woensdag 14 januari 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 96

Mevrouw Clinton zwaait naar haar geldschieters.

Mevrouw Clinton kan niets anders zeggen, net als haar man en Obama werd zij door de machtige joodse en christelijke pro-Israel lobby gefinancierd. Nu zal ze toch haar geld moeten opbrengen. Zo is elke politicus te koop in de VS. Zonder steun van die lobby kan men in de VS geen macht uitoefenen. Dat is algemeen bekend, maar wordt hier door de Nederlandse commerciele massamedia doorgaans verzwegen. De hele pro-Israel lobby is via de voordeur en de achterdeur het Witte Huis weer binnen gemarcheerd. In de VS bepaalt geld alles. Het eerste wat Obama deed nadat hij zichzelf als presidentskandidaat had uitgeroepen was een toespraak vooor Aipac waarin hij beloofde dat Jeruzalem een ongedeelde stad zou blijven, een uitspraak in strijd met het internationaal recht, maar daar had 'de eerste zwarte president' lak aan, net zoveel lak als de laatste blanke president.

'US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Rules Out Talks With Hamas
By Agence France-PresseJanuary 13, 2009 "AFP"

US secretary of state Hillary Clinton has ruled out negotiations with the Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas unless it drops its extremist stance, saying her position is "absolute"."On Israel, you cannot negotiate with Hamas until it renounces violence, recognises Israel and agrees to abide by past agreements. That is just for me an absolute," Mrs Clinton told a Senate confirmation hearing. "That is the United States government's position. That is the president-elect's position," she said after a senator suggested it is "naive and illogical" to pursue diplomacy with governments opposed to Israel.She echoed the stance of the outgoing administration of President George W. Bush which is supporting Egyptian efforts to mediate a ceasefire following an 18-day Israeli war to stop Hamas rocket attacks.Palestinian medical sources said around 70 more people had been killed in the fighting, bringing the overall toll to around 975 Palestinians with a further 4400 wounded.On the Israeli side, 10 soldiers and three civilians have been killed in combat or by rocket attacks since December 27 when the Jewish state began its deadliest ever offensive on Gaza, ruled by the Islamists of Hamas since the group won elections in mid-2007.The Bush administration has opposed negotiations with what it calls a terrorist organisation.Mr Obama has proposed reaching out to the leaders of anti-US countries like Iran, North Korea and Cuba, but analysts doubted he would engage with Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah, which the US denounces as terrorist groups.During her confirmation hearing, Mrs Clinton said the new administration will try a "new approach" toward Iran by engaging it diplomatically.'

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