'Here's what the Histadrut had to say about Israel's crimes against humanity in Gaza:
The Histadrut would have preferred that the current situation had not developed this way. Israel embarked on operation "Cast Lead" after acting with great restraint for many years towards unbearable constant terror attacks from Gaza and making every diplomatic attempt to avoid confrontation. Israel agreed to a "state of calm", while Hamas exploited the agreement to build up its forces and rearm. Not only did Hamas rearm itself, but it terminated the calm by launching up to 80 rockets a day at Israeli civilians. By this time, Israel had no choice but to respond to the repeated attacks and aggression as an act of justifiable self-defense...
If this cannot convince unions in Europe, Canada, the US and elsewhere to sever ties with the Histadrut, nothing will!
The Histadrut is not just an integral part of Israel's colonial and apartheid system; it plays a major role in justifying Israeli war crimes and other violations of international law.
Boycott the Histadrut NOW!
Omar Barghouti'
The Histadrut would have preferred that the current situation had not developed this way. Israel embarked on operation "Cast Lead" after acting with great restraint for many years towards unbearable constant terror attacks from Gaza and making every diplomatic attempt to avoid confrontation. Israel agreed to a "state of calm", while Hamas exploited the agreement to build up its forces and rearm. Not only did Hamas rearm itself, but it terminated the calm by launching up to 80 rockets a day at Israeli civilians. By this time, Israel had no choice but to respond to the repeated attacks and aggression as an act of justifiable self-defense...
If this cannot convince unions in Europe, Canada, the US and elsewhere to sever ties with the Histadrut, nothing will!
The Histadrut is not just an integral part of Israel's colonial and apartheid system; it plays a major role in justifying Israeli war crimes and other violations of international law.
Boycott the Histadrut NOW!
Omar Barghouti'
U kunt binnenkort protesteren tegen de opvattingen van deze joods-Israelische vakcentrale:
'FNV organiseert Midden-Oosten conferentie
Woensdag 11 februari 2009 organiseert de FNV met aangesloten bonden voor haar leden een Midden-Oosten conferentie. Geïnteresseerd? Meld je aan en noteer die datum in je agenda. Meer informatie wordt je per e-mail toegestuurd.Datum: woensdag 11 februari 2009Tijdstip: 10.00 – 16.30 uurLokatie: Bibliotheektheater op de Blaak in Rotterdam.Thema: “solidariteit met werknemers en vakbonden” .Aanmelden bij: secretariaatiz@abvakabo.nlWat kun je verwachtenMet de organisatie van deze conferentie wil de FNV haar achterban informeren over de arbeidsomstandigheden van werknemers in Palestina en Israël, inclusief die van flexwerkers en migranten. Ook wil zij laten zien wat de FNV al jarenlang daar doet aan ondersteuning van werknemers en vakbonden.Met de aanwezige gasten uit de regio, die afkomstig zijn van onze partnerorganisaties, zullen de mogelijkheden besproken worden om de samenwerking tussen de diverse organisaties waar nodig te versterken en te vernieuwen. In de workshops gaan onze leden discussiëren over hoe in Nederland concreet invulling gegeven kan worden aan solidariteit met de collega’s in Israël en Palestina.ProgrammaAanmeldformulier '
Zie: http://www.abvakabofnv.nl/cao/bericht/
Zie: http://www.abvakabofnv.nl/cao/bericht/
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