zondag 28 december 2008

Boycot Israel 11

'This is the statement issued by the unified leadership of all Palestinian political parties and civil society inside Israel.

In an important precedent, the statement explicitly calls for sanctions and boycott against Israel for its "war crimes" and "acts of genocide" in Gaza.


لجنة المتابعة العليا للجماهير العربية
The High Follow Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel
Phone: 04-6563976 04-6013323 Telefax: 04-6013322

Urgent Appeal

The High Follow Up Committee declares Sunday28/12/2008 a General Strike in protest of the Israeli Massacres committed in Gaza

In the presence of all national alliances, an urgent meeting for the Follow up Committee was held today declaring Sunday 28/12/2008 a General strike in protest of the Israeli massacres committed against Palestinians in Gaza. The meeting called for the organization of demonstrations and marches in every Arab town in al Naqab, the Triangle, the Galilee areas and coastal towns as a symbol of the rage and severe grief of the Palestinian nation upon the loss of hundreds of its citizens in Gaza.
It was decided that the High Follow Up Committee remains on alert to hold further meetings to take steps in resistance and to stop the consistent aggression and break the siege on Gaza including the opening of all border crossings especially that of Rafah.
The following political message stemmed from the meeting:
- Considering the Israeli aggression against Palestinians in Gaza an assault against Palestinian People everywhere and our duty is to resist it and break the siege.
- Recognizing Israel and its political and security forces as a 'criminal' state committing acts of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity against our people in the Gaza Strip. This with the assurance that the current Israeli parliamentary election campaign is fueled by the Palestinian bloodshed.
- Saluting the determination and will of Palestinian people in the face of the aggressive Israeli scheme to break their steadfastness and human dignity.
- Condemning the international complicity with the official Israeli aggression, and considering its silence and complicity as partnership in the crime. the meeting also stressed the absolute rejection of holding the Palestinian people or the Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas- responsible for the situation and while exempting Israel from its total responsibility.
- Calling upon the international community to take its legal and moral responsibility, to sanction Israel and boycott it as a state that pursues terrorism, war crimes and crimes against humanity with premeditation.
- Condemning Arab Official complicity used by Israel to cover for its predefined aggression and condemning the general Arab weakness and calling them to shut down their embassies in Israel and boycott it. We call Upon Egypt to open all crossings with Gaza and break its siege.
- Condemning the complying Arab and Official political voices which held the Palestinian leadership in Gaza responsible for the Israeli aggression and calling the head of the PNA to immediately stop the negotiations with Israel used to further fuel the Palestinian Split in the West Bank and in Gaza.
- Assuring the call for national Palestinian unity and its total support of the Palestinian struggle and resistance in the face of Israeli aggression.
- Paying tribute to the heroic steadfastness of our people and supporters in the Arab world and elsewhere and the masses in the homeland that stood in the face of the bloody aggression and supported the steadfastness in Gaza.
- Calling on the masses of our people to exercise the highest degree of readiness to contribute, on individual and collective levels, in the national relief campaign, which includes the donation of medical supplies, food and blood donation in support of Gaza and in contribution to the breaking of the siege.
- Calling on the masses of our people and supporters in the world to share the worry and to have more readiness to escalate the struggle in order to defeat the Israeli aggression and provide protection for our heroic Palestinian nation.

The Higher Follow Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel'

Geen opmerkingen:

Since 1972, US tax payers are responsible for ALL Israeli debt by Fed law, they're given blank checks.

Use Yandex Search Engine for Anti Zionist searches @Use_Yandex Someone explain to the American people suffering from economic disparity why ...