maandag 29 december 2008

De Israelische Terreur 518

'Appeal at the initiative of the National Collective for a Just and Enduring Peace between Palestinians and Israelis:

1.5 million persons under siege, in flame, bombarded for 18 months is collective punishment and therefore a war crime under the terms of the Geneva Convention. (33.5)
1.5 million people who are subjected to an attack of unprecedented violence by the Israeli army, is another war crime!
The European Union has given the green light to Israel for this crime and decided at the initiative of the presidence francaise, and against the (will of) the European Parliament, to 're-heighten' relations between the European Union and Israel.
We, organizations of the National Collective for a juste and durable peace between Palestinians and Israelis, signatories of this appeal, demand:
-- The end of the massacre
-- The immediate and total lifting of the blockade
-- The suspension of all accords of association between the EU and Israel
-- Immediate sanctions against Israel
-- The protection of the population of Gaza and of all the Palestinian people
We call for a demonstration Tuesday, December 30 at 6 p.m., starting at the corner of Montparnesse Boulevard and rue de Rennes, in the direction of the Quai d'Orsay.
And for a grand meeting to decide on a fixed point of mobilization, Monday November 29, 5 p.m., at the Fountain of the Innocents in Paris (Metro les Halles.)
Initial Signatories as of December 28:
Américains Against the War AAW) France, Agir Contre la Guerre (ACG),AFD france, AFPS, AJPF, ATF,Association des Marocains de France, Associations des Travailleurs Maghrébins de France, CCIPPP,Collectif des Musulmans de France, Collectif Faty Koumba, Ettajdid France, FTCR, Génération Palestine, GUPS France, Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire ,MIR, MIB,MRAP,NPA,Parti Communiste Français (PCF), PCOF,PDP,Solidarité tunisienne, Union juive française pour la paix,UTIT, Femmes en Noir, CPPI Saint Denis, La Courneuve Palestine, Association Républicaine des Anciens Combattants Etc...
Please forward!
Pour plus d'information consulter notre site :
As soon as we receive the English version, I'll forward it...
The French Communist Party and several other French civil society organizations and networks adopt SANCTIONS against Israel and call for suspending the EU-Israel Association Agreement.'

Geen opmerkingen:

Since 1972, US tax payers are responsible for ALL Israeli debt by Fed law, they're given blank checks.

Use Yandex Search Engine for Anti Zionist searches @Use_Yandex Someone explain to the American people suffering from economic disparity why ...