zondag 25 januari 2009

De Israelische Terreur 717

'peter heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "De Israelische Terreur 709" achtergelaten: Published: 2009-01-08 Country: HOLY LAND Project(s): 65-377 Around 3,000 Christians live in Gaza, innocent victims of the current conflict, enduring the violence and deprivations of the whole community. Will you help them at this time of desperate need?Working in partnership with the Palestinian Bible Society, the Bible Society in Israel and the Arab Israeli Bible Society, Barnabas Fund is aiming to provide food coupons for 400 Christian families in Gaza. The coupons will be distributed through local churches and can be exchanged for food at local grocery stores. The Bible Societies advise that this method is the most efficient and cost-effective way to ensure that Christians get food in the present situation of shortages and escalating costs. Estimated costs at present are £50 (US$70) per family per week.“The Bible commands us to do good to all, but especially to our fellow Christians,” comments Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund. “I know that Christians all over the world are praying for peace in the Holy Land, but may I urge you also to send a gift to help our brothers and sisters in Gaza, a tiny and forgotten minority. As the Bible Societies have said, this will be ‘an expression of our unity in Christ’.” Donate Today
Apartheid op volle kracht!!

Tot spreeks Stan!'

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