zaterdag 7 februari 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 106

Omdat het Amerikaanse netwerk CBS heeft laten zien dat de joods-Israeli's een ware vrede saboteren, is hun correspondent Bob Simon onder vuur komen te liggen van de pro-Israel lobby. De Amerikaanse Union of Progressive Zionists steunt Simon:

'J Street - Support 60 Minutes’ Bob Simon
January 29th, 2009 ·
No Comments
This is J Street’s latest awesome initiative to support 60 Minutes’ Bob Simon for his accurate portrayal of the very real impediments to peace that exist in the West Bank. Check out Part 1 of his report below and then sign a letter of support!
Use the form below to tell Bob Simon you thought his 60 Minutes segment on Israeli settlements was an accurate and thoughtful portrayal of the threat Israeli settlements pose to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Simon’s already getting an earful from CAMERA (the Orwellian-named Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) and others accusing him of anti-Israel bias. He needs to hear from us.
Sign the petition here:
J Street - Support 60 Minutes’ Bob Simon'

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