'Haaretz 26/10/2008
Yes, hateBy Gideon Levy
My settler colleague, Israel Harel, his community's champion at rolling his eyes, playing innocent and speaking with a honeyed tongue, is once again grieving and playing the victim. In a column published here last week ("Have we become Sodom?" October 23), he complained that the reason for what he termed destructive criticism of the settlers is hatred. And indeed, Mr. Harel, this time, you're right: Large segments of Israeli society do indeed hate. But this is not baseless hatred, not hatred for the sake of hatred, to use your words. It is hatred for your enterprise. You have earned this hatred honestly - the only honest thing about your enterprise. Yes, there are Israelis who do not want to see their countrymen despoiling the vineyards and burning the fields of poor farmers. Yes, there are Israelis who do not want to see troops of masked settlers beating elderly shepherds with clubs. Yes, there are Israelis who do not want to see other Israelis sicking their dogs on and puncturing the tires of the soldiers who protect them. Yes, there are Israelis who are embarrassed by the fact that tens of thousands of their fellow Israelis live on privately owned lands that were robbed, stolen and extorted, both in broad daylight and under cover of darkness. And yes, there are Israelis who think that you have brought disaster upon us, a tragedy that will last for generations. That via your actions, you have brought wars and bloodshed and the brutalization of society upon us. That if you were not there, none of us would be there any longer, in a land that is not ours.'
Dit is 1 van de talloze reacties op het artikel van Gideon Levy:
'Title: stolen land?
Name: ben
Name: ben
If the land where settlers reside in Judea and Samaria is all stolen, what is the difference between Judea and Samaria and Israel. Does the fact that the UN has granted its "approval" for the state of Israel infer some sort of legitimacy that would not be there without it. What if the UN ceased to exist tomarrow, would Israel`s legitimacy also cease to exist. Of course not. Man cannot take back what G d has given.'
En inderdaad, de schrijver heeft gelijk. In 1948 stal Israel de helft van het land dat de Verenigde Naties aan de Palestijnen had gegeven en dat de linkse zionisten sindsdien weigeren terug te geven. Die weigering wordt nu door rechtse zionisten als logische legitimering beschouwd van de diefstal van land op de Westbank. Natuurlijk allemaal in naam van God, maar dat zijn ideologische praatjes, die net zo onzinnig zijn als de links-zionistische redenering dat Israel recht heeft op het in 1948 gestolen Palestijns land. In beide gevallen is sprake van terreur zoals Palestijnen en joods Israeli's maar al te goed beseffen, terreur die hier door de pro-Israel lobby onder aanvoering van het CIDI ontkend wordt.
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