donderdag 19 november 2009

Het Neoliberale Geloof 484

Het zal niemand verbazen dat de drie Congresleden die het meeste geld ontvangen alle drie tot de pro-Israel lobby behoren. Bovenaan staat de Democratische senator Charles Schumer, lid van AIPAC, de machtige joodse lobbygroep. Zo betaalt de joodse lobby de Amerikaanse volksvertegenwoordigers om de Israelische terreur te steunen. Het spreekt voor zich dat Schumer er niet aan denkt om in 'de Joodse staat' te gaan leven, dat moeten andere joden maar doen. Ondertussen gaat de etnische zuivering van Palestijns land gewoon door, om zo ruimte te maken voor mensen als Ronny Naftaniel, die overigens ook niet naar Israel wil, en Schumer. En zo gaat de zionistische terreur ongestoord door.

The 15 Biggest Congressional Recipients Of Wall Street Campaign Cash

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First Posted: 11-17-09 10:39 AM | Updated: 11-17-09 03:35 PM

Read More: Barney Frank, Carolyn Maloney, Center For Responsive Politics, Charles Schumer, Eric Cantor, John Thune, Opensecrets, Slidepoll, Wall Street Campaign Contributions, Business News

Reforming Wall Street is a hot topic on Capitol Hill these days. Congress is currently weighing two financial reform bills that would, to varying degrees, reshape the way the financial system is regulated.

Still, Wall Street's influence in Washington appears to be as strong as ever. After all, it was just last spring that Senator Dick Durbin, frustrated by pushback on bankruptcy reform, denounced the financial sector's influence on the Senate: the banks, he said, "they frankly own the place." The Center for Responsive Politics, a research group that tracks money in politics, reports that financial industries -- the finance, insurance and real estate sectors, specifically -- have been one of the biggest benefactors to Congress over the past two decades:

"The finance, insurance and real estate sector has given $2.3 billion to candidates, leadership PACs and party committees since 1989, which eclipses every other sector. Nineteen percent of total contributions from the employees and political action committees across all sectors came from the financial sector."

And while campaign contributions don't equate to wrongdoing, it's worth noting that, while lawmakers ponder reforming the financial sector, the industry's campaign contributions have remained strong:

"Even with a number of large financial institutions folding or merging since last fall, the sector has still given more to federal candidates and party committees than any other sector this year at $78.2 million. Current lawmakers have brought in $661.6 million from the sector through their candidate committees and leadership PACs, with Democrats collecting 53 percent of that."

We took a look at the Center for Responsive Politics's database,, to see which members of Congress have so far received Wall Street money for the 2010 election cycle. The answers may surprise you. Check out our slideshow of the top 15 recipients and choose which politician may be taking too much money from Wall Street.


3 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Hier het Britse verhaal:
Dispatches: Inside Britain's Israel Lobby
Video - Channel 4 UK - Broadcast November 16, 2009
Political commentator Peter Oborne sets out to establish who they are, how they are funded, how they work and what influence they have, from the key groups to the wealthy individuals who help bankroll the lobbying.
Oborne examines how the lobby operates from within parliament and the tactics it employs behind the scenes when engaging with print and broadcast media.

Sonja zei

Pardon: HIER

Anoniem zei

Ik denk dat er een beweging nodig is die deze zaken in de spotlights zet. Wat weet de gemiddelde burger hiervan, al zijn er meer mensen op de hoogte dan voorheen. Wie wil nou dat politiek, media etc. omgekocht wordt om de belangen van een ander land te dienen? In Nederland is Naftaniel en zijn pro terroristische club ook aardig bezig wat politiek, media en onderwijs betreft. Ik vraag me af wie hier omgekocht is. Wilders heeft in ieder geval geen subsidie nodig. Verhagen?


Wat te Doen met het Nederlands Racisme?