donderdag 8 januari 2009

De Israelische Terreur 603

Het VVD-Tweede Kamerlid Hans van Baalen met de van oorlogsmisdaden verdachte Israelische premier Olmert.
'Israel may face charges for war crimes
Mel Frykberg, The Electronic Intifada,
7 January 2009 RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS)

- Israel has committed war crimes and should be prosecuted in an international court, says Raji Sourani, head of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza."The repeated bombing of clearly marked civilian buildings, where civilians were sheltering, crosses several red lines in regard to international law," Sourani told IPS. Palestinian Authority (PA) delegate to the United Kingdom, Professor Manuel Hassassian, has said the PA will launch legal proceedings against Israeli leaders it says are responsible for war crimes in Gaza, according to a Palestinian news report. Another 22 Palestinians were killed Wednesday morning in bombing and shelling as Israel's Operation Cast Lead entered day 11. The dead included four people killed in the shelling of a children's playground near a mosque in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City. Six Israelis were treated for shock as several rockets from Gaza hit Israel. Hassassian's comment came in the wake of Israeli shelling of a UN school in Jabaliya refugee camp Tuesday afternoon which killed more than 40 Palestinians. Several other UN schools in the Gaza Strip were also hit in the last few days, resulting in a number of casualties. The UN called for an investigation, stating that prior to the current operation the Israelis were given the precise coordinates of all UN institutions in Gaza. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has already condemned an Israeli attack on two members of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) last week. The ICRC said the medics were wearing fluorescent jackets, their ambulances were clearly marked, and their flashing lights were on. Nihal al-Akhras, chairman of the Palestinian Health Care Committees, asked the international community to pressure Israel to stop firing on medical facilities and workers in the Gaza Strip. Akhras's comments followed Tuesday's bombing of the al-Dura hospital in the Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City. Three mobile clinics provided by a Danish non-governmental organization, DanChurchAid, were also destroyed. "We've been able to help the wounded and suffering so far because our vehicles have been present and ready inside Gaza. This possibility of emergency aid is now in ruins," said Henrik Stubkjaer, secretary general of DanChurchAid. "We are deeply shocked that the Israeli air strikes directly prevent the humanitarian aid effort," he added. According to DanChurchAid the clinics were clearly marked with red crosses and were parked in the Union of Healthcare headquarters. "One Palestinian doctor and three medics have been killed during Israel's bombing campaign which began on 27 December," Sammy Hassan, spokesman for Gaza's al-Shifa Hospital told IPS. While Israel has denied that it deliberately targets civilians, reading between the lines of reports in the Israeli media and admissions by military leaders would suggest that the lives of Palestinian civilians are secondary to saving Israeli soldiers. Several senior Israeli military officers have admitted that the Israeli army strategy is to use tremendous firepower on the ground to protect Israeli soldiers during fighting in civilian areas, a senior officer explained to journalists on Tuesday.'

2 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Kijk vanavond even, of morgen op de website, naar EenVandaag 'Strijd in Gaza nog niet voorbij'. Kort item over het 'bewerken' van de journalisten aan de grens met Gaza. Er wordt geen uitspraak over gedaan (natuurlijk), maar het is wel een eye opener.

Anoniem zei


Ook geeft t leger toe beelden van beschietingen die ze hadden gebruikt uit 2007 kwamen!

Bernard Claeys: Koersk

  Bernard Claeys 3 u    ·  Donald Trump heeft Vladimir Poetin opgeroepen om de levens van duizenden Oekraïense troepen die vastzitten in een...