vrijdag 31 oktober 2008

This is Hell!

'Tomorrow, Saturday, November 1st, This is Hell! broadcasts a live, unedited, completely uninterrupted, yet abbreviated, one hour show beginning at 9 AM (US central) on WNUR 89.3 FM, and streaming online at http://www.wnur.org/.

The new play by This is Hell! irregular correspondent Jeff Dorchen and Danny Thompson, "The Trojan Candidate,"
is being performed at the Neo-Futurarium, 5153 North Ashland.
For reservations call 773-347-1041.
For more information, visit http://www.theateroobleck.com/
Our last monthly meet-n-greet for 2008 has been scheduled for Saturday, November 29th, at the official listening center of This is Hell!, Cary's Lounge, 2251 West Devon. Drop by four weeks from tomorrow for your last chance at watching your bitter blind broke gap-toothed radio show host Chuck Mertz get lit with other members of the TiH! crew.
Our guests tomorrow are:
* Andrew Bacevich, author of the new book, "The Limits of Power:
The End of American Exceptionalism". Andrew is a professor of history and international relations at Boston University. He retired from the US Army with the rank of colonel.
* investigative reporter and author Greg Palast returns to tell you how to "Steal Back Your Vote!" Greg's recent writing with Robert F.
Kennedy Jr. includes the Rolling Stone article, "Block the Vote," and the Huffington Post story, "Drinking the ACORN Kool-Aid: How Cries of Voter Fraud Cover Up GOP Elections Theft."
If you have any questions for this week's guests, suggestions for future guests, comments on our show, issues or stories you would like to hear discussed, or events that you would like us to list, and possibly mention on the air, send them to thisishell@wnur.org
You can email us at anytime but, if you'd like, you can also contact us during our live broadcast Saturday mornings by calling 847-866-9687 or instant messaging us via AOL at wnurdj.
Brave enough to be live, dumb enough to be goofy, stupid enough to think that we can be a regular part of your Saturday morning hangover
- This is Hell!
"Really enjoyed it. Particularly
glad to hear that there is a voice
of sanity on talk radio. I don't hear
talk radio much, but when I do,
it's pretty appalling."
- Noam Chomsky
"I have always welcomed the
opportunity to be interviewed by
Chuck Mertz on his radio program.
He is unabashedly partisan on
matters of peace and justice, and
gives his interviewees the opportunity
to express themselves as boldly as
they like. He upholds the best
standards of independent media --
honesty, courage, refusal to play
"the game". I hope he will continue
to get the support he needs."
- Howard Zinn
"I really enjoyed this program.
The questions and comments were
exceptionally provocative and
stimulating, which made for an
unusually interesting interview."
- Dan Ellsberg
"Chuck's a very smart interviewer."
- Tom Hayden
"Mertz's hate is pure, and funny."
- Alexander Cockburn
"Chuck should be syndicated. He
has the greatest guests. I do endless
interviews on C-SPAN, and it's so much
fun on Chuck's show. It's like a vacation.
But he also does heavy stuff, so I feel like I'm getting more information than with the other outlets."
- Greg Palast
"This is Hell is genius. The questions Chuck 'hates to ask' are the questions everyone should be asking. But they aren't, its just Chuck. Thank you for doing what you do, in the insightful and courageous way that you do it in."
- Fatima Bhutto, the late Benazir's niece
"WNUR is freedom of the press personified.
If Tom Paine has a radio in heaven, he listens to "This is Hell"!
- John Perkins, author of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman"
"Chuck Mertz's program supplies important information to the public. Mertz cares about the truth and is an alternative to the propaganda ministries that masquerade as news organizations."
- Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration
"I do a good bit of radio. Often it is a challenge just to discern if the interviewer is up to speed on what's important and what is worth exploring. No such wasted time with Chuck Mertz. Don't know how he keeps up, but he does. And his occasional light touch is a big help in navigating so much of what Dick Cheney calls the 'dark side.'"
- Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst
"Chuck is one of the more knowledgeable hosts I know about the occupation of Iraq. Being a guest on his show is always amusing and entertaining, but most importantly, he always gets information to people that they cannot get in the corporate media."
- Dahr Jamail, author of "Beyond The Green Zone:
Dispatches From An Unembedded Journalist In Occupied Iraq."
"Chuck is one of the best prepared hosts I've ever encountered and he asks extremely perceptive questions -- not just one or two, but almost every single question. And I must say that having 30 to 40 minutes for an interview really makes a big difference. The guests can answer questions with some nuance. I'm extremely impressed."
- Mohamad Bazzi,
Middle East Bureau Chief for Newsday
"This is Hell is the perfect radio environment for those who want to make sense of the world. The show is chock-a-block with intelligence, sincere commitment and humor, a rare combination in a dumbed-down media universe."
- Glen Ford, BlackCommentator.com
"I applaud Chuck's professionalism, his incisive wit, his keen sense of the moment. He is one of the most important social commentators on the American scene. I only wish I could remember appearing on his program."
- Matt Taibbi, RollingStone.com
"I do a lot of talk-radio, and This is Hell is my favorite gig. Usually, you either get dry depth, or shallow fun. But Chuck's not only the best prepared interviewer I've come across, he also manages to have a good time while exploring complex issues with the seriousness they deserve. I've always done the show by phone, but never thought for a moment that I could just 'phone it in.' You have to be on your toes -- the Question from Hell is always aptly named."
-Joshua Holland, AlterNet
"Not your usual nonsense"
- Dan Forbes, Salon.com
"... the marvellous Chicago-based radio show This Is Hell with its intelligent political discussions and perky factoids ..."
- The Sunday Times of London
"One of the best radio programs in the country."
- Ben Dangl, UpsideDownWorld.com
"Brilliant and witty"
- Jorn Barger, Robotwisdom.com
"Past the cutting edge"
- San Diego Radio Net
"Irreverent, spontaneous"
- Chicago Reader
- Chicago Sun-Times
"Truth in media"
- Chicago Ink
"Funny and brilliant"
- Illinois Entertainer
"Best New Chicago Radio Personality"
- New City Readers' Poll 2001
"Best Chicago Radio Show"
- New City Readers' Poll 2000
"Well-informed and wisecracking"
- Punk Planet
"(Chuck has) tongue like bull: strong and hard to control."
- Chuck's dental hygienist
"You have to have the Northwestern quote on there at the end...a little paranoid...I always look for it, it's so damn funny..."
- Richard from the Onion
"A little paranoid"
- Daily Northwestern'

3 opmerkingen:

Ron zei

Documentaire "Confessions of an economic hitman" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVsB07CcSNw

Ron zei

(Over het hedendaagse amerikaanse imperialisme mbt zowat alle landen ter wereld.....)
1/ send economic hitmen,if without succes then 2/ send jackals (assassins),if without succes 3/ send military........

stan zei

dank je ron, ik heb zijn boek een paar jaar geleden gelezen. erg interessant.


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