'Israël schendt mensenrechten'
12 januari 2009 15:09
Laatst gewijzigd:
12 januari 2009 15:09
GENEVE - De mensenrechtenraad van de Verenigde Naties heeft maandag Israël beschuldigd van ''ernstige'' schendingen van de mensenrechten in de Gazastrook.
De raad nam een resolutie aan waarin het Israëlisch offensief tegen de Palestijnse organisatie Hamas in de Gazastrook wordt veroordeeld.
De raad besloot verder een commissie in te stellen om de schendingen te onderzoeken. Gedurende het offensief zijn al meer dan negenhonderd Palestijnen omgekomen.
© ANP' Zie: http://www.nu.nl/algemeen/1898095/israel-schendt-mensenrechten.html
12 januari 2009 15:09
Laatst gewijzigd:
12 januari 2009 15:09
GENEVE - De mensenrechtenraad van de Verenigde Naties heeft maandag Israël beschuldigd van ''ernstige'' schendingen van de mensenrechten in de Gazastrook.
De raad nam een resolutie aan waarin het Israëlisch offensief tegen de Palestijnse organisatie Hamas in de Gazastrook wordt veroordeeld.
De raad besloot verder een commissie in te stellen om de schendingen te onderzoeken. Gedurende het offensief zijn al meer dan negenhonderd Palestijnen omgekomen.
© ANP' Zie: http://www.nu.nl/algemeen/1898095/israel-schendt-mensenrechten.html
'Agence France-Presse
12 January 2009
UN rights council condemns Israeli offensive in Gaza
Peter Capella
GENEVA, Jan 12 (AFP) -- A divided UN Human Rights Council on Monday adopted a resolution condemning Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip and accusing it of "grave" human rights violations against Palestinians.
The resolution setting up a fact-finding mission to investigate Israeli violations against Palestinians was passed after a split opened up between Western countries and the others over the wording.
Thirty-three African, Asian, Arab and Latin American countries voted for the resolution. Thirteen mainly European states abstained, while Canada was the only country to vote against.
The 47 member council - frequently critical of Israel in the past - normally seeks to adopt resolutions by consensus.
Western countries said the text put forward by Arab and African states was too biased and failed to clearly recognise the role that rocket attacks launched by Palestinian militants played in triggering the offensive.
Last minute changes failed to overcome the differences after the special session on the violence in the Gaza Strip spilled into a second day.
The European Union's representative said the EU could have supported some elements, but found the text too one-sided despite its concern about human rights violations in the Gaza Strip.
Israel also dismissed the resolution as biased and cast doubt on the Council's credibility.
The text released by the UN Council "strongly" condemned the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip, saying it had "resulted in massive violations" of the human rights of Palestinians.
Underlining the civilian toll, it called for "urgent international action" to halt "grave human rights violations by Israel".
The draft resolution also called for an end to rocket attacks against Israeli civilians.
But the key contents were four overlapping probes targeting Israel.
The resolution tasked ten UN experts on human rights and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay with two separate probes into the violence.
It also set up an independent, international fact-finding mission to "investigate all violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by Israel", while UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was asked to investigate the bombing of UNRWA schools in the Gaza Strip.
During the first day of the session on Friday, Pillay had warned that human rights violations in Gaza were extremely serious and some attacks that hit civilians and relief workers might warrant prosecutions for war crimes.
"Credible, independent and transparent" investigations were a first step towards ensuring accountability, she added on Friday, warning that "violations of international humanitarian law may constitute war crimes for which individual criminal responsibility may be invoked."'
'Agence France-Presse
12 January 2009
UN rights council condemns Israeli offensive in Gaza
Peter Capella
GENEVA, Jan 12 (AFP) -- A divided UN Human Rights Council on Monday adopted a resolution condemning Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip and accusing it of "grave" human rights violations against Palestinians.
The resolution setting up a fact-finding mission to investigate Israeli violations against Palestinians was passed after a split opened up between Western countries and the others over the wording.
Thirty-three African, Asian, Arab and Latin American countries voted for the resolution. Thirteen mainly European states abstained, while Canada was the only country to vote against.
The 47 member council - frequently critical of Israel in the past - normally seeks to adopt resolutions by consensus.
Western countries said the text put forward by Arab and African states was too biased and failed to clearly recognise the role that rocket attacks launched by Palestinian militants played in triggering the offensive.
Last minute changes failed to overcome the differences after the special session on the violence in the Gaza Strip spilled into a second day.
The European Union's representative said the EU could have supported some elements, but found the text too one-sided despite its concern about human rights violations in the Gaza Strip.
Israel also dismissed the resolution as biased and cast doubt on the Council's credibility.
The text released by the UN Council "strongly" condemned the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip, saying it had "resulted in massive violations" of the human rights of Palestinians.
Underlining the civilian toll, it called for "urgent international action" to halt "grave human rights violations by Israel".
The draft resolution also called for an end to rocket attacks against Israeli civilians.
But the key contents were four overlapping probes targeting Israel.
The resolution tasked ten UN experts on human rights and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay with two separate probes into the violence.
It also set up an independent, international fact-finding mission to "investigate all violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by Israel", while UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was asked to investigate the bombing of UNRWA schools in the Gaza Strip.
During the first day of the session on Friday, Pillay had warned that human rights violations in Gaza were extremely serious and some attacks that hit civilians and relief workers might warrant prosecutions for war crimes.
"Credible, independent and transparent" investigations were a first step towards ensuring accountability, she added on Friday, warning that "violations of international humanitarian law may constitute war crimes for which individual criminal responsibility may be invoked."'
En: 'The Swiss foreign ministry rejected Elgar's comments, saying Switzerland's reaction to the events in the Middle East has been "balanced". It pointed out that it had criticised Hamas's rocket attacks on Israel in addition to condemning the Israeli reaction as "disproportionate".
In an interview with a Sunday newspaper, Elgar said of the 32 countries – out of 47 – to back the motion, Switzerland was the only Western country to do so. "I find that very problematic," he said.
He also had a problem with a demonstration on Saturday outside the Israeli embassy in Bern. He said there was yet to be a demonstration against the rockets being fired out of Gaza onto Israel because the media weren't reporting "in a balanced way".
In another Sunday newspaper, Anis Al-Kak, member of a Palestinian organisation in Bern, praised Switzerland as being "one of the few European countries that stand on the side of human rights and the Geneva Conventions".' Zie: http://www.swissinfo.org/eng/news_digest/Israeli_ambassador_criticises_Switzerland.html?siteSect=104&sid=10183239&cKey=1231701724000&ty=nd
Tot zover de schendingen van het internationaal recht met steun van Europa. Waarom eist de oppositie in Nederland niet dat het Associatieverdrag met Israel terstond wordt opgeschort? Er staat een mensenrechtenclausule in. Nederland schendt daardoor het eigen verdrag. Denkt men in Den Haag dat de rest van de Nederland niet doorheeft dat onze mensenrechtenhouding hypocrisie is? Bovendien, als wij zelf het internationaal recht uithollen welk recht van spreken denken de christenen en sociaal-democaten in de regering nog te hebben tegenover het buitenland? Waarom kan Israel blijven chanteren? Is Europa bang voor de Israelische kernwapens?
'We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.' Het is een citaat van de van origine Nederlandse en nu Israelische academicus Martin Levi van Creveld. Zie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_van_Creveld
4 opmerkingen:
Kan wel janken.
De Nederlandse Terreur 1
Tijd voor actie.
De Nederlandse regering stemde enige tijd geleden - eind 2007 - in de VN ook al een TEGEN een onderzoek naar de gevolgen van kernafvalmunitie “Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium”.
Tot de tegenstemmers van deze resolutie behoorden naast Nederland toen: US, UK, Israël, Frankrijk en Tjechië.
Mooie status bouwt die Nederlandse regering Balkenende zo op.
Olmert hield vandaag een toespraak in Ashkelon:
"In the night between Thursday and Friday, when the secretary of state [Condoleezza Rice] wanted to lead the vote on a ceasefire at the Security Council, we did not want her to vote in favour," Olmert said
"I said 'get me President Bush on the phone'. They said he was in the middle of giving a speech in Philadelphia. I said I didn't care. 'I need to talk to him now'. He got off the podium and spoke to me.
"I told him the United States could not vote in favour. It cannot vote in favour of such a resolution. He immediately called the secretary of state and told her not to vote in favour." (AFP)
Eigenschappen die Verhagen en consorten ergens bij het opgroeien in de mensenwereld kwijt zijn geraakt.
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