zondag 20 maart 2022

Waarom de VS een Nucleaire Basis in Oekraïne Wil 8

Nu wij onmiskenbaar al met één been in een totalitair functionerend neoliberaal systeem leven en de technocratie steeds meer macht naar zich toetrekt, is het van ultiem belang de vraag te stellen hoe dit alles ontstaan is. Hoe is het te verklaren dat het Europees expansionisme van de afgelopen vijf eeuwen uiteindelijk heeft geleid tot de kolonisering van het Westen zelf? Hoewel deze vraag eenvoudig lijkt, is het antwoord uitermate complex. Omdat ik zelf ook niet een pasklaar antwoord heb, zie ik me genoodzaakt een poging te wagen door de verantwoordelijken te citeren. En omdat het Westen nu onder de heerschappij van Washington en Wall Street leeft, begin ik met een fragment uit ‘The Significance of The Frontier in American History,’ een scherpzinnige beschouwing over de onuitwisbare Amerikaanse volksaard, geschreven en uitgesproken in 1893 door de Amerikaanse historicus Frederick Jackson Turner. Zijn visie kreeg onmiddellijk veel aandacht in wetenschappelijke kringen, en wordt nog steeds door de elite bestudeerd. Hij begon als volgt:

In a recent bulletin of the Superintendent of the Census for 1890 appear these significant words: ‘Up to and including 1880 the country had a frontier of settlement, but at present the unsettled area has been so broken into by isolated bodies of settlement that there can hardly be said to be a frontier line. In the discussion of its extent, its westward movement, etc., it can not, therefore, any longer have a place in the census reports.’ This brief official statement marks the closing of a great historic movement. Up to our own day American history has been in a large degree the history of the colonization of the Great West. The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward, explain American development.

Behind institutions, behind constitutional forms and modifications, lie the vital forces that call these organs into life and shape them to meet changing conditions. The peculiarity of American institutions is the fact that they have been compelled to adapt themselves to the changes of an expanding people — to the changes involved in crossing a continent, in winning a wilderness, and in developing at each area of this progress out of the primitive economic and political conditions of the frontier into the complexity of city life. Said Calhoun in 1817, ‘We are great, and rapidly — I was about to say fearfully — growing!’ So saying, he touched the distinguishing feature of American life. All peoples show development; the germ theory of politics has been sufficiently emphasized. In the case of most nations, however, the development has occurred in a limited area; and if the nation has expanded, it has met other growing peoples whom it has conquered. But in the case of the United States we have a different phenomenon. Limiting our attention to the Atlantic coast, we have the familiar phenomenon of the evolution of institutions in a limited area, such as the rise of representative government; the differentiation of simple colonial governments into complex organs; the progress from primitive industrial society, without division of labor, up to manufacturing civilization. But we have in addition to this a recurrence of the process of evolution in each western area reached in the process of expansion. Thus American development has exhibited not merely advance along a single line, but a return to primitive conditions on a continually advancing frontier line, and a new development for that area. American social development has been continually beginning over again on the frontier. This perennial rebirth, this fluidity of American life, this expansion westward with its new opportunities, its continuous touch with the simplicity of primitive society, furnish the forces dominating American character. The true point of view in the history of this nation is not the Atlantic coast, it is the great West. Even the slavery struggle, which is made so exclusive an object of attention by writers like Prof. von Holst (Hermann Eduard von Holst (Duits-Amerikaanse historicus, gestorven in 1904), occupies its important place in American history because of its relation to westward expansion.

In this advance, the frontier is the outer edge of the wave — the meeting point between savagery and civilization. Much has been written about the frontier from the point of view of border warfare and the chase, but as a field for the serious study of the economist and the historian it has been neglected.

The American frontier is sharply distinguished from the European frontier — a fortified boundary line running through dense populations. The most significant thing about the American frontier is, that it lies at the hither edge (deze zijde van. svh) of free land. In the census reports it is treated as the margin of that settlement which has a density of two or more to the square mile. The term is an elastic one, and for our purposes does not need sharp definition. We shall consider the whole frontier belt, including the Indian country and the outer margin of the ‘settled area’ of the census reports. This paper will make no attempt to treat the subject exhaustively; its aim is simply to call attention to the frontier as a fertile field for investigation, and to suggest some of the problems which arise in connection with it.

The frontier is the line of most rapid and effective Americanization. The wilderness masters the colonist. It finds him a European in dress, industries, tools, modes of travel, and thought. It takes him from the railroad car and puts him in the birch canoe. It strips off the garments of civilization and arrays him in the hunting shirt and the moccasin. It puts him in the log cabin of the Cherokee and Iroquois and runs an Indian palisade around him. Before long he has gone to planting Indian corn and plowing with a sharp stick; he shouts the war cry and takes the scalp in orthodox Indian fashion. In short, at the frontier the environment is at first too strong for the man. He must accept the conditions which it furnishes, or perish, and so he fits himself into the Indian clearings and follows the Indian trails. Little by little he transforms the wilderness; but the outcome is not the old Europe, not simply the development of Germanic germs, any more than the first phenomenon was a case of reversion to the Germanic mark. The fact is, that here is a new product that is American. At first, the frontier was the Atlantic coast. It was the frontier of Europe in a very real sense. Moving westward, the frontier became more and more American. As successive terminal moraines result from successive glaciations, so each frontier leaves its traces behind it, and when it becomes a settled area the region still partakes of the frontier characteristics. Thus the advance of the frontier has meant a steady movement away from the influence of Europe, a steady growth of independence on American lines. And to study this advance, the men who grew up under these conditions, and the political, economic, and social results of it, is to study the really American part of our history…

Intellectual Traits

From the conditions of frontier life came intellectual traits of profound importance. The works of travelers along each frontier from colonial days onward describe certain common traits, and these traits have, while softening down, still persisted as survivals in the place of their origin, even when a higher social organization succeeded. The result is that to the frontier the American intellect owes its striking characteristics. That coarseness and strength combined with acuteness and inquisitiveness; that practical, inventive turn of mind, quick to find expedients; that masterful grasp of material things, lacking in the artistic but powerful to effect great ends; that restless, nervous energy; that dominant individualism, working for good and for evil, and withal that buoyancy and exuberance which comes with freedom — these are traits of the frontier, or traits called out elsewhere because of the existence of the frontier. Since the days when the fleet of Columbus sailed into the waters of the New World, America has been another name for opportunity, and the people of the United States have taken their tone from the incessant expansion which has not only been open but has even been forced upon them. He would be a rash prophet who should assert that the expansive character of American life has now entirely ceased. Movement has been its dominant fact, and, unless this training has no effect upon a people, the American energy will continually demand a wider field for its exercise. But never again will such gifts of free land offer themselves. For a moment, at the frontier, the bonds of custom are broken and unrestraint is triumphant. There is not tabula rasa. The stubborn American environment is there with its imperious summons to accept its conditions; the inherited ways of doing things are also there; and yet, in spite of environment, and in spite of custom, each frontier did indeed furnish a new field of opportunity, a gate of escape from the bondage of the past; and freshness, and confidence, and scorn of older society, impatience of its restraints and its ideas, and indifference to its lessons, have accompanied the frontier. What the Mediterranean Sea was to the Greeks, breaking the bond of custom, offering new experiences, calling out new institutions and activities, that, and more, the ever retreating frontier has been to the United States directly, and to the nations of Europe more remotely. And now, four centuries from the discovery of America, at the end of a hundred years of life under the Constitution, the frontier has gone, and with its going has closed the first period of American history.


De kern van Frederick Jackson Turner’s betoog is, kort samengevat, dat het karakter van de Amerikaan expansionistisch is mede als gevolg van het feit dat er zoveel ‘free land’ voor handen was. De enige schijnbare belemmering was de vele Indiaanse volkeren. Die werden dan ook met miljoenen uitgemoord of stierven aan de gevolgen van geïmporteerde ziekten, waardoor rond 1890 er niet meer dan 225.000 Indianen resteerden, die in concentratiekampen geïsoleerd leefden en stierven. Onder de oorspronkelijk Europese kolonisten was het idee dat de witte man en vrouw recht hadden op al het land, aangezien zij van de veronderstelling uitgingen dat zij als een ‘expanding’ volk ‘great’ waren; anders dan alle andere volkeren, inclusief de Europese. Intussen had de ‘eenvoud van een primitieve gemeenschap, de krachten gevormd die het Amerikaanse karakter domineren.’ Daarbij vormde ‘the frontier,’ het ‘grensgebied,’ aan de rand van het ‘vrije land,’ een vrijplaats voor de witte kolonist om al zijn elementaire driften uit te leven. Vrij land om te moorden, te stelen, te verkrachten. Belangrijk is dat Jackson Turner er expliciet op wees dat in dit ‘grensgebied’ de ‘meest snelle en effectieve Amerikanisering’ plaatsvond. Juist daar nam de Europese kolonist afscheid van zijn Europese afkomst en werd hij een ‘Amerikaan,’ met eigen normen en waarden, of juist het gebrek eraan. Zoals Turner schreef ‘the advance of the frontier has meant a steady movement away from the influence of Europe, a steady growth of independence on American lines. And to study this advance, the men who grew up under these conditions, and the political, economic, and social results of it, is to study the really American part of our history.’ 

Volgens Jackson Turner bleven ‘bepaalde gemeenschappelijke karaktertrekken’ in afgezwakte vorm ‘voortbestaan’ als overlevingsvorm, zelfs nadat 'een hogere maatschappelijke organisatie’ ontstond. Met als resultaat dat de 'opvallende karaktertrekken’ van  ‘het Amerikaanse intellect' voortkomen uit de ervaringen in het ‘grensgebied,’ zoals ondermeer ‘die rusteloze, nerveuze energie; dat dominante individualisme, dat zowel goed als kwaad kan zijn.’ En, zo voeg ik hieraan toe, de tot nu toe onuitroeibare gedachte dat de VS het recht, zelfs de plicht, heeft om andere volkeren te dwingen het Amerikaanse voorbeeld te volgen. Immers, tot voor kort geloofden de meeste Amerikanen  dat de VS ‘een andere naam was voor’ ongekende en onuitputtelijke ‘mogelijkheden,’ terwijl het volk de mythe werd bijgebracht dat hun land uniek was in de hele geschiedenis van de mensheid, en daarom gelegitimeerd bleef om over alle andere volkeren te heersen. Niet voor niets beklemtoonde  Jackson Turner dat alleen ‘een onbezonnen profeet’ zal ‘beweren dat het expansieve karakter van het Amerikaanse bestaan nu volledig gestopt is.’ Integendeel, de Amerikaan is er nog steeds niet in geslaagd in eigen land op één plaats te wortelen, want ‘de Amerikaanse energie zal voortdurend’ een ‘wider field for its exercise’ opeisen. Vervolgens maakte Turner een begrijpelijke maar toch opmerkelijke fout door te stellen dat ‘never again will such gifts of free land offer themselves,’ aangezien in zijn ogen de wereld geen ‘tabula rasa’ was. Daardoor zouden de Amerikanen met een probleem worden opgezadeld, en wel omdat ‘elk grensgebied’ binnen de VS ‘inderdaad een nieuw domein van mogelijkheden schiep, een ontsnappingspoort’ om te ontkomen aan ‘de slavernij van het verleden,’ en een ‘verachting van’ het oude Europa, met zijn dwang en zijn ideeën.’ Maar Jackson Turner’s opvatting dat ‘the frontier’ was ‘verdwenen,’ en dat daarmee ‘de eerste periode van de Amerikaanse geschiedenis,’ die van het kolonialisme, was ‘afgesloten’ bleek nog tijdens zijn leven volkomen ongegrond. Geen vijftien jaar nadat zijn frontier-stellingen hem beroemd hadden gemaakt, namelijk in 1907, hetzelfde jaar dat Turner tot lid werd gekozen van de prestigieuze American Antiquarian Society, verklaarde de latere president, professor Woodrow Wilson, zijn studenten:

Since trade ignores national boundaries and the manufacturer insists on having the world as a market, the flag of his nation must follow him, and the doors of the nations which are closed must be battered down… Concessions obtained by financiers must be safeguarded by ministers of state, even if the sovereignty of unwilling nations be outraged in the process. Colonies must be obtained or planted, in order that no useful corner of the world may be overlooked or left unused.

De wereld bleef voor de Amerikaan een 'tabula rasa,' het overzeese kolonialisme kon beginnen, en met dezelfde moordzuchtige inzet als die tegen de Indianen. Het grensgebied werd nog verder westwaarts verschoven, ditmaal, richting China, ten koste van vele honderduizenden Filipijnse doden. En anno 2022 draait het weer om de onderwerping van Azië, ditmaal via het Westen, via de inlijving van Oekraïne om precies te zijn. Meer daarover de volgende keer. 

Rare Historical Photos
US soldiers pose with the bodies of filipino resistance fighters. 1906

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