palestine. 1900-1920. Photograph: Matson Collection

(Damascus Gate, Jerusalem, 1900 – 1920; Source: Pinterest and Palestine Remembered)

Bethlehem Christmas, early 1900s

(Bethlehem on Christmas Day, early 1900’s; Source: Pinterest and Palestine Remembered)

Muslims, Orthodox Jews, Armenian Christians, men and women, different clothing styles and a thriving cityscape of Jerusalem. In 1896, 85% of the population in Palestine was Muslim, 10% Christian and less than 5% Jewish (half the population of Jerusalem, however, was Jewish - this was also the period during the first aliyah).

(Jerusalem, around 1900; Source: Pinterest)

See many more photos of pre-1948 Palestine on Pinterest here.


Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...