Ook vanuit de hoek van de Joodse geestelijke leiders komt verzet tegen de Israelische terreur, alleen de Nederlandse rabbijnen stellen zich achter Israel op, terwijl ze normaal altijd de schijn wekken dat beschaving en mensenrechten voor iedereen geldt. Zo reageert rabbijn Soetendorp niet op mijn vragen betreffende zijn standpunt over Israel, hij blijft liever toekijken, zoals deze joods-Israelische jongeren, van wie sommigen zelfs lachend proberen te zien waar de bommen in Gaza inslaan. Meer over hem later. In elk geval, Andre wees me op het volgende:
Outrage in Gaza: No More Apologies
December 28, 2008 by Rabbi Brant Rosen
December 28, 2008 by Rabbi Brant Rosen
The news today out of Israel and Gaza makes me just sick to my stomach.
I know, I can already hear the responses: every nation has a responsibility to ensure the safety of its citizens. If the Qassams stopped, Israel wouldn’t be forced to take military action. Hamas also bears responsibility for this tragic situation…
I could answer each and every one of these claims in turn, but I’m ready to stop this perverse game of rhetorical ping-pong. I don’t buy the rationalizations any more. I’m so tired of the apologetics. How on earth will squeezing the life out of Gaza, not to mention bombing the living hell out of it, ensure the safety of Israeli citizens?
We good liberal Jews are ready to protest oppression and human-rights abuse anywhere in the world, but are all too willing to give Israel a pass. It’s a fascinating double-standard, and one I understand all too well. I understand it because I’ve been just as responsible as anyone else for perpetrating it.
So no more rationalizations. What Israel has been doing to the people of Gaza is an outrage. It has has brought neither safety nor security to the people of Israel and it has wrought nothing but misery and tragedy upon the people of Gaza.
There, I’ve said it. Now what do I do?'
I know, I can already hear the responses: every nation has a responsibility to ensure the safety of its citizens. If the Qassams stopped, Israel wouldn’t be forced to take military action. Hamas also bears responsibility for this tragic situation…
I could answer each and every one of these claims in turn, but I’m ready to stop this perverse game of rhetorical ping-pong. I don’t buy the rationalizations any more. I’m so tired of the apologetics. How on earth will squeezing the life out of Gaza, not to mention bombing the living hell out of it, ensure the safety of Israeli citizens?
We good liberal Jews are ready to protest oppression and human-rights abuse anywhere in the world, but are all too willing to give Israel a pass. It’s a fascinating double-standard, and one I understand all too well. I understand it because I’ve been just as responsible as anyone else for perpetrating it.
So no more rationalizations. What Israel has been doing to the people of Gaza is an outrage. It has has brought neither safety nor security to the people of Israel and it has wrought nothing but misery and tragedy upon the people of Gaza.
There, I’ve said it. Now what do I do?'
1 opmerking:
Meer over het Israëlische ramptoerisme: Israeli Sightseers Flock to Border to Watch Gaza Killings
January 12, 2009
Picnicking on Hill Overlooking Gaza, Israelis Engage in World's Creepiest Spectator Sport
Prominente Democraten in New York tijdens pro-Israël rally:
Pro-Israel Rally Attended by Big-Time NY Dems Descends into Calls for 'Wiping Out' Palestinians
Bekijk vooral de video!
Terwijl ik dit bericht las kwam Naftaniël in het NOS journaal bepleiten dat mensen die tijdens demonstraties antisemitische leuzen roepen opgepakt moeten worden.
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