vrijdag 25 juni 2010

Daphne 4

About Kandigol
This is the blog page of Kandigol. I’m a freelance journalist from Amsterdam.

I’ve chosen the pseudonym of Kandigol, because the name was given to me by Afghan friends during my stay in Kabul. Kandigol, which literally means ‘sweet flower’, is the smart and very tough wife of the smart-ass folksy character Meraq. They feature in many Afghan folksy stories and in two or three films. Invariably, Kandigol punches Meraq’s lights out at some point. In this, she reminds me of the Dutch puppetshow character Katrijn, Jan Klaassens equally aggressive wife.

Needless to say, I aspire to be aggressive, smart and tough in this blog.

Abu Pessoptimist Ahmed Marcouch Amsterdam anti-Semitism CIDI Daniel Pipes Dutch General Election results Dutch Jews Dutch Muslims EAJG embargo etnicisme Geert Wilders Gidi Markuszower Hero Brinkman Israel kasjroet migratie Nederlandse politiek NIK NRC Handelsblad Palestina Peter Beinart PvdA PvdD PVV Radio Muezzin sjechieta synagogue Telegraaf The Magnes Zionist TK2010 verkiezingsdebat vredesvloot zionisme


1 opmerking:

Sonja zei

Hoe smart ben je eigenlijk als je, nota bene als "journalist", in plaats van 'klaagde' 'kloeg' schrijft... Over het Engels heb ik het dan nog niet eens.

De Westerse Noodzaak om meer Lebensraum te Veroveren

I n  zijn boek  Ill Fares the Land (2010) stelt de Joods-Britse  historicus, wijlen Tony Judt: 'We cannot go on living like this. The li...