'A personal challenge for every Western politician
By Stuart Littlewood
13 January 2009
As the genocide in Gaza continues, Stuart Littlewood argues that now is the time for British, European and other Western politicians to purge themselves of Israel’s stooges among them and disband and renounce their association with the criminal Israeli regime. These last two weeks have changed everything. Any remaining tolerance felt towards Israel and its friends has evaporated. The regime could never have maintained its illegal occupation of Palestine, or imposed a barbaric blockade on tiny Gaza, or mounted this latest bloodthirsty assault on civil society, were it not for the protection of an over-powerful “friends” network in every major Western country. In Britain the “Friends of Israel” organization, in its various guises, has stooges occupying key positions at the heart of government. These individuals paralyse any effective action against the lawless regime they subscribe to. They ought to be treated as agents of a foreign military power and weeded out, especially with the European elections coming up and a general election just around the corner.Membership of Friends of Israel is nowadays a necessary stepping-stone to ministerial rank, I’m told. It is one thing for the Jewish community to back Israel but a much more serious matter if anyone in public office secretly places himself under an obligation to a foreign power and allows it to influence his work. Hundreds of our MPs may have crossed that line.It is deeply worrying to discover that our Intelligence and Security Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee and Defence Committee are all chaired by Friends of Israel. How can it possibly be in our nation’s best interest? After boasting how the UN Security Council resolution negotiated last Thursday [9 January] underlined the international community's determination to end the tragedy in Gaza, Bill Rammell MP, Minister of State for the Middle East, went on: "Of course a ceasefire can only come about through decisions taken by the parties involved – but in the interests of people in both Gaza and Israel, we will expend every diplomatic effort to stop the violence."Nothing about implementing the pile of previous UN resolutions. This is typical of the meaningless drivel that routinely comes out of Westminster. Rammel’s boss, David Miliband, in a speech to Labour Friends of Israel last year, numbered himself among "Israel’s most committed friends". Prime Minister Gordon Brown declared himself a Zionist. Peace envoy Tony Blair, another Zionist, is too chicken to meet Hamas and look them in the eye. So we can be sure that their diplomatic efforts amount to no more than revving the engine with the parking brake on. It is equally obvious that the Israelis will remain deaf until their lust for land is satisfied. They’ll listen only when hefty sanctions are applied, such as suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement and expulsion of its ambassadors in London and other European capitals. If Mr Miliband doesn't know how to do this, he should take lessons from President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who has expelled the Israeli ambassador in protest against Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip.He condemned as "murderers" the Israelis who carried out the military campaign and urged Jews in his country to take a stand against the Israeli government. "Now I hope that the Venezuelan Jewish community speaks out against this barbarism. Do it. Don't you strongly reject all acts of persecution?" he said. "How far will this barbarism go? The president of Israel should be taken before an international court together with the president of the United States, if the world had any conscience." Are Jews speaking out against it in London? Plenty are. But the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which claims to be the main voice of the Jewish community, yesterday held a rally in London's Trafalgar Square with this message from its president: “Israel needs and deserves your support now" – while their brethren carried on with their massacre in Gaza. On the Israeli Embassy's website ambassador Ron Prosor merrily vilifies Hamas while overlooking the fact that his own regime has raped the Holy Land for its own benefit for 60 years. He claims Israel left Gaza in 2005. "Every soldier was withdrawn. Every Jewish settlement was evacuated... Politicians staked their reputations on a courageous step towards peace. They hoped Gaza could provide a blueprint of Palestinian autonomy, a precursor to a Palestinian state."'
Lees verder: http://www.redress.cc/palestine/slittlewood20090113
1 opmerking:
Israël klaagt journalisten aan wegens uitzending
ANP | Gepubliceerd op 13 januari 2009, 18:30
Laatst bijgewerkt op 13 januari 2009, 18:36
JERUZALEM - Twee Palestijnse journalisten zijn aangeklaagd in Israël, omdat ze zonder toestemming van het Israëlische leger hadden gemeld dat Israëlische grondtroepen de Gazastrook waren binnengetrokken. Daarmee voorzagen ze volgens het Openbaar Ministerie de Palestijnse beweging Hamas van ,,gevoelige en vertrouwelijke informatie''.
Dat meldde de Israëlische krant Yedioth Ahronoth dinsdag. De twee journalisten, die werken voor een Iraanse televisiezender, stonden begin januari bij de grens tussen Israël en de Gazastrook. Ze zagen hoe Israëlische tanks en militairen de kuststrook binnentrokken. Daarop onderbrak de zender de uitzending om verslag te doen van de Israëlische invasie, ,,hoewel de reporters wisten dat de troepenbewegingen nog niet waren vrijgegeven door de Israëlische militaire censor'', aldus de aanklacht.
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