zondag 28 december 2008

De Israelische Terreur 514

De Nederlandse politiek accepteert dat Israel een hoge VN-waarnemer belemmert onderzoek te doen naar de mensenrechten in bezet en belegerd gebied. Als de Palestijnen dit zouden doen dan zou de wereld te klein zijn. Waarom verdelen de Nederlandse politici de wereld in Joden en niet-Joden?

'Q&A: Israel Bars Credible Observers from Gaza

Thalif Deen Interviews U.N. Human Rights Expert RICHARD FALK

The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay last week lambasted the Israeli government for detaining and expelling a human rights expert, Richard Falk, who was on a U.N.-mandated assignment to probe the human rights situation in the occupied territories. "It is difficult to assess Israel’s motives for barring my entry to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, but it certainly seems to fit with a pattern of minimising to the extent possible, reporting on the realities of the occupation, especially in Gaza," Falk told IPS. Falk, whose official title is U.N. Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, is a Professor of International Law who has taught at several U.S. academic institutions, including Princeton, Ohio State and the University of California. The detention and expulsion were "unprecedented and regrettable," Pillay said, complaining that Falk was not only separated from two U.N. staffers accompanying him but was also held incommunicado for more than 20 hours at the Ben Gurion airport last week and denied the use of his U.N.-issued cell phone. Pillay, whose criticism of Israel was backed by Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon, said U.N. human rights experts reporting to the Geneva-based Human Rights Council do not require a formal invitation by Israel to carry out official missions to the occupied Palestinian territories. According to the U.N., Israel has kept the border crossings into Gaza closed for almost two months -- cutting off food supplies and humanitarian aid to Palestinians. The borders have been closed on the grounds that Palestinian militants have been firing rockets into Israeli territory. While condemning the rocket attacks, Ban has urged Israel to lift the blockade and permit the delivery of humanitarian aid to the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza. But his appeal has fallen on deaf ears. Asked if he was barred from the occupied territories because Israel had plenty to hide, Falk told IPS U.N. Bureau Chief Thalif Deen: "In recent months Israel has prevented credible observers from Gaza -- such as fellowship students and journalists, from leaving; and disallowing similar qualified observers to enter." This tactic, he said, is reinforced by Israeli efforts to shift attention from the truthfulness and accuracy of what is observed to the supposed bias of the observer. "It is a mind game that has proved very effective with the media, especially in the United States," Falk said. Falk explained that the fact that high-ranking U.N. officials have spoken out with grave concern about the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is a strong indication of how desperate the situation has become. "Because of the strong influence of the United States within the United Nations, U.N. civil servants and officials have been reluctant in the past to criticise Israel," he added. Excerpts from the interview: '

1 opmerking:

Sonja zei

Volgens Wilders heeft Israël groot gelijk: “Knikker de hele bende maar de Sinaï in”.

Since 1972, US tax payers are responsible for ALL Israeli debt by Fed law, they're given blank checks.

Use Yandex Search Engine for Anti Zionist searches @Use_Yandex Someone explain to the American people suffering from economic disparity why ...