donderdag 8 januari 2009

De Israelische Terreur 599

CNN Confirms Israel Broke Ceasefire First

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'Terrorists' or agents provocateurs?:

Israeli Deception and Barbarity
By: Peter Chamberlin
Israel has held a unique position among “civilized” nations, in that it has been allowed to control the international debate about itself and its treatment of the controlled Palestinian territories, by forcing diplomats and the Western press to use a special vocabulary of redefined words. Here is where Israeli “Hasbara,” the official government crafted version of events, comes into play. Hasbara defines its own “reality,” meant for consumption by the Goy world, intending to give the impression that Israel wants conveyed.
Just as Americans can be counted on to overlook the Israeli start of this war escalation which began on Nov. 4, election day (before “Hamas broke the ceasefire” with the rockets), with the Israeli invasion of Gaza and the killing of six Palestinians, we can be counted on to forget that Israel started world war III, just as it started the war of terror. The firing of dozens of homemade rockets into the mostly uninhabited desert, just like the destruction of a couple of American skyscrapers, is not how the war really started. In truth, both wars began long before the triggering events, in the planning of the war and the planting of militants in key locations, where they could open the floodgates and release the raging apocalypse.


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