'Beheerst en effectief'?
Dit is wat de AD-journalist Carl Stellweg in zijn krant schrijft over het Israelische leger dat volgens Amnesty en Human Rights Watch in 2002 oorlogsmisdaden pleegde in het vluchtelingenkamp Jenin in 2002: 'Ze bewezen toen in Jenin beheerst en effectief te werk te kunnen gaan.'
Dit is wat de Israselische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Simon Peres' er destijds over verklaarde:
Peres calls IDF operation in Jenin a 'massacre'
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres Peres is very worried about the
expected international reaction as soon as the world learns the
details of the tough battle in the Jenin refugee camps, where more
than 100 Palestinians have already been killed in fighting with IDF
forces. In private, Peres is referring to the battle as a "massacre."
IDF officers also expressed grave reservations Monday over the
operation in Jenin. "Because of the dangers," they said, "the
soldiers are almost not advancing on foot. The bulldozers are simply
'shaving' the homes and causing terrible destruction. When the world
sees the pictures of what we have done there, it will do us immense
"However many wanted men we kill in the refugee camp, and however
much of the terror infrastructure we expose and destroy th'ere, there
is still no justification for causing such great destruction."
Peres calls IDF operation in Jenin a 'massacre'
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres Peres is very worried about the
expected international reaction as soon as the world learns the
details of the tough battle in the Jenin refugee camps, where more
than 100 Palestinians have already been killed in fighting with IDF
forces. In private, Peres is referring to the battle as a "massacre."
IDF officers also expressed grave reservations Monday over the
operation in Jenin. "Because of the dangers," they said, "the
soldiers are almost not advancing on foot. The bulldozers are simply
'shaving' the homes and causing terrible destruction. When the world
sees the pictures of what we have done there, it will do us immense
"However many wanted men we kill in the refugee camp, and however
much of the terror infrastructure we expose and destroy th'ere, there
is still no justification for causing such great destruction."
Als het bericht voorgoed is verdwenen kunt u het hier nog nalezen: http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg90710.html
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