Obama is een hype, een bijzonder knappe hype. Hij verkoopt geen boodschap, maar een beeld. Niemand weet precies wat zijn programma is, wat hij politiek gaat doen, maar velen denken toch dat zodra deze man aan de macht is alles beter zal gaan, dat hij de hoop op een goede toekomst is. Obama is op een geweldig slimme manier aan de man gebracht. Hij heeft ook de financiele macht aan zijn kant, hij beschikt over twee keer zoveel geld om reclame voor zichzelf te maken als McCain. Het feit dat iemand als Obama door de werkelijke macht naar voren is geschoven is tekenend voor de ernst van de crisis waarin het kapialistische systeem verkeert. We mogen hopen dat hij een soort Franklin Delano Roosevelt zal zijn. Zo niet, dan zal de illusie onvoorstelbaar zijn.
Edward Bernays: 'The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. . . .. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.'
Sonja maakte me attent op dit: 'Shots Heard Round the World
By David Glenn Cox October 28, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse"
When 90-year-old Addie Polk put the gun to her chest and pulled the trigger she was seeking an escape from foreclosure. The first shot failed to do the job so the elderly widow pulled the trigger a second time as Sheriff’s deputies waited on the porch to serve her with an eviction notice. She was rescued by her neighbor, Robert Dillion, who grabbed a ladder and climbed in a back window. Sheriff’s deputies were kind enough to radio for paramedics.Mrs. Addie Polk and her husband Robert had moved into the home in 1970. Mr. Polk had a union job with Goodrich Tire Company and they lived within their means in their small home. In 1995 her husband passed away, leaving 77-year-old Addie all alone. In 2004 Mrs. Polk took out a mortgage from Country Wide for $45,620 on a home with an appraised value of $32,230. No one knows what the money was used for or where it all went, but considering her age, fast cars, gambling or stock speculation are not the likely answers. The most common reason seniors get into financial trouble is medical bills.Mrs. Polk’s solution to her social insecurity was to attempt to take her own life. We, as Americans, should hear the sound of that gunshot resonating in all of our ears. It should wake us up from a dead sleep because Mrs. Polk's situation is all of our situations. Yesterday it was announced that under the terms of the bankruptcy agreement Lehman Brothers was discontinuing the severance payments that management had promised to its employees for the next three months. Too bad, so sad!Conservatives proclaim this as freedom; we must let the free market work. Mrs. Polk should have married a richer man and she shouldn’t have gotten so old; it was her own fault really. The Lehman employees should have saved more and invested wisely and after being paid annual bonuses in Lehman Brothers stock they should have sold it and bought gold and buried it in the back yard. Radio talk show host and mental midget Neil Boortz was discussing price gouging going on here in Atlanta during our gas shortage and announced that he’s all for it! The Governor’s office had begun an investigation but Boortz feels they should do the opposite. Let them charge all that the market will bear, and then all these people doing unnecessary driving will stay home and the fuel shortage will take care of itself.It must be wonderful to live in such a simplistic world, a world where others don’t matter. Where the elderly don’t need to get to doctors appointments. Where people don’t need to get to work, where the health and well being of your neighbors just doesn’t matter when compared to the greater good of the free market! Not to even give a thought that what you say might affect the sponsors of your own radio show. I seriously doubt that Lincoln Mercury dealers are in favor of fuel price gouging.But it gets even worse than an ersatz Rush Limbaugh bellowing to the non-critical thinkers of the world. Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn who voted against the Wall Street bailout package twice for philosophical reasons said, "If the American people have to foot the bill for Wall Street greed and the Administration feels this is the most prudent way forward, then every Federal agency should be compelled to do their part and reduce what they are spending." It’s Blackburn’s assertion that the VA, Medicare and Medicaid, the elderly, and children with disabilities should help pay for this bailout. Representing an Army base in her district, she is in lockstep with John McCain that we should remain in Iraq as long as necessary, even if it takes 100 years. She's proud of the additional $159.8 million she brought to Fort Campbell in 2007 and I wonder how she would feel about that funding being cut. Like Boortz she looks at the world through the keyhole of a privileged lifestyle, out into reality. Those poor people should just take responsibility for themselves and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.In Los Angeles a man, despondent over his financial dealings, shot and killed his wife, then his three children and then his mother-in-law before turning the gun on himself. The man, once a financial planner for Price Waterhouse, had lost everything in the stock market collapse.'
2 opmerkingen:
Voor ons is Obama nog flink 'rechts' en conservatief.
Nader komt nog het meest in de buurt van een nederlandse politicus.
Maar ja, Obama of McCain. Deze keuze is natuurlijk erg magertjes. Maar het is niet anders in Amerika. Het systeem zorgt daar voor.
Obama heeft wel een plan (wat ik tenminste op z'n website tegenkom).
MAar hij heeft op een aantal punten zoals: homohuwelijk, Israël en wapenbezit. Hij heeft zich zo uitgesproken dat hij geen politieke zelfmoord heeft gepleegd.
Het is jammer, dat zoiets nodig is als het bepaalde onderwerpen betreft. Toont ook het failliet aan van dat systeem.
Obama is misschien wel heel slim. Dat hij iedereen te vriend houdt; ook de machten die hem 'toelaten' om mogelijk president te worden.
We wachten af wat hij brengt. Mits hij gekozen wordt.
aanradertje, 30 minuten
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