De Amerikaanse historicus Stuart Ewen verklaart in de fascinerende tv-documentaire Century of Self van Adam Curtis: 'Both Bernays' and Lippmann's concept of managing the masses takes the idea of democracy and turns it into a palliative, it turns it into giving people some kind of feel-good medication that will respond to immediate pain or immediate yearning, but will not alter the objective circumstances one way or another. I mean, the idea of democracy at its heart was about changing the relations of power that governed the world for so long and Bernays' concept of democracy was one of maintaining the relations of power, even if it meant that one needed to sort of stimulate the psychological lives of the public, and in fact in his mind that was what was necessary. If you can keep stimulating the irrational self than leadership can basically go on doing what it wants to do.' En dat is wat we nu nog duidelijker kunnen zien.
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