maandag 21 juni 2010

Israel als Schurkenstaat 283

Israel verdrijft vier Palestijnse parlementariers uit bezet Oost-Jeruzalem: Mohammed Abu Tair, Ahmed 'Atwan; Mohammed Toutah en Khaled Abu 'Arafa.
Vraag Kamerleden om actie


Ook hier past een vraag om actie aan Kamerleden.
Er ligt een roofstaat aan de Middellandse zee (zou Multatuli zeggen), gelet op al het sinds 1948 geroofde.


AGENDATIPS (deels ook actietip)

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Barak: Shalit only Gaza resident in need of humanitarian aid

Published: 06.21.10, 20:14 / Israel News

Defense Minister Ehud Barak met with the US secretary of defense, Robert gates, at the Pentagon and discussed with him kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit.

"A million and a half people are living in Gaza, but only one of them is really in need of humanitarian aid," Barak said. He also told Gates there was immediate importance to the blockade on the Strip. "The US understands and supports the steps Israel is taking in Gaza," Barak said after leaving the meeting. (Yitzhak Benhorin, Washington)


Anoniem zei

By Amira Hass

Palestinian Jerusalemites go work abroad and get residency revoked upon return
Palestinians who choose to study and work abroad are finding out - too late - that they have imperiled their right to return to their hometown.

Abu-Khalaf is one of 4,577 Jerusalemites whose residency was revoked in 2008, according to the data provided by the Interior Ministry to the Center for the Defense of the Individual. That is the highest number of residency revocations since the policy began in 1995. The previous record was in 2006 - 1,363 people whose residency status expired. In 1995, the number was 91. In 1996, the number 739. In 1997, there were 1,067 cases. In 1991, the number was 20.

It's believed that the vast majority of cases are people like them - Jerusalemites who went abroad for reasons of higher education and work experience, with the aim of returning after acquiring that experience and funding - intending to ameliorate the quality of their society. Expelling them from their country and from their hometown is the other side of the statistics of poverty and misery that typify Palestinian Jerusalem, which is under Israeli control.
Lees verder Haaretz 20.06.2010


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