dinsdag 30 november 2010

Israel as a Rogue State 146

Gerald Steinberg

Office Telephone: 03-5318043
Email: steing@mail.biu.ac.il

Specializes in U.S. and Israeli defense policy, Middle East arms control, and NGO involvement in the Mideast. Founder of NGO Monitor.



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SPECIAL REPORT: Why NGO Monitor is attacking The Electronic Intifada

NGO Monitor has launched a campaign targeting a Dutch foundation's financial support to The Electronic Intifada, accusing the publication among other things of "anti-Semitism." NGO Monitor is an extreme right-wing group with close ties to the Israeli government, military, West Bank settlers, a man convicted of misleading the US Congress, and to notoriously Islamophobic individuals and organizations in the United States.

NGO Monitor's campaign of public defamation against The Electronic Intifada has focused on a grant the publication receives from the Dutch foundation ICCO. NGO Monitor has pressured the Dutch government, which subsidizes ICCO, to end its support for The Electronic Intifada. Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal has apparently already lent public credence to NGO Monitor's campaign against The Electronic Intifada, an independent publication established in February 2001 and read by thousands daily.

READ MORE: http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11651.shtml

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Het stuk uit de Jerusalem Post hierover is letterlijk overgenomen op de Cidi-website. Inclusief beschuldiging van "anti-semtisme" en persoonlijke smeren.

Weet Ronnie eigenlijk wel wat anti-semitisme is?


De Collaboratie van Joodse Nederlanders met Israelische Terreur

Dankzij het verraad van Anne Frank in 1944 door een nog steeds onbekende Amsterdammer strijkt de hoofdstad jaarlijks miljoenen op. Het toont...