vrijdag 25 maart 2022

The Ukrainian War


Regarding a former Reich.

Once the war is over, this is all that many have to return to. 


With the timeline of Russia’s Special Operation presently on schedule, for all the victory that Moscow is enjoying, the time will come where war will end and peace will start. This article is going to look at the efforts necessary to bring a once-proud land back to the living once the shooting has stopped and the settlement has started.

Eastern European Phoenix.

Many hotly contested areas have quite literally been burnt to the ground, yet for all the destruction wrought by the hostilities themselves, immense damage has been caused by Ukrainian extremists using their own countrymen as a human shield. These happenings are only beginning to be documented by Russian forces, yet they will inevitably be much greater than material losses. This matter will be looked at separately, it being of such importance to both the current situation and the future as we go forward. Towns and cities that were merely dilapidated a month ago are now in ruins, many buildings needing to be demolished rather than repaired. The damage to the infrastructure was covered in this article, the sums necessary for making the ills of the past month good running into trillions of rubles.

Adjusting Allegiances.

For all the pain that the conflict has caused, eight years of repression followed by three weeks of abuses by extremist members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will have a profound effect on the choices made by the Ukrainian people as the clouds of war evaporate. For all the talk of the Russian bear, it is their own people that not only ground their own kith and kin into the dirt, but also did the same to their country. So many have suffered immeasurably over this time, yet there are thousands more who can no longer testify to the brutality of their own brothers, they having paid the highest price for Kiev’s folly over the years. With the Russians and Ukrainians being brethren as they are, it is common knowledge that life in the Russian Federation is a good deal more promising than that of the Ukraine. If the same opportunities and future can be offered under a new Russian-led government, anyone with a brain will want to be part of that future. Those in Kiev may still be in denial, but the lifestyle in Russia is a dream compared with the nightmare that subsequent US-led governments have turned out to be for the Ukrainians.

Soviet Celebrations.

The author is not for one moment talking of reinstating the Soviet Union, yet recent years have seen such a revision of history from the Ukrainian government and its extremist thugs that many who fought in the Second World War or have any fond memories from the Soviet time have been abused beyond description. Those who wished to remember the dead or visit the monuments dedicated to them have been insulted beaten or killed whilst the monuments themselves have been desecrated. The regiments of people who have survived will again be able to pay tribute to those who fell, yet the monuments will have to be built anew, the tattooed psychos of recent years having made every attempt to remove any trace of the heroism of past generations.

Stalingrad Spirit.

For all the horrors seen in cities such as Mariupol, these are trifling compared to the horrors of Stalingrad all those years ago. In spite of that, the Ukraine’s civil population have shown the same mettle as their Soviet forebears, a determination to get on with life regardless of their current conditions. A spirit such as this is invaluable if the people are to rise from the ashes of this conflict, even more so remembering that the worst of recent atrocities were committed by their own people.


This city deserves special mention for a number of reasons. This city was temporarily in the hands of DPR forces in 2014 before it was again lost to Ukrainian forces. Since then, it has been a stronghold of the Azov and Aidar Batallions, both of which are far-right extremist units who were integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014. Since then, they have ruled the city unchecked, slowly running the place into the ground whilst at the same time ruling it with an iron fist. The battle to retake the city has been the most bitter of the current operation, and not just from a military perspective. The people who were not shot attempting to leave the city have been herded into basements without food or water, their apartments and houses pillaged by soldiers before being used by snipers to shoot at the Russians. Moreover, there are an alarming number of reports concerning the shooting of hundreds of civilians as the Russians approached, the fanatics attempting to erase any witnesses of their barbarity. In their attempts to hold off the inevitable, the Azov and Aidar soldiers have destroyed all they can of the city, to not only hinder Russian efforts, but also make the place uninhabitable once it has been conquered. Hundreds of videos have shown military objectives destroyed as a result of battle, yet Mariupol has been destroyed by Ukrainians in order that their countrymen can never live there again.

This raises the huge question of how this can be resolved in the long term. Those videos have shown us that whole areas have been rendered uninhabitable and the costs involved concerning the demolition and subsequent rebuilding of entire neighborhoods will be colossal. The criminals who have survived will face justice on a level not seen since Nuremberg, yet that round of trials will not pay for the reconstruction of whole districts.

Werwulf Worries.

Even in spite of the ignominious defeat of the Azov Batallion and other nazi outfits, the danger of far-right sleeper groups will continue, these either controlled from Kiev if a government continues to exist or more probably under orders from a West still at a loss from the setback of its own creation. These groups are an existential threat whenever there is a change of rule, yet even for all the support they have previously had from the West, they have met with no success in Crimea. Results have been seen in the Donbass Republics, yet with these now firmly in the Russian fold and therefore in Moscow’s intelligence loop, we can only hope that Werwulf style stay-behind groups fail in the same manner. Remembering the manner in which Ukrainian nationalists have treated their people and destroyed their homes, it would be safe to say that should the average citizen discover any group such as this, they will in most cases inform the authorities, ensuring that terrorism is kept to a minimum.

Echo Chamber in the Empire.

For all the chest-beating and help to Kiev from the West, it has been helpless from preventing Russia from doing what it has. The eight years following Maidan allowed western powers to not only create a rogue buffer state on Russia’s borders, but also allowed them to sanction and sideline Moscow at every opportunity. After all of that, not only has Russia done what it has needed, it has meant that a number of western weaknesses have been brought to the forefront. Western woes aside, a resurgent Russia now has power like it has not had in decades, yet the existential threat will continue in the West for as long as that West exists in its current form. For as long as its media can keep the western masses under its spell, that form will remain, but even for all the efforts of government and media alike, both truth and the consequences of the current conflict cannot be kept under wraps forever.


For all the country has suffered, both in the current conflict as well as in the post-Maidan period, much of the damage has been caused by Ukrainians, government and armed forces alike. The most harrowing losses have been those to people, eight years of oppression followed by weeks of war leaving scars for some, bereavements for others whilst countless thousands have paid the ultimate price.

There will doubtlessly be hundreds if not thousands of trials regarding the crimes that have been perpetrated, with civilians queuing at the door to ensure the beasts of the recent past are put behind bars. Mariupol is a case apart, and we can only hope that other cities such as Kherson and Kharkov are not left in the hands of similar lunatics as we have previously seen. Regarding stay-behind groups, after the pain they have brought to the region, it would be fair to say that those who have suffered know which side their bread is buttered on and ensure that western werewolves eat bread and water as soon as possible.

The West will invariably fall victim to the lies it has propagated for so long. We can already see the blowback reflected in economic figures, yet after both western governments and media have invested their everything in the biggest lie of the century, once that lie is laid bare, that investment will bankrupt many who have told it.

The spirit of Stalingrad has helped so many, the memories and example of the Eternal Regiment giving them steel under the iron fist of their oppressors. That, along with the fraternal friendship they have with Russia will not only make these people proud again, but will allow them to go into the future, shoulder to shoulder with their Russian brothers…


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