'12-13 year-olds arrested for throwing stones at the Wall
[RAMALLAH, 22 January 2009] – Seven children from Toura al-Gharbeiah village (Jenin Governorate) were arrested on Tuesday by the Israeli authorities; they are currently detained in Salim detention and interrogation centre, in the north of the West Bank. Two of the children are only 12 years old; two are 13; another two are aged 15; and the seventh is 17.
A DCI-Palestine lawyer yesterday visited the children. According to information collected by the lawyer, between midnight and 4:00am on Tuesday 20 January, the Israeli intelligence, police and army entered Toura al-Gharbeiah village and arrested the seven children from their respective homes.
The children were then assembled in a public building in the village, and interrogated there. They were alleged to have thrown stones at the Wall and were intimidated into confessing. The eldest, Murad (17), was accused of possessing weapons, but he denied the allegation. Murad told the DCi-Palestine lawyer what happened on Tuesday morning.
Shortly after midnight, Murad was watching television at home when he heard noise outside. He got up to look through the window and saw four jeeps belonging to the Israeli police guards.
Less than a minute later, someone knocked and Murad opened the door. An Israeli police officer, accompanied by two soldiers, asked Murad his name and told him “Do not try to escape, the house is surrounded”. He asked him to wake up other family members.
After the rest of the family was up, the soldiers took Murad outside, laid him on the ground, tied his hands behind his back with plastic cords, and blindfolded him. Murad lay on the ground for half an hour while the soldiers searched the house. Then, they walked him to the military jeep. While they were walking, a soldier started beating him on the face and hands. Murad reported that one of his fingers started to swell as a result of the beating.
They shoved him into the jeep, and drove for 20 minutes. Then Murad was taken out of the jeep and brought to a billiards room. He was still in the village. His blindfold was removed and an interrogator told him that they had found weapons in his house. He pressured Murad to confess to owning them; all the while screaming at him and threatening him. The interrogation went on for 40 minutes. Murad did not confess.
When the interrogation was over, Murad was blindfolded again, and left in the room until 9:00am. ... During that time, he heard the voices of other young detainees, including his brother Bashir (15). Some of the children were crying.
At 9:00am Murad was transferred to Salim detention and interrogation centre. During the journey, a soldier was sitting beside him shouting at him and insulting him; he felt very scared.
After being interrogated in the billiards room in the village, the children were transferred to Salim detention and interrogation centre, near Jenin. When the DCI-Palestine lawyer met them on Wednesday, 21 January, the children had already confessed, under duress, to throwing stones at the Wall. Murad had still not confessed.
DCI-Palestine and their partners Addameer believe that such young children are particularly vulnerable to abuse in the Israeli military justice system and should be released immediately, all the more so, in light of the trivial nature of the alleged offence. The children's lawyer has requested a hearing today, Thursday 22 January, in order to ask the military judge for the release of the young children.
The children are:
Morad Q. (17)
Bashir Q. (15)
Osaid Q. (12)
Subhi A. H. (12)
Amer Q. (13)
Mohammad A. (13)
Emad A. (15)
At the end of December 2008, there were 342 Palestinian children held in Israeli prisons and detention/interrogation centres, including 7 girls, and 5 administrative detainees. The December 2008 figures reveal the highest reported numbers of child detainees in 2008. In addition, on 17 January, DCI-Palestine issued a statement expressing concern that numbers of children arrested by the Israeli authorities in the West Bank has doubled in the first two weeks of January.'
[RAMALLAH, 22 January 2009] – Seven children from Toura al-Gharbeiah village (Jenin Governorate) were arrested on Tuesday by the Israeli authorities; they are currently detained in Salim detention and interrogation centre, in the north of the West Bank. Two of the children are only 12 years old; two are 13; another two are aged 15; and the seventh is 17.
A DCI-Palestine lawyer yesterday visited the children. According to information collected by the lawyer, between midnight and 4:00am on Tuesday 20 January, the Israeli intelligence, police and army entered Toura al-Gharbeiah village and arrested the seven children from their respective homes.
The children were then assembled in a public building in the village, and interrogated there. They were alleged to have thrown stones at the Wall and were intimidated into confessing. The eldest, Murad (17), was accused of possessing weapons, but he denied the allegation. Murad told the DCi-Palestine lawyer what happened on Tuesday morning.
Shortly after midnight, Murad was watching television at home when he heard noise outside. He got up to look through the window and saw four jeeps belonging to the Israeli police guards.
Less than a minute later, someone knocked and Murad opened the door. An Israeli police officer, accompanied by two soldiers, asked Murad his name and told him “Do not try to escape, the house is surrounded”. He asked him to wake up other family members.
After the rest of the family was up, the soldiers took Murad outside, laid him on the ground, tied his hands behind his back with plastic cords, and blindfolded him. Murad lay on the ground for half an hour while the soldiers searched the house. Then, they walked him to the military jeep. While they were walking, a soldier started beating him on the face and hands. Murad reported that one of his fingers started to swell as a result of the beating.
They shoved him into the jeep, and drove for 20 minutes. Then Murad was taken out of the jeep and brought to a billiards room. He was still in the village. His blindfold was removed and an interrogator told him that they had found weapons in his house. He pressured Murad to confess to owning them; all the while screaming at him and threatening him. The interrogation went on for 40 minutes. Murad did not confess.
When the interrogation was over, Murad was blindfolded again, and left in the room until 9:00am. ... During that time, he heard the voices of other young detainees, including his brother Bashir (15). Some of the children were crying.
At 9:00am Murad was transferred to Salim detention and interrogation centre. During the journey, a soldier was sitting beside him shouting at him and insulting him; he felt very scared.
After being interrogated in the billiards room in the village, the children were transferred to Salim detention and interrogation centre, near Jenin. When the DCI-Palestine lawyer met them on Wednesday, 21 January, the children had already confessed, under duress, to throwing stones at the Wall. Murad had still not confessed.
DCI-Palestine and their partners Addameer believe that such young children are particularly vulnerable to abuse in the Israeli military justice system and should be released immediately, all the more so, in light of the trivial nature of the alleged offence. The children's lawyer has requested a hearing today, Thursday 22 January, in order to ask the military judge for the release of the young children.
The children are:
Morad Q. (17)
Bashir Q. (15)
Osaid Q. (12)
Subhi A. H. (12)
Amer Q. (13)
Mohammad A. (13)
Emad A. (15)
At the end of December 2008, there were 342 Palestinian children held in Israeli prisons and detention/interrogation centres, including 7 girls, and 5 administrative detainees. The December 2008 figures reveal the highest reported numbers of child detainees in 2008. In addition, on 17 January, DCI-Palestine issued a statement expressing concern that numbers of children arrested by the Israeli authorities in the West Bank has doubled in the first two weeks of January.'
3 opmerkingen:
Dat zal ze leren! Dit is een belediging voor de hoogwaardige technologische Israëlische samenleving, waarin geen plaats is voor geweld tegen de met aandacht voor de menselijke waardigheid opgebouwde nationale veiligheid van de democratische cultuur!
'Nederland blokkeert EU-veroordeling Israël'
De lidstaten van de Europese Unie zijn sterk verdeeld over een veroordeling van het krachtige Israëlische offensief in Gaza. Nederland, Duitsland, Italië en Roemenië weigeren Israël te vermanen.
Dat meldt de Europese nieuwssite EUobserver op basis van ingewijden in Brussel.
Een coalitie van België, Cyprus, Zweden en Griekenland is furieus dat in de hevige gevechten in de Gazastrook een VN-kantoor is geraakt door Israëlisch vuur.
De lidstaten eisen een veroordeling en een internationaal onderzoek naar mogelijke oorlogsmisdaden door Israël.
Published: 2009-01-08 Country: HOLY LAND
Project(s): 65-377
Around 3,000 Christians live in Gaza, innocent victims of the current conflict, enduring the violence and deprivations of the whole community. Will you help them at this time of desperate need?
Working in partnership with the Palestinian Bible Society, the Bible Society in Israel and the Arab Israeli Bible Society, Barnabas Fund is aiming to provide food coupons for 400 Christian families in Gaza. The coupons will be distributed through local churches and can be exchanged for food at local grocery stores. The Bible Societies advise that this method is the most efficient and cost-effective way to ensure that Christians get food in the present situation of shortages and escalating costs. Estimated costs at present are £50 (US$70) per family per week.
“The Bible commands us to do good to all, but especially to our fellow Christians,” comments Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund. “I know that Christians all over the world are praying for peace in the Holy Land, but may I urge you also to send a gift to help our brothers and sisters in Gaza, a tiny and forgotten minority. As the Bible Societies have said, this will be ‘an expression of our unity in Christ’.”
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Tot spreeks Stan!
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