'As the 2000 election nears, a
rising chorus demands an increase in
U.S. military spending from the
current 2.9 percent of Gross Domestic
Product to at least 4 percent. How-
ever, these observers don't mention a
critical piece of the picture: how
much that increase would cost in
dollars, not percentage points.
According to the latest figures from the Office of
Management and Budget, spending at least 4 percent
of GDP on defense in the next six years would result in
nearly doubling the Pentagon's current budget by
2007. That level of spending would dwarf the buildup
overseen by President Ronald Reagan.'
Nu de vraag: Hoe komt het dat nog voor de aanslagen van 2001 en na de Koude Oorlog het Amerikaanse defensiebudget bijna verdubbelde? De Russen waren geen vijanden meer, en Bin Laden was nog niet de megavijand.
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