woensdag 31 december 2008

De Israelische Terreur 540

Vergeet u niet dat de meerderheid van de Palestijnse bevolking op Hamas heeft gestemd om van de corrupte Fatah-kliek af te komen, die hun eigen zakken vulden en geen enkel politiek succes wisten te boeken. Sinds de Oslo-akkoorden was het aantal Joodse kolonisten verdubbeld en werd het stelen van Palestijns land geenszins gestopt. De curropte Fatah-leiders werken nu samen met het Westen en Israel om weer de macht en alle miljarden aan financiele steun te kunnen grijpen.

'Dec 31, 2008 1:34 Updated Dec 31, 2008 11:34
Hamas: PA conspiring with Israel

As the IDF offensive concluded its fourth day on Tuesday, Hamas accused the Palestinian Authority of planning to return to the Gaza Strip with the help of Israel.
PA President Mahmoud Abbas...
According to a report published by the Hamas-affiliated Palestine Information Center Web site, PA President Mahmoud Abbas has ordered his officials in Ramallah to set up an "emergency room" to prepare for reassuming control over the Gaza Strip after the Hamas government is toppled by Israel.
It said the emergency room consisted of commanders of the PA security forces and the interior minister.
The report claimed that Abbas was coordinating his moves with the Egyptians and the Saudis.
It also quoted sources in Ramallah as saying that Abbas's top adviser, Nimmer Hammad, phoned Defense Ministry official Amos Gilad last week and told him that the PA "believes in Israel's right to liquidate Hamas."
Earlier this week, two senior PA officials told The Jerusalem Post that the PA was "ready" to return to the Gaza Strip when and if the Hamas government was overthrown.
The Hamas allegation, which has been strongly denied by the PA, is an indication of the growing tensions between the Islamist movement and Abbas's Fatah faction in the wake of the IDF offensive.
Tensions between the two parties peaked earlier this week when Abbas and other PA leaders held Hamas responsible for the current violence because of its refusal to extend the cease-fire with Israel.
Hamas officials are convinced that one of the main goals of the IDF operation is to remove the Hamas government from power so as to pave the way for the return of Abbas's men to the Gaza Strip.
Hamas legislator and spokesman Mushir al-Masri claimed that Abbas had known in advance about the exact timing of the "surprise" IDF attack.
"It's no secret that Abbas knew in advance about the attack," he said.
"This is not our analysis; rather, it's based on information we received recently."
A Hamas official in Gaza City also claimed that former Fatah security commanders who fled the Strip during the Hamas takeover in the summer of
2007 were holding meetings in Cairo and Ramallah to discuss returning home.
"These Fatah members are working with the Egyptians, Israelis and Americans," he said. "They include [former Fatah security chiefs] Muhammad Dahlan and Rashid Abu Shabak."
The Hamas official accused the Fatah representatives of providing Israel with "vital information" about the location of Hamas security installations.
A leaflet distributed by a Fatah group in Gaza urged supporters of the faction to prepare for the possibility of taking control over the Gaza Strip.'

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