zondag 20 juni 2010

Oil 98

Brave New Foundation

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Dear stan,

BP has caused an unprecedented environmental and economic disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Yet along with conservative politicians, a well oiled public relations machine and their countless and shameless lobbyists they continue to push for more irresponsible drilling and want to make us believe that what they are doing is righteous and necessary.

Enough. We don't need more shameless media games and manipulative political agendas. What we need now more than ever is to stop once and for all our obsession with petroleum.

This is why we have launched Power Without Petroleum, a community ready to fight back against big oil interest and the politicians that serve as their mouthpiece.

Stop the bribes! Demand clean energy! Sign the petition today.

Can you chip in $15 to help us make our next Power Without Petroleum video laying out how more jobs will be created in a green economy?

We must make sure the lessons we learn from BP's disaster in the Gulf are the right ones and that this never, ever happens again.

Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Foundation team

4 opmerkingen:

Paul zei

BP’s ongecontroleerde oliebron zal de komende twee jaar, of langer, doorgaan met olie in de Golf van Mexico te laten stromen als alle pogingen om de spuiter te beheersen of af te sluiten mislukken, zeiden olie-industrie experts vandaag.

De schattingen zijn gebaseerd op nieuwe cijfers verstrekt door de CEO van BP, Tony Hayward. Hayward vertelde een Congres commissie op donderdag dat het reservoir nog 50 miljoen vaten bevat, wat nieuwe urgentie leverde voor inspanningen om de olie te beheersen, of de spuiter compleet te verzegelen door middel van een ontlastingbron.

Met gebruik van de huidige uitstroomramingen van de regering, van tot 60.000 vaten per dag, kan de oliebron van BP twee tot vier jaar doorgaan met olie in de Golf te laten stromen, tenzij de oliebron gedichttp://zaplog.nl/zaplog/article/bps_oliebron_in_de_golf_bevat_genoeg_olie_om_nog_2_jaar_te_blijven_spuitenht wordt

Paul zei


Almost two months after the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the oil spill is taking on new dimensions with scientists warning that the gushing oil contains vast amounts of methane.

John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer, says that while typical oil deposits include only 5 percent of natural gas or Methane, the crude oozing from the seabed in the Gulf of Mexico contains nearly 40 percent of the gas.

Kessler, who is closely looking at the effects of methane from the BP oil leak, told AP that, "This is the most vigorous methane eruption in modern human history."

This massive bubble of methane, scientists believe, almost kills the environment as it forms "dead zones" where oxygen is so depleted that nothing can live.

Paul zei

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