woensdag 25 november 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 158

Een simpele vraag: mag een Nederlandse staatsburger, in dit geval de Nederlandse aannemer Yochanan Visser, ongestraft het internationaal recht schenden? Zo nee, waarom wordt deze Visser niet juridisch vervolgd? Ik vraag dat omdat het Internationaal Gerechtshof in 2004 alle regeringen heeft opgeroepen alles in het werk te stellen om te voorkomen dat hun burgers betrokken zijn bij de illegale Joodse nederzettingen in bezet gebied en de illegale Apartheidsmuur. Nederlandse burgers kunnen het Openbaar Ministerie verzoeken een strafrechtelijk onderzoek naar Yochanan Visser in te stellen.

Report: 'Dutch Facebook' rife with anti-Semitism, blood libel 18 sept 09

By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haaretz Correspondent Tags: Facebook, social networks

Dutch social media sites are rife with anti-Semitism linked to Israel, according to a new report compiled by Dutch and Israeli monitors who study online discussions.

Though described by some as "superficial," the report prompted Holland's oldest political party to demand that the justice department address the issue.

In preparing the 11-page Dutch language document, the team of web monitors reviewed two online outlets - the Hyves social network and the discussion forums of the newspaper Volkskrant - for three months, until August this year.

On Hyves - the most popular social network in Netherlands with nine million Dutch members - the team documented calls to "murder all Jews" and for Adolf Hitler "to finish off his job."

The report says that moderators on Hyves, often described as "the Dutch Facebook," take no action to stop the posting of inflammatory anti-Semitic content on its pages.

"Hyves should consider a new system for moderation," the report states. "Moderators who do not comply with regulations should be barred."

The research team, led by Yochanan Visser, a Dutch Israeli living in the West Bank settlement of Efrat and members of two pro-Israeli web monitoring groups, say they also found "blood libels" about Israeli soldiers on Hyves.

A post by a person describing herself as a Palestinian girl from Jerusalem by the name of Fatma, wrote that her father had been abducted in the dead of night and hacked to pieces. "My dear mother was beaten to death before me by the Jews, the beasts," the post went on to say, adding the soldiers raped the writer's sister.

The Web monitoring groups - the Israel Facts monitor and the Network on Anti-Semitism in the Netherlands ? date the blood tale to January, when it appeared on a Hyves discussion group called "Free Palestine" - one of 35 different groups which the report defines as either anti-Israeli or pro-Palestinian.

Following the document's release, a member of the Reformed Political Party in Dutch parliament requested the Justice Minister to review the study's conclusions and address the problem raised in it.

"The direct relationship between the conflict in Israel and contemporary anti-Semitism is even clearer now," Visser told Haaretz.

"This is apparent on media where impressionable youths shape much of their perceptions."

He added this situation was reflected in a recent report by the Center for Information and Documentation Israel (CIDI), which showed that anti-Semitic attacks increased tenfold during Israel's offensive in Gaza last winter.

"Anti-Semitism is of course not allowed on Hyves," the website's cofounder, Raymond Spanjar, told Haaretz. "There is too much content on Hyves for us to monitor, but we always follow up on complaints on specific content."

Elise Friedmann, the maker of the CIDI report on anti-Semitism, said that "although the study about Hyves did certainly find some examples of anti-Semitism, it did not sufficiently place them in context, and does not seem to have been compiled in keeping with the highest research standards."

The review of the content on the discussion forum of Volkskrant ? a well-respected mainstream newspaper - revealed several instances of Holocaust denial, which were all removed within hours of complaining to the moderator. "The situation in Volksrant's forum can be described as better [than on Hyves,]" Visser's report states.

The report nonetheless alleges that Volksrant's discussion forum is "dominated" by activists who are "polarizing the debate" and, in some cases, expressing anti-Semitism. It recommends the forums' moderators work toward creating a more balanced debate about the Middle East and take a more nuanced approach when dealing with issues pertaining to the Holocaust.

"Most pro-Palestinian activists are operating under pseudonym, the bulk of the pro-Israel activists in their own name," the report says.

Henk Müller, a Volkskrant journalist who is responsible for the opinion section of the paper's website, said that Visser's report was "politically oriented and lacking substance." He said the forum tries to strike a balanced tone, and places great importance on removing anti-Semitic content.

2 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Efrat, wat is dat voor een nederzetting? Volgens de Wikipedia 'religieus zionistisch' en 'modern orthodox'. Bijna de helft van de inwoners komt uit de VS (tot zover de "natuurlijke groei"). De nederzetting heeft ook een website (links incl. vertaalmachine Hebreeuws -> Nederlands) waarop Arabieren/Palestijnen niet bestaan. Wel een uitgebreide fotogallery met daarop de dagelijkse bezigheden van de bewoners (=jews only).

Leuke cursussen: De Alert Klas. Maar alert op wat? Palestijnen bestaan namelijk niet.
Jongerenclub 'Adelaar'
Cursus in het 'omgaan met bewoners', ja, etiquette moet er zijn natuurlijk.

Wanneer je op het internet op de woorden Efrat en Artas (of Irtas, naburig Palestijns dorp), of al-Khader zoekt, blijken er ineens wel Palestijnen te wonen. Aan de andere kant van het prikkeldraad natuurlijk.

Video van een familie in Artas (en activisten) wiens land afgenomen wordt om plaats te maken voor een rioolwaterafvoer voor Efrat.

Anoniem zei

Krijg nou de hik, de Volkskrant? Het is ook nooit goed.
