donderdag 5 februari 2009

Boycot Israel 22

'Israel Impounds Lebanese Gaza Aid Boat
By AP Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009,8599,1877240,00.html
(JERUSALEM) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak says the Israeli navy has intercepted a ship carrying activists and supplies from Lebanon to the Gaza Strip.
Barak says the navy is towing the vessel to the Israeli port of Ashdod.
The ship had set sail on Wednesday in a bid to defy Israel's blockade of Gaza. Reporters from Arab TV stations Al-Jadeed and Al-Jazeera who were on the vessel said the Israelis fired at the ship before boarding it and beating the crew.
They said they were unable to show pictures of the incident because the Israeli force smashed their broadcast equipment.
The Israeli military says it never fired at the ship.'

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