zaterdag 15 juni 2024

Rus Officials Putin Offer Kiev Last Chance Next Demand Total Kiev Surren...

Jews Acting as Nazi's

Settlers set fire to this young boy. They. Set. Fire. To. This. Young. Boy. This is life in the West Bank.

Jews Without Any Sense of Dignity

I’mma tell my grandchildren I watched a genocide for 9 months in real time, documented by the psychopaths themselves.


Israeli Terror

#Mother from #Gaza mourns her #children and #husband during #Hajjpilgrimage. June 15, 2024.

After her husband and children were killed during Israel's war on #Gaza, Douaa al-Massarii from Gaza finds refuge in her Hajj pilgrimage this year.

Douaa was rescued from under the rubble in Gaza and was evacuated to #Egypt for treatment of her injuries

#StopStarvingGaza #StopGenocideInGaza #StopKillingChildren
#StopEthnicCleansing #StopArmingIsrael #CrimesAgainstHumanity
hashtagMother uit hashtagGaza rouwt om haar hashtagchildren en hashtaghusband tijdens hashtagHajj pelgrimstocht. 15 juni 2024.

Nadat haar man en kinderen werden gedood tijdens de Israëlische oorlog tegen hashtagGaza, vindt Douaa al-Massarii uit Gaza dit jaar haar toevlucht in haar hadj-bedevaart.

Douaa werd gered van onder het puin in Gaza en werd geëvacueerd naar hashtagEgypt voor behandeling van haar verwondingen

hashtagStopStarvingGaza hashtagStopGenocideInGaza hashtagStopKillingChildren
hashtagStopEthnicCleansing hashtagStopArmingIsrael hashtagCrimesAgainstHumanity

Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...