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Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 17:32:08 -0500 (EST)
From: Information Clearing House <emailtom@cox.net>
Subject: ICH: Wikileaks Cables on Israel's Gaza Onslaught
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Information Clearing House Newsletter
News You Won't Find On CNN
January 19, 2011
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A Slow Month For Financial Contributions
Out of the Million Or so People who visit this website every month and the 70,000
people (and growing) who receive our newsletter each day 61 people have responded
to our appeal for financial support.
I need another 270 readers to step forward and support Information Clearing House.
Your contribution to Information Clearing House will ensure that tomorrow and the
weeks following their will exist a place where sanity, common sense and a respect
for all of humanity ensures that lies do not stand and that liars do not prosper.
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To Use your credit card or check, click here:informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?support.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiFRlw2KgjQ3pzLCha7HY9bvz Y3W7kbAGhsP0b8TdBQ_ yklkS3WyWAwKJMmH_ zydKmA6JX5qV7kYflcxWjzfA3DeSRU ImebLm7EH0V_uxa- 8CijsYh0bBgvWXoTB9ioyWwfSp8SvA OGTvXJRRGKsgua2
or if you prefer to send a check or money order, Information Clearing House, PO
Box 365 Imperial Beach, CA 91933. USA.
Low income readers: DON'T send money, just encourage others to subscribe.http://informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?subscribe.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiGzPOuQaWTK4bo5nU8uBkVy5 6gwK5xX_0xXHZ86J9t0klI- H4Rx8t5HDWIr-Dac-mfGtypp0d6n- NwP4K4Ifbdnts1bd- sh5F381D95UcHrqno50na9oe9mJnQl oif4rSCXql21sfWxTw==
To all who have assisted in the past. Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Peace and Joy. Tom Feeley
"America's journalists are not "newshounds." They are nothing more than salesclerks,
hocking the products their employers want to sell. The pretty faces that now function
as most television news anchors are no different than the pretty models used to
sell other products. The American "free" press is comprised of nothing more than
a number of retail outlets which sell stories slanted to please their target audiences.
As such, they exist merely to sell snake oil". - John Kozy
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,421,933"www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq/iraqdeaths.html [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiHCnPBx2HWi9QJPeoO9DU__ 7mkOqG1yP9BbedsH-oAJn1QP772Ku_ 7GapCEF9AoUd8Jbd5tUppk4BsQOq91 9PpxPdrqeBgmdwvq4gfQjY5QtcnwSV CcoXTxsGfl78trEovFK7ssT1JltnKB LqxJiR3y
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's
War On Iraq: 4,754icasualties.org/oif/
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,301
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
http://www.costofwar.com/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_jAAXlxiEV7yRzGo0dgUXX_ r1zVVBNpalNo0SRI9VspASgVApmgTJ KNBRPve1MXdjpurxtlIz6c1HFgU9Df 8oXwF2Os2XvdTKILpmwYYCVklcFWwU 02Q==
The CIA Taught Us Everything
CIA-trained 'Terrorist' in US Court
By Chris Arsenault
Accused of killing 73 in an airline bombing, Luis Posada Carriles charged with
immigration violations, not terrorism.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article27297.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiGJJNO9ogwgKVSubyhhY3DX5 QA9xK4QDD7ZuRzme- wCyoCOiDDoxVUvh4il6d5FqjTN_ JwQpqu8qXRWlFfaqXIahcgzewpd6qU 6sMkQSH8pdf46AwyFPBIaMhoJDyP6J FUO6qx6G8asHjcd-Y1bgLBX
'I Wake Up Screaming': A Gitmo Nightmare
By Carol Grisanti and Fakhar ur Rehman
Saad Iqbal Madni looks decades older than his 33 years when he shuffles into the
room, head down and eyes averted. "There are a lot of times I start to cry. I still
feel like I am in Guantanamo," he says, his voice cracking and hands trembling.
"I have memorized the torture. I wake up in the middle of the night screaming."http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article27294.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiHADiZAJ5skHwncKaHG7- YTcBYltGg- 9E6oz7bgrgURyFGaSgCVb1Y- GqfDbvlYfOI5KTLZG0OQo5d7igLonj pSwbTduSVJs0- 6AGScHa8RkAWXoRLRsGTxBROdh_ DQKhR4WivU1JAMK2mb0O8xzSjf
The Lonely Battle Against Solitary Confinement
By James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
The punitive incarceration of alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning is cruel,
certainly, but far from unusual in the US.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article27296.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_jAAXlxiGN_ 17wQYWi0oYMln3G4m63ho659BL2Chm Ku4ZJhlONbBNJVo1_ 62UzdJVlG3OgROF1Q7at_C0h_ PWvFLDYvxBZ9KbnPS9vvomzICkvzmA UFEwxzd71Ik7pd3KDve32uRIoXTUUq 1JvX5mTSWhdA43k
In Case You Missed it
Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons
Video Documentary By Channel 4
They are just some of the victims of wholesale torture taking place inside the
U.S. prison system that we uncovered during a four-month investigation for Channel
4 . It's terrible to watch some of the videos and realise that you're not only
seeing torture in action but, in the most extreme cases, you are witnessing young
men dying.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article8451.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiE9rcBpJJWmd3mDluH3KDr9b thdXTd-r5BLm8N-aVxiD06468l_ DqtBOgMQMBzKHKj8WwTlxOEtSsMOWF 644Y61U8ne34EanviOq3tHk8- 08jPN6A841485M0smGHASOIHLG1yqQ ypY-zadI-D0w2Tt
US was Cheerleader for Massacre
Wikileaks Cables on Israel's Gaza Onslaught
By Kathleen Christison
The cables make clear, were any further disclosure needed, exactly where the United
States stands with respect to Israel's unprovoked attacks on Palestinians and its
other Arab neighbors.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article27295.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiFlR6tzZnaqY4DgsNOFnPF2W ycPb6YN1qe5I8izj2zU5j7A8WH3MnE 8nWqzTNV9-vwgS0_ WxLr9xzNLDbdDoGiAwD6mQOg52hxgE PqciF08hiu- CPsP9mzVti3HYImm48vOmWbRw8NmcZ ofT90HLG2p
Obama Officials Caught Deceiving About WikiLeaks
By Glenn Greenwald
These lies were told not only to distort public opinion and justify prosecuting
WikiLeaks for doing nothing more than engaging in journalism, but also to coerce
private corporations (MasterCard, Amazon, Visa, Paypal) to cut all services to
the group.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article27292.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiHc9e4XsqJLiWtjLfbYX5C2G ZWyTopF87T1_SsHdIfH_ BOTav23OV8RJT9LIO6kwmYJktQiGFH VHx3MiL4cxPCCgFOYihkxXsOGdC- 0fGlRMGZeuwtTFLLAFQ_ 642lUyLMXGfh8eYsUy9-INZYtZsqr
Capitalism and the Duplicitous Meanings of Democracy
By Charles Sullivan
Despite the prevalent belief that the meaning of democracy is universally understood,
it remains an elusive idea that is not easily implemented. As a political philosophy,
democracy is more closely associated with the socialist governments of Latin America,
with Venezuela and Bolivia, than with the United States.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article27293.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_jAAXlxiGWZzkMMC1tGZwz_ RFSE7FhVv15j4YvJ2vtutcwlqq6tHV CRqfH6WDk0aInGEwR41haZ97xMCnIH rWZIHNbS1G4a4eFBlfZy0fVKvGmn9v NrI6mZmQlMjMz2s71hMg44K8w281KV vMAZh1OZtN7W0YO
Obama Pulls a Clinton
By Robert Scheer
This is a case of corporate blackmail pure and simple.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article27298.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiFc3eGFJhajdo8M4jLXatMBB kPxtyNa7HTQIQiW5ZyO7jpTN-T- oVUNJy3FuSCtfhiwmM4QH_ AIrLTKRdcUc8MnoSNkBlv49HfWpTl3 ILU8gxaRzRgOZcOCTiVEGWv6y3u8yh OTxTutyAeZTp2KQWm9
The Media in America: Selling Views, Calling it News
By Prof. John Kozy
America's journalists are not "newshounds." They are nothing more than salesclerks,
hocking the products their employers want to sell. The pretty faces that now function
as most television news anchors are no different than the pretty models used to
sell other products.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?article27299.htm llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiErDjjh7uOFFto45no5vIamO QheqA_BMRr_ h7Q6lA161g8P0iINiXCaitZAtt- C8fuEkB4v26sboHvSWJxKNu6Kvzf3n plOyQj_ WYaLlxKxEciTFTyZ526jr3lvnck5pP QporK9Lg69QjjaIaos6gYe
42 killed in latest spate of violence in Afghanistan:
At least 13 civilians and four police officers were killed Wednesday in two roadside
bombings in southern Afghanistan, officials said.http://bit.ly/frCR38 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiEiwxNeK1ClAybjddKbb5SdE go3QdF6uTsm4H1j7QO9MPOW8pNoYk7 URWR84yDxzp7wR7Mg0W8p- KPbp6Ofv7oPTSfXlOXkM_ PuXYayjBd2SA==
7.3 million Afghans are 'food insecure':
About 31 percent of the Afghan population was identified as "food-insecure" by
a 2007 report on national risks.http://bit.ly/fCHWJ4 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiG5rJKnRVWExsL5fmap- YG1Me11m6yMTmS0uZJl1uQF1Y2o0bC 5JVppNq5gTQVLWy3XZg14m3d74DAyR rjDMkNoCUTv7euDARHdojxPIdwnMA= =
US Kills 5 People In Pakistan:
Officials in Peshawar, the capital of the northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province,
confirmed the attack and death toll, but few other details were immediately released.http://www.newkerala.com/news/world/fullnews-127212.html [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiGoQSgiWwRzoY4N2oInGv4oA nqDmn6qfE5Famvw_ 4USUPRVMZAEG4CgDfOoZGrOv8VpnRQ mva0ZtAYFBbbGSVGsooq2ax67eDfmi PCGpEFEViCDfgOtWQOkVdWFvvHlxkb 5zEpCk7ivMlziszlaO1jxfj59B351e G8=
One killed, over twelve hurt in bomb blast outside school in northwest Pakistan:
A bomb planted in a horse cart exploded near a school in Peshawar on Wednesday,
killing one person and injuring over a dozen others, including eight girl students.http://www.newkerala.com/news/world/fullnews-127778.html [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiFmg0KLhomne4t3rZKr_Z_ xDGaOG- za6lFgCNoeOAMHSkmTRMDC8l3Jgp_ N1HYs0FoDtlPtm2i3049pZB6q_ W6YPMl7K21BUGOmorKYlHjmHxKdKwn XMyOy67XxYhohfgYzlPCCMBOIGiw8m 3KT-baPUYWCe1278tw=
Fact or fiction?
Taliban leader Mullah Omar 'has had a heart attack':
Omar had a heart attack on January 7 and was treated for several days in a hospital
in Karachi, according to the report by a company run by former CIA and military
officers and carried online by the Washington Post.http://bit.ly/gOmANM [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiEO0xwDLxK37dHRQDj2xuPP9 2a9_ hEovvupTMQ0FAkKzngIx6J3IzKsGrD VX7SmJj38Q_86WnUJKge- QwQC8WIgLbBVmYGpswr58q_ 8w9KxEw==
13 killed in central Iraq suicide car bomb: doctor:
A suicide bomber rammed an ambulance packed with explosives into a security headquarters
in central Iraq, killing 13 people, a doctor at Baquba hospital said.http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110119/wl_mideast_afp/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?iraqunrestbaquba llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiELMWmDGcrejkmHW3euOol59 GQZ8dqJfh3YF8TEl4zBryK01DBf7mI 3_GVOMccqI4q4-A4KM6Jb2h- nViLRbPNPoAr9KREXHEMl2EVc6-H- 2zv_ 51EG8KgnKoHPv2EjgIVVy9RYgYzGF2 7GRr8Yr2vp35fY3O50t6wRvAUOhYPm us4tyvccE8Fq
Secret Tony Blair and George Bush Iraq letters were kept out of official records:
A transcript of evidence given behind closed doors by Matthew Rycroft, the former
prime minister's private secretary, and released by the inquiry yesterday shows
that references to the notes, sent in the year running up to the March 2003 invasion,
were removed from official recordshttp://bit.ly/dGZ0dS [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiGi2Ja6hDSQJH1jCuLLdYPaN mxeVDjqTuTS2VhbW- tvhDaAQLlCH61U7EbnxqjNA2AIuIP1 suZjayw2cTVi5nt6Bo7d9lRccD3VFz D60E7Dtw==
UK: I warned Campbell on dossier - official:
A former government official told the Iraq inquiry today that he had warned against
publishing the government's "dodgy dossier" but was ignored. The controversial
dossier formed the basis of the government's case for invasion and contained the
now infamous claim that Iraq could launch weapons of mass destruction at Britain
in "45 minutes."http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/index.php/news/content/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?view/full/100032 llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiE4gJw8PbtJCmRJoc4PzSHK6 qfqLacdVc_ WiKVeDe0OoxlT16Y6FfiXToZhHe7mm JmCQg9iWohkRosHBuLh1JQPEfQRAd9 Fccv1Neh3OhoIY_ zGLzQjsfnADyMgJVL53PjGxcRmIHww VaPz4XpMuLtUCQ0sUvR2v15AcFsNjI VaKfUvzOm6wj6Atsh0crSWwGI=
Russia, Jordan vow to achieve an independent Palestinian state:
Medvedev in Amman: The target is the establishment of a modern, unified and sovereign
Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.http://bit.ly/fxFaUQ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiG16aYYHInQXRmvrsEv_ IOD3EposG2huFT3PRNseA9BFH0YSwU RqDIlx6LtQEsuKBML9raTAvOvvDjde C43_a6OBOq1NlfzRnAb-pVdwkrnkA= =
Israel can't stop Palestinian independence:
The world is gradually becoming accustomed to the idea that Palestine will join
the family of nations this summer. That is what U.S. President Barack Obama promised
in his address to the most recent United Nations General Assembly.http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/israel-can-t- stop-palestinian-independence- 1.337880
[http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiEdkBAb69KRCNn87ERj7Db4l ZcqI8wDjDRS2e37bj5wRxXwocMCPEF PZXH50huFwBbkKiER5k7OshGDQ5K5z OxMefQAAH2c4F1_ Gw7GoQUaELddAMEP10zBzU6OtWyq4W BUjhZEin8NpM08X3TuA9vC8px5xMTr 4m218UunE2CL7UKyde2ZW7nAudwhOh PDtGsTwxZlvhkeCeZvR3QHSBVQ
Arab nations submit draft UN resolution condemning illegal Israeli "settlements":
Arab nations have submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council condemning
Israeli settlements in the West Bank, but a vote on it is not expected any time
soon because of a likely U.S. veto, diplomats said on Wednesday.http://bit.ly/fUorH9 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_jAAXlxiHbPsZ- tKtz6PGz0dtJvA1qwekeZYl6VkSE16 K- Fj4UK7eLPHvjtc4Fy0pklkM8etx0jR DutmsL6eGUQ9WWalbCE5xv3YpGRsJh 0XrzcvrUDw==
WikiLeaks: US Embassy Cables:
U.S. push for Israeli, Palestinian intelligence:
The United States instructed its Middle East diplomats in 2008 to gather data on
encrypted Israeli communications and build financial and "biometric" profiles of
Palestinian leaders, a leaked embassy cable shows.http://ca.mobile.reuters.com/m/FullArticle/p.rdt/CTOPCA/ ntopNews_uCATRE70I2AF20110119
[http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= 1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiGAaVPXL8dpqDTO2HlFJgaOq n8wrRG8ZYwHz72bg9cEUxqOJrqC1Xn QPybz4KrYSZYNxLlnx16285PwHRREf iSSufT0DuQkrhjDuScPcZlajIiBPV_ WqOEOsE0F-vPGduDLtw7g_ EUjjv9DrBQQepzaCjif7gmEoyuO0- LSyLMOD7djh- SR52zkJLyVMzEdxyhOC_p3fcGY6w== ] http://bit.ly/g6O8Wd [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?
Smoking gun' letter reveals official Vatican cover-up of child sex abuses:
A letter written by a Vatican official in 1997, marked "strictly confidential,"
warned Irish bishops to avoid reporting the sexual abuse of children in the church,
in hopes of avoiding public fallout from the scandals that were sure to ensue.llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiFe6yvCbIyxD3WErgwhwB8Lz C0po9r0qhy4KGsD2t9hJFmBD4JR6y5 xauwwji0DEcuFPrc6npc5u3soWa1FW s-vJJteNKpAmTcLkFvu07vGOA==
Vatican officials told Irish not to report child abuse:
A Vatican department advised Ireland's Catholic bishops in 1997 not to report priests
suspected of child abuse to the police, a newly revealed letter shows.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12222612 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiGWvE8GLvnODs1CbxdX2umkW Bo- Ltu60VeS3uLtVjl9UMhJggGfEHP25Y NRa27QC-oqzZPhDLNt_ G4bOQG2LT732KknGcNl-M- QwDAUpwOyg8EdvTEYZmWgZIABf4F1_ LupzZpiO-3dhw==
Haiti prosecutors charge 'Baby Doc':
Haitian authorities have filed corruption and theft charges against former president
Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier.http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2011/01/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?2011118161223307617.html llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiE9efZZRfQ754f87pE0UkX6R kvmlGSpdv9GniO9Yop-fn6m7LII- dpEbjl7QP54Dc2cOt3RIsJhfrizNMN TarOeFrbGvQVozzXix76-J0ly_ BWjOPIiim7JMcbxa7DioORylKrhksG VcWJAr6CY_ 1FLhvEpfBRckm1hJ56uLBC- UV3LPrLLLwqW
Soaring food prices will make many go hungry:
Austerity-driven policies will make the suffering even worsehttp://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jan/18/ witch-inflation-food-prices- austerity-policies
[http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_jAAXlxiHL8R-7WrobB_6- ma9t5w_ 0HRNjXJD67aswfR7LaNpIWz0e- mj3ApRJbBOobdNnD29gi_ 4tqI04bLpVaeEV2IYeHyMFIz0DeZed hsz7aqlHJu6rc2mgmwT1zCzjdGze0l WSwj0MZfnvo2CL_E9monoHfa_ Uf3Vzcf2x4MT- DTBIonEmRmfszgcKStieuUDkCzHFok 1pq8M763RIQLsuNFcg
Greek default plan report rejected:
A report says officials in Germany's finance ministry are working on plans to handle
the fall-out if Greece defaults.http://www.rte.ie/news/2011/0119/greece-business.html [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiGAGND65WJNg17px4NxzrQ0c 2Md1ZcFP8l24S- B4CT4HiLI69VKLjDqYzPgv8NZjXEkS dQQ1KPFTgZWXD3xM8fihFQ89Gy7dxX X5EQ6ji0wYfuy6LWDn3bVdrviPMeKj RMmDMjbmihakGPMa0SzfxnD
Trillion-Dollar Banks Could Get Bigger Under Financial Overhaul Law:
The nation's four biggest banks can grow even bigger, with the potential to add
at least another trillion dollars onto their balance sheets before they even reach
the limits imposed by the Obama administration, according to an administration
study released Tuesday.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/18/trilliondollar- banks-could-get-bigger_n_ 810747.html
[http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_ jAAXlxiG3noa8CHPUJVHg8FnF- 2ILF6wnAq- GmRjWLsmUPhaz7K4ReeAdn_Ap0f_ CdaVbkzbgE02dtvTJxVqe3zGsG9wWT fG9TKeU3Z8uHcNf77qy2RkKOjm3Q- dBs8s6c6DXRiWZtqpFNe- AN5x13zX5ZcC_ m7j3b6diukia4gvMGY2YRAUQQ4br0w aAuAyd2U-zO4OmuaeNJR8pxg==
Actually, The Retirement Age is Too High:
The most dangerous conventional wisdom in the world today is the idea that with
an older population, people must work longer and retire with less.http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/01/02/ unconventional_wisdom?page=0,7
[http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et= ]1104271261500&s=108072&e= 001tA_jAAXlxiGTdlsLqksQP1kQY_ CrYFqgD4NOoSshFhxyLsCrDy5qXylf 4rBXd_Je- P0CNWcCx73g7FKN0GuNXckH0WIWRc2 -fIJpIl_lXIM7puRbZZtf- 0jlZPQty9gIMA1oDdFefi4Bl9iC8OG ci6aujMvPIVOS_ QKFVGBLfZaBjxBCdBe8HC9mXq0LPl7 zR82tDnCDbv3MYwWpm2g7Yw==
"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley
donderdag 20 januari 2011
WikiLeaks 53
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